2017-20 Strategic Mandate Agreement: Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology
Read the agreement between Ontario and Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology to understand its unique role in the province’s post-secondary education system.
This Strategic Mandate Agreement between the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development and Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology outlines the role the College currently performs in Ontario’s postsecondary education system and how it will build on its current strengths to achieve its vision and help drive system-wide objectives and government priorities.
The Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA):
- Identifies and explains the shared objectives and priorities between the Ontario government and the College
- Outlines current and future areas of program strength
- Supports the current vision, mission, and mandate of the College and established areas of strength within the context of the College’s governing legislation
- Describes the agreed-upon elements of the new College funding model, including:
- a College’s enrolment plans and the initial midpoint levels of weighted funding units that will be funded in the corridor funding model during the period of this SMA; and
- differentiation areas of focus including metrics, and targets
- Provides information on the financial sustainability of the institution; and,
- Informs Ministry decision-making and enables Ministry to align its policies and processes to further support the College’s areas of strength
The term of the SMA is from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2020.
The agreement may be amended in the event of substantive policy or program changes that would significantly affect joint commitments made in the SMA (e.g., Major Capacity Expansion and Highly Skilled Workforce). Any such amendment would be mutually agreed to in writing, dated, and signed by both signatories.
Ontario’s vision for postsecondary education
Ontario’s colleges and universities will drive creativity, innovation, knowledge, skills development and community engagement through teaching and learning, applied research and service.
Ontario’s colleges and universities will put students first by providing the best possible learning experience for all qualified learners in an affordable and financially sustainable way, ensuring high quality and globally competitive outcomes for students and Ontario’s economy.
Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology Vision, Mission and Mandate
Institutional mandate, mission, and vision statements describe where an institution currently is and where it sees itself in the future. Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology updated its vision and mission as part of the development of its 2016-2021 Strategic Plan.
Future Ready. Learning for Life
We educate and prepare highly skilled graduates for success and contribution to community, Canada and the world.
The Ministry recognizes the importance of supporting institutions to evolve and acknowledges the strategic aspirations of its postsecondary education institutions. The SMA is not intended to capture all decisions and issues in the postsecondary education system, as many will be addressed through the Ministry’s policies and standard processes. The Ministry will not be approving any requests for capital funding or new program approvals, for example, through the SMA process.
Institutional aspirations
Mohawk College differentiates itself as a specialized institute of health and technology serving the Western Golden Horseshoe by leveraging its traditional strengths in the areas of health and technology and in the provision of apprenticeship, certificate, diploma, and current and future degree programs, as well as having recognized strength in applied research.
Mohawk is a business partner aligned with Hamilton’s economic development strategy and provides internationally recognized, hands-on applied research— notably in health and technology — to solve challenges and power businesses’ success. Mohawk aspires to be a leader in training students to be ready for a low-carbon economy and in climate change management and will extend its applied research focus in key areas aligned with industry demands, including data analytics, medical imaging, cyber security and sustainability. It will also establish a leadership position in the area of student success initiatives, including a research centre to evaluate interventions and share best practices.
Mohawk will focus its efforts on successful transitions to employment by the creation of a pilot initiative of job guarantees in select programs and the embedding of key job-related competencies in the curriculum for all students. This would include financial literacy, Mohawk’s institutional learning outcomes, entrepreneurship, sustainability and global experiences and linkages. This would be complemented by Mohawk’s aspirations to indigenize its campus and curriculum.
Mohawk provides a comprehensive range of programs to transform its students and community through enhanced access to postsecondary education and proven success in skilled trades and apprenticeship programming. Mohawk will continue its leadership in providing pathways through its City School initiatives.
Mohawk intends to grow its reach through community-based learning hubs and is exploring opportunities for delivery of programming in Halton or Peel in the distant future (that do not conflict with the emerging new university-college partnerships in these regions).
Another key differentiator is our partnership with McMaster University — a leading college-university partnership in Ontario. This partnership, which has provided completely integrated programs across many faculties, is expected to grow.
Shared objectives and priorities for differentiation
Student experience
This section captures institutional strengths in improving student experience, outcomes and success. This section recognizes institutions for measuring the broader learning environment, such as continuity of learning pathways; retention; student satisfaction; co-curricular activities and records; career preparedness; and student services and supports.
Institutional approach to improving student experience
Enable, empower, and support
Building on the achievements of its Student Success Plan, Mohawk College will continue to expand and enhance key platforms that improve student outcomes and ensure that students have experiential learning and engagement both inside and outside the classroom that will enhance their educational experience and contribute to success. Mohawk’s approach is to provide key supports and interventions that allow students to take control and guide themselves to success at college. These include Smart Start, Day One Orientation, Student Advising, Assessments for Success and Program and Career Launch.
Student success research to support effective interventions
Mohawk College will build on its existing research platform to measure and report on programs and services that address access, retention, graduation and transferrable skills. This will be supported with a College Student Success Research Centre, which will leverage existing research partnerships and lead the design, implementation, assessment and evaluation of innovative interventions throughout the student lifecycle.
Financial literacy to drive successful outcomes
Financial literacy continues to be a significant factor in student success. Leveraging its Mo’Money Resource Centre and developed course modules, Mohawk College will measure and work toward its goal of having a majority of students complete a financial literacy module prior to graduation.
Success measured against employment outcomes
Mohawk College also links student success to success upon graduation and will be creating a platform around a job-ready guarantee. To do this, Mohawk will continue to integrate its institutional learning outcomes, work-integrated learning experiences and competency-based outcomes that support job readiness and employment success.
Facility enhancements to support student experience
Mohawk College will also continue to invest in facility and classroom renewal to support student success. Having modern facilities equipped with industry-relevant technology, collaborative spaces and amenities that enhance the student experience is part of a significant reinvestment strategy planned for the duration of this agreement.
Examples of institutional initiatives
College student success research centre
Mohawk College will develop a centre to design, implement, assess and evaluate innovative interventions throughout the student lifecycle that improve student success. New knowledge would be created in response to community and student needs and would be shared broadly through evidence-based fact sheets, best practice guidelines, research reports, consultation services, and annual events. Currently, Mohawk researchers are engaged in over a dozen funded student success research projects totaling more than $1 million. In addition, Mohawk provides significant internal funding and support for student success research through a variety of mechanisms, including its Applied Research in Innovation and Education (ARIE) fund. Mohawk plans to continue to provide significant internal support for this work, share its resources and expertise with the college system and compete for research dollars through funding agencies and through new private donors and partnerships.
Recognizing that students need support to understand their financial situations and manage their funds, Mohawk College launched the Mo’Money Resource Centre in 2014. Financial Assistance worked in partnership with Family Services of Hamilton and McMaster University to compile money management resources for students, providing them with tools to graduate with less debt and learn lifelong money management skills. Students can learn how to read a credit card statement, develop a budget and build a credit rating. Mo’Money also offers students how-to events, programs, budget assistance and one-to-one credit counselling.
