2012-03 Teraview 7.0 Release
Bulletin information:
Issue Date: December 13, 2012
Legislation: Land Titles Act
Bulletin content:
On December 17, 2012 a new version of Teraview® will be released and will include improvements to the electronic land registration system (ELRS). Registrants will have approximately 8 weeks in which to download and install Teraview 7.0. At the end of search hours on February 24, 2013, Teraview 6.2, the current version of Teraview, will be retired and users will no longer be able to log in to Teraview using version 6.2.
The improvements being described in this bulletin are:
- Improved Electronic Property Index Map
- Electronic Highways Register
- Electronic Trans-Canada Pipe Line Register
- Auto-abstracting Planning Act statements and consents on Transfer Release and Abandonment of Easements
- Improvements for search Power of Attorneys that contain apostrophes
- Teraview messaging changes
- Error Message Correction
- Improvements to Exception Handling Document Requests
1. Improved Electronic Property Index Map
Improvements to the Teraview Property Map functionality are incorporated in this release. Teraview clients will soon have on-line access to the complete Block Map property information previously only available on the hardcopy Block Maps in the Land Registry Offices. The Electronic Property Maps will be rolled out over the next year on an office by office basis. Once the electronic property map becomes available through Teraview and ROSCO for a land registry office, property map updates will be shown only on the electronic property index map. The hardcopy Block Maps will not be updated in the offices and Teraview clients will no longer need to visit a land registry office to obtain complete and up-to-date property mapping.
The land registry offices receiving the electronic property map on December 17th 2012 will be Brant LRO No. 2 (Brantford), Halton LRO No. 20 (Milton) and Kent LRO No. 24 (Chatham). Clients of the electronic land registration system will be notified by Teraview Newsletter as land registry offices are added to the Electronic Property Index Map. Newsletters will be issued and posted on Teraview.ca approximately 7 to 10 days prior to offices being added.
Transformation of the existing paper based Block Maps into a seamless and interactive electronic property index map requires a significant amount of work on both the map features and the digital property mapping database. As such, once work begins on the transformation of the map data for an office, the laminated paper Block Maps will no longer be produced. Offices not yet on the electronic map will continue to receive new laminated paper Block Maps and land staff will continue to ‘redline’ the existing Block Maps to give clients notice of new plans and property splits.
Once information regarding a property split or a new plan is entered into the digital mapping database, a notification of pending maintenance is shown on the electronic property map as quickly as possible, until the full mapping updates can be made.
All of the existing Teraview map tools such as search by map and adjacent parcel search continue to be available for the new electronic property map along with some new features. Details on how to use to the new property map and all the new features included in the map product are set out in the Teraview Reference Guide.
The fees for viewing these maps in Teraview continue to be $5.00, consistent with the Teramap pricing.
2. Electronic Highways Register
Until recently the Highways Register was a paper Land Titles index to record Ministry of Transportation plans and documents. When POLARIS was replaced in a registry office with the POLARIS II system, an electronic Highways Register was made available which required users to search the record in both the electronic and paper formats. Over the past year staff have been entering historical plans and documents that were recorded in the paper register into the electronic register, with the goal of eliminating the need to search the paper records. The electronic Highways Register is now available for searching through Teraview 7.0. Most documents will be available for viewing and printing however some of the attached plans are too large to scan and may not be available. They can be requested using the Teraview Courier exception handling process. Plans and documents will still be submitted for registration on the electronic Highways Register in paper at the Land Registry Office. There are no fees to search the electronic Highways Register in Teraview, however the fees to view the image of any instruments or plans recorded on this register remain the same and are outlined in the fee schedule set out in Bulletin 2010-02.
- Searching the Highways Register – To search the information entered in the electronic Highways Register, users need to specify the ‘Sort By’ and the ‘Search By’ criteria before the system can produce the search results.
- Sort By - The following ‘Sort By’ options will determine the order in which the information will be displayed on the highways register when the search is completed.
Date – the register will sort the documents by registration date, time, and then registration number, from oldest to newest.
