Services delivered: : job placement

Component: ODSP Employment Supports

Legislation: Ontario Disability Support Program Act, Section 48 (1) or Section 12 of the Ministry of Community and Social Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.20

Service Objectives

To provide a range of goods and services needed to assist clients prepare for and obtain competitive employment or self-employment.

Service Description

For regular employment, funding is earned when a client:

  • has been placed in competitive employment and worked 6 cumulative weeks; and;
  • has worked 13 cumulative weeks.

For clients pursuing self-employment, funding is earned when a client:

  • completes the business plan
  • generates $400 net business income; and
  • generates $800 net business income

To be eligible, the person must be 16 years of age or older, a resident of Ontario, legally entitled to work in Canada, and must have a physical or mental impairment which is continuous or recurrent, expected to last more than one year, and which presents a substantial barrier to competitive employment.

The person does not have to be in receipt of Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) income support.

Program/Service Features

Job placement may include the following services and supports:

  • providing employment readiness supports and workplace skills training
  • finding and/or developing workplace training (job trials, work experience, on-the- job training) and employment opportunities
  • job development with employers in the community
  • screening and matching clients to job opportunities
  • job preparation activities (e.g., orientation to the workplace rules, worker's rights and responsibilities, job skills training, etc.)
  • assisting participants to conduct job search in the area of occupational interests (e.g., preparing resumes, covering letters, employment applications, licenses, etc.)
  • arranging any necessary job training and/or employment placement supports transportation to work, work supplies, clothing, telephone expenses, certification charges, etc.)
  • putting in place the supports required by the client to overcome barriers in doing the job (e.g., special equipment, job coaches, etc.)
  • work collaboratively with local service providers, employment programs, and other community supports to maximize the client’s access to the full range of employment services and wrap-around supports (e.g., health, housing, legal, income support and child care services) that are required by the client to get and keep a job
  • providing supportive follow-up to the employer and the client; and
  • negotiating with the employer the provision of employee accommodations

For clients whose competitive employment goal is self-employment, a self- employment business plan is required and should include:

  • business idea/description
  • applicant’s business knowledge and skills (e.g., training, experience, organizational abilities, communication, writing and presentation skills etc.)
  • market research (e.g., demand for product or service, potential customers, etc.)
  • goods and services needed by the client to start or maintain the business
  • financial considerations (e.g., business cash flow, financial projections, sources of funding)
  • access and accommodation needs of the client; and
  • recommendation on the viability of the business based on the above analysis

Program Goals

To ensure that a range of goods and services are available for clients which help to reduce or eliminate disability-related barriers to employment and assist clients to reach their competitive employment goal.

Ministry expectations: as per signed contract

Service providers may not charge employment supports applicants/clients for services and supports provided.

Job placement funding is reconciled based on targets achieved (outcome-based).

Upon completion or early termination of this contract by either party, funding for job placement will be based on achievement of targets only. Funding is subject to reconciliation and recovery, in accordance with ministry business practices and policies.

Individual Planning and Goal Setting

Clients and service providers will work together to develop an individualized and appropriate employment plan. The plan will identify the supports required to place and retain the client in employment.

Services will be:

  • Reflective and responsive to individual, family and community strengths and needs
  • Accountable to the individual, family and community
  • Sensitive to the social, linguistic and cultural diversity of families and indigenous communities, as appropriate
  • Provided by individuals with the appropriate range of skills and abilities necessary to respond effectively to the needs of the clients
  • Based on the individual's assessed needs, preferences and available individual, agency, community and contracted ministry resources

Reporting Requirements

Transfer Payment Recipients will submit reports to the ministry using on-line systems or other methods as required. User registration and identity verification will be required.