We're moving content over from an older government website. We'll align this page with the ontario.ca style guide in future updates.
Resources, templates and bibliography
This section provides information on resources, sample policies, forms and tools for leaders, workers, caregivers, and families to support their ongoing efforts to provide affirming services to LGBT2SQ children, youth, and families involved with the child welfare system
A. Terms and definitions
A comprehensive glossary of terms related to LGBT2SQ identities and experiences can be found at: http://egale.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Egales-Glossary-of-Terms.pdf
B. Relevant organizations, service directories, community agencies, support networks, health centres, and social events
Provincial and national organizations and resources
Action Canada's Beyond the Basics: a resource for educators on sexuality and sexual health
Beyond the Basics offers the tools to teach youth about sexuality and sexual health from a sex positive, human rights perspective.
Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity
An organization that provides information on education, training, awareness campaigns and youth conferences across Canada.
Egale Canada Human Rights Trust
A national charity promoting lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, and Two-Spirit (LGBTQI2S) human rights through research and policy, training and education, direct services, and community engagement. The website provides information on Gender and Sexuality Alliances (GSA) in schools, reporting homophobic violence to police (the Report Homophobic Violence, Period [RHVP] program) and fundraising/awareness campaigns supporting LGBT2SQ youth.
Family Acceptance Project
Information and research about the experiences, health, and wellbeing of LGBTQ children and youth. Publications geared for parents struggling to accept an LGBT2SQ child are available here as are links to other resources for families.
Gender Creative Kids Canada
Resources for gender creative kids and their families, schools, and communities. Links to community events as well as articles, brochures, resource manuals and fact sheets are available here.
Gender Spectrum
Information on gender diverse children and youth, and tips for creating gender inclusive spaces. The website has information and links pertaining to mental health, parenting and legal issues.
sprOUT Project
As part of Griffin Centre’s reachOUT program, SPROUT Project connects LGBTQ people with intellectual disabilities ages 18+ across Ontario to resources and communities.
Human Rights Campaign - All Children, All Families
All Children, All Families is a project by the Human Rights Campaign that provides resources, webinars, and supports to LGBTQ children and youth.
Native Youth Sexual Health Network
An organization by and for Indigenous youth that works on issues of sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice throughout the United States and Canada. Links to A First Nations Sexual Health Toolkit, Two Spirit Mentors Support Circle, and Indigenous Young Women's Leadership Project are available at this site.
Ontario Child Advocate (OCA)
The Ontario Child Advocate (OCA), formally the Provincial Advocate for Children and Youth (PACY), is an independent office of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario and provides an independent voice for children and youth across the province receiving services in Ontario’s child welfare system. OCA has the authority to receive and respond to complaints, conduct reviews, represent the views and preferences of children and youth, make reports and provide recommendations. The Office of OCA released the Ultimate Health Rights Survival Guide—a step-by-step guide for young people to assist children and youth with making health decisions, available at: https:// www.provincialadvocate.on.ca/reports/advocacyreports/english-reports/IDC_SurvivalGuide_EN.pdf
Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants
Provides resources to increase organizational capacity to more effectively serve LGBTQI2S+ newcomers, including the Positive Space Program, and an agency self-assessment tool at: www.PositiveSpaces.ca.
PFLAG Canada
PFLAG Canada is a national charitable organization, founded by parents who wished to help themselves and their family members understand and accept their non-heterosexual children and youth. PFLAG Chapters are located in communities throughout Ontario, and are listed on the PFLAG Canada website.
Rainbow Health Ontario
Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO) is a province-wide program working to improve access to services and promote the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBTQ) communities. RHO provides information about LGBTQ health and links to LGBTQ-friendly physical and mental health services in Ontario.
Provides support and information for parents and families of trans and gender diverse individuals.
Trans Pulse Project
Provides research, statistics and information about transgender human rights and transgender people in Ontario. Videos, journal articles, and project reports related to the lived experience of trans people across Canada are available here.
A helpful guide to support allyship.
Trans Youth Family Allies
Provides information and support for families with transgender and gender independent children and youth. The site offers a manual for parents of trans youth, a list of online resources for trans youth, and a speakers bureau with contact information for booking public speakers who specialize in trans advocacy and awareness.
