Alexander Stewart Provincial Park Management Statement
This document provides direction on the management of Alexander Stewart Provincial Park.
February 15, 2001
This Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve Interim Management Statement provides direction for the custodial management of the Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve until such time as a Park Management Plan may be prepared. An Interim Management Statement, by design, is primarily an internal document intended to provide short-term guidance for Ontario Parks' managers and staff. The Interim Management Statement will govern all activities occurring within the park and focus on custodial management required to protect park values and ensure public health and safety.
Questions or requests for additional copies of this document should be directed to:
Park Superintendent
Bonnechere Provincial Park
31 Riverside Drive
Pembroke, ON K8A 8R6
I am pleased to approve the Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve Interim Management Statement.
Brian Pfrimmer
Central Zone
Ontario Parks
Background Information
Name | Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve |
Classification | Nature Reserve |
Site Region / Site District | 5E - 12 |
OMNR Administrative Region / District | South Central Region / Pembroke District |
Total Area (ha) | 30 |
Regulation Date | N/A |
Survey Level | Earth Science | Life Science | Cultural | Recreational | Other |
Reconnaissance/Check Sheets | 2000 | 2000 | 2000 | 2000 | |
Detailed |
Earth Science Representation | Flat plain of clayey silt represents marine deposits of the Champlain Sea. Locally significant representation. |
Life Science Representation | Small, high quality tolerant hardwood forest. Species include maple, beech and basswood, with less common trees such as blue-beech, bur oak and black cherry. |
Cultural Resources Representation | N/A |
Recreational Opportunities | Hiking, Nature Appreciation |
1.0 Introduction
On July 16, 1999, the Ontario Government released the Ontario Living Legacy Land Use Strategy to guide the planning and management of Crown lands in central and parts of northern Ontario. A major part of the land use strategy was a government intent to establish 378 new protected areas. Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve is part of this significant expansion of Ontario’s protected areas system.
Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve is an isolated hardwood forest surrounded by an agricultural landscape. Some less common species such as blue-beech, bur oak and black cherry can be found within Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve. This site was originally donated for protection in public ownership by Miss Ethel Stewart and Mr. Garfield Stewart.
2.0 Classification
Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve is classified as a Nature Reserve class provincial park. Nature reserve parks under Ontario Parks' policy are areas selected to represent the distinctive natural habitats an d landforms of the province. They are protected for educational purposes, as gene pools for research to benefit present and future generations and for their intrinsic value to society.
3.0 Boundary
Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve is located in McNab Township, completely within concession 7, part lot 16. The boundary for the Nature Reserve is shown in Figure 1. The Nature Reserve is 31 hectares in size.
4.0 Zoning
Alexander Stewart will be zoned entirely as Nature Reserve. All known significant natural features will be identified and measures to ensure their protection will be outlined in a future management plan.
5.0 Interim Management Guidelines
Unless otherwise noted, the management policies for Nature Reserve class parks, presented in Ontario Provincial Parks: Planning and Management Policies will apply to this site.
In the implementation of the approved Interim Management Statement, Ontario Parks may pursue opportunities for partnerships involving other agencies and groups. Park management and stewardship will be contingent upon availability of funding and unforeseeable changes in priorities or policy. All management and stewardship activities will meet the Environmental Assessment Act, Provincial Parks Act and other pertinent legislation.
5.1 Natural Resource Stewardship
The protection of provincially significant, special or representative life and earth science features will be the highest priority of Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve.
Management of the area will ideally allow natural processes to shape the ecology of the park where possible. A resource stewardship plan may be considered in the future.
All fires will be suppressed due to the adjacent private land holdings. Fire management through prescribed burning will not be conducted.
5.2 Cultural Resources
This site was originally granted to Robert McIntyre by the crown on February 28, 1859. Mr. McIntyre then sold the property to Alexander Stewart on May 25, 1860 for the sum of $600. By means of a will, on June 11, 1904, the site was transferred to the son and daughter of Mr. Stewart, Ethel and Garfield Stewart. The site was then donated to the Department of Lands and Forests in 1965. Signage is to be erected to recognise the donation of the site.
A detailed historical study on the nature reserve may be considered prior to the initiation of the management planning process.
5.3 Recreational Activities
As noted in the Ontario Living Legacy Land Use Strategy and remaining consistent with Ontario Provincial Park Planning and Management Policies, hunting will not be permitted in Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve.
Low-impact recreational activities such as hiking and nature-appreciation will be permitted to continue. Any recreational activity found to have a negative impact on the protection objectives of Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve, will have appropriate actions taken to minimize damage.
5.4 Land Tenure
There are no private lands included in the park. No Licenses of Occupation, Crown Leases or Land Use Permits exist or will be permitted for Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve.
5.5 Existing and Proposed Development
Existing development consists of a few walking trails. No new development is proposed other than construction of a small parking area in or adjacent to the property. It is recommended that a trail assessment be completed for Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve to review the existing trail structure and to provide recommendations on current and appropriate uses.
5.6 Commercial Activities
As outlined in the Ontario Living Legacy Land Use Strategy, commercial timber harvest, aggregate and mineral extraction, hydro development, commercial fishing, fur harvesting, or any other commercial activity will not be permitted.
Currently one bait fish area and one trap line are registered for the area. Both activities are to be phased out of the nature reserve by December 31, 2009.
5.7 Aboriginal Interests
Alexander Stewart Provincial Nature Reserve falls within the Algonquin Native Land Claim area. This land claim is currently under negotiation.
5.8 Client Services
Natural Heritage Education programs and services are not being considered but self-interpretation opportunities may be pursued as they arise. Basic information on the park may be provided through Ontario Parks' printed media and web site.
5.9 Research
Research by universities and other qualified applicants will be encouraged. All research activities will conform to the Ontario Parks Research and Information Strategy, and Ontario Parks policies. Prior written permission will be required. All research will be non-intrusive in order to safeguard protection objectives.
Research priorities will be established through the management planning process. Research may deal with all aspects of scientific study, inventory or surveys of vegetation, ecological, cultural and recreational resources and processes.
5.10 Marketing
A marketing strategy is not a priority for the nature reserve. A marketing strategy may be considered when the management planning process is initiated and further information on park values is obtained.
6.0 References
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (1999). Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy. Queen’s Printer for Ontario.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (1992). Ontario Provincial Parks Planning and Management Policies. Toronto: Parks and Natural Heritage Policy Branch.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (1994). Park Policy, Procedure and Bulletin. "PM 11.02.01, Preparation of Interim Management Statements" Provincial Park Operations Branch.