2017-20 Strategic Mandate Agreement: St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts and Technology
Read the agreement between Ontario and St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts and Technology to understand its unique role in the province’s post-secondary education system.
This Strategic Mandate Agreement between the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development and St. Lawrence College outlines the role the College currently performs in Ontario’s postsecondary education system and how it will build on its current strengths to achieve its vision and help drive system-wide objectives and government priorities.
The Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA):
- Identifies and explains the shared objectives and priorities between the Ontario government and the College
- Outlines current and future areas of program strength
- Supports the current vision, mission, and mandate of the College and established areas of strength within the context of the College’s governing legislation
- Describes the agreed-upon elements of the new College funding model, including:
- a College’s enrolment plans and the initial midpoint levels of weighted funding units that will be funded in the corridor funding model during the period of this SMA; and
- differentiation areas of focus including metrics, and targets.
- Provides information on the financial sustainability of the institution; and,
- Informs Ministry decision-making and enables Ministry to align its policies and processes to further support the College’s areas of strength
The term of the SMA is from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2020.
The agreement may be amended in the event of substantive policy or program changes that would significantly affect joint commitments made in the SMA (e.g., Major Capacity Expansion and Highly Skilled Workforce). Any such amendment would be mutually agreed to in writing, dated, and signed by both signatories.
Ontario’s vision for postsecondary education
Ontario’s colleges and universities will drive creativity, innovation, knowledge, skills development and community engagement through teaching and learning, applied research and service.
Ontario’s colleges and universities will put students first by providing the best possible learning experience for all qualified learners in an affordable and financially sustainable way, ensuring high quality and globally competitive outcomes for students and Ontario’s economy.
St. Lawrence College Mandate, Mission and Vision
Institutional mandate, mission, and vision statements describe where an institution currently is and where it sees itself in the future.
St. Lawrence’s strategic mandate agreement and its strategic plan focus on student success, academic excellence and leadership in the communities it serves. The College’s core vision, mission and values are unchanged since SMA1. St. Lawrence is proud to be a community college serving the diverse needs of its students and communities across geographic, social and economic boundaries and are vital contributors to the growth and development of the economy of Eastern Ontario. Offering a full suite of credentials at three full-service campuses in three distinct communities more than 100 km apart – Kingston, Brockville and Cornwall- St. Lawrence is the primary provider of postsecondary access to a large, mainly rural geographic area that covers more than 10,000 sq.km. Providing innovative learning opportunities to students in the classroom, on the web and on the job, equip students to be leaders in the community upon graduation.
Vision: “Rooted in our communities, we will be a globally recognized college delivering innovative learning opportunities and preparing career-ready graduates to be leaders in their fields.”
St. Lawrence College Strategic Plan 2014-19
Mission and Mandate: “We are dedicated to student success, academic excellence, and leadership in our communities. We meet the learning needs of postsecondary students in Eastern Ontario and support, through education and training, the economic, social, and cultural needs of the communities we serve. As the primary provider of quality and accessible education in our region, we are our communities’ pathway to educational opportunities. We are committed to our strategic directions:
- Student Experience – Provide outstanding campus communities, support services, and engagement opportunities that enhance the success of our students
- Contemporary Learners – Foster digital and foundational literacies in our students through academic grounding and real world experience
- Sustainability – Be accountable for our decisions and actions to ensure our long-term viability, reduce our environmental impact, and foster a healthy and dynamic college.”
St. Lawrence College Strategic Plan 2014-19
The Ministry recognizes the importance of supporting institutions to evolve and acknowledges the strategic aspirations of its postsecondary education institutions. The SMA is not intended to capture all decisions and issues in the postsecondary education system, as many will be addressed through the Ministry’s policies and standard processes. The Ministry will not be approving any requests for capital funding or new program approvals, for example, through the SMA process.
Institutional aspirations
St. Lawrence College aspires to maintain its high standards as an excellent community college serving the diverse and unique economic, educational and social needs of our students and communities across Eastern Ontario. We aspire to quality, continuous improvement and innovation.
Students First: We are committed to supporting a successful college journey by continually assessing and advancing services with great attention to such areas as the demographics of our student population, their career preparedness, physical and mental well-being, cultural needs, life, financial ability, and social and recreational interests.
Preparing Career-Ready Graduates and Contemporary Learners: We are committed to offering learning opportunities that increase the quality and availability of real-world experience in our courses and programs while enhancing foundational and technological skills. Opening in the spring of 2018, St. Lawrence’s Innovation Hub will engage students, educators and community partners in a collaborative learning environment where they can develop and practice the skills of innovation.
St. Lawrence is also well positioned to take the lead in the shift to a green economy. Work is underway to align science, technology and skilled trades programs with capital investments, research and business development initiatives and to leverage cap and trade funds for expansion in both the energy and construction sectors. This initiative envisions replacement and/ or retrofit of the trades and technology building with a view to creating a lab space where students in these areas can collaborate on innovative projects.