Service directories
LGBT Youth Line Referral Database
The Youth Line maintains a database of referral resources for LGBT youth in Ontario. It includes services and supports that are LGBT-specific.
Rainbow Health Ontario Service Directory
A list of health and social service providers and programs that have expressed a commitment to providing competent and welcoming care to LGBTQ people in Ontario.
Two Spirit Resource Directory
Native Youth Sexual Health Network has developed a directory of Two-Spirit resources.
Phone lines
Kids Help Phone
24-hour, national telephone and online counselling, referral and information services for children, youth and young adults.
LGBT Youth Line
Peer support phone line for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, Two-spirited, queer and questioning youth.
Trans Lifeline
Peer support phone line run by transgender people for transgender people.
Regional and Community Agencies and Support Networks
Belleville and Quinte: Say OutLoud
Say OutLoud is an alternative youth group that offers an inclusive place in the community for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, Two-Spirit, queer, questioning youth and their allies. http://www.sayoutloud.ca/
Hamilton: New Generation Youth Centre: Support around Gender Experience
Support around Gender Experience is a peer support group for youth who are trans, non-binary, and questioning their gender.
Kingston: TransFamily Kingston
TransFamily Kingston is a diverse group of transgender people, family members, friends and allies in the Kingston Ontario area who gather at least once a month to share stories and experiences, provide peer support, and assist each other in navigating the various barriers faced by trans people and by their supporters. https://transfamilykingston.com/
Niagara Region: Rainbow Niagara
Rainbow Niagara provides services, information, support and resources to individuals of sexual and gender diverse communities, families and the community. Programming includes individual support for clients throughout the Niagara Region, health promotion initiatives such as Pride Prom and the Pride Halloween Dance, as well as community presentations. http://questchc.ca/participate-at-quest/rainbow-niagara/
Ottawa: Family Services Ottawa: Around the Rainbow
Around the Rainbow, offered by Family Services Ottawa, is a community-based program which provides a range of education, counselling and support services. The program supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, Two-Spirit, queer and questioning (LGBTTQ+) communities and allies.
Ottawa: Kind Space
Kind Space is an organization that provides accessible resources, events, social, and educational programming to celebrate and support people of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions. http://kindspace.ca/
Ottawa Ten Oaks Project
The Ten Oaks Project engages and connects children and youth from LGBT2SQ communities through programs and activities rooted in play. http://www.tenoaksproject.org/
St. Catherines: Quest Community Health Centre: Trans/Gender-Questioning Youth Group
The Trans/Gender Questioning Youth Group is a social support group for gender diverse youth 14-19 years of age. The support group offers trans and gender questioning youth a forum for discussion, movies, and guest speakers. http://questchc.ca/participate-at-quest/groups/
Sudbury: TG Innerselves
TG Innerselves provides peer support, informal discussion, and assistance finding professional services for the transgender community. http://tginnerselves.com/index.html
Thunder Bay: Children's Centre Thunder Bay: The Other 10%
The Other 10% is a group supported by Children's Centre Thunder Bay for youth and young adults between the 12 and 25 years if age who are interested in exploring what it means - and doesn't mean - to be a part of the LGBTQ community. http://www.childrenscentre.ca/en/adolescents/other-10
Toronto: The 519
The 519 is a Toronto agency that provides a wide range of programming and services to the LGBTQ community, which include counselling services and queer parenting resources to coming out groups, trans programming and senior's support. http://www.the519.org/
Toronto: Access Alliance
Access Alliance offers programs and services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBTQ+) newcomers. http://accessalliance.ca/programs-services/lgbtq-programs/
Toronto: Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (BlackCAP)
BlackCAP delivers support services that meet the health and wellness needs of clients who are living with or affected by HIV or AIDS. Some of these support services include: counselling, settlement, practical and peer support, employment, housing and social support services that help people achieve their goals. http://www.black-cap.com/
Toronto: Central Toronto Youth Services: Families in TRANSition (FIT) Group
The Families in TRANSition (FIT) Group is a 10 week support group for parents/caregivers of trans youth (13 - 21 years of age). http://www.ctys.org/category/groups/#fit