Municipality – the register will sort the documents alphabetically by municipality then by registration date, time, and then registration number.
Highway Number – the register will sort the documents numerically by highway number then alphabetically (e.g. 7, 7a), then by registration date, time and registration number, from lowest highway number to highest highway number.
Registration Number – the register will sort the documents in order of the document registration number, first by the length of the registration number (shortest to longest) then by numbers first then letters (e.g. 1234, LT1234).
- Search By - The following ‘Search By’ options will determine what documents will be displayed on the Highways Register when the search is completed.
Date – the register will display all documents registered within the date range entered. The start date is mandatory and the end date is optional. If no end date entered, all documents registered on or after the start date will be listed.
Municipality – One or many municipalities can be selected and the register will display all documents registered for the municipality(ies) selected.
Highway Number - the register will display all documents with the matching highway number. If multiple municipalities are selected as well, the report will display documents with the highway number for all municipalities selected. The search results can be further defined for highway numbers with a suffix, (e.g. Highway ’7’ and Highway ‘7a’). If Highway ‘7’ is searched the results will return all documents containing Highway ‘7’ with or without a suffix, (e.g. documents with ‘7’ and ‘7a’). If ‘7a’ is searched, then only documents with ‘7a’ will be returned in the search results.
P Plan Number - the register will display all documents containing the P Plan number entered. The format for the P Plan number is “P-(4 digits)-(up to 25 digits), (e.g. P-1234-56789). The first field in the P Plan number is mandatory. The second field is optional and if it is left blank the system will return all P Plan numbers matching the digits entered in the first field.
Registration Number - the system will display the search results screen showing the registration details. The user may then select to view the document image. NOTE; If searching by Registration Number, no other search options are allowed.
When entering the ‘Search By’ options, the date, municipality, P plan number and highway number can all be selected at the same time. Deleted documents may also be included.
The default language selection for this register is English. To print the report in French, select the French option.
- Sort By - The following ‘Sort By’ options will determine the order in which the information will be displayed on the highways register when the search is completed.
3. The Trans-Canada Pipe Line Register
Until recently the Trans-Canada Pipe Line Register was also a paper Land Titles index to record Trans-Canada Pipe Line related documents and plans. When POLARIS was replaced in a registry office with the POLARIS II system, an electronic Trans-Canada Pipe Line Register was made available which required users to search the record in both the electronic and paper formats. Over the past year staff have been entering historical plans and documents that were recorded in the paper register into the electronic register, with the goal of eliminating the need to search the paper records. The electronic Trans-Canada Pipe Line Register is now available for searching through Teraview 7.0. Plans and documents will still be submitted for registration on the electronic Trans-Canada Pipe Line Register in paper at the Land Registry Office. There are no fees to search the Electronic Trans-Canada Pipe Line Register in Teraview, however the fees to view the image of any instruments or plans recorded on this register remain the same and are outlined in the fee schedule set out in Bulletin 2010-02.
- Searching the Trans-Canada Pipe Line Register – To search the information entered in the electronic Trans-Canada Pipe Line Register, users need to specify the ‘Sort By’ and the ‘Search By’ criteria before the system can produce the search results.
- Sort By - The following ‘Sort By’ options will determine the order in which the information will be displayed on the Trans-Canada Pipe Line Register when the search is completed.
Date– the register will sort the documents by registration date, time, and then registration number, from oldest to newest.
Municipality– the register will sort the documents by registration date, time, and then registration number.
- Search By- The following ‘Search By’ options will determine what documents will be displayed on the Trans-Canada Pipe Line Register when the search is completed.
Date– the register will display all documents registered within the date range entered. The start date is mandatory and the end date is optional. If no end date entered, all documents registered on or after the start date will be listed.
Municipality –A municipality can be selected and the register will display all documents registered for the municipality selected.
Deleted documents may also be included.
The default language selection for this register is English. To print the report in French, select the French option.
- Sort By - The following ‘Sort By’ options will determine the order in which the information will be displayed on the Trans-Canada Pipe Line Register when the search is completed.