Academic Excellence: We are committed to supporting our staff in acquiring the knowledge and skills they need as contemporary educators, to support the rapidly changing needs of contemporary learners.
Applied Research: We anticipate that research activity in behavioural science, renewable energy, and small manufacturing will increase in our communities over the next five years. St. Lawrence College is positioned to support industry innovation and regional economic development, thereby building the professional abilities of faculty, staff and students.
Rooted in our Communities: We strive to support regional economic development by collaborating with local governments, including the exploration of locating campuses in the downtown core.
With respect to programming differentiation, we will build on our successes in addressing the labour needs of the Eastern Ontario economy in high-demand areas by:
- Launching a new Centre for Behavioural Studies: Opening in September 2018, the new Centre will continue our nationally recognized research in applied behavioural analysis. Students and faculty will work in partnership with the community to provide direct clinical intervention while providing a unique learning experience for students.
- Advanced training in health care: More than half of our student enrolment is in health care-related programs
- Continuing collaboration with business and community partners on applied research, innovation, and corporate training
Globally Recognized: St. Lawrence College is continuing to expand international learning opportunities across Canada and abroad and expanding international professional development opportunities for its faculty and staff.
Shared objectives and priorities for differentiation
Student experience
This section captures institutional strengths in improving student experience, outcomes and success. This section recognizes institutions for measuring the broader learning environment, such as continuity of learning pathways; retention; student satisfaction; co-curricular activities and records; career preparedness; and student services and supports.
Institutional approach to improving student experience
“Provide outstanding campus communities, support services and engagement opportunities that enhance the success of our students.” St. Lawrence College Strategic Plan 2014-19
At St. Lawrence, “students first” is one of its core values and “student experience” is one of three areas of focus in the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan. St. Lawrence commenced a multi-year service review to examine each service that affect its customer, the student, and ensure continuous improvement by understanding the needs of the students and a successful student experience.
St. Lawrence’s new Hello Future expansion project includes construction of a new Student Life and Innovation Centre. Opening in the spring of 2018, the new Centre will add modern student space to foster an environment of collaboration. A new conference area will create space for gatherings of approximately 250 people. Health and wellness features include a new double gym and a large student lounge area. An Innovation Zone will help bring students and the community together on collaborative initiatives. In addition, renewed Library Learning Commons on all three campuses will support modern learning.
Examples of institutional initiatives
- Student Success Facilitation: Student engagement and support strategies help meet student learning needs and service expectations while enriching the student life experience
- Career Services: St. Lawrence’s team of expert career counsellors helps students choose the right career path and the most suitable programs and helps them begin, advance or transition careers
- Community Engagement: St. Lawrence helps to expand and strengthen partnerships in its communities and contributes to regional economic, social and cultural development while developing networking and placement opportunities
- Digital Fluency: St. Lawrence leverages advances in technology to provide flexible delivery options to enhance learning and provide students with the skills to adapt to a rapidly changing world
Metrics and targets
System-wide Metrics | 2019-20 Target Range |
Overall Student Satisfaction Rate | 80 - 83% |
Student Satisfaction with Services (Q39) | 70 - 73% |
Student Satisfaction with facilities (Q49) | 77.5 - 81% |
Institution-Specific Metrics | 2019-20 Target Range |
Student Satisfaction with Overall College Experience (Q51) from the Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey | 76 - 80% |
Innovation in teaching and learning excellence
This section focuses on innovative efforts including pedagogical approaches, program delivery and student services that contribute to a highly skilled workforce and ensure positive student outcomes.
This section captures institutional strengths in delivering high-quality learning experiences, such as experiential, entrepreneurial, personalized and digital learning, to prepare students for rewarding careers. It includes recognition of student competencies that improve employability.
It begins to identify indicators of quality that are currently available and within an institution’s control.
Institutional approach to innovation in teaching and learning excellence
“Foster digital and foundational literacies in our students through academic grounding and real-world experience.” -St. Lawrence College Strategic Plan 2014-19
Applied learning remains at the core of St. Lawrence’s programming. It is committed to offering learning opportunities that increase the quality and availability of real-world experience in its courses and programs while enhancing foundational and technological skills. St. Lawrence embraces technological transformation but focuses on the use of technology to provide enhanced learning outcomes and flexibility for its students. St. Lawrence College teaches its students to be effective digital learners without losing sight of the fact that foundational skills – literacy, numeracy, critical thinking, teamwork, reflective practice and others – remain critical to success. The need for these essential employment skills has never been stronger and will be enhanced as St. Lawrence introduces new technological literacies. Concurrently, it supports its staff in acquiring the knowledge and skills they need as contemporary educators, to support the rapidly changing needs of contemporary learners. Professional development has never been more crucial to the success of St. Lawrence and its students.