Toronto: Central Toronto Youth Services: Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice offers programs for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and questioning youth,13-24 years of age. http://www.ctys.org/category/programs/#pride-amp-prejudice
Toronto: Central Toronto Youth Services: Transceptance
Transceptance is a peer support for parents and caregivers of trans youth and young adults. http://www.ctys.org/category/groups/#transceptance
Toronto: Egale Youth OUTreach
Egale Youth OUTreach provides individual counselling, homelessness and suicide crisis services for LGBTIQ2S youth up to 29 years of age. https://egale.ca/outreach/
Toronto: Sherbourne Health Centre: LGBTQ Family Network
The LGBTQ Parenting Network is a program of Sherbourne Health Centre that supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer parenting through research, training, resources and community development. http://lgbtqpn.ca/
Toronto: Sherbourne Health Centre: Supporting Our Youth (SOY)
Supporting Our Youth (SOY) is a community development program of Sherbourne Health Centre that works to support the health and wellbeing of all queer and trans spectrum youth by running groups, programs and events, and by providing one-on-one support for queer, trans and questioning youth who are 29 years of age and under. http://soytoronto.org/
Toronto: Toronto Family Services: David Kelly Services (DKS) LGBTQ+ and Counselling HIV/AIDS
The David Kelley HIV/AIDS Counselling Program provides professional counselling and support services to people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS. Services include short and long-term professional counselling to individuals, couples and families on issues such as loss, relationships, self-esteem, planning for healthy living, changing health status, and self-care. https://familyservicetoronto.org/our-services/programs-and-services/david-kelley-services/
Toronto: Toronto for All
Toronto for All is an online resource by the City of Toronto that provides information and resources for trans communities of colour. http://www.torontoforall.ca/trans-youth-of-colour/
Toronto: Two-Spirited People of the 1st Nations
Two-Spirited People of the 1st Nations provides prevention education and support for Two Spirit, including First Nations, Métis and Inuit people, living with or at risk for HIV and related co-infections in the Greater Toronto Area. http://www.2spirits.com/index.html
Waterloo Region: OK2BME
OK2BME is a set of support services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning (LGBTQ) children and youth in the Waterloo Region. The OK2BME program consists of three unique areas including confidential counselling services, an OK2BME Youth Group for individuals 13-18 years of age, as well as public education, consulting and training around LGBTQ+ issues. http://ok2bme.ca/
Waterloo Region: Spectrum
SPECTRUM is a LGBTQ community space that provides programming, social groups, special projects, research, events, resources, and a DVD library. http://www.ourspectrum.com/
Windsor: Windsor Pride Community Education and Resource Center
The Community Education and Resource Center provides a safer and positive space where members of LGBTQ communities can find information and referrals to community services and connections to individual and group counseling and peer support. The Center also provides diversity education and resources for Windsor Essex at large and advocates for the LGBTQ community through partnerships and leadership in broader initiatives. http://www.windsorpride.com/
York Region: Aids Committee of York Region: Rainbow Youth Group
The Rainbow Youth Group supports youth to connect with others during difficult and challenging times in their lives, and to receive support. It also provides a social space for LGBTTIQQ2SA+ youth to feel acceptance, to feel proud of whom they are, to make new friends and to share positive experiences. http://www.acyr.org/myhouse/groups/#Youth
LGBT2SQ-Specific Health Centres
Hamilton: Trans Community Health
Trans Community Health (TCH) is a twice-monthly clinic for trans and gender non-conforming individuals.
Ottawa: Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
The Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario has a multidisciplinary team that offers information, comprehensive assessment and treatment (which can include hormonal interventions) to children, youth and their families when there are questions regarding gender identity. Referrals can come from community providers, schools, parents and the youth themselves.
Thunder Bay: NorWest Community Health Centre
NorWest Community Health Centre (NWCHC) provides individuals with safe, supportive, and non-judgemental health and counselling services.
Toronto: Sherbourne Health Centre
Sherbourne Health Centre offers a wide range of primary healthcare programs and services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, Two-Spirit, intersex, queer or questioning individuals.
