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Bulletin information:

Issue Date: December 2, 1974
Legislation: Section 177 - The Land Titles Act

Bulletin content:

Section 177 of The Land Titles Act provides that the proper Land Registrar may on his own initiative enter a caution to prevent the dealing with registered land if it appears to him that an error has been made in an entry by misdescription of the land or otherwise.

When a caution is entered by the Land Registrar it should not be a mere pencil entry on the register, with no supporting documentation. Section 177(1) does not prescribe a form of Land Registrar’s caution but a form of caution must be completed stating the reason for the entry of the caution on title.

You will find attached a precedent showing a completed form of Land Registrar’s caution. It is the second recital clause which should clearly indicate the reason the Land Registrar’s caution has been entered.

Original signed by:

Audrey Loeb Burns, Legal Officer