Examples of institutional initiatives
Expanding experiential learning
- St. Lawrence continues to increase experiential learning at the course, program and college level. For example, participating in real events as opposed to assignments involving mock events, student-run enterprises including hair and esthetic salons, dog grooming, a restaurant and SPARK, a student staffed advertising agency
- In September 2018, St. Lawrence will launch a new Centre for Behavioural Studies. Based on the Kingston Campus, the Centre will facilitate experiential learning, treatment services for the community, and research activity in a clinical setting
- With its existing focus on renewable energy, St. Lawrence College is developing an innovation centre to enhance real-world learning experience that integrates many of its science trades and technology programs with public and private research projects to lead the shift to a green tech economy in Eastern Ontario
- The exploration of a downtown campus is a result of St. Lawrence’s commitment to experiential learning experiences that prepare students for their chosen careers and improve employability
Expanding the centre for contemporary teaching and learning
Innovation in teaching excellence is one of the priorities in St. Lawrence’s 2014-2019 Strategic Plan, and the college’s commitment to this is demonstrated through its focus on the teacher. St. Lawrence makes ongoing investments in faculty supports relating to contemporary teaching and learning. In 2016, it created the School of Contemporary Teaching and Learning. Each year, St. Lawrence has expanded the number of staff in the Centre for Contemporary Teaching and Learning (CCTL) and the range of services and educational technologies provided. Initiatives include:
- Creating an integrated course design process for hybrid and online courses that combines evidence-based teaching practices with innovative learning technologies.
- Leading program teams through curriculum mapping exercises that improve the student experience by promoting experiential learning opportunities using technology and meets the needs of contemporary learners
- Providing a variety of professional development opportunities related to teaching and learning that are designed by the CCTL’s multidisciplinary team of experts. These include one-on-one training sessions, group workshops, a formal two-year New Faculty Development Program, and an annual Learning Connections Conference that attracts more than 400 attendees.
- Fostering a culture of continuous improvement by promoting a community of practice among new and seasoned faculty. The new Open Classroom Initiative encourages faculty to visit other classroom environments to learn from other faculty and students
- Supporting faculty in creating accessible learning environments by promoting Universal Design for learning strategies and creating course documentation using Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act standards.
Innovation hub
- Opening in the spring of 2018, St. Lawrence’s Innovation Hub will engage students and educators in a collaborative learning environment where they can develop and practise the skills of innovation: curiosity, collaboration, ideation and resilience. The Innovation Hub will have dedicated space for two student enterprises, which operate under college staff management: SPARK, the student advertising agency and Enactus, the student group devoted to executing projects in the community that have long-term social benefit. The Innovation Hub will be open to community partners and will be equipped with the flexible technology, tools and furnishings needed to support creativity and innovation and bring together students, educators and community professionals in a collaborative environment.
Metrics and targets
System-wide Metrics | 2019-20 Target |
Graduation Rate | > 70% |
Number of students enrolled in an experiential learning program (WIL) | 4,224 |
Total number of registrations in ministry-funded courses offered in eLearning formats | 5,947 |
Total number of ministry-funded courses offered in eLearning formats | 820 |
Total number of ministry-funded programs offered in eLearning formats | 31 |
Retention rates (Yr1 to Yr2) | > 69% |
Retention rates (Yr2 to Yr3) | > 82% |
Student satisfaction rate (overall) | 80 - 83% |
Student satisfaction with knowledge and skills | 89 - 93% |
Student satisfaction with learning experience | 83 - 86% |
Institution-Specific Metrics | 2019-20 Target Range |
Student satisfaction with their program in providing the skills and abilities specific to their chosen career. (Q3) from the Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey | 90.5 - 93% |
Access and equity
This section recognizes institutions for their efforts in improving postsecondary education equity and access. Institutions play an important role in providing equitable and inclusive environments that make it possible for students from diverse communities to thrive and succeed.
Institutions will also be recognized for creating equitable access opportunities that can include multiple entrance pathways and flexible policies and programming, with the focus on students who, without interventions and support, would not otherwise participate in postsecondary education. Examples include outreach to marginalized youth, transition, bridging and access programs for adults with atypical education histories and who did not meet admissions requirements.
Institutional approach to improving access and equity
St. Lawrence College aims to improve access and equity in a full-service/full-program manner on all three campuses through service delivery, facility design, institutional culture considerations and policy development. It is proud to be a community college serving the diverse needs of its students and communities across geographic, social and economic boundaries. It provides a broad spectrum of supports and services to help improve access for first generation students, Indigenous students, students with disabilities and Crown wards.
