Section 1: Cleanup information

Tell us where your cleanup took place and what items you collected.

Please make sure only one person from your cleanup group fills out this form.

6. What was the total number of garbage bags collected?

7. What was the total number of recycling bags collected?

Section 2 : What types of litter did you collect (optional)

The litter breakdown below is optional, to help the province better understand the amount and types of litter being found. Thank you for your participation!

Plastic items

Other items

Privacy policy and notice of collection

The personal information you supply will be used by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks to determine how to better manage waste in our province. All submissions on this page will be collected by the ministry.

If you choose to share your submission publicly, it may also be used in future reports or other communications material by the ministry. If you choose to provide personal information through this website or by email, your information will be handled according to our Privacy Statement.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at