Appendix 1: Acronyms, short forms and definitions
Agency Operated Home (AOH): A home operated by a Children’s Aid Society or Indigenous Child Wellbeing Society. May be licensed or unlicensed.
Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA; the Act): The Child, Youth and Family Services Act governs many of the province’s programs and services for young people, including child welfare, youth justice services, secure treatment, children’s developmental services, residential services, community support services, Indigenous child and family services and adoption within Ontario.
Child Protection Services: Under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, the functions of children’s aid societies and Indigenous Child Wellbeing Societies are as follows: investigate allegations or evidence that children are in need of protection, to protect children, to provide guidance, counselling and other services to families for protecting children or for the prevention of circumstances requiring the protection of children, to provide care for children assigned to its care, to supervise children assigned to its supervision, and to place children for adoption.
Customary Care Agreement: An Indigenous model of child protection services where a child is residing with someone who is not a biological parent. Customary care agreements are voluntary and involve signatures and consent from parents, Band/council members in the child’s community, and the serving Society.The model of customary care varies depending on the young person’s band, First Nation, Métis, or Inuit community.
Gladue: In Canadian sentencing laws, Gladue refers to the requirement that a judge pay particular attention to the circumstances of Indigenous offenders and to consider reasonable alternatives to imprisonment.
Jordan’s Principle: Jordan’s Principle is a child-first principle that aims to resolve jurisdictional disputes regarding payment for services between provincial/territorial and federal governments in a timely manner, so that services to First Nations young people are not delayed or interrupted.
LGBTQI2S: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning/Queer, Intersex, Two-Spirited.
Outside Paid Resource (OPR): A for-profit organization operating group and/or foster homes. Homes may be licensed or unlicensed.
Per diems: The rate per day that an operator can charge the placing Society for a child occupying a bed in a children’s residence.
Society:Children’s aid society or Indigenous Child Wellbeing Society designated under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act.
Special Rate Agreement (SRA): Funding provided to an operator that is above the per diem rate. Special rate agreements cover the costs of caring for a young person who requires extra supports to meet their needs.
Temporary Care Agreement: When a parent is temporarily unable to care for their child, this is an option for the serving Society and parent to enter an agreement for the Society to provide temporary care and custody to the child
Transfer Payment Agency (TPA): an agency that receives a direct transfer payment from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and has a contractual agreement to provide group care or foster care to young people.
Young Person in Extended Society Care / Crown Ward: A child who has been placed in the permanent care of a Children’s Aid Society or Indigenous Child Wellbeing Society.
1:1 Supervision: The ratio of staff working with a young person. Generally, a 1:1 supervision model is implemented when a young person is determined to be at risk of harming themselves or others.