LGBT2SQ-Specific film festivals
Kitchener-Waterloo: Rainbow Reels Queer and Trans Film Festival
Rainbow Reels Queer and Trans Film Festival brings queer and trans centered art and film to the Waterloo Region and Southwestern Ontario. The annual festival features film, art, comedy, workshops, and community.
Kingston: Reelout Queer Film + Video Festival
Reelout was created to celebrate queer media arts and to contribute to community vitality by programming materials that focus on issues of sexuality, race, culture, religion, class, gender, ability, health and age in Kingston and the surrounding area.
London: London Lesbian Film Festival
The London Lesbian Film Festival is an annual gathering which aims to portray the richness and diversity of lesbian experiences and to strengthen communities.
Sudbury: Queer North Film Festival
Queer North Film Festival is an annual event in Northern Ontario that celebrates the diversity of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and Two-Spirit communities through quality cinema.
Toronto: Queer West Film Festival
The Queer West Film Festival has created to respond to the need for alternative events outside of Toronto's traditional gay village and a desire to share queer films and media that may not have found a home at other festivals.
Toronto and Ottawa: Inside Out
Inside Out is an organization committed to challenging attitudes and changing lives through year-round initiatives in queer cinema. Inside Out also presents the annual Toronto LGBT Film Festival and the Ottawa LGBT Film Festival.
Pride organizations
Annual Pride celebrations are hosted in communities across Ontario every year. Pride provides the opportunity for LGBT2SQ communities and allies, through events and activities, to promote equity, unity, education, inclusion and awareness of sexual and gender diversity. Below is a list of Pride organizations across the province:
Pride organization | City | Website |
Barrie Pride | Barrie | http://barriepride.com/ |
Brantford Pride | Brantford | http://barriepride.com/ |
Brockville Pride | Brockville | https://www.brockvillepride.com/ |
Chatham-Kent Pride | Chatham-Kent | https://www.facebook.com/PrideCK |
Elliot Lake Pride | Elliot Lake | http://www.elpride.ca/ |
Grey Bruce Pride | Bruce County and Grey County | https://www.facebook.com/GreyBrucePride |
Guelph Pride | Guelph | http://www.guelphpride.com/index.html |
Hamilton Pride | Hamilton | http://hamiltonpride.ca/ |
Kawartha Lakes Pride | Kawartha Lakes | https://www.facebook.com/KawarthaLakesPride/ |
Kincardine Pride | Kincardine | https://www.facebook.com/kincardinepride |
Kingston Pride | Kingston | http://www.kingstonpride.ca/ |
Muskoka Pride | Muskoka | http://www.muskokapride.com/ |
Ottawa Capital Pride | Ottawa | http://ottawacapitalpride.ca/ |
Peterborough Pride | Peterborough | http://peterboroughpride.ca/ |
Pride Durham | Durham Region | http://www.pridedurham.com/ |
Guelph Pride | Guelph | http://www.guelphpride.com/index.html |
Pride London Festival | London | http://pridelondon.ca/ |
Pride Niagara | Niagara | http://prideniagara.com/ |
Pride Toronto | Toronto | http://www.pridetoronto.com/ |
Simcoe Pride | Simcoe | http://www.simcoepride.com/ |
Sudbury Pride | Sudbury | http://www.sudburypride.com/ |
Thunder Pride | Thunder Bay | http://www.thunderpride.ca/ |
Tri-Pride | Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo | http://tri-pride.ca/ |
Windsor-Essex Pride Fest | Windsor-Essex | https://www.wepridefest.com/ |
York Pride Fest | York Region | http://www.yorkpridefest.com/ |
C. Samples LGBT2SQ-Affirming Policies
C.1 Policy Principles in Creating a Non-Discrimination Policy
Below are sample principles that can be considered when an organization is developing a non-discrimination policy. The process for developing such a policy benefits from the input of staff, volunteers, youth, caregivers and community partners, and individuals of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
Rate your organization using the following scorecard:
- 1 represents that your organization has never considered this aspect.
- 5 represents that your organization has discussed this aspect and is starting to make changes and/or address issues.
- 10 represents that your organization has recognized, addressed, and continues to monitor your performance of this aspect.