Life cycle student advising
Mohawk provides student lifecycle advising that starts pre-admission and continues until graduation. Pre-admission advising helps students pick the right programs and gain career clarity. Post-admission advising ensures that students have in fact chosen the right programs. The advising team is cross functional to ensure service integration and includes both general advisors and specialists, including counsellors, financial advisors, registration staff and career advisors. Peer leaders also support students as tutors and mentors.
Mohawk student leadership academy
Student leaders with high levels of involvement in Mohawk volunteer and extracurricular activities are chosen to participate in the Mohawk Student Leadership Academy, where they gain skills, training and resources to help them excel as student leaders. When they complete the program, the students receive an Acknowledgement of Completion document, an enhanced opportunity for on campus employment and become members of MoCrew representing Mohawk at events.
Metrics and targets
System-Wide Metrics | 2019-20 Target |
Overall Student Satisfaction Rate (baseline 77.04% – 2016-17, target based on historical low of 68% and high of 82%) |
Overall >75% |
Student Satisfaction with services (Q39) (baseline 65.37% - 2016-17, target based on historical low of 58.9% and high of 76.9%) |
>65% |
Student Satisfaction with facilities (Q49) (baseline 77.29% - 2016-17, Target based on historical low of 58.9% and high of 76.9%) |
>77% |
Institution-Specific Metrics | 2019-20 Target |
Financial Literacy (number of students receiving financial literacy module – 2016 baseline is 100) |
800 (200% growth from baseline year over year) |
Graduation Rates (measured against Humber, Seneca, Sheridan, George Brown, Centennial - 2016-17 Baseline is Ranked 4th ) |
Target of #1 in Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) for graduation rates by 2021 |
Graduates will complete job readiness course and/or have a job-ready toolkit (number of students completing job readiness/career courses – 2016 baseline is 3,000) |
6000 (200% growth from baseline over the 3-year SMA period) |
Innovation in teaching and learning excellence
This section focuses on innovative efforts including pedagogical approaches, program delivery and student services that contribute to a highly skilled workforce and ensure positive student outcomes.
This section captures institutional strengths in delivering high-quality learning experiences, such as experiential, entrepreneurial, personalized and digital learning, to prepare students for rewarding careers. It includes recognition of student competencies that improve employability.
It begins to identify indicators of quality that are currently available and within an institution’s control.
Institutional approach to innovation in teaching and learning excellence
Leaders in work-integrated learning
Mohawk College has institutional strength in co-op education, simulation and virtual reality-based learning, work-integrated learning and connecting students to real-world experiences through living labs on campus. Over 3,000 students are served through its co-operative education programs per academic year in partnership with over 1,100 employers offering work term positions. This data is reported and validated annually through the SMA report back and accountability processes. This is complemented by Mohawk’s extensive work-integrated and inter-professional learning opportunities across its programs. Mohawk will be consolidating the coordination of these initiatives with the establishment of a comprehensive Centre for Work-Integrated Learning.
Leaders in simulation-based learning
Mohawk College will continue to be a leader in simulation-based learning. Building on its established positioning in healthcare and technology, it will continue to integrate simulation-based learning into its curriculum to best prepare its students for clinical placements, work-integrated learning opportunities and transition to careers after graduation. This will include the expansion of the Centre for Healthcare Simulation at its Institute for Applied Health Sciences Campus, the creation of a building as a living lab through the completion of The Joyce Centre for Partnership and Innovation at the Fennell campus and the use of virtual reality-based learning to complement its trades training programs.
Expanding learning in traditional and non-traditional environments
Mohawk’s current plans for capital investments have as a priority the creation of more collaborative labs and buildings that will allow it to maximize its experiential opportunities. This includes the Centre for Healthcare Simulation at the Institute for Applied Health Sciences, new skilled trades collaborative space at the Stoney Creek Skilled Trades Campus and the Joyce Centre for Partnership and Innovation at the Fennell Campus This will also include CityLAB, which is discussed further in Section 5.0. Additionally, Mohawk continues to invest significant resources into an ongoing program to ensure equipment and labs are equipped with the latest technology (over $3 million in 2017-2018). Mohawk College also understands the importance of community-based learning opportunities and other non-traditional environments. To that end, Mohawk continues to expand these opportunities as part of CityLAB, partnerships with Six Nations Polytechnic, through City School by Mohawk (see Section 3.0 for information on City School) and through learning hubs and other place-based learning opportunities, such as the development of a Massage Therapy and Wellness Clinic in partnership with St. Elizabeth Retirement Village and Long-Term Care.
Driving innovation through the centre for teaching and learning & expanding course delivery models
Based on the successes from its Academic Plan , Mohawk College will continue to build on its established platforms in technology-enabled learning, providing service through its Centre for Teaching and Learning and its ongoing investments in Universal Design for Learning. Mohawk will also leverage its digital skills toolkit, e-portfolios, and its site-in-a-box strategy, which will allow more rapid implementation of the tools and technologies that faculty would like to use at community-based locations. Through the Centre for Teaching and Learning, Mohawk will support its commitments to the CiCan Indigenous Education protocol with ongoing investments in Indigenous curriculum design support. Mohawk will also focus on building and implementing new models for course development and delivery. These include more postgraduate opportunities, executive delivery models and fully online offerings. Mohawk is also launching its first truly competency-based program through Continuing Education and has been able to access funding to research the impact and inform Mohawk on how more competency-based opportunities that are completely separated from a time-based pedagogy can be introduced. This is expected to increase access to education and flexibility for the working professionals who require ongoing credential compliance training or acquisition of advanced credentials.
Examples of institutional initiatives
Centre for work integrated learning
Under the umbrella of the Centre for Work-Integrated Learning, Mohawk College will consolidate all of its activities that relate to providing work-integrated learning/experiential learning opportunities for its students and assessing the efficacy of these initiatives. It would allow Mohawk to leverage its extensive industry connections, assets like The Agency, SURGE— its entrepreneurship resource — community-based learning opportunities and curriculum-based activities that will provide students with experiential learning opportunities that are relevant to their future careers. This Centre would also promote and expand Mohawk’s use of simulation-based learning throughout all courses. Through the recent academic organizational restructure, the Centre for Work Integrated Learning was established. Transition of all relevant activities to the Dean of Community Partnerships and Work Integrated Learning will occur over the next year.
Centre for health care simulation
Mohawk College is completing a $3.5 million Centre for Health Care Simulation at its Institute for Applied Health Sciences Campus. The Centre features 25,000 square feet of renovated, expanded and integrated clinical lab space that will have the look and feel of a hospital, long-term care facility and community clinic. The labs will offer students the latest equipment, technology and advanced simulators. By replicating a clinical environment, students will spend more of their time performing and practicing skills in the Centre, with access to clinical situations they might not encounter during a traditional clinical experience. Over 2,000 students will benefit from this practical experience each semester. Additionally, Mohawk has implemented strategic investments to create standardized patients and community-supported placements to create inter-professional experience opportunities on an ongoing basis.