Examples of institutional initiatives
- Dedicated services, staffing and spaces for Indigenous students at each campus along with a suite of support services to help ensure the success of the increasing population of Indigenous students on campus (17% increase in the last year). In addition, an Aboriginal Education Council consisting of St. Lawrence staff and community members provides input and strategic advice on Indigenous education and partnerships. St. Lawrence College is a partner in a Queen’s University-led research study examining gaps in addressing Indigenous issues within postsecondary education curriculum. Results of the study will influence curriculum developments at St. Lawrence College as well as other postsecondary institutions in a response to recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
- St. Lawrence supports inclusiveness through the Positive Space Initiative, which creates opportunities to foster college community awareness and engagement, and promote the inclusion of LGBTQ persons in every aspect of campus life. St. Lawrence College seeks to involve students in creating an institutional environment and culture that is accepting and supportive towards issues of sexual identity and gender diversity
- St. Lawrence offers AccessAbility services at each of its campuses along with adaptive technology support
- St. Lawrence makes a special effort to identify and support first generation learners as these students form a significant portion of its student population. The number of first generation learners successfully completing their academic year at St. Lawrence College in 2014-15 was 1,954, increasing to 2,610 in 2015-16
Metrics and targets
System-wide Metrics | 2019-20 Expected Value/Range |
Number of students with disabilities enrolled | 1,384 |
Proportion of students with disability enrolled | 23.8% |
Overall student with disabilities satisfaction rates | > 77% |
Overall graduate satisfaction rates for students with disabilities | > 79% |
Employment rates for students with disabilities | > 75% |
Number of first-generation students enrolled | 2,610 |
Proportion of first-generation students enrolled | 39.6% |
Number of Indigenous students enrolled | 320 |
Proportion of Indigenous students enrolled | 4.9% |
Overall student satisfaction rates for Indigenous students | 82-85% |
Overall graduate satisfaction rates for Indigenous students | > 80% |
Employment rates for Indigenous students | > 70% |
Number of French-language students enrolled | 87 |
Proportion of French-language students enrolled | 1% |
OSAP recipients as a proportion of all eligible students | 73% |
Percentage of university graduates enrolled in college programs | > 10% |
Percentage of college graduates enrolled in university programs | > 1.5% |
Institution-Specific Metrics | 2019-20 Target Range |
Student satisfaction with services for students with disabilities. (Q29) from the Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey | 73 - 79% |
Applied research excellence and impact
This section captures institutional strengths in producing high-quality applied research that further raises Ontario’s profile as a globally recognized research and innovation hub.
Applied research projects create or improve products, services and processes. College applied research gives industry firms access to the skills and competencies of faculty and students, facilities and equipment and markets and networks through the colleges’ connections to local business and communities.
Institutional approach to applied research excellence and impact
ResearchInfosource Inc. acknowledges St. Lawrence College as one of Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges in the annual survey. Its research activities:
- Support its mission and strategic plan
- Build upon its academic, resource, and service strengths
- Support regional industry innovation by responding to industry needs with research activities that are collaborative and funding is provided by both partners
- Build professional abilities of faculty, staff, and students
- Support regional economic development
Research projects funded externally and internally, and unfunded projects that are undertaken through course work, all involve college students as research assistants. All externally funded projects involve at least one industry partner. For example:
- Behavioural Science Research typically partners with regional school boards, hospitals, or social service agencies
- The Nursing program partners with regional hospitals
- Renewable energy partners have included: equipment manufacturers looking to verify and/or modify product performance; end-user institutions such as small manufacturers and school boards looking for improved energy efficiency; and power utilities providers looking for process insights
- Agribusiness with an emerging pattern in other small and medium-sized enterprise partnerships including small food processors, natural product salvage from biomass to wood crafts to soil reclamation, and technology enhancements
All applied research projects furnish experiential learning. Students are regularly engaged in contemporary, program-specific, industry problem solving, often functioning with a distinct and challenging responsibility, and accountable to an industry-based decision-maker. Key research funding sources have been:
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
- College and Community Innovation Program
- Engage with the Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE)
- Voucher for Innovation and Productivity (VIP 1 and 2)
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
- Ontario Research Fund (ORF)
- Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE)
- Colleges Ontario Network for Industry Innovation
- Voucher for e-Business and Technology Adoption
- Colleges Applied Research and Development Fund
- Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
- Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev)
- National Research Council
- Industrial Research Assistance Program
- Ontario Ministry of Transportation
- Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program
- Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
In recent years, St. Lawrence has annually invested approximately $300,000 in direct support of research services. It also dedicates faculty and administrative support to its applied research in behavioural science and faculty support for research and scholarship in nursing. In 2017-2018, St. Lawrence’s commitment is growing to $400,000 with additional administrative support for its Sustainable Energy Applied Research Centre. Annual grant revenues and donations bring St. Lawrence’s annual funded applied research activity to a value of approximately $1 million. Each year, approximately 20 faculty perform funded research assisted by approximately 50 paid student research assistants. Over the next five years, research projects in behavioural science, renewable energy, and small manufacturing (which in the local region often constitutes agribusiness) can be expected to increase by approximately 50%.
