On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:

Whereas the Government of Ontario is committed to making investments that will have the strongest impact on individuals and communities and is committed to positioning Ontario as having the people and talent in the skilled trades and apprenticeship system to meet labour market demands of the future,

And whereas section 4 of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act provides that the Lieutenant Governor in Council or the Minister may appoint such advisory committees or other consulting bodies as are considered necessary from time to time,

Therefore, pursuant to section 4 of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act,

Establishment of Special Advisor Position

  1. The position of Skilled Trades Special Advisor is established for a period not extending beyond April 30, 2026.
  2. The Skilled Trades Special Advisor shall be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council to serve at pleasure for a period not extending beyond April 30, 2026.
  3. The Skilled Trades Special Advisor will advise the Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (“Minister”) on how to modernize Ontario’s skilled trades system and fill labour market shortages for in-demand trades, with a focus on:
    • the manufacturing and automotive sectors, including the electric vehicles industry, and
    • Eastern, Northern and Rural Ontario.

Terms of Reference

  1. The Skilled Trades Special Advisor shall be accountable to the Minister and shall perform the duties and carry out the activities set out in the Terms of Reference established by the Minister. The Terms of Reference may be amended from time to time by the Minister.


  1. The Skilled Trades Special Advisor shall be paid such remuneration as the Lieutenant Governor in Council may determine.

This Order in Council is effective the date it is made.

Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development

Approved and Ordered: May 09, 2024