The agency
The Agency turns classroom knowledge into real-world experience. Teams of advertising, marketing, public relations and graphic design students create campaigns for real clients selected through a call for proposal process, with faculty input and supervision. When required, journalism, broadcast media and software development students also participate. As a result, clients get professional, quality work and students benefit from invaluable real-world, collaborative experience, with the bonus of making a difference in their community. The Agency operates through the McKeil School of Business. Strategic partnerships with large partners, such as Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS), are creating opportunities to connect students not currently participating in experiential learning opportunities to gain experience through capstone projects at HHS related to their programs.
The joyce centre for partnership and innovation
As part of the biggest renewal of labs and classrooms in Mohawk’s history, it will open the Joyce Centre for Partnership and Innovation in September 2018. This building will be the region’s first net-zero energy institutional building, producing as much energy as it consumes, or more. The building will be a living lab with exposed infrastructure that will enable students to learn about advanced energy management and green building techniques, and allow students to partner with industry on applied research.
Metrics and targets
System-Wide Metrics | 2019-20 Target |
Graduation rates (baseline 65.01% – 2016-17, target based on historical low of 63.7% and three year average of 65.9%) |
>64% |
Number of students enrolled in an experiential learning program (WIL) (2016 baseline: 2,692) |
3,584 – 10% annual growth |
Total number of registrations in ministry-funded courses offered in eLearning formats (2016 baseline: 9854) |
Grow by 5% |
Total number of ministry-funded courses offered in eLearning formats (2016 baseline: 2,400) |
Grow by 10% |
Total number of ministry-funded programs offered in eLearning formats (2016 baseline: 27) |
Grow by 10% |
Retention rates (Yr1 to Yr2) (2016 baseline: 86.5%, target based on 3 year trends) |
>85% |
Retention rates (Yr2 to Yr3) (2016 baseline: 76.7%, target based on 3 year trends) |
>75% |
Student satisfaction rate (overall) (baseline 77.04% – 2016-17, target based on historical low of 68% and high of 82%) |
>77% |
Student satisfaction with knowledge and skills (baseline 87.28% – 2016-17, target based on 3 year trends) |
>85% |
Student satisfaction with learning experience (baseline 78.21% – 2016-17, target based on 3 year trends) |
>77% |
Institution-Specific Metrics | 2019-20 Target |
Measurable increases in simulation-based learning experiences (2016 baseline: 3,500) |
4,660 - Grow by 10% each year |
A co-curricular activity is part of every graduate’s record (2016 baseline: 2,300) |
3,060 - Grow by 10% each year |
Graduates have a relevant inter-professional experience (2016 baseline: 500) |
665 - Grow by 10% each year |
Access and equity
This section recognizes institutions for their efforts in improving postsecondary education equity and access. Institutions play an important role in providing equitable and inclusive environments that make it possible for students from diverse communities to thrive and succeed.
Institutions will also be recognized for creating equitable access opportunities that can include multiple entrance pathways and flexible policies and programming, with the focus on students who, without interventions and support, would not otherwise participate in postsecondary education. Examples include outreach to marginalized youth, transition, bridging and access programs for adults with atypical education histories and who did not meet admissions requirements.
Institutional approach to improving access and equity
Mohawk College will continue its role as a leader in improving access and equity in its community. Its institutional commitment to its Access Strategy remains firm and Mohawk continues to invest in supporting the needs of its diverse learners, including first-generation, Indigenous and international students. Mohawk College is part of a unique partnership ecosystem where the City of Hamilton, Mohawk College, the Hamilton Community Foundation, local school boards and other key partners have shared strategies (ABACUS program, Neighbourhood Action Strategy, College Access strategy) that are designed to align and support learners from the early years to adulthood.
Resilient communities through transformative education
One of Mohawk’s key learnings through its work in improving access to postsecondary education was to realize that it had to be innovative. First, through its College in Motion team, and then through its new City School model, Mohawk has developed an innovative way of making postsecondary education accessible to disadvantaged communities in a way that goes beyond traditional implementations of outreach and community engagement. It has provided valuable insight into challenges and barriers that residents face when seeking to pursue a postsecondary education. This also requires a sensitivity to the unique needs of communities in order to effectively foster social inclusion. Mohawk’s ambition is that the models developed here will serve as a template that can be replicated. City School is a model that was profiled at the May 2017 Ontario Community Hubs Summit.
This platform is being supported by research on the success of these interventions with funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer.
Supporting access through partnerships
Mohawk College will continue its significant programming that has direct partnerships with local school boards, community agencies and institutions. This includes its significant commitment to the delivery of dual credit programs, partnerships with the Industry Education Council, School within a College Programs and the Community Integration through College Education Program. Mohawk also delivers programming in partnership with agencies that support school-aged learners to better connect them with opportunities for postsecondary education. All of these initiatives have allowed Mohawk to broaden its linkages to the community and better connect potential learners with opportunities for education, upgrading and upskilling.
Supporting indigenous learners
Mohawk College has graduated many Aboriginal learners among the top 10 postsecondary institutions funded by the Grand River Postsecondary Education Office (GRPSEO). GRPSEO is the largest funding partner for Indigenous learners at Mohawk College and serves Six Nations of the Grand River as the local administrator of the Postsecondary Student Support Program. According to its GRPSEO’s most current data, between (1999-2013), GRPSEO reported the total number of graduates as is 1, 036, with Mohawk graduating 344 of these learners, Mohawk College intends to continue its leadership role in connecting
Indigenous learners to postsecondary pathways. With the guidance of its Indigenous Education Council, Mohawk will continue to develop and evolve its existing pathways initiatives —Bundled Arrows and Project Pathfinder — and lead the development and implementation of a Regional Indigenous Education Plan in partnership with Six Nations Polytechnic.
Mohawk will also continue its commitment through the implementation of the CiCan Indigenous Education Protocol, the continued evolution of its Aboriginal Education Student Services supports and the indigenization of the campus through such spaces as the Hoop Dance outdoor gathering place, which opened in 2016.
Mohawk College will also grow and evolve its significant partnership with Six Nations Polytechnic, which currently includes specific programming in Practical Nursing with Aboriginal Communities, Registered Practical Nurse diploma to Bachelor of Science degree pathways, Personal Support Worker Certificates, Mechanical Techniques and Concurrent Disorders. Mohawk has also worked collaboratively with Six Nations Polytechnic on shorter programs and training opportunities in the area of adult and children’s mental health. Mohawk College will also continue its work with other Indigenous Education Partners at the Grand River Postsecondary Education Office, Métis Nation of Ontario, Hamilton Regional Indian Centre and Ogwehoweh Skills and Trades Training Centre.