Examples of institutional initiatives
- Centre for Behavioural Studies – St. Lawrence’s innovative behavioural science programs are nationally recognized as leading edge in the study and advancement of evidence-based approaches to changing behaviour to address client problems encountered at home, in schools, the workplace, the community and treatment/correctional facilities. This cluster of programs has competitively secured both internal and external research funding
- ABC @ SLC is an AgriBusiness Center at St. Lawrence promoting engagement of technology, business and trades students with regional Small or Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to solve a variety of technology, processing, and business practices for improved partners’ and industry performance
- The Sustainable Energy Applied Research Centre (SEARC) is an industry-recognized go-to source for technology integration modelling, and for technology testing and performance validation in real-world conditions. St. Lawrence is renowned for renewable energy applied research, which draws upon a cluster of technology programs including Energy Systems, Control Engineering, and Civil Engineering plus certain trades programming in the execution of research projects. This cluster provides research capacity for SEARC, which has competitively secured NSERC, CFI, ORF and other OCE funding and private sector support. SEARC has engaged its industry through its own Sustainable Energy Symposia and by partnering in the local GreenProfit Symposium. The programming and research have enjoyed a synergetic relationship with curriculum development for a Caribbean college as well as industry training. The $500,000 Outdoor Solar Inverter Test Facility will boost public and private partnerships for applied research, offering participants a unique-to-Canada 90 KW solar energy system capable of modelling off-grid and on-grid technology applications
- Other applied research over the past decade has involved a mix of technology, trades and business students assisting SMEs with a concentration in processing agricultural products or serving agricultural markets, i.e. agribusiness
Metrics and targets
System-wide Metrics | 2019-20 Target Range |
Number of externally funded applied research projects | 8 - 12 |
Number of partnerships / collaborations with community / industry firms | 8 - 12 |
Institution-Specific Metrics | 2019-20 Target Range |
Number of student and faculty hours dedicated to internal and external Applied Research Projects | 7,700 - 10,000 |
Innovation, economic development and community engagement
This section recognizes the unique role institutions play in contributing to their communities and to economic development, as well as to building dynamic partnerships with business, industry, community members and other colleges and universities. It focuses on regional clusters, customized training, entrepreneurial activities, jobs, community revitalization efforts, international collaborations, students, partnerships with Aboriginal Institutes and a program mix that meets needs locally, regionally and beyond.
Institutional approach to innovation, economic development and community engagement
“We are dedicated to student success, academic excellence and leadership in our communities.” –St. Lawrence College Mission Statement, 2014-19
More than 80% of St. Lawrence College students live and work in the local region after graduation. With 90,000 alumni, approximately one in four households in Eastern Ontario has at least one St. Lawrence College graduate. St. Lawrence students are our communities so it is vital to the economy for the College to work with its community partners to address the future needs of the labour force. St. Lawrence College staff have key leadership roles on governance boards, not-for-profit and business organizations and they engage with local governments on a variety of matters involving the labour force and the future economy of Eastern Ontario. Each of St. Lawrence’s more than 100 programs has a Program Advisory Committee to ensure that the college has business and industry representation in the ongoing quality assurance of its programs.
The economic impact of St Lawrence College is significant. According to a 2014 study by Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI), the financial impact of St. Lawrence College on Eastern Ontario is more than $861.3 million annually. The EMSI investment analysis defined an internal rate of return for students of 18.9% and 16.6% for the Province of Ontario. From a social benefit perspective for the region and the province, the estimated benefit exceeds the cost by 77%.
In its International Strategy, St. Lawrence plans to continue to facilitate faculty development and curriculum enrichment. This will help it to achieve more cross-culturally sensitive and effective instruction and course-content and methods, and to be an effective educator in the global context.
Examples of institutional initiatives
- JobBoard, Career Services and Employment Services: This platform is a highly strategic integration tool supporting career advising, student placement, graduate employment, business talent recruitment and labour market data collection.
- Partnership with LaunchLab: St. Lawrence maintains a strong partnership with the Regional Innovation Centre (RIC) LaunchLab, located in Queen’s University’s Innovation Park and driven partly by participation in the Queen’s–led Campus Linked Accelerator. Evolving partnership activities offer a model of support and mutual benefit between St. Lawrence and the Centre, addressing needs involving applied research, training, experiential learning, curriculum development, student placement, entrepreneurship coaching and business startup support
- Downtown Campuses: St. Lawrence is currently engaged in consultations with Kingston downtown commercial and municipal stakeholder groups exploring the possible value-add for St. Lawrence, and for the community, in having a downtown location from which to facilitate relevant programming, contract training, and other business and learning innovations. There is broad-based interest in the community and St. Lawrence for this kind of delivery. It would address the growing needs of the hospitality industry and professional services locating to the downtown in response to a successful, ongoing city-led intensification of residential developments. This initiative has been prioritized through St. Lawrence’s strategic planning process and will take shape through a careful process of market study, further community consultations, and assessment of downtown learner needs. Similar reviews are expected to take place with business and community leaders in Brockville and Cornwall in the coming year
- Business Training and Services: The business development arm of St. Lawrence has supported more than 400 organizations in training and development and offers management consulting services such as facilitating strategic planning efforts
School of business initiatives
The St. Lawrence College School of Business continues to explore new ways of providing innovative learning experiences for students.