4. Transfer Release and Abandonment of Easement with Planning Act Statements or Planning Act Consent
When a Transfer Release and Abandonment of Easement document is submitted through Teraview and includes the 3 Planning Act statements or Planning Act consent the system will automatically add a remark to the document entry on the property parcel to indicate that the statements or consent were included with the document. This will make the abstracting of the Transfer Release and Abandonment document consistent with other transfer type documents.
5. Power of Attorney Searching
Searching of the Power of Attorney Index in the Teraview database is being improved to accommodate names that contain apostrophes.
6. Teraview Messaging changes
Enhancements are also being made to the messaging component of Teraview to allow users to compose the same message for multiple users, with multiple documents at one time. The system will then send a separate message to each user for each document.
Please refer to the Teraview Reference Guide for more information.
7. Error Message correction
The error message has been corrected that was received by users when trying to log into Teraview outside of the system availability. Previously the message indicated that the user had lost their Teraview connection, however now users will receive the following message:
”Unable to connect to the Teraview system. Hours of service can be found at www.teranetexpress.ca or contact the Customer Service Centre during support hours”
8. Improvements to Exception Handling Document Requests
In Teraview there are two different situations that result in exception handling of documents (excluding the courier and email options). The first situation described below under the “Instruments Not in Instrument List” heading is for situations when the document or plan is included in the PIN Description or the Property Remarks etc., but is not listed in the Instrument List for the PIN. This process is being improved in Teraview 7.0 which will make it more efficient for users.
The second situation described below is the document or plan is included in the Instrument List on a PIN, but there is no electronic image available for the document or plan. This is indicated by the system displaying the number of pages in the document as ‘0’ (zero). This process is not changing with this release of Teraview, however it is detailed below under the “Zero Pages” heading for informational purposes.
- Instruments Not in Instrument List - When users search for instruments that are listed in the PIN Description or Property Remarks area of a PIN , the number is entered on the main Teraview page and the “Request” button is selected. Prior to this release, a client would have to either call Teranet Customer Service or complete a multiple page form on TeranetExpress.ca to place a request for an instrument image to be loaded. Teraview 7.0 will now follow a similar process as above to request the image loaded. Instead of receiving the Instrument Options Window, a window will be presented Labeled “Request Instrument Availability”. The land registry office number and requested instrument number are pre-populated into the fields on the window and the user can select to “Submit” or “Cancel” the request or ask for “Help”. Once the “Submit” button has been selected, the following message will appear:
“Your request for the availability of instrument (number) has been submitted. It will proceed within 48 hours.”
Teranet staff will be notified by the system that an image has been requested and will upload the requested image to Teraview within the specified time frame. Users can check again 48 hours later and the image will be available.
- Zero Pages – When searching for an Instrument, either by entering the number on the main Teraview page and selecting the “Request” button, or by right-clicking on the Instrument List of a PIN and selecting “Request Instrument”, the Instrument Options window is displayed. In situations where the Instrument is displayed for selection and the Page(s) Range column shows ‘0’, the entry can be selected by choosing the selection box for the instrument and the user has the option of either Viewing the document or having the document E-Mailed or Couriered. When the “View” option is selected for a zero page document, the following message will continue to be displayed:
“The selected instrument(s) or plan(s) with 0 pages are currently not available in our database. The unavailable instrument(s) will be loaded into the database within approximately 24 hours. The unavailable plan(s) will be loaded into the database in approximately 48 hours. To obtain copies of these document(s), please re-request them after the noted fulfillment time has passed. The remainder of your selected document(s) will be delivered now.”
Teranet staff are notified by the system that an image has been requested and upload the requested image to Teraview within the specified time frame.
The Electronic Registration Procedures Guide (Version 9 dated July 2011) remains the current version of this guide as no changes were required with this release. However the Teraview Reference Guide is being updated and is available for download through the Teraview icon or directly from Teranet’s website.
To access all Teraview Guides go to www.teranetexpress.ca, select Teraview Users, Already a Teraview Customer, Resources, Additional Manuals and select the appropriate guide.
Original signed by:
Katherine M. Murray, Director of Titles