Apply to deliver the entry to school program
The call for applications to deliver the Entry to School Program that will be part of the needs-based Ontario Autism Program is now closed.
Expectations for service providers
The Entry to School Program will support families with children who are entering kindergarten or Grade 1 for the first time. The program will include several stages:
- a six-month group program focusing on building skills that prepare children to start school
- transition supports for children when they begin school
- consultations to support a successful transition for the first six months a child is in school, upon request
Evaluating applications received
We evaluated all the applications we received by the submission deadline. Once the selection process was completed, we notified all applicants, including both successful and unsuccessful applicants.
Providers we selected
We selected providers from across Ontario to lead the delivery of the Entry to School Program. Each lead provider is also working with partner organizations to serve all areas of the province. Here are the lead providers we selected, organized by the ministry’s five regional areas: central, east, north, Toronto and west:
Central region
- ErinoakKids
- Kinark Child and Family Services
- KidsAbility
East region
- ACT Learning Centre
- Grandview Children’s Centre (Ontario Autism Partnership Durham Region)
North region
- Child and Community Resources (CCR)
- Hands the Family Health Network
- Firefly
- Thrive Child Development Centre
- George Jeffrey Children’s Centre
Toronto region
- Surrey Place (Toronto Autism Services Network)
West region
- Hamilton Health Sciences
- Thames Valley Children’s Centre
- Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham Kent