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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: November 22, 2013
Legislation: Land Titles Act, Registry Act

Bulletin content:

Effective Monday November 25th 2013, there will be changes to certain messages on Parcel (PIN) printouts described in this Bulletin.

The first change is regarding the message that is currently on Land Titles Converted Qualified (“LTCQ”) PINs, just below the box containing the Property Identification Number (PIN). The current message reads “Certified by Land Registrar in accordance with the Land Titles Act". As this message is applicable to all Land Titles PINs, not only those that were administratively converted from Registry to Land Titles, changes are being made to all Land Titles PINs.

Therefore, as of Monday November 25th 2013, every active and inactive Land Titles PIN (denoted by the letters (LT) beside the PIN) will contain the following message “Certified in accordance with the Land Titles Act". This message will be shown immediately below the box containing the PIN. The message “Subject to Reservations in Crown Grant” will continue to be displayed in the same area.

The second message affects Retired (Inactive) PINs only. To provide a better audit trail, the date the PIN was retired or became inactive will be shown on the PIN. Currently the last message on an inactive PIN located above the document list is a note specifying the reason the PIN is retired or made inactive and the new PIN(s) that the property record was entered into. For example, “Note: this property is now divided into the following properties: xxxxx-xxxx to yyyyy-yyyy”.

As of Monday November 25th 2013, every inactive PIN will contain the following additional message “this property was retired on (date).” This message will be immediately followed by the existing messages, as applicable, indicating the PIN(s) into which the property record was entered. For example, the full message that will appear on an inactive PIN that was divided into two new PINs will read as “note: this PIN was retired on (date). this property is now divided into the following properties: xxxxx-xxxx to yyyyy-yyyy”. If a property is retired or made inactive and is not contained in a new PIN(s) the note will only contain the message “note: this property was retired on (date)”. In these situations there will be a document registered on the PIN and shown in the document list indicating the reason the PIN was closed (e.g. a Certificate of Forfeiture).

Original signed by:

Katherine M. Murray, Director of Titles