Policy Principle | Example | Rate your organization 1 to 10 |
Changes to be made |
Policies clearly set out your organization's commitment to creating inclusive and affirming environments. | "[XXXXXX] organization is committed to creating strategies to address harassment and discrimination." | - | - |
Policies clearly set out the organization's objectives in establishing the policy. | “The goal of this policy is to ensure that all clients and employees understand that all forms of discrimination and harassment are unacceptable. These actions are not compatible with the standards of this organization and violate the law.” | - | - |
Policy statements clearly set out steps of how the organization will achieve each goal. | "We will provide training and education to ensure everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities." | - | - |
Policy goals, objectives, and organizational roles and responsibilities be explicitly stated. | "All persons are expected to uphold and abide by this policy. Supervisors have additional responsibilities to immediately act on observation or allegations of harassment or discrimination." | - | - |
Policy clearly outlines the mechanisms by which the organization will deal with any potential complaints. | "The following actions will be taken if an individual does not follow this policy." | - | - |
* Non-discrimination policy principles and examples from the 519 Church Street Community Centre: Creating Authentic Spaces Toolkit (http://www.the519.org/media/download/2392)
C.2 Sample Inclusion Policy Statement
Inclusion policies support affirming services in all programs and services an organization provides, and also informs individual behaviour within an organization. Below is an example of an organization's inclusion policy statement.
Inclusion statement
(Insert your organization’s name here) is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all employees, volunteers and children, youth and families receiving services. As an organization, we are committed to including all people regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and to respecting everyone’s sexual orientation, gender identity and expression. We are committed to creating an organizational environment that recognizes the dignity and worth of each person. We are committed to maintaining privacy and confidentiality. We are committed to respecting the diverse social and cultural backgrounds of each person. We are committed to values of respect, integrity, and honesty. As an organization we are committed to these basic principles so that everyone can thrive and reach their fullest potential.
Policy statement
This organization believes that all people have the right to access services regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression. The organization strives to remove barriers based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and we work to create an inclusive environment. The organization will ensure that all transgender and gender non-conforming people are treated with dignity. This policy is applicable to all management, staff, board members, volunteers, and children, youth and families receiving services.
The organization encourages all people regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression to participate fully and to access our services, employment, governance structures, and volunteer opportunities. We will make every effort to see that our structures, policies, and systems reflect the entire community and promote equitable access for all.
This policy is intended to act as a positive force for equity and the elimination of all discriminatory behaviour. Board members, staff, and service users will refer back to the Ontario Human Rights Code for areas of discrepancy or concern.
Scope of this policy
This policy applies to all of our organization's employees, contractors, volunteers, students, community members/participants, board of directors, and visitors.
*Sample inclusion policy statement from the 519 Church Street Community Centre: Creating Authentic Spaces Toolkit (http://www.the519.org/media/download/2392)
C.3 Sample washroom signage policy: The 519
Policy overview statement
The 519 is committed to promoting respect, inclusivity and equality for all program users, staff, volunteers and members of the public. As a community centre serving a diverse community, we endeavour to provide a space that is welcoming to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, family make-up or ability. In order to extend this welcoming and affirming nature to our washroom facilities, we have enacted the following Washroom Policy in order to provide for a variety of abilities, uses and gender expressions.
Scope of policy
This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, program participants and visitors to The Centre.
Gendered washrooms
The Centre offers traditional men-only and women-only washrooms on the second and third floors, and individuals may use the washroom of the gender in which they identify. Individuals who self-identify as male may use the 'Men's Washroom' and individuals who self-identify as female may use the 'Women's Washroom'. Self-identity is the only criteria to determine which washroom a person uses.
All-gender washrooms
We acknowledge the fact that there are many individuals using The 519 who will benefit from "All-Gender Washrooms". These would allow for a father and his daughter, or a mother and her son, to enter the same washroom together. "All-Gender washrooms" will also benefit those whose gender identity or gender expression is more complex than simply "male" or "female". For individuals who fall outside the gender binary, access to washrooms can be a constant source of frustration. To support these families and individuals, and to recognize the diversity within our communities, The 519's first floor multi-stall washrooms are designated "All-Gender Washrooms". They are not labelled for men or for women exclusively. Any person may use these facilities.
