Aggregate resources study
Read the studies examining the province’s aggregate consumption, demand, future availability, alternatives, value, recycling, reserves and rehabilitation.
Aggregate Supply and Demand Study (2024)
To better plan and manage aggregate resources (for example, sand, gravel, clay, earth and bedrock) a revised Aggregate Supply and Demand Study for the Greater Golden Horseshoe has been completed.
This study also builds on earlier studies including the Supply and Demand Study of Aggregate Resources Supplying the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2016) and the State of the Aggregate Resource Study in Ontario (SAROS) reports (2010).
Download the executive summary (PDF).
If you'd like a full copy of the report, contact us.
Aggregate Resource study (2010)
Consolidated report
The State of the Aggregate Resource in Ontario: consolidated report (PDF) summarizes information from 6 papers that make up the State of the Aggregate Resource in Ontario study.
You can find detailed information in the consolidated report.
Complete studies
- Paper 1, State of the Aggregate Resource in Ontario Study: aggregate consumption trends, examines aggregate consumption trends (PDF)
- Paper 2, State of the Aggregate Resource in Ontario Study: availability and alternatives, examines future aggregate availability (PDF). The paper reports on aggregate alternatives, constraints and alternative transportation methods
- Paper 3, State of the Aggregate Resource in Ontario Study: aggregate value, examines the economic, social and environmental value of Ontario’s aggregates (PDF)
- Paper 4, State of the Aggregate Resource in Ontario Study: recycling, examines aggregate reuse and recycling (PDF)
- Paper 5, State of the Aggregate Resource in Ontario Study: aggregate reserves, examines the availability of limestone and dolostone reserves, and how to maximize their use (PDF)
- Paper 6, State of the Aggregate Resource in Ontario Study: rehabilitation, examines pits and quarry rehabilitation (PDF)
Advisory Committee Recommendations report
You can find the recommendations made by a committee of stakeholder representatives in the Aggregate Resource Advisory Committee recommendations (PDF) report.
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