Expenditure Estimates Volume 2 Table of Contents (2024–25)
Expenditure Estimates of the Province of Ontario for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, Volume 2.
The 2024-25 Estimates set out details of the Operating and Capital spending requirements of Ministries and Legislative Offices for the year commencing April 1, 2024 and constitute the Government’s formal request to the Legislature for approval of the expenditures involved. Once approved by the Legislature in the Supply Act, the Estimates become the legal spending authority for each Ministry/Office.
The services or programs which Ministries and Offices are responsible for delivering are each identified by a unique Vote number within the Estimates. Votes in turn are sub-divided into Items in order to distinguish between their different functions. This Vote/Item structure permits the Legislature to be more specific in appropriating funds to particular services. Within each Item, expenditures are shown by Standard Account, that is, Salaries and wages, Employee benefits, Transportation and communication, Services, Transfer payments, etc. (see explanatory notes below).
For comparative purposes, Estimates and Actual amounts for prior years are provided on (Ministry) Program Summary and Vote Summary pages. These amounts are restated to provide comparability where functional reorganizations and transfers, Supplementary Estimates or accounting changes have occurred.
Where it is necessary to seek the Legislature’s approval for additional expenditures after the tabling of the Main Estimates, Supplementary Estimates may be tabled.
- Assembly, Office of the
- Auditor General, Office of the
- Chief Electoral Officer, Office of the
- Ombudsman Ontario
Explanatory notes
Note: Spending is forecast for the fiscal year 2024-25 under seven Standard Accounts at the item level. The descriptions of the contents of the Standard Accounts given below are intended to serve as brief outlines only and should not be considered all inclusive.
Salaries and wages
Includes salaries and wages, overtime and other remuneration paid to regular, probationary, unclassified and other staff; temporary help costs; indemnities and allowances paid to Members of the Legislative Assembly; and special allowances paid to employees.
Employee benefits
Includes the government’s contribution as an employer to the Canada Pension Plan; the Ontario Public Service Employees’ Union Pension Plan; the Public Service Pension Plan; Employment Insurance; the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board; and other employee benefit plans.
Transportation and communication
Includes traveling expenses of employees on government business and recipients of government services, such as wards of the province; relocation expenses of employees who transferred or were recruited; expenses of moving office furniture and equipment; costs of transportation of goods other than for initial delivery; mailing costs, such as postage and registration; and communication costs, such as telephone and data communications.
Includes information services, such as, advertising and communication services provided by professional agencies and advertising placed directly with the media; rental and purchased repair and maintenance of machinery, equipment, buildings, land and engineering structures; data processing services; insurance premiums; and other professional and special services.
Supplies and equipment
Includes provision for the purchase of all machinery and equipment including motor vehicles and computers, both new and used; and the purchase of all materials, supplies and utilities.
Transfer payments
Includes refundable income tax credits, grants, subsidies, assistance to persons, the business sector, non-commercial institutions and other government bodies; entitlements, shared cost agreements and other transfers to individuals, organizations or other governments.
Other transactions
Includes special transactions, such as interest incentives and subsidies; guarantees honoured; losses on loans; and repayable grants.
Note on Statutory Appropriations
Amounts required for Statutory Appropriations are shown, where applicable, as separate entries under the Standard Accounts Classification details relating to each item.
Note on cost-recovery items
In cases where the anticipated recovery of costs of an item is equal to or greater than the expenditures, the balance of the item is shown at the nominal value of $1,000.