
Trigger Warning: Please be advised that Summit themes, discussions, content or media may be triggering for some viewers. Helplines and support resources are available: Get help.


Day 1 - November 19

9:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.

Emcee Welcome - Angie Seth, Global News Anchor

Opening Ceremony – Women’s Hand Drummers and Elder Lyla Kinoshameg

9:15 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.Opening Remarks – The Honourable Tracy MacCharles, Minister Responsible for Women’s Issues
9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

Opening Panel – Seeding Generational Change: Empowered Youth Voices

Topic: Forging the way forward for a future without sexual violence

Youth presenters will describe innovative and powerful projects in a dynamic opening session that will both shed light on sexual violence issues and provide solutions for change.


Mariah Abotossaway, Board Member, Native Women’s Association of Canada Youth Council and Ontario Native Women’s Association

Krysta Williams, Advocacy and Outreach Coordinator, Native Youth and Sexual Health Network

Tessa Hill and Lia Valente, two former students of City View school who launched the “We give consent” campaign in support of Ontario’s new sex-education curriculum

Gabrielle Ross-Marquette, National Executive Representative, Canadian Federation of Students/La Fédération canadienne des étudiantes et étudiants (CFS/FCÉÉ)

Kit Wilson-Yang, LGBTQI youth outreach worker and musician

Mariam Ahmad, Member, Outburst! Young Muslim Women’s Project

10:15 a.m. – 10:35 a.m.Break
10:35 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.

Plenary Presentation - Who is She? Campaign

Launched by the Chiefs of Ontario in September 2015, the goal of this campaign is to raise awareness of an Ontario First Nations-led inquiry process into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls and fundraise for the process.


Deputy Grand Chief Denise Stonefish, Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians and Chair of Ontario’s First Nations’ Women’s Caucus

10:50 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

Plenary Presentation – Changing Attitudes in Sports, Canadian Football League’s Zero Tolerance Policy on Violence Against Women


Jeffrey L. Orridge, Commissioner, Canadian Football League

11:15 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.

Plenary Panel – More Help and Better Supports for Survivors in the Community

Topic: Survivor-oriented Systems

Survivors need support, but how can our current systems – legal, social, and community-based– better meet their needs? The panel will discuss diverse perspectives and experiences.


Kimberly Murray, Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Aboriginal Justice, Ministry of the Attorney General and former Executive Director, Aboriginal Legal Services Clinic

Elizabeth K.P. Grace, Lerners LLP and Susan Vella, Rochon Genova LLP, Lawyers and presenters at the Select Committee on Sexual Violence and Harassment

Fatima Filippi, Executive Director, Rexdale Women’s Centre

Antonia Zerbisias, Freelance journalist, and Sue Montgomery, Freelance journalist, co- founders of #beenrapedneverreported

12:05 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.Keynote Address
12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.Break
1:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Training for Professionals

Topic: Promising practices in police responses to sexual violence

Hear from leading experts about the ways that policing services are improving responses to sexual violence and collaborating better across sectors to make investigative processes more victim-focussed.


Sarah Darehshori, Senior Counsel, Human Rights Watch, Washington, D.C.

Sergeant Liz Donegan, Head of Austin Sex Crimes Unit

Mark Pritchard, Superintendent, Bureau Commander, Ontario Provincial Police Aboriginal Policing Bureau

Sunny Marinner, Executive Director, Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre

3:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.Break
7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Evening Panel and Showcase of Public Education Campaigns

A panel of speakers will discuss and present public education campaigns from Ontario and around the world.

Emcee - Julie Lalonde, Founder of Hollaback! Ottawa and Coordinator for Draw the Line Campaign


Christine Simard-Chicago, Director of Women and Youth Development, Nishnawbe Aski Nation

Serene Spence, Women’s Project Coordinator, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Draw the Line Campaign

Kim Dubé, Coordinator,Traçons les Limites, Action ontarienne contre la violence faite aux femmes (AOcVF)

Sheryl Hann, Lead Advisor Quality Programmes and Practice, Ministry of Social Development, New Zealand, Who Are You? Campaign (New Zealand)

Anne Johnson, Executive Director, Centre for American Progress, It’s On Us Campaign (United States)

Eillen Sellam, Coordonnatrice du projet, Centre ontarien de prevention des agressions (COPA), Ça commence avec toi. Ça reste avec lui

Paula Connolly, The National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence, Department of Justice and Equality, #AskConsent Campaign (Ireland)

Day 2 - November 20

9:00 a.m. – 10.45 a.m.

Emcee Welcome – Piya Chattopadhyay, TVO and CBC Broadcaster

Opening Ceremony - Elder Lyla Kinoshameg

Plenary Session – Ending Violence Against Aboriginal Women

Ontario’s Joint Working Group on Violence Against Aboriginal Women is a partnership between five Aboriginal organizations and ten Ontario ministries. Through this unique working group, the first of its kind in Canada, priorities have been identified for responding to all forms of violence against Aboriginal women. Presenters will profile key initiatives that address priorities of the Joint Working Group on Violence Against Aboriginal Women.


Sylvia Maracle, Executive Director, Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres (OFIFC)

Cora McGuire-Cyrette, Interim Executive Director, Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA)

Jennifer B. Lord, Manager of Strategic Initiatives, Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO)

Adam Kahgee, Director, Justice Sector, Chiefs of Ontario (COO)

Lyndia Jones, Health Policy Analyst, Independent First Nations (IFN)

10:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.Break
11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Seeding Generational Change

Topic: Frameworks for understanding behaviours social norms and making social change


Sean Simpson, Vice-President, Ipsos Reid, lead for Ontario commissioned survey on public attitudes about sexual violence and harassment

Lori Haskell, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, Expert in sexual violence education and trauma counselling

Lindsay Orchowski, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour, Alpert Medical School of Brown University

Irene Compton, Program Manager, Minwaashin Lodge Aboriginal Women’s Support Centre

12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.Break
1:30 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.Keynote Speaker: Renu Mandhane, Chief Commissioner, Ontario Human Rights Commission
1:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

More Help and Better Supports for Survivors in the Community

Topic: Sexual violence and social media

Leading experts will explore the complex role of social media in sexual violence; both from the perspective of how it contributes to it, and how it can be leveraged as a tool to promote consent culture.


Josée Guindon, Executive Director, CALACS francophone d’Ottawa

Shannon Giannitsopoulou, Founder, Femifesto

Shaheen Shariff, Professor, McGill Univeristy, Stanford Law School and Define the Line Project

3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.Break
3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Closing Remarks – The Honourable Tracy MacCharles, Minister Responsible for Women’s Issues

Closing Ceremony –Elder Lyla Kinoshameg