SPARK is a full-service, creative communications agency operated inside St. Lawrence that offers an innovative and entrepreneurial opportunity for experiential learning. Over the past year, SPARK has successfully delivered a number of important projects for college and community partners, including:
- Government grants - Worked with OCE to complete 15 government grant-funded projects to improve the online business presence of 15 Ontario small businesses. The work included web design, social media campaigns, e-commerce and videography
- Videography - Completed multiple videos for St. Lawrence clients and clients in the local community.
- Social media - Created and completed a social media campaign for a Student Association referendum.
- Brand creation - Researched and designed a brand for a local start up. This included a large website design as well as the foundation for all brand-related messaging
- Animation - Created multiple interactive animations
- E-learning - Created components for different e-learning modules, primarily for the Centre for Contemporary Teaching and Learning
- Internal policies and processes - Created and updated internal policies and processes to improve and build the foundation of SPARK. This included numerous HR and accounting processes and creating templates for frequently used documents
Enactus is a community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better, more sustainable world. Enactus engages students in a learning environment where they are challenged to prove their potential through the application of business practices in the service of the community. They harness the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a more healthy, educated and sustainable world. Over the past decade, Enactus has grown from a single small-group student project to a tri-campus, student-driven, strategic priority for St. Lawrence.
Metrics and targets
System-wide Metrics | 2019-20 Target |
Number of active Program Advisory Committees (PACs) | 100% of programs with PACs |
Number of employers engaged in PACs | 5 external members per PAC |
Graduate employment rates | > 85% |
Employer satisfaction rates | > 91% |
Proportion of Graduates employed full-time | > 58% |
Proportion of Graduates employed full-time in a related job | > 40% |
Institution-Specific Metrics | 2019-20 Target |
Number of Business Engagement Opportunities with Community Partners | 1,418 |
Enrolment strategy, program direction, sustainability and partnerships
Enrolment strategy and program direction
Enrolment plan
The purpose of this section is to identify institutional enrolment plans and aspirations. The enrolment projections are based on St. Lawrence’s plans and assumptions for the coming years.
As stated in the College Funding Formula Technical Manual, the introductory corridor midpoint in 2019-20 will be calculated based on the “three-year average, two-year slip”, the average of three years of enrolment two years prior to the funding year.
Domestic projected funding eligible enrolment
Projected eligible full-time head count
Level | Actuals 2015-16 | Actuals 2016-17 | Projected 2017-18 | Projected 2018-19 | Projected 2019-20 |
Ontario College Certificate | 660 | 639 | 698 | 691 | 691 |
Ontario College Diploma/Advanced Diploma | 4,012 | 3,928 | 4,039 | 3,991 | 3,991 |
Ontario College Graduate Certificate | 71 | 81 | 133 | 133 | 133 |
Baccalaureate Degree in Applied Area of Study | 232 | 215 | 218 | 218 | 218 |
All other funding activity in full-time equivalent (FTE); Part-time, Tuition short, Prior Learning and Assessment Recognition (PLAR) | 371.93 | 358.27 | 371.93 | 371.93 | 371.93 |
International projected funding-eligible enrolment
Projected eligible full-time head count
Level | Actuals 2015-16 | Actuals 2016-17 | Projected 2017-18 | Projected 2018-19 | Projected 2019-20 |
Ontario College Certificate | 6 | 11 | 15 | 18 | 22 |
Ontario College Diploma/Advanced Diploma | 139 | 289 | 750 | 949 | 1,147 |
Ontario College Graduate Certificate | 27 | 45 | 120 | 147 | 174 |
Baccalaureate Degree in Applied Area of Study | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
International strategy and collaboration
St. Lawrence College is in year four of a five-year strategy aimed at recruiting and graduating a growing number of international students across Canada and abroad, consistent with the its vision of being a “globally-recognized” institution. St. Lawrence was recently awarded the “Best College Partner” award by the Irish Technical Colleges. St. Lawrence’s focus on growing its international footprint has seen the rapid growth of international students on all three Eastern Ontario campuses. Many of these students are being awarded postgraduate work permits and they are valuable employees to businesses and industry in local communities. Brockville and Cornwall have expressed a particular need to increase this activity, as many employers in those communities often struggle to find qualified employees. St. Lawrence’s international strategy includes the following components:
- Provide international educational opportunities to St. Lawrence College students and graduates
- Provide international professional development opportunities to St. Lawrence College faculty and staff
- Provide access to St. Lawrence College programs to international students
- Incorporate global competency into St. Lawrence College curriculum
- Support community immigration and globalization strategies
- Provide dedicated support to the above activities through staff, facilities, programs and policies
St. Lawrence intends to continue recruitment initiatives in Mexico, Asia, Turkey and the Middle East, and North Africa.