Welcoming the world
Mohawk College has taken an active leadership role in the Hamilton community around internationalization. It proudly hosts and educates over 2,000 students from more than 70 countries.
In early 2015, Mohawk convened a Welcoming Communities Task Force with its business, industry, education and community partners. The task force tabled 34 recommendations following year-long conversations and consultations. In response to the task force recommendations, Mohawk has developed a multi-year action plan. The plan commits Mohawk to doing an even better job of serving international students, welcoming newcomers and strengthening its connections with community partners. Mohawk’s goal is to help international students make a successful transition to Mohawk and to persuade them to continue living and working in the community once they graduate. Additionally, Mohawk College is supporting its strategy with investments in college-wide teams, training staff in diversity and cultural competency and hiring a new Director of Diversity and Social Inclusion.
Examples of institutional initiatives
City school by mohawk and city school mobile
City School by Mohawk is a community-based initiative that aims to break down the barriers to education and employment. Since its doors opened in 2015 there has been an 80% increase in City School program enrolment (33 in 2015-2016 to 167 in 2016-2017). Through community partnerships and consultation with key neighbourhoods, City School continues to develop specialized learning programs, workshops and services that encourage gradual steps to a postsecondary pathway. Programs offered at City School are free of charge and in two locations: Eva Rothwell Centre and Circuit 4.0 at the Hamilton Public Library. Students are given the opportunity to access a college education in a safe and supported environment. They are eligible to take up to two courses and priority is given to applicants who have not yet had the chance to experience postsecondary education. City School is set to launch a mobile classroom in the fall of 2017 with capital support from the Ministry. It will bring training programs directly to the various community hubs identified through consultations and will be multi- purposed for various vocations, from skilled trades to healthcare.
College in motion
College advisors provide targeted services to people in the community who aspire to postsecondary education. Clients include those with poor high school experiences, those who never attended postsecondary (or who started and were not successful), those working at lower-level jobs or those who have had other life experiences that have prevented them from participating in higher education.
Services range from weekly site visits with dedicated space to meet with students/clients, monthly drop-ins and straight referrals into the service. Recently Mohawk added an Outreach and Transition coach to assist with applying to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), applying for bursaries and awards. The coach also makes referrals to student services and connects new students to academic supports. After only five years the program has evolved from 14 pilot sites (high schools, alternative education sites and community agencies) to its current roster of 31 high school and 20 community connection sites (and growing). Since 2012 over 3,155 clients have received advising services, 278 have graduated college and there are a further 505 clients currently enrolled at Mohawk College.
Mohawk college and six nations polytechnic partnership
A five-year Master Articulation Agreement between Mohawk College and Six Nations Polytechnic established an academic collaboration that “will allow Six Nations Polytechnic and Mohawk College to serve the Aboriginal peoples in Ontario.” This formal agreement signifies a major step forward to realizing the Regional Indigenous Education Plan.
The new Agreement considerably expands the contributions of Six National Polytechnic to:
- Cross-Cultural awareness building
- Aboriginal faculty recruitment and training
- Increasing relevant programming for Aboriginal learners
- Mohawk will deliver Six Nations Polytechnic courses and programs for credit
- Six Nations Polytechnic will modify Mohawk college courses with Aboriginal context and deliver them in a community-based Aboriginal settings
This Agreement also acknowledges the role that both Mohawk College and Six Nations Polytechnic play in supporting the transition of Aboriginal learners from secondary to postsecondary education. The agreement will facilitate greater support for more Aboriginal secondary students to enrol in postsecondary programs.
Mohawk College, in partnership with Six Nations Polytechnic plan to implement a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) program that would allow students starting in grade 9 to work towards achieving both a high school and college credential through a completely integrated program model.
Mental health in motion
A featured initiative of the Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health, Mohawk College has created a team called Mental Health in Motion to support a movement of wellness initiatives on campus. Events occur across all campuses to support the notion of a healthy campus community for students, faculty and staff. The goal is to break down barriers to mental health on campus and within the community through mental illness awareness, mental health promotion, and recognition of the strength and courage of individuals. Specialized supports including Wellness 4U Health and Counselling Services continue to be available to all students. In addition, a Nurse Health Promoter offers a variety of health and wellness initiatives throughout the semester.
Metrics and targets
System-Wide Metrics | 2019-20 Expected Value |
Number of students with disabilities enrolled (baseline 1,583 – 2015-16, target based on 3 year trends) |
1,261 |
Proportion of students with disabilities enrolled (baseline 15.10% – 2015-16, target in line with past performance) |
12% |
Overall students with disabilities satisfaction rates (baseline 74.60% – 2016-17, target in line with past performance) |
>75% |
Overall graduate satisfaction rates for students with disabilities (baseline 74.05% – 2016-17, target in line with past performance) |
>75% |
Employment rates for students with disabilities (baseline 73.45% – 2016-17, target in line with past performance) |
>70% |
Number of first-generation students enrolled (baseline 2,946 – 2015-16, target in line with past performance) |
2,101 |
Proportion of first-generation students enrolled (baseline 28.00% – 2015-16, target in line with past performance) |
20% |
Number of Indigenous students enrolled (baseline 235 – 2015-16, target in line with past performance) |
210 |
Proportion of Indigenous students enrolled (baseline 2.4% – 2015-16, target in line with past performance) |
>2% |
Overall student satisfaction rates for Indigenous students (baseline 76.3% – 2016-17, target in line with past performance) |
>75% |
Overall graduate satisfaction rates for Indigenous students (baseline 82.2% – 2016-17, target in line with past performance) |
>75% |
Employment rates for Indigenous students (baseline 89.19% – 2016-17, Target in line with past performance) |
>85% |
Number of French-language students enrolled (baseline 67 – 2015-16, target in line with past performance) |
60 |
Proportion of French-language students enrolled (baseline 0.5% – 2015-16, target in line with past performance) |
0.5% |
OSAP recipients as a proportion of all eligible students (baseline 72.9% – 2015-16, target in line with past performance) |
>70% |
Percentage of university graduates enrolled in college programs (baseline 12.12% – 2016-17, target in line with past performance) |
>10% |
Percentage of college graduates enrolled in university programs (baseline 2.05% – 2016-17, target in line with past performance) |
>2% |
Institution-Specific Metrics | 2019-20 Expected Value |
Measurable success and growth of “City School” (2016 baseline: 167 participants) |
564 - Increase participation by 50% each year7 |
Expand programs in collaboration with Six Nations Polytechnic (2016 baseline: 4) |
7 – 1 per year for a total of 3 new over the duration of the SMA |
More staff trained in diversity and cultural competencies (2016 baseline: 119) |
Increase by 300% |
Applied research excellence and impact
This section captures institutional strengths in producing high-quality applied research that further raises Ontario’s profile as a globally recognized research and innovation hub.