One washroom on each floor of The Centre has been designed with a variety of accessibility needs in mind. These washrooms are single-use spaces with door-opening technology, enough space to manoeuvre mobility devices and in some cases, a change table. Accessible washrooms provide additional privacy to the user(s) and allow for families and individuals requiring the assistance of a support person the space they require to comfortably use the facility.
Signage shall be placed on each washroom designating if the washroom is a “Men’s” or “Women’s” or “All-Gender” washroom. Signage for the “All-Gender Washroom” shall provide direction to the nearest gendered washroom and vice versa.
Washroom Signage shall not utilize images of people, so as to avoid gender stereotyping, but shall instead indicate which fixtures exist inside the washroom (i.e., toilet, sink, urinal, change table, etc.). All signage will include Braille.
* Sample washroom signage policy from The 519
D. Examples of inclusive questions for child welfare forms
Child welfare organizations can design forms that include all children and youth. Inclusive forms can create the opportunity to have a conversation with a child or youth about what services and supports will be most responsive to their individual needs. Below are examples of how questions about sex, gender identity and sexual orientation can be asked using inclusive language.
- What are your legal first and last names?
- What are your chosen first and last names?
- What is the sex that was assigned to you at birth?
- Female
- Male
- Intersex
- Another sex/assigned sex (please specify: _______________)
- Prefer not to answer
- How do you currently identify your sex?
- Female
- Male
- Transexual
- Intersex
- Another sex/assigned sex (please specify: _______________)
- Prefer not to answer
- What is your current gender identity (please select all that apply)?
- Cisgender girl/woman
- Cisgender boy/man
- Transgender girl/woma
- Transgender girl/woman
- Transgender boy/man
- Trans
- Two-Spirit
- Gender Diverse (e.g., genderqueer, gender fluid, gender creative, non-binary
- Queer
- Agender
- Another gender identity (please specify: _______________)
- Prefer not to answer
- What is your sexual orientation (sometimes referred to as attraction; please select all that apply)?
- Gay
- Lesbian
- Bisexual
- Pansexual
- Two-Spirit
- Asexual
- Queer
- Another sexual orientation (please specify: _______________)
- Prefer not to answer
- What pronouns do you use (please select all that apply)?
- He/him/his
- She/her/here
- They/them/theirs
- Zie/Zim/Zir
- Another form of pronouns (please specify: ___________)
E. An LGBT2SQ self-assessment checklist for child welfare workers and caregivers serving LGBT2SQ children, youth and families
The National Center for Cultural Competence at Georgetown University has developed a comprehensive checklist, the Self-Assessment Checklist for Personnel Providing Services and Supports to LGBTQ Youth and Their Families— that is intended to heighten the awareness and sensitivity of child welfare workers to the importance of LGBT2SQ competency in service delivery. The checklist helps assess an individual’s own practices and to identify possible areas for new action and areas for improvement when delivering child welfare services to LGBT2SQ children, youth and families. The checklist covers the physical environment, materials and resources, communication practices, values, and attitudes. It provides concrete examples of the kinds of values and practices that foster LGBT2SQ competency.
The Self-Assessment Checklist for Personnel Providing Services and Supports to LGBTQ Youth and Their Families can be accessed through the National Center for Cultural Competence’s Website at:
Note: The inclusion of this resource is intended as an example of a current tool that is publically available to assess an individual's competency in delivering child welfare services to LGBT2SQ children, youth and their families. Its use is not required by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services.
Rating Scale: Please select A, B, or C for each item listed below:
A = I do this frequently, or the statement applies to me to a great degree.
B = I do this occasionally, or the statement applies to me to a moderate degree.
C = I do this rarely or never, or the statement applies to me to a minimal degree or not at all.
