Order in Council 385/2021
On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:
Whereas pursuant to Order in Council numbered O.C. 1546/2020, the covid-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force was established;
And whereas it is desirable to amend Order in Council numbered O.C. 1546/2020;
Therefore, pursuant to the prerogative of Her Majesty The Queen in right of Ontario, Order in Council numbered O.C. 1546/2020 is amended to provide as follows:
The government’s Special Advisor, covid-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan, appointed by Order in Council, shall serve as the Chair of the Task Force for the duration of that appointment. At the expiry of that appointment, the Ministers shall appoint one of the Vice-Chairs, a Task Force member, or another person to serve at pleasure as Chair of the Task Force.
Further, section 4 of O.C. 1546/2020 dated November 23, 2020 is hereby so revised and shall be interpreted accordingly.
Approved and Ordered: March 31, 2021