Risk factors
St. Lawrence’s financial sustainability is contingent on the continuing strength of its international strategy.
Approval process
The St. Lawrence College Board of Governors approves the St. Lawrence College Strategic Plan, including the International Strategy. Operational decisions related to the execution of the strategy are approved by the College Executive Team, a committee of its five most senior managers: President and CEO; Senior Vice President, Academic; Senior Vice President, Corporate Services/CFO; Senior Vice President, Advancement and Business Development; Senior Vice President, Student Services and Human Resources.
Strategic areas of program strength and expansion
Program areas of strength
- Nursing
- Social Services
- Business Management
- Law and Security
- Civil Technology
- Business –Computer
- Education
- Accounting/Finance
- Advertising and Design
- Health Technology
Program areas of expansion
- Agri-business Management
- Law Enforcement and Public Safety
- Green Energy Construction
- Business / IT Innovation
- Web Design and Interactive Media
St. Lawrence College has delivered apprenticeship training for decades in a range of formats to meet the needs of its communities, including block release, day release and Co-op Diploma Apprenticeship (CODA) programs delivered on its Kingston and Cornwall campuses. It currently trains approximately 1,000 apprentices annually in 10 different programs, including Cook, Hairstylist, General Carpenter, Welder, Automotive Service Technician and four CODA programs, including Culinary Management / Cook, Motive Power Technician / Automotive Service Technician and programs in Welding and Fabrication Technician / Welder and Wind Turbine / Industrial Electrician.
Youth in local communities are actively engaged through Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programs, a General Arts and Science - Pre-Trades certificate and dual-credit courses for high school students that allow them to experience a range of trades to help them determine if apprenticeship is the right career choice.
St. Lawrence has invested, with the help of Ontario government’s Apprenticeship Enhancement fund grants, in equipping its labs with cutting-edge equipment where apprentices can apply their learning and hone their skills.
In addition to its skilled faculty and technicians on staff, St. Lawrence provides a number of support services and academic accommodations, including peer tutoring and student success facilitators. These services are available to assist apprentices with their studies and to help them achieve their goals. Curriculum is tightly aligned between apprenticeship and post-secondary programs, which strengthens the quality of both programs and creates opportunities for pathways between apprenticeships and diplomas. This diverse delivery, high-quality curriculum and support for apprentices have been meeting the needs of local communities for many years.
St. Lawrence College plans to grow its existing apprenticeship programs, expand its delivery by adding new programs that are responsive to the needs of its communities and continually strengthen the quality of its programs.
To further meet the needs of industry and its communities, St. Lawrence is developing strategies to engage more women in apprenticeship and the skilled trades, while working to continuously improve services to apprentices. Over the next few years, a priority will be to collaborate with other colleges to create pathways between apprenticeship and diplomas to create more opportunity for students to advance their education and careers.
Financial sustainability
The Ministry and St. Lawrence recognize that financial sustainability and accountability are critical to achieving institutional mandates and realizing Ontario’s vision for the postsecondary education system. To this end, it is agreed that:
It is the responsibility of the Board of Governors and senior administrators of the College to identify, track, and address financial pressures and sustainability issues. At the same time, the Ministry has a financial stewardship role. The Ministry and the College agree to work collaboratively to achieve the common goal of financial sustainability and to ensure that Ontarians have access to a full range of affordable, high-quality postsecondary education options, now and in the future.
The College remains accountable to the Ministry with respect to effective and efficient use of provincial government resources and student resources covered by policy directives of the Ministry, or decisions impacting upon these, to maximize the value and impact of investments made in the postsecondary education system.
System-wide Metrics | Benchmark | 2015-16 Actuals | 2016-17 Actuals | 2017-18 Projections |
Annual Surplus (Deficit) | >0 | $3,426,731 | $6,391,342 | $3,053,518 |
Accumulated Surplus (Deficit) | >0 | $20,472,131 | $26,863,473 | $29,916,991 |
Net Income to Revenue Ratio | >1.5% | 3.23% | 5.65% | 2.59% |
Net Assets to Expense Ratio | >60% | 56.72% | 61.79% | 64.56% |
Quick Ratio | >1 | 1.31 | 1.83 | 1.27 |
Debt Servicing Ratio | <3% | 2.31% | 2.16% | 2.15% |
Total Debt to Assets Ratio | <35% | 34.79% | 31.36% | 35.74% |
Institutional collaborations and partnerships
St. Lawrence College is committed to providing students with a range of learning opportunities, recognition for prior learning and pathways to further their education. Pathways are prioritized based on student need/demand, labour market trends and the advancement of strategic priorities for St. Lawrence. With over 200 domestic and 200 international pathways, St. Lawrence students and graduates have many options available to advance their education and training.
