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Last revised:
January 9, 1995

Memo to:

Land Registrars


Ian Veitch
Director – Real Property Registration Branch

Contents of the memo:

As you know, the new application process was implemented when O. Reg. 514/93, under the Certification of Titles Act, and O. Reg. 515/93, under the Land Titles Act, came into force in September 1993. At that time, O. Reg. 516/93 amended Regulation 994, under the Registry Act, by revoking the application fee and/or exemption of fee and O. Reg. 517/93 revoked the application fee provision in Regulation 690, under the Land Titles Act.

The application process prescribed in O. Reg. 514/93 and 515193 requires that the applicant:

  • make the application by registering it in the Land Registry Office;
  • register a notice of application in the Land Registry Office; and
  • provide the prescribed fee for the deposit of a reference plan as set out in Regulation 994, under the Registry Act, as amended.

The present total cost to the applicant for registration fees, provided no amended documentation is required to be registered, is and was intended to be $150.00.

It has recently come to my attention that in one or more Land Registry Offices an applicant is charged an additional $50.00 registration fee for the registration of the final certificate.

This practice is to be discontinued immediately.

Original signed by:

Ian Veitch


Regional Managers
Regional Surveyors
Head Office Managers