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Last revised:
September 22, 1994

Memo to:

All Land Registrars


Kate Murray
Director of Titles, Real Property Registration Branch

Contents of the memo:

Price Waterhouse Limited has been appointed the provisional liquidator to administer the affairs of the Confederation Trust Company by an order of Ontario Court Of Justice (General Division).

The following procedure is to be followed where the provisional liquidator is dealing with the assets of Confederation Trust Company.

Registry Act

A certified or notarial copy of the court order attached to a Form 4 Document General, is to be registered as a general registration in the land registry office.

The general registration number and the date of registration are to be recited in all documents which are executed by the provisional liquidator.

On the registration of a discharge of mortgage signed by the provisional liquidator which is otherwise a good and valid discharge, the mortgage and the discharge are to be ruled out from the abstract index.

Land Titles Act

When a document executed by the provisional liquidator is registered for the first time in the land registry office, a certified or notarial copy of the court order is to be attached to the document.

For all subsequent dealings by the provisional liquidator in the same land titles division, it is sufficient for registration purposes, that the registration number and the date of registration of the previously registered document to which the court order was attached are recited in the document. A statement that the court order is in full force and effect and is not stayed is also required.

Original signed by:

Kate Murray


Tony Sharp
Regional Managers
Legal Services