2016 Parliamentary Assistant Mandate Letter: Poverty Reduction Strategy
The Minister’s instructions to the Parliamentary Assistant on priorities.
December 30, 2016
Mr. Han Dong
Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister Responsible for the Poverty Reduction Strategy
17th Floor, 777 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2E5
Dear Mr. Dong:
I am honoured to have you as my parliamentary assistant, and thank you for the valuable support that you will provide me in this crucial role. I welcome you to the responsibilities of leadership on Ontario’s Poverty Reduction Strategy and look forward to working closely with you to ensure that both the strategy and overall government objectives are achieved.
At this mid-point of our mandate — and after having achieved two years of real and tangible progress — we are redoubling our efforts to deliver on our top priority — economic growth and good jobs. Our balanced plan to build Ontario up for everyone will deliver real benefits and more inclusive growth that will help people in their everyday lives. We will do this by continuing to invest in better infrastructure, more affordable and accessible postsecondary education, a competitive, low-carbon economy and improved retirement security.
Responsible fiscal management remains an overarching priority for our government, and, thanks to our disciplined approach, we are on track to balance the budget next year, in 2017-18.
The mandate letter I received in September from Premier Wynne sets out my specific priorities as minister for the coming two years. Parliamentary assistants play a key role in meeting these priorities and in helping put our government’s plan into action.
Our mandate is to oversee the implementation of Realizing our Potential: Ontario’s Poverty Reduction Strategy and examine new approaches to provide consistent and predictable support for vulnerable Ontarians. Our specific priorities include working collaboratively with lead and affected ministers, as well as our community, businesses and not-for-profit partners across the province, to:
- Break the cycle of poverty for children and youth.
- Enable persons to move toward employment and income security.
- Work toward the goal of ending chronic homelessness by 2025 as part of the longer term goal of ending homelessness in Ontario.
- Use evidence-based social policy and measure success.
- Continue to call on the federal government to work collaboratively with Ontario to develop and implement solutions that meet the needs of Ontarians.
- Work in partnership with the Minister of Community and Social Services to design and introduce a Basic Income Pilot, building on the advice of the Special Advisor and broader public consultation, by the end of April 2017.
- Develop a food security strategy that addresses physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food, including in remote First Nations communities, working with the ministers of Community and Social Services, Health and Long-Term Care, Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, and Children and Youth Services.
As Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister Responsible for the Poverty Reduction Strategy your specific responsibilities include:
- Working closely with me as we engage partners inside and outside government to develop a food security strategy that addresses physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food.
- Supporting the government’s public consultation on a Basic Income Pilot, including attending the consultations and engaging in stakeholder discussions, to help inform the development and introduction of the pilot.
- Advancing Ontario’s efforts to address poverty, with a particular focus on urban youth and urban indigenous populations, working closely with our colleagues in related ministries to align efforts for maximum impact.
- Supporting our strategy and related legislation to increase affordable housing as we work toward the goal of ending chronic homelessness by 2025 and the longer term goal of ending homelessness in Ontario.
- Helping to lead the Ministers’ Table on Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion.
A tremendous opportunity lies before us — to ensure that our strategy is fully and effectively implemented, to continue to build Ontario up and to deliver real benefits to all Ontarians.
Original signed by
The Honourable Chris Ballard
Minister of Housing and
Minister Responsible for the Poverty Reduction Strategy