Applied research projects create or improve products, services and processes. College applied research gives industry firms access to the skills and competencies of faculty and students, facilities and equipment and markets and networks through the colleges’ connections to local business and communities.
Institutional approach to applied research excellence and impact
Currently among the top 15 colleges in Canada (#15 in Canada Research Infosource rankings for 2016) for applied research, Mohawk College continues to grow and evolve its applied research platform under its iDeaWORKS brand. iDeaWORKS is Mohawk College’s applied research and innovation department.
An acronym for innovation, design thinking, entrepreneurship, and applied research, iDeaWORKS collaborates closely with industry to commercialize ideas and improve business productivity by providing access to knowledge, staff, state-of-the-art labs and research capacity. Mohawk faculty, staff and students collaborate with industry partners to complete real-world projects. These projects aim to address specific industry needs and to provide small businesses and other organizations with access to the resources they require to become more productive, innovative and competitive.
Areas of specialization
At iDeaWORKS, Mohawk currently has three main areas of focus: mHealth and eHealth Development and Innovation Centre (MEDIC); energy, and; additive manufacturing. iDeaWORKS can also partner on projects that don't fit within the expertise available in its research centres but are linked to Mohawk’s other areas of knowledge. Mohawk’s research centres are supported by specialized facilities that provide its partners with access to leading-edge equipment, technical know-how and training opportunities.
Significant networks and partnerships
Mohawk College either leads or participates in several key regional, national and international networks and initiatives. All of its relationships and structures are designed to best integrate external resources and expertise and to leverage appropriate funding to support Mohawk’s research initiatives. The iDeaWORKS Centres have also developed some significant partnerships that give them a leadership position with local networks like Synapse, Canmet MATERIALS and the Southern Ontario Network for Advanced Manufacturing (SONAMI). It also has significant international relationships with key partners on immunization projects in Myanmar, Tanzania and other nations. Importantly, the labs have also become vehicles for small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups to leverage key funds like the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) Voucher for E-business and Technology Adoption, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Engage and the OCE Voucher for Innovation and Productivity. Some of the key highlights are described in the following section.
Evolving the current labs
With several years of operation and organic growth, it is the goal of Mohawk College to start to support the next phase of development with the appointment of Research Chairs, starting with the MEDIC lab. These industry-supported positions will allow Mohawk College to expand both the breadth and depth of its work in its key areas of specialization
New opportunities for applied research
Mohawk College plans to evolve and expand its applied research platform in the following key areas based on its current strengths and linkages to industry requests and the evolving job market:
- Centre of Excellence in Non Destructive Evaluation – Mohawk College has a long-standing partnership in program delivery and co-location with the Canadian Institute for Non-Destructive Evaluation (CINDE). Non-destructive testing (NDT) allows industries to examine structures, materials or components without damaging or destroying the object being tested and provides a means to ensure product reliability and quality. There are an assortment of NDT techniques used throughout a broad cross-section of industries and products. NDT is critical in the areas of building structural integrity, rail car safety and pipeline safety, to name only a few. Both CINDE and Mohawk College plan to build a research platform —leveraging emerging needs with the evolution of additive manufacturing — to study and develop new testing and evaluation standards.
- Data Analytics – Mohawk College has partnerships with IBM, Hamilton Health Sciences and others in the area of data analytics. Building from Mohawk’s current and future course offerings —including its digital health degree — it will develop an applied research platform in this area. This will also support the City of Hamilton’s plans to move significantly to implement its open data initiatives
- Imaging Research Centre of Excellence – Given Mohawk College’s position in medical radiation and imaging, and existing partnerships with key researchers at McMaster, HHS and St. Joseph’s Health System, Mohawk College will be moving to formalize these initiatives under the structure of an Imaging Research Centre of Excellence
- Cyber Security – Mohawk College will be developing plans to leverage existing expertise in technology-related privacy issues at its MEDIC lab to develop an industry-supported applied research centre in cyber security
Examples of institutional initiatives
MEDIC – enhancing tomorrow’s health care
Mohawk College’s MEDIC is a leader in digital health innovation and a globally recognized as a leader in Identity Management and Immunization Management Systems. MEDIC’s leadership in digital health innovation has been confirmed by such charitable organizations and international governments as PATH, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Save the Children and the Ministries of Health in Tanzania and Myanmar. Through a competitive process, these organizations selected MEDIC to provide customized digital health solutions to solve key problems in the developing world.
MEDIC is Canada’s only NSERC-funded Technology Access Centre for Digital Health and has provided research and development support to Canada Health Infoway and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. There are only 30 Technology Access Centres funded by NSERC to provide expertise and applied research support to SMEs in Canada. MEDIC is one of two that focuses on digital healthcare innovation and is the only centre that focuses on the software development of digital health products and solutions. MEDIC also serves as the Digital Health Innovation Lab for Canada and the Province of Ontario and is the host of innovation-lab.ca. Mohawk and MEDIC are also helping to guide the creation of policy that ensures the privacy of those patients remains secure.
AMRC – revolutionizing 3d printing and manufacturing
Mohawk’s Additive Manufacturing Resource Centre (AMRC) supports industry innovation using new manufacturing technologies by partnering on applied research and development projects. As an applied research lab, the AMRC and its team of expert staff, faculty and students provide a test bed for industry to develop new products and processes. The AMRC is a regional hub for expertise in direct metal laser sintering technology (metal 3D printing) and has partnered with 40 companies since its establishment in 2014. Mohawk College’s AMRC, in partnership with three other academic institutions, is part of SONAMI. It currently has active funding and partnerships with ORF, NSERC, OCE, Canada Makes and Centre de recherche industrielle du Québec (CRIQ).
MERC – modernizing electrical power systems
The Mohawk Energy Research Centre (MERC) is dedicated to evaluating, developing and refining technologies required for modernization of electrical power systems. The team has partnered with Siemens, Schneider Electric and Hydro One on collaborative applied research projects and will be launching a new industry learning lab at a repurposed hydro substation in downtown Hamilton focused on electricity industry training and student education.
Applied research and innovation in education fund
The ARIE Fund supports faculty and staff research and innovation activities at Mohawk College. Funding will support projects that focus on applied research, teaching and learning, and entrepreneurship. This year (2017-18) is the third year that ARIE funding has been available and the number of projects has increased each year. Access to ARIE funding allows staff and faculty to explore research in a safe and supportive environment and provides them with the required skills to move to further and more comprehensive research projects, potentially with grants from external funding agencies.
