About the program

Ontario’s Adopt-a-Highway program allows you to adopt a section of a provincial highway to help keep our highways clean. By participating in the program, you can make a direct contribution to the environment by volunteering your time to pick up litter along the sides (known as the right-of-way) of your adopted highway.

Adopt-a-Highway sign

How to participate

Participants can be:

  • individuals
  • an organization or group

To apply to the program:

  1. Contact adoptahighway@ontario.ca for an Adopt-a-Highway volunteer application form with the following details for you/your organization/group:
    1. Name
    2. Location (City)
    3. Any additional information such as, the section of the highway you’re interested in adopting.
  2. Once received, ministry staff will send an application form back for your completion.
  3. Submit the completed application form back to ministry staff.
  4. Once accepted, complete ministry safety training (either from a ministry representative or from the ministry authorized group representative).
  5. Sign and return the Adopt-a-Highway agreement and obtain confirmation from the ministry before you start the program.

After being accepted in the program, the Ministry of Transportation will install a sign to recognize your efforts to keep our highways clean.

Contact us

For more information and to apply, contact adoptahighway@ontario.ca.