Physical environment, materials, and resources
Self assessment | A | B | C |
1. I display pictures, posters and other materials that are inclusive of LGBTQ youth and their families served by my program/agency. | A | B | C |
2. I ensure that LGBTQ youth and families across diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural groups:
A | B | C |
3. I ensure that printed/multimedia resources (e.g., photos, posters magazines, brochures, videos, films, CDs, Websites) are free of biased and negative content, language, or images about people who are LGBTQ | A | B | C |
4. I screen books, movies, and other media resources for negative stereotypes about LGBTQ persons before sharing them with youth and their parents/families served by my program/agency | A | B | C |
Communications practices
Self assessment | A | B | C |
5. I attempt to learn and use key words and terms that reflect 'youth culture' or LGBTQ youth culture, so that I communicate more effectively with youth during assessment, treatment, or other interventions. | A | B | C |
6. I understand and respect that some youth may:
A | B | C |
7. I understand and apply the principles and practices of linguistic competence as they relate to LGBTQ populations within my program/agency, including the use of:
A | B | C |
8. I advocate for the use of linguistically appropriate terminology for LGBTQ populations within:
A | B | C |
Values and attitudes
Self assessment | A | B | C |
9. I avoid imposing values that may conflict or be inconsistent with those of LGBTQ youth cultures or groups. | A | B | C |
10. In group therapy or treatment situations, I discourage the use of "hate speech" or slurs about sexual orientation/gender identity or expression by helping youth to understand that certain words can hurt others. | A | B | C |
11. I intervene appropriately when I observe others (i.e., staff, parents, family members, children, and youth) within my program/agency behave or speak about sexual orientation/gender identity or expression in ways that are insensitive, biased, or prejudiced. | A | B | C |
12. I understand and accept that family may be defined differently by LGBTQ youth (e.g., extended family members, families of choice, friends, partners, fictive kin, godparents). | A | B | C |
13. I accept that LGBTQ youth, parents/family members may not always agree about who will make decisions about services and supports for the youth. | A | B | C |
14. I recognize that LGBTQ identity has different connotations (negative, neutral, positive) within different racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. | A | B | C |
15. I accept that culture heavily influences responses by family members and others to youth who are LGBTQ, and to the provision of their care, treatment, services, and supports. | A | B | C |
16. I understand and respect that LGBTQ youth may conceal their sexual orientation/gender identity or expression within their own racial, ethnic, or cultural group. | A | B | C |
17. I accept and respect that LGBTQ youth may not express their gender according to culturally-defined societal expectations. | A | B | C |
18. I understand that age and life cycle factors, including identity development, must be considered when interacting with LGBTQ youth and their families. | A | B | C |
19. I recognize that the meaning or value of health and behavioral health prevention, intervention, and treatment may vary greatly among LGBTQ youth and their families. | A | B | C |
20. I understand that family members and others may believe that LGBTQ identity among youth is a mental illness, emotional disturbance/disability, or moral/character flaw. | A | B | C |
21. I understand the impact of stigma associated with mental illness, behavioral health services, and help-seeking behavior among LGBTQ youth and their families within cultural communities (e.g., communities defined by race or ethnicity, religiosity or spirituality, tribal affiliation, and/or geographic locale). | A | B | C |
22. I accept that religion, spirituality, and other beliefs may influence how families:
A | B | C |
23. I ensure that LGBTQ youth:
A | B | C |
24. I ensure that members of "families of choice" identified by LGBTQ youth:
A | B | C |
25. Before visiting or providing services and supports in the home setting, I seek information on acceptable behaviors, courtesies, customs, and expectations that are unique to:
A | B | C |
26. I confer with LGBTQ youth, family members, key community informants, cultural brokers, and those who are knowledgeable about LGBTQ youth experience to:
A | B | C |
27. I advocate for the periodic review of the mission, policies, and procedures of my program/agency to ensure the full inclusion of all individuals regardless of their sexual orientation/gender identity or expression. | A | B | C |
28. I keep abreast of new developments in the research and practice literatures about appropriate interventions and approaches for working with LGBTQ youth and their families. | A | B | C |
29. I accept that many evidence-based prevention and intervention approaches will require adaptation to be effective with LGBTQ youth and their families. | A | B | C |
American Psychological Association. (2009). Resolution on Appropriate Affirmative Responses to Sexual Orientation Distress and Change Efforts. Retrieved from: http://www.apa.org/about/policy/sexual-orientation.aspx
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