Key Collaborations
- Laurentian BScN and BBA: St. Lawrence delivers all four years of the BScN program on each of its three campuses. It also delivers all years of the Laurentian University Bachelor of Business Administration on the Kingston campus
- St. Lawrence and Queen’s University signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2011 to create innovative learning experiences for students. They have worked together on a number of projects and joining initiatives, including their first jointly-delivered degree in Music/Music Theatre
- In 2015, Memorandums of Agreement were renewed for three years with both of St. Lawrence’s established Indigenous partners, Akwesasne Adult Education Centre (lohahi:io) and First Nations Technical Institute, to ensure continuity of academic programming at their sites. The agreements outline commitments to offer current St. Lawrence programs within Indigenous communities that meet the quality assurance standards of all St. Lawrence credentials
- Domestic and International Articulations: St. Lawrence has enhanced articulations with Carleton University, Royal Roads, University of Ontario Institute of Technology and a variety of universities in Ireland and the United Kingdom.
- International Educational Partnerships: St. Lawrence has offshore partnerships with five vocational colleges in China: Anhui Technical College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (CNTS, Mechanical Technician); Hebei Software Institute (Computer Programmer); Hunan Vocational College of Commerce (Business Marketing); Taishan University (Hospitality and Tourism Management); and Yancheng Medical College (Fitness and Health Promotion). In addition, there are two partnerships in development: Lianyungang Normal College (Early Childhood Education) is awaiting government approval and Henan Polytechnic (Motive Power Technician, Mechanical Technician) is anticipating a September 2017 intake
- St. Lawrence works closely with its local school boards. Examples of joint programs include: The School College Work Initiative (SCWI), Limestone Skills Competition, Dual Credit programs, the Young Women Innovators Conference, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Day, College Sampler Day and Pathways to Education
Ministry/government commitments
- The SMA2 process has focused on implementing the first stages of the new funding model and demonstrating the ongoing commitment by all colleges and universities to student success. Future growth will only be funded through negotiated changes to an institution’s funded enrolment corridor. Through the SMA2 cycle, the ministry will continue to work closely with institutions to ensure all dimensions of the funding model are implemented.
- In a memo to colleges and universities dated March 7, 2017, the ministry committed to using the SMA2 (2017-20) process as a transitional phase to commence the collaborative and joint development of performance metrics and targets, tied to funding, for SMA3 (2020-23). The ministry reiterates this commitment and reaffirms that metrics and targets included in SMA2 are not tied to funding at this time and are a beginning point for further discussions with the sector prior to their application in SMA3. Colleges and universities will have the opportunity to reset and realign metrics prior to the application of metrics in SMA3. The ministry will also engage other stakeholders as part of discussions on a broad metrics strategy.
- The ministry commits to establishing a joint working group with each of the sectors and to begin detailed discussions in fall 2017 on metrics/targets and to seek input on the performance measurement methodology for SMA3.
- Colleges, universities and the ministry all benefit from processes that are transparent and non-duplicative. The ministry commits to work with colleges and universities to continue to streamline processes and seek opportunities to further reduce red tape (in part through increased access to other tools), including reducing or eliminating duplicated reporting requirements.
- Through SMA2 discussions, the ministry has heard concerns about the challenges of delivering breadth in programming for Francophone and Francophile students, including the cost and funding of such delivery. Starting in fall 2017, the ministry commits to consulting institutions who have a formal mandate for bilingual and/or French-language delivery to review the delivery of French-Language programming and consider these concerns
- In 2016, an extension of the existing tuition policy framework was announced to support a major reform in OSAP. The ministry will engage with both the college and university sectors around the next tuition policy framework, including examining the issue of tuition anomalies in certain professional programs as a result of past changes to tuition policy, and, for colleges, examining tuition levels relative to competitive college tuition frameworks in Canada.
- In recent years and during the SMA process, there has been an increased interest in the creation of a new polytechnic designation in the Ontario postsecondary education system. Starting in fall 2017, the ministry commits to undertake a review that examines whether improved benefits for students and employers are sufficient to make such a change. The ministry commits to working collaboratively with institutions across the sectors on this review.
- The ministry acknowledges a request by Ontario’s colleges to explore how to support more flexible delivery of programming, including reviewing part-time funding levels. The ministry commits to working collaboratively with colleges to review this issue, including identifying implications for credentials.
- The ministry commits to continue to work collaboratively with colleges to review the eligibility criteria and allocation method for the Small, Northern and Rural Grant to help target funding to best meet sustainability challenges
2014-17 Strategic Mandate Agreement: St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts and Technology