Metrics and targets
System-Wide Metrics | 2019-20 Target |
Number of externally funded applied research projects (2016 baseline: 30) |
25 - 35 |
Number of partnerships / collaborations with community / industry firms (2016 baseline: 28) |
25 - 55 |
Institution-Specific Metrics | 2019-20 Target |
Ranking in Canadian Colleges for applied research as measured by Research Infosource (2016 ranking: 15) |
Top 10 Ranking |
Number of students engaged in applied research (2016 baseline: 200) |
400 |
Number of faculty engaged in applied research (2016 baseline: 28) |
40 |
Innovation, economic development and community engagement
This section recognizes the unique role institutions play in contributing to their communities and to economic development, as well as to building dynamic partnerships with business, industry, community members and other colleges and universities. It focuses on regional clusters, customized training, entrepreneurial activities, jobs, community revitalization efforts, international collaborations, students, partnerships with Aboriginal Institutes and a program mix that meets needs locally, regionally and beyond.
Institutional approach to innovation, economic development and community engagement
Mohawk College is a key driver of economic success and innovation in the Western Golden Horseshoe, and supporting the future growth and expansion of Hamilton and the surrounding region is a key strategic pillar of Mohawk. Both the economic development strategy of the City of Hamilton and the Strategic Plan of the City of Burlington call on Mohawk to play a strong role to support its goals around workforce development, innovation and business retention and expansion.
Postsecondary partnerships to support city priorities
In 2016, Mohawk College signed Principles of Cooperation with the City of Hamilton, McMaster University, and Redeemer University College. In doing so, all of the institutions formally recognized the importance of postsecondary education to their communities and affirmed their collective responsibility to fostering community building, environmental sustainability, and the long-term economic, cultural, and social life of the city and region. This agreement has spawned an evolution of these principles into a shared CityLAB initiative.
Integration with workforce development initiatives
Mohawk will continue its role as an active partner in workforce development strategies in support of the community. Leveraging data sets that provide historic and predictive information on industries, occupations, programs and demographics, the college continues to actively participate and support the initiatives of its municipal partners, school boards and workforce development organizations. Mohawk College will continue its leadership role with the Hamilton Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on Workforce Development and is a key named partner in its strategy.
Sustainability and the low-carbon economy – centre for climate change management
A shared priority for the region is ensuring preparation for and leadership in managing the implications of the low-carbon economy. Building on its record in sustainability, Mohawk College will lead an initiative on behalf of the Cities of Hamilton and Burlington to develop and launch a Centre for Climate Change Management at Mohawk College. This Centre will focus on developing college carbon management frameworks and will support industry benchmarking and carbon measurement as a way of influencing mitigation of climate change impacts. It will also support the creation of a Bay Area Climate Change Committee and Action Plan. Over time, the operations of this initiative will be co-located at The Joyce Centre for Partnership and Innovation – a net zero building – opening in fall 2018. Curriculum, professional certifications and training and industry supports will be part of this initiative.
Mohawk committed to becoming a leader in sustainability when it adopted its first comprehensive Environmental Management Plan seven years ago. The plan was the first of its kind for an Ontario college. It was a plan that set bold targets around reductions in energy consumption and waste and included setting the ambitious goal of achieving a 20% reduction of 2007 baseline carbon emissions by 2020. Mohawk has made progress; it has exceeded its 20% reduction target for baseline carbon emissions, six years ahead of schedule.
Delivering industry training and certifications
Mohawk will also continue to add value by adding industry certifications to its current and emerging curriculum. These certifications are critical in giving students added preparation for their future work. This will also include the creation of industry training centres to complement these initiatives. Responding to specific demands from industry for trained graduates and facilities to support the education of their own staff and clients are critical tools in the region’s economic growth and evolution.
Supporting the region’s internationalization objectives
Hamilton and Burlington are active partners with Mohawk College in the area of retention of skilled international graduates in the community. Mohawk College will continue to partner with key initiatives such as Global Hamilton Connect and Burlington Economic Development to support shared goals around these initiatives. Mohawk College will also continue to develop programs that attract international students in such key areas as business and technology and to support international student entrepreneurship.
Examples of institutional initiatives
Modeled on City Studio in Vancouver, Mohawk College, McMaster University, Redeemer University College and the City of Hamilton have partnered in a three-year pilot initiative called CityLAB, located at a renovated space adjacent to City Hall. CityLAB will operate as an innovation hub with real projects that create experimental solutions that support a sustainable future and the City of Hamilton’s 2016-2025 Strategic Plan vision “to be the best place to raise a child and age successfully.” CityLAB Hamilton will run a series of projects that represent a match between the City of Hamilton’s strategic priorities and faculty expertise, along with student and staff interest (e.g., climate change, poverty). Typically, CityLAB students will work on projects within a four-month timeframe. However, CityLAB projects may continue into future phases, building on previous projects, working with new students, faculty and staff. There will be opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration, sharing, research and a semester-in-residence program within the innovation hub.
SURGE – mohawk college’s entrepreneurship hub
SURGE supports and encourages Mohawk students to start their own sustainable business by providing education and training, mentorship and numerous networking opportunities at workshops, webinars and events. It also convenes extracurricular activities with an entrepreneurial spirit such as Pitch and Business Model Competitions, Brainstorming sessions, and start-up weekends. Outreach activities include entrepreneurships courses, Biz Bootcamps and links to business environments on and off campus. SURGE is managed by Mohawk’s McKeil School of Business.
Strategic partnerships - fanuc robotics and siemens canada
Fanuc is one of the largest supplier of robotics in Canada and the world. Its customer base includes all the major automobile assembly plants and automotive manufacturers as well as diversification in many other industrial sectors including aerospace, energy, food, pharmaceutical, and consumer goods. Mohawk College has established a Memorandum of Understanding with FANUC to be its partner, which includes becoming a FANUC Authorized Satellite Training Centre. Mohawk will be one of the few educational institutions in North America to be able to deliver this certification program to its students in existing programs and to employees of its clients.
Siemens Canada Engineering and Technology Academy is an initiative designed to equip engineering and engineering technology students in Canada, and Siemens engineers, with the educational and professional foundation required for successful careers. Mohawk College is a college partner to be able to offer this opportunity.
Mayor’s blue ribbon taskforce on workforce development
The establishment of the Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Task Force in June 2015 was a response to the interconnected and urgent issues of Hamilton’s serious shortage of skilled trades and an aging workforce with limited succession plans in place. As a key stakeholder in workforce development in the city, Mohawk is not only active on the Task Force but Mohawk’s President serves as Chair of this group at the request of the Mayor. The Task Force’s mandate is to develop a strategy to strengthen the city’s local workforce with skilled workers for both the short and long terms. This direct link between education and economic development embodies the Task Force’s guiding principles of collaborative effort and partnership.
