Trade and Cooperation Agreement Between Ontario and Quebec
Ontario and Quebec signed a trade agreement that promotes trade and economic cooperation between the two provinces. This provides details of the agreement.
The Governments of Ontario and Québec,
Resolved to:
Form an economic partnership that will foster their economies and build opportunities for their citizens;
Strengthen the Ontario-Québec economic region within North America and internationally;
Work together collaboratively to seize opportunities in a globally competitive marketplace;
Establish a comprehensive agreement aimed at eliminating and reducing barriers that restrict trade, investment and labour mobility;
Cooperate to prevent unnecessary new barriers to trade, investment and labour mobility;
Exchange ideas and coordinate solutions on broad economic issues and challenges facing their economies and establish common economic priorities;
Maintain and enhance policies governing labour, the environment, consumer protection standards, health, education, culture and economic development; and
Promote sustainable development based on cooperation and mutually supportive environmental and economic policies including innovation for a green economy.
Hereby Agree as follows: