Order in Council 1374/2019
On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:
Whereas the Lieutenant Governor in Council has appointed a person to serve as Secretary of the Cabinet and has appointed other persons to serve as deputy ministers in the Public Service of Ontario pursuant to various Acts of the Legislature relating to the Ministries of the Government of Ontario and to the prerogative of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario to appoint persons to serve her Majesty’s Government of Ontario;
And whereas the Lieutenant Governor in Council finds it necessary and advisable to revise remuneration for deputy ministers;
Now therefore pursuant to the authorities cited above:
Salary Range for Deputy Ministers
- Effective June 30, 2018, the annual salary range for deputy ministers, other than the Secretary of the Cabinet, is:
Minimum $234,080
Maximum $320,130 - The maximum of the salary range shall be adjusted simultaneously with and in an amount and/or percentage corresponding to every salary range maximum adjustment effective after June 30, 2018 applicable to public servants appointed to Executive 2, 3 and 4 classes of position in the Ontario Public Service.
- A deputy minister who is appointed, or reappointed, after June 30, 2018 may be placed in the salary range in effect on the date of the appointment at a rate as determined by the Secretary of the Cabinet.
In-Range Movement Program
- In respect of the April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019 performance cycle and thereafter, a deputy minister who is not at the maximum of the salary range in effect on April 1 of the year following the completed performance cycle may have their base salary adjusted on April 1 to allow for progression within the salary range to the salary range maximum.
- Performance-based In-Range Movement, if any, shall be a percentage of a deputy minister’s annual base salary in effect on March 31 of the completed performance cycle, and the amount of and eligibility for any In-Range Movement will be determined in a manner consistent with the rules applicable to public servants appointed to Executive 2, 3 and 4 classes of position in the Ontario Public Service. Any salary adjustments shall be applied effective April 1 of the year following the performance year in review.
Pay-for-Performance Program
- In respect of the April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019 performance cycle and thereafter, a deputy minister may be eligible for a pay-for-performance award. Such pay-for-performance award, if any, does not form part of base salary.
- The pay-for-performance award, if any, shall be a percentage of the deputy minister’s annual base salary on March 31 of the completed performance cycle, in accordance with such percentages as may be approved by the Management Board of Cabinet in relation to deputy ministers from time to time. The calculation of any pay-for performance award, and eligibility for any pay-for-performance award, will be determined in a manner consistent with the rules applicable to public servants appointed to the Executive 2, 3 and 4 classes of position in the Ontario Public Service. Any pay-for-performance award shall be paid as a lump sum following the performance year in review. Any pay in lieu of benefits, if applicable, is not included in the calculation of any pay-for-performance award.
- In the event of a conflict between this Order in Council and any previous Order in Council of general application relating to salaries, salary ranges, movement within a salary range, or pay for performance applicable to deputy ministers, this Order in Council prevails.
And further that Order in Council O.C.1724/2016 dated November 16, 2016 be revoked.
Approved and Ordered: September 26, 2019
Amended by: Order in Council 481/2024