Agricultural erosion control structures
Learn how to design, install and maintain agricultural erosion control structures for water runoff. This technical information is for contractors who build soil erosion control systems.
Search a list of soil erosion control contractor certificate holders who offer design and construction services to agricultural producers across Ontario.
Agricultural erosion control structures are a set of common upland physical measures intentionally built to manage, redirect, or control erosive concentrated water runoff flows that can cause significant water-induced erosion damage to farmland. Examples of these structures include:
- grassed waterways
- rock chutes
- drop structures
- water and sediment control basins (WASCoBs)
Often erosion control structures are used alongside agronomic-based erosion control techniques (such as conservation tillage, cover cropping and vegetated buffer strips) to fully manage a cropland erosion problem.
Informational booklets and manuals
An introduction to general agronomic and structural methods for controlling water-induced erosion on farmed cropland is covered in the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) Best Management Practices Booklet (BMP26), Controlling Soil Erosion on the Farm.
Erosion control structures can also be combined into large-scale municipal drainage works, providing an integrated, watershed-based approach to drainage and runoff management. OMAFRA Publication 832, Agricultural Erosion Control Structures: A Design and Construction Manual assists contractors in the selection, design, installation and maintenance of agricultural soil erosion control systems.
The guide also deals with the types and causes of agricultural erosion as well as the design, installation and maintenance of structures to control water-induced erosion. Cost-share programs often specify that erosion control structures receiving financial assistance be designed in accordance with the guidance and principles outlined in OMAFRA Publication 832.
Design information sheets
Agricultural Erosion Control Structures – A Design and Construction Manual (Publication 832) includes the following set of design information sheets to assist in the planning and design of common agricultural erosion control structures:
- Drop Pipe Inlet Design Information Sheet (PDF)
- Floodwater Storage Design Information Sheet (PDF)
- Grade Control Structure Design Information Sheet (PDF)
- Grassed Waterway Design Information Sheet (PDF)
- Peak Flow Rate from an Agricultural Watershed Work Sheet (PDF)
- Rock Chute Design Information Sheet (PDF)
- Structural Erosion Control Information Sheet (PDF)
- Tile/Surface Water Inlet Design Information Work Sheet (PDF)
- Water and Sediment Control Basin (Multiple WASCob) Information Sheet (PDF)
- Water and Sediment Control Basin (Single WASCob) Information Sheet (PDF)
Agricultural erosion control structures training course
A five-day course teaches contractors to recognize and analyze soil erosion problems on agricultural lands and develop their own designs. It also identifies which situations require more specialized professional design.
The course uses AgErosion, a software application produced by OMAFRA to assist in the design of agricultural erosion control structures. After successfully passing the course examination, you will receive the AgErosion software and a Certificate of Completion.
For course details and registration call the University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus, at
Certificate of Completion
A list of certificate holders provides information on who offers design and construction services to agricultural producers across Ontario.
Renew a Certificate of Completion
Prior to the expiry date of their certificate, Certificate of Achievement holders who want to continue to be listed as offering design and construction services to agricultural producers can renew their certificate by either:
- attending a one-day OMAFRA professional development event
- re-taking the Agricultural Erosion Control Structures Training Course and writing the exam (passing grade required)
- writing the exam without taking the Agricultural Erosion Control Structures Training Course (passing grade required)
Renewed certificates are valid for another five years.
More information
For more information about drainage courses, exams, the Certificate of Achievement or the certificate renewal process, contact the Business Development Centre, University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus,
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