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Ministry policy
Children and youth in and from care need child welfare policies that are responsive to their needs and promote the best outcomes.
Short-term recommendations
It is essential and urgent that...
- ...every children's aid society have an internal person and clear process to hear and respond to complaints from children and youth.
It is very important that...
- ... the voices of children and youth in and from care are heard and included when developing policies that impact them.
- The ministry engages with existing youth networks, such as YouthCan and the Youth Policy Advisory and Advocacy Group, when developing policy.
- Children's aid societies have a way, such as using Youth Advisory Committees, to influence agency policies and programs.
- The ministry and children's aid societies find ways to hear feedback from children and youth in care with diverse backgrounds (e.g. from across the province and different cultural backgrounds) and address barriers to their participation (e.g. engaging youth with developmental disabilities, language barriers).
- ....the ministry track outcome data about children and youth in and from care
- The ministry publicly post performance indicators that show how children and youth in care are doing
- The ministry track the outcomes of youth in and from care and use this information when deciding what policies to create or change.
It is important that...
- ...ministry and children's aid society policies be posted publicly.
- The ministry post policies online in one location.
- Children's aid societies post their child and youth policies related to ministry directives online.
- Group care providers make their child and youth policies related to ministry directives available.
Long-term recommendations
It is essential and urgent that...
- ...the ministry extends the age of protection to 18
- the Child and Family Services Act to be amended.
It would support fundamental change if...
- ...the ministry implements an accountability framework that promotes consistent child welfare practices across the province.
- The ministry explores a variety of accountability frameworks to find and implement one that best meets the need of children, youth, families and children's aid societies.
- ...caregivers (including foster parents and biological parents) participate in the Blueprint implementation process and any future consultation or feedback process.
Updated: February 02, 2024
Published: July 20, 2020