Best in Science grants
Get grants to perform scientific research that supports Ontario’s current environmental priorities and future needs.
Providing grants to conduct research in priority areas
The Best in Science program encourages scientists to undertake research in the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change’s priority areas. This research adds to our scientific knowledge and encourages research partnerships.
In 2016-17, the program is providing $800,000 in grants to 17 projects to support the following priority research areas:
- Climate change through methods and technologies for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases; and the impacts of climate change on water quantity and quality.
- Water quality research, including prediction, monitoring and prevention of blue-green algae blooms, nutrient inputs to the Great Lakes; and the environmental impact of chlorides and road-salt alternatives on aquatic ecosystems.
- Pathogens and environmental pollutants, including measurement of pathogens and chemical contaminants in air, water and soil; and source tracking of toxic metals including chromium and mercury.
- Pollinator health through the measurement of the effect neonicotinoid pesticides have on wild species of pollinators that could be at risk.
Scientific research is the foundation of good environmental policies that help ensure Ontario has clean air and water, safe communities and healthy ecosystems.
Since 2004, the Best in Science program has provided approximately $10.5 million to support 129 environmental research projects.
Contact us for more information.
Funding for 2016-17
Successful applicants can receive up to $100,000 in funding for environmental research projects, of maximum 3 years duration.
Grant recipients of the 2016-17 Best in Science program.
To qualify, applicants must be affiliated with a recognized legal entity that is one of the following:
- universities and colleges of applied arts and technology
- research networks
- public and non-profit research institutions
Eligible projects
Funding is available for projects that fall in the following priorities:
- climate change, specifically reducing greenhouse gases
- the development and validation of testing methods for pathogens and environmental pollutants that affect the Great Lakes, inland lakes, drinking water, surface water, beaches, land resources or pollinators
- Great Lakes and inland lakes, specifically the impacts of climate change on water quantity and quality
- pollinator health
How to apply
The application period is now closed.
Evaluation criteria
We will evaluate your application based on the criteria in the guide.