Metrics and targets
System-Wide Metrics | 2019-20 Target |
Number of active Program Advisory Committees (PACs) (baseline 50 – 2016) |
50 |
Number of employers engaged in PACs (baseline 400 – 2016) |
400 |
Graduate employment rates (baseline 86.03% – 2016-17, target in line with past performance) |
>85% |
Employer satisfaction rates (baseline 84.31% – 2016-17, target in line with past performance) |
>85% |
Proportion of Graduates employed full-time (baseline 60.04% – 2016-17, target in line with past performance) |
>60% |
Proportion of Graduates employer full-time in a related job (baseline 42.13% – 2016-17, target in line with past performance.) |
>42% |
Institution-Specific Metrics | 2019-20 Target |
International Enrolment (2016 baseline: 1,926) |
3,048 |
More business and social innovation initiatives launched by Mohawk students and graduates (2016 baseline: 2) |
5 |
Carbon emission reductions (2007 baseline: 13,724 tC02e ) |
30% reduction (9,660.8 tC02e ) |
Enrolment strategy, program direction, sustainability and partnerships
Enrolment strategy and program direction
Enrolment plan
The purpose of this section is to identify institutional enrolment plans and aspirations. The enrolment projections are based on Mohawk’s plans and assumptions for the coming years.
As stated in the Ontario College Funding Model Technical Manual, May 2017, Version 1.0, the introductory corridor midpoint in 2019-20 will be calculated based on the “three-year average, two-year slip”, the average of three years of enrolment two years prior to the funding year.
Domestic projected funding-eligible enrolment
Projected eligible full-time head count
Level | Actuals 2015-16 |
Actuals 2016-17 |
Projected 2017-18 |
Projected 2018-19 |
Projected 2019-20 |
Ontario College Certificate | 1,076 | 983 | 1,210 | 1,200 | 1,189 |
Ontario College Diploma/ Advanced Diploma | 9,159 | 8,970 | 9,049 | 8,971 | 8,894 |
Ontario College Graduate Certificate | 347 | 349 | 480 | 476 | 472 |
Baccalaureate Degree in Applied Area of Study | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 |
All other funding activity in full-time equivalent (FTE); Part-time, Tuition short and Prior Learning and Assessment Recognition (PLAR) | 1,031 | 1,092 | 1,162 | 1,171 | 1,180 |
International projected funding-eligible enrolment
Projected eligible full-time head count
Level | Actuals 2015-16 |
Actuals 2016-17 |
Projected 2017-18 |
Projected 2018-19 |
Projected 2019-20 |
Ontario College Certificate | 114 | 144 | 209 | 240 | 276 |
Ontario College Diploma/ Advanced Diploma | 1,195 | 1,637 | 1,878 | 2,160 | 2,484 |
Ontario College Graduate Certificate | 82 | 72 | 218 | 251 | 288 |
Baccalaureate Degree in Applied Area of Study | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 |
International strategy and collaboration
Internationalization at Mohawk is a key pillar in its 2016-2021 Strategic Plan . Mohawk is on track to reach its Strategic Plan goal of doubling its cohort of international students. Within this strategy there are four key objectives:
- International Students:Be welcoming, supportive and prepared to meet special needs of international students. To this end, Mohawk has made and continues to make significant investment in international students supports, facilities (See Language and Culture Centre in Section 3.0), and in diversification of the number of countries of origin for its international students (diversification to mitigate risk). This also includes college-wide goals around developing cultural competencies among management and the creation of a specific senior leadership position around Diversity and Social Inclusion to support Mohawk’s efforts
- International Graduates:It is a goal of Mohawk College to develop international experiences, both for students coming from other countries and by exposing Canadian students to international experiences — both abroad and at Mohawk — by embedding global perspectives into the curriculum and classroom. This includes developing specific programming that targets:
- General elective courses taken by most domestic and international students, with the aim to expose all students to content that supports building global competencies
- Augmenting and creating new content or programming in business to support innovation and entrepreneurship applied to family-based businesses newly established in Canada and/or by maintaining ties to entrepreneurs who return to their home countries, and
- Providing students with opportunities participate in global experiences through international study tours, exchange programs, articulations or field placements
- International Collaborations and Partnerships: Building on work with its Welcoming Communities Task Force, Mohawk College will continue to leverage opportunities with local businesses for international students
- International Community Leadership:Making Hamilton, Burlington and the surrounding regions a destination of choice is a shared goal with these municipalities and is a key part of their communities’ economic development strategies. This has created opportunities for Mohawk College and the municipalities to partner on shared initiatives such as the Global Hamilton Initiative, Global Hamilton Connect and Burlington International Student Job Crawls. These partnerships will continue to grow and evolve over the course of Mohawk’s Strategic Plan
The international strategy approval process includes vetting and input through a cross-functional team with representation from across all College divisions, review with the International External Advisory Group and approval by the Management Executive Group and the Board of Governors, along with periodic updates to the latter college bodies. As part of the approval and update process the following outlines some of the identified risks and mitigation plans:
- Sustaining recent and current growth is addressed through placing additional academic and non-academic supports to accommodate volume and program changes implemented to address internationalization needs within Mohawk
- Disjointed student experience leading to reduced satisfaction is addressed by providing more onboarding and integration opportunities for international students to become familiar with Mohawk’s institutional practices and by providing opportunities to engage with domestic students and the Hamilton community
- Fostering intercultural skills to effectively support demographic shifts on campus is addressed by providing training and support to staff in such areas as intercultural competence and by celebrating international student successes at Mohawk and community-wide
Strategic areas of program strength and expansion
Program areas of strength
- Health
- Media
- Recreation/Fitness
- Social Services
- Business Computer
- Business Management
- Accounting/Finance
- Human Resources/Industrial Relations
- Marketing/Retail Sales
- Government/Real Estate
Program areas of expansion
- Climate Change and Sustainability
- Media & Entertainment
- Health & Social Services
- Business Computer/Management
- Finance/Marketing/Human Resources
Mohawk College intends to continue to be major player in apprenticeship training, due in large part to local/regional industry. Mohawk feels it is its duty to respond to industry needs in its community, and apprenticeship is one service its employers need to support economic growth and prosperity. This investment in skilled trades and apprenticeship programming is manifested in its standalone Stoney Creek Campus, including a newly constructed space that will allow trades to work and learn together, replicating real-world working conditions.
Mohawk College will continue its role in apprenticeship/postsecondary integrated programs by continuing to grow programming that supports its community, developing either traditional apprenticeship programs or new innovative integrated programs, depending on identified industry needs.
This could include developing and evolving current traditional trades into “next gen” programs that capture new and emerging technologies like electric cars, new construction techniques etc. It also will continue its early work in using technology like virtual reality to deliver skilled trades programming in rural and remote locations.
Mohawk College will also continue to lead in the development of integrated industry programming and partnerships with school boards on pathways initiatives.
Mohawk is currently 18 months into a pilot that it has financed, which has produced an increase in its seat plan utilization, resulting in higher completion rates.
