Order in Council 979/2023
On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council of Ontario, orders that:
Whereas O.C. 395/2022 dated February 24, 2022 continued The Province of Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship as The Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship;
And whereas this honour was first established by the Government of the Province as a legacy piece of the 1973 Royal Tour, in honour of Queen Elizabeth II;
And whereas Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth invested the first recipients with the honour at a ceremony in Toronto;
And whereas this provincial honour is conferred by the Crown-in-Right of Ontario, upon individuals who have made exceptional long-term contributions to the well-being of the Province and its people;
And whereas Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth passed away on September 8, 2022;
Now therefore, pursuant to the prerogative of His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario, O.C. 395/2022 is amended to:
- redesignate The Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship as the Queen Elizabeth II Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship to reinforce the connection between those who are bestowed this honour and Queen Elizabeth II’s exemplary lifetime of service;
- substitute reference to O.C. 2693/75 with O.C. 2963/75 dated October 29, 1975, which established the Police Medal and the Advisory Council for the honour;
And that this Order in Council is made effective on the date it is made.
Approved and Ordered: June 29, 2023