Mohawk College intends to continue to support MAESD efforts in apprenticeship modernization.
Financial sustainability
The Ministry and Mohawk recognize that financial sustainability and accountability are critical to achieving institutional mandates and realizing Ontario’s vision for the postsecondary education system. To this end, it is agreed that:
It is the responsibility of the Board of Governors and senior administrators of Mohawk to identify, track, and address financial pressures and sustainability issues. At the same time, the Ministry has a financial stewardship role. The Ministry and the College agree to work collaboratively to achieve the common goal of financial sustainability and to ensure that Ontarians have access to a full range of affordable, high-quality postsecondary education options, now and in the future.
The College remains accountable to the Ministry with respect to effective and efficient use of provincial government resources and student resources covered by policy directives of the Ministry, or decisions impacting upon these, to maximize the value and impact of investments made in the postsecondary education system.
System-wide Metrics | Benchmark | 2015-16 Actuals |
2016-17 Actuals |
2017-18 Projections |
Annual Surplus (Deficit) | >0 | $6,348,549 | $ 23,308,655 | $0 |
Accumulated Surplus (Deficit) | >0 | $41,688,552 | $64,997,207 | $64,997,207 |
Net Income to Revenue Ratio | >1.5% | 3.08% | 9.81% | 0% |
Net Assets to Expense Ratio | >60% | 73.34% | 82.93% | 82.88% |
Quick Ratio | >1 | 2.02 | 3.19 | 2.66 |
Debt Servicing Ratio | <3% | 2.47% | 5.25% | 2.01% |
Total Debt to Assets Ratio | <35% | 35.22% | 29.06% | 30.89% |
Institutional collaborations and partnerships
Mohawk college and mcmaster university
Mohawk has a significant partnership with McMaster University, including shared campus facilities to support:
- McMaster’s Bachelor of Technology program, a joint program between the Faculty of Engineering and Mohawk College
- McMaster’s Collaborative Nursing program, which allows students to complete their McMaster Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Mohawk College
- McMaster University and Mohawk College Medical Radiation Sciences (MRSc) program, a collaborative diploma-degree program
- Building on McMaster’s successful partnership with Mohawk College, the Faculty of Science has launched three new Honours Bachelor of Applied Science programs in 2016-2017
- Beginning in 2016, McMaster students in any program in the Faculty of Humanities have been able to enhance their degree by taking a Mohawk College Post-Graduate Certificate in Communications Media Practices, completed over two summers
- McMaster Faculty of Social Sciences has a unique credit transfer agreement framework with Mohawk that facilitates a diploma to degree completion pathway for General Arts and Sciences diploma students to both a three-year degree and a four-year Honours degree
- Co-own the 185,000 square foot Mohawk McMaster Institute for Applied Health Sciences located on the McMaster campus. Mohawk occupies approximately 75% of the shared facility
Bachelors of business (BBA) – trades management
In partnership with Algonquin and George Brown Colleges, Mohawk is the lead institution in a project to develop the courses required for a Bachelors of Business program in Trades Management. The program is designed to allow skilled trades professionals to acquire the business knowledge and advanced credentials required to ensure ongoing and future success. eCampus Ontario is funding the course development and currently each institution is developing four of the required 12 courses for the degree. College partners work with OCOT to establish agreement for pathways of apprentices to the BBA – Trades Management program. A consultant has been engaged to work between the partner colleges and the Ontario College of Trades to determine need areas, program development and design that will ensure seamless transition for graduates of the apprenticeship programs.
Hamilton health sciences
HHS is a key partner for a wide range of Mohawk College programs and operations including, but not limited to, clinical placements and applied research. HHS provides clinical and field placement opportunities for over 1,000 students per year in all areas of practice, ranging from nursing to skilled trades. The partnership continues to evolve with new collaborative applied research projects and new opportunities for students to be engaged in quality improvement projects. Mohawk College and HHS have developed a number of co-branded educational programs, including an innovative program in children’s mental health. A formal partnership governance structure is being developed and will guide and support current and new collaborative opportunities.
Ministry/government commitments
- The SMA2 process has focused on implementing the first stages of the new funding model and demonstrating the ongoing commitment by all colleges and universities to student success. Future growth will only be funded through negotiated changes to an institution’s funded enrolment corridor
Through the SMA2 cycle, the ministry will continue to work closely with institutions to ensure all dimensions of the funding model are implemented.
- In a memo to colleges and universities dated March 7, 2017, the ministry committed to using the SMA2 (2017-20) process as a transitional phase to commence the collaborative and joint development of performance metrics and targets, tied to funding, for SMA3 (2020-23). The ministry reiterates this commitment and reaffirms that metrics and targets included in SMA2 are not tied to funding at this time and are a beginning point for further discussions with the sector prior to their application in SMA3. Colleges and universities will have the opportunity to reset and realign metrics prior to the application of metrics in SMA3. The ministry will also engage other stakeholders as part of discussions on a broad metrics strategy.
- The ministry commits to establishing a joint working group with each of the sectors and to begin detailed discussions in fall 2017 on metrics/targets and to seek input on the performance measurement methodology for SMA3.
- Colleges, universities and the ministry all benefit from processes that are transparent and non-duplicative. The ministry commits to work with colleges and universities to continue to streamline processes and seek opportunities to further reduce red tape (in part through increased access to other tools), including reducing or eliminating duplicated reporting requirements.
- Through SMA2 discussions, the ministry has heard concerns about the challenges of delivering breadth in programming for Francophone and Francophile students, including the cost and funding of such delivery. Starting in fall 2017, the ministry commits to consulting institutions who have a formal mandate for bilingual and/or French-language delivery to review the delivery of French-Language programming and consider these concerns.
- In 2016, an extension of the existing tuition policy framework was announced to support a major reform in OSAP. The ministry will engage with both the college and university sectors around the next tuition policy framework, including examining the issue of tuition anomalies in certain professional programs as a result of past changes to tuition policy, and, for colleges, examining tuition levels relative to competitive college tuition frameworks in Canada.
- In recent years and during the SMA process, there has been an increased interest in the creation of a new polytechnic designation in the Ontario postsecondary education system. Starting in fall 2017, the ministry commits to undertake a review that examines whether improved benefits for students and employers are sufficient to make such a change. The ministry commits to working collaboratively with institutions across the sectors on this review.
- The ministry acknowledges a request by Ontario’s colleges to explore how to support more flexible delivery of programming, including reviewing part-time funding levels. The ministry commits to working collaboratively with colleges to review this issue, including identifying implications for credentials.
- The ministry commits to continue to work collaboratively with colleges to review the eligibility criteria and allocation method for the Small, Northern and Rural Grant to help target funding to best meet sustainability challenges.
2014-17 Strategic Mandate Agreement: Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology