Checklist for technical requirements for a complete Environmental Compliance Approval submission
To assist businesses with completing their applications for an Environmental Compliance Approval, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change has developed the Environmental Compliance Approval application and the Guide to Applying for an Environmental Compliance Approval.
The ministry has also developed the Checklist for Technical Requirements for a Complete Environmental Compliance Approval Submission, which will be used by ministry staff to review and assess each application against the legislative and ministry requirements. The checklist clearly sets out a two-pronged test to determine whether the submission is sufficiently complete.
Prepared by:
Ontario Ministry of the Environment
Last Revision Date: February 2013
For more information:
Ministry of the Environment Public
Information Centre Telephone:
Toll free:
Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2013
PIBS 9418e
About the Environmental Compliance Approval Checklist
The Ministry of the Environment is the lead ministry responsible for protecting, restoring and enhancing the environment to ensure public health and environmental quality. The ministry safeguards our environment by working toward cleaner air, water and land, and healthier ecosystems for the people of Ontario.
In 2011, the ministry introduced new legislation that supports its environmental protection mandate. On October 31, 2011, a smarter, faster environmental approvals system came into effect in Ontario. The system allows businesses to register certain activities with the ministry, rather than apply for an approval (known as the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry - EASR). In addition, in the past, a business had to apply for multiple approvals (known as certificates of approval) for individual processes and pieces of equipment.
Businesses, who require approval but whose activities aren't subject to the EASR, can apply for an environmental compliance approval (ECA), using the ministry’s smart application form, available online at ECA webpage.
To assist businesses with completing their applications, the ministry has developed a Guide to Applying for an Environmental Compliance Approval. The ministry has also developed the attached checklist which will be used by ministry staff to review and assess each application against the legislative and ministry requirements. The cheklist clearly sets out a two.pronged test to determine whether the submission is sufficiently complete.
The General Information section seeks to confirm that the business information is correct and that the applicable fees have been submitted with the application. This section also checks for the minimum project requirements.
In the Technical Information section (i.e. Parts A to G) ministry staff verifies if the submitted documentation and its content are complete for the application type. To do so, at Stage 1 of the ministry’s application screening process, staff employs a "Pass/Fail" test to verify if, on the face of the application, the appropriate documents are included in the submission. The requirements for the test are spelled out in provincial environmental legislation and ministry policies and guidelines. If the required documents are not submitted with the application, staff will return the application at this stage. If this initial assessment concludes that the application meets the Pass/Fail test, the application moves to Stage 2, the "Complete Submissions" test.
At Stage 2, ministry staff engages in a preliminary engineering review of the application and supporting documents and makes a determination if the submission is complete. If the submission is deemed incomplete, the applicant will be notified of the deficiencies or the file may be closed. If the submission is deemed complete, the file moves to the full technical review stage.
Please note that at any stage of the ministry’s review of an ECA application, the applicant may be asked for additional information outside of that which is set out in this checklist.
General Information
Applicant Information
- MOECC Reference No.
- Applicant Name:
- SBN:
- Type of Application (Check all that apply):
- New ECA
- Amendment to existing ECA
- Consolidation of existing ECAs
- Administrative amendment to existing ECA
- Limited Operational Flexibility
- Revocation of existing ECA
- Existing ECA(s) #:
- Media Type:
- Single Media
- Multi-media (check all that apply and print only the relevant parts)
- Air (Technical Information Part A)
- Noise and/or Vibration (Technical Information Part B)
- Wastewater (Technical Information Part C)
- Waste Disposal Site (Technical Information Part D)
- Mobile Waste Processing (Technical Information Part E)
- Waste Management System (Technical Information Part F)
- Cleanup of Contaminated Sites (Technical Information Part G)
- Proof of Legal Name and Type of Applicant:
- Corporation - Certificate of Status and a current filing under the Corporation Information Act
- Out of country - Extra-Provincial Licence
- Sole Proprietor - Birth Certificate or Passport and Master’s Business License
- Individual - Birth Certificate of Passport
- Other
- Application Form, signed and dated by the Signing Authority as indicated on the Proof of Legal Name (i.e. Signing Officer, Director)
- Application Form, signed and dated by the Project Technical Consultant(s)
- Copy of Provincial Officer’s Order or Inspection Report
- Application Fee:
- Fee Sufficient
- Additional Fee Required
- Fee Not Required
Project Information
- Executive Summary, as per Reg. 255 (to be posted on the Environmental Registry, if applicable)
- Detailed Project Description, as per Reg. 255 (including hours of operation, description of activities, operational parameters)
- Is this an application for a new activity on an existing approved site (e.g. proposed waste transfer station on an existing landfill site)
- Consideration of the impact of the proposed activity on source water protection areas / vulnerable areas
- Is the proposed activity located in a stressed airshed or watershed
- Has the applicant considered its Environmental Assessment Act (EAA) requirements:
- For a completed Individual EA, has a copy of the Notice of Approval been included
- For a completed Class EA process, has a copy of the proof of completion been included (e.g. Notice of Completion)
- If Part II Order request(s) were received for the undertaking, has a copy of the Director’s or Minister’s decision been included
- If applicable, has the applicant satisfied the conditions imposed on its project
- For a completed Environmental Screening Process, has a copy of the proof of completion been included
- If Elevation request(s) were received for the undertaking, has a copy of the Director’s decision been included
- If applicable, has the applicant satisfied the conditions imposed on its project
- Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) / Environmental Registry Description provided
- If exempt, has the reason and supporting information been provided
- Are modifications required to the EBR description
- Has the MOECC prepared a letter to the upper and lower tier municipalities
- Public Consultation / Notification
Specify type and methods of consultation undertaken (attach supporting documentation): - First Nations & Métis Consultation / Notification
Specify type and methods of consultation undertaken (attach supporting documentation):
Note: If in a pre-application meeting with the ministry, aboriginal consultation was identified as being a requirement and the application does not have specific information regarding aboriginal consultation in the appropriate section of the application (i.e. Section 3.3) the application should be deemed incomplete.
- Copy of letter to adjacent property owners
- List/Addresses of recipients
- Properties within x metres of the site contacted
- Detailed summary of all comments and concerns applicant received
- Explanation of how applicant addressed the comments and concerns received
Site Information
- Land Owner, contact information and signed letter of consent to install and operate
- Operating Authority name, contact information
- Copy of Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act Permit
- For a site proposed to be located on Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, copy of municipal planning approval
Minimum Site Plan requirements, as per Reg. 255
- Boundary of the site of the activity, including geographic coordinates
- The locations of buildings and other structures, roads, railway tracks, utility corridors, paved areas, bermed areas, site fencing and pollution control devices.
- Any municipal boundary that crosses the boundary of the site of the activity.
- Any boundary of the Lake Simcoe watershed, the Niagara Escarpment Planning Area, the Oak Ridges Moraine Area or the Protected Countryside that is within 125 metres of the site of the activity.
- Total area of site and site zoning (for type of activity)
- North arrow, legend, scale
- Fully labelled, measurements/dimensions expressed in metric value
Most up-to-date Land Use Zoning Designation Plan,as per Reg. 255
- Land uses of the property and surrounding areas
- Is the site approved for the type of zoning in place
- Site location clearly indicated
- Legend and scale
Financial Assurance (FA) Calculation
- Has the applicant provided a FA evaluation document
- Do calculations provided include all compliance activities and unit costs
- Has FA for contingency costs (in $ or %) been included
- Have third-party quotes been provided to explain data assumptions and cost estimates
- Do any MOECC guidelines apply for the proposed project (e.g. A series)
General Information
- Stage 1
- Pass or Fail:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
- Stage 2
- Complete or Incomplete:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Has a copy of the application been provided to the local district office?
- Additional Comments:
Technical Information Part A – Air
- Project type:
- Air-Stationary
- Air-Mobile
- Is the activity or activities EASR eligible
- If yes to above, has the confirmation of registry been submitted and have sources under EASR been identified
- Section 20.18 request?
- If yes to above, is there confirmation that a Section 20.18 approval was issued
- (EAASIB staff to identify if there are district or regional office site specific concerns, comments or recommendations which may require significant changes to the ESDM report)
Have any concerns, comments or recommendations been provided?
Compliance Assessment as per O. Reg. 419
- New facility in accordance with O. Reg. 419 (Facility built after November 30, 2005 and no application for ECA submitted before that date?)
- Have all Reg. 419 instruments applicable to the facility been identified and addressed (as referred to in section 5.1.3 of the ECA application form)
- Does this application demonstrate compliance:
- with air standards by their phase-in date
- with site-specific standard(s)
- Using the Technical Standard Registry
Emission Summary and Dispersion Modelling (ESDM) Report
- Is an ESDM report required for this application
- If no to above, is there confirmation that section 22 (3) of O. Reg. 419 applies to the application or is the application fully subject to Technical Standard Registry
- ESDM report in accordance with section 26 of O. Reg. 419 and Guideline A-10 (ESDM Procedure Document)
- ESDM Checklist, signed & dated by applicant & technical contact
Introduction and Facility Description
- The Facility Description should be provided in adequate detail to select and justify appropriate facility operating conditions (should include description of material used, what is produced and amount of product that is produced in accordance with operating conditions).
- North American Industry Classification (NAIC) Code
- Facility Production Limit, Limited Operational Flexibility approvals only
- Process flow diagram in accordance with facility description
- Operating schedule provided
Executive Summary
- Overview of the ESDM report and Emissions Summary Table
Initial Identification of Sources and Contaminants
- Initial listing of all air pollution sources and contaminants emitted from the facility as per s. 26 of O. Reg. 419
- Has the applicant considered if the project is subject to:
- an odour assessment
- Fugitive dust assessment in accordance with Guideline A-10
- Details of proposed air pollution control equipment:
- pollution control equipment
- description of emission sources controlled
- technical specification of pollution control equipment
- equipment performance (e.g. supplier guarantee, control efficiency, etc.)
Assessment of the Significance of Sources & Contaminants
- Assessment of the significance of sources and contaminants, and elimination of negligible ones from further analysis. The ESDM report must provide an explanation of how it was determined that an amount of a contaminant discharged is negligible and/or that a source discharges a contaminant in a negligible amount in accordance with Guideline A-10 (ESDM procedure document).
Operating Conditions, Emision rate estimating and Data Quality
- For each contaminant, description of the facility operating condition(s) that results in the actual maximum POI concentration that occurred within the last year or that corresponds to the maximum POI concentration that the facility is capable of, as per section 10 of O. Reg. 419 and Guideline A-10 (ESDM Procedure Document). Operating conditions must correspond to the averaging period for each applicable MOECC POI Limit.
- Estimation of emission rates; description of the estimating methodology for each significant contaminant or group of similar contaminants; and classification of how accurately each method is in estimating emissions (data quality) as per section 11 of O. Reg. 419 and Guideline A-10 (ESDM Procedure Document).
- Detailed sample calculations provided
Source Summary Table and Site Plan
- Source summary table provided in accordance with section 26(1) of O. Reg. 419
- Site plan provided in accordance with section 26(1) of O. Reg. 419
Emission Summary Table
- Emission summary table provided in accordance with section 26(1) of O. Reg. 419
- Verify that correct POI limit schedules have been used for assessment, as per requirements of O. Reg. 419
- Assessment of POI concentration(s) against relative MOECC limits / criteria (Summary of Standards and Guidelines, Jurisdictional Screening Level, etc)
- If the POI concentration is greater than relative MOECC limit, is this non-compliance addressed through any O. Reg. 419 instrument such as a site-specific standard or Provincial Order/Abatement Plan
- If the applicant has not assessed the POI concentration(s) for proposed contaminants against MOECC limit(s) / criteria, has the applicant completed Supporting Information for a Maximum Ground Level Concentration Acceptability Request for Compounds with no Ministry POI Limit: Supplement to Application for Approval, EPA s.9 [PIBS 4872] along with the required supplementary material
Dispersion Modelling
- Is same structure contamination applicable and addressed
- Identification of the dispersion model used:
- Is the model considered one of the approved models in O. Reg. 419
- If no to above, has the applicant submitted a request for a section 7(1) Notice
- Identification of “regulatory” or “non-regulatory” option use (for AERMOD only)
- If “non-regulatory” option(s) used, has the applicant provided appropriate rationale
- If no to above, does the application include the MOECC approval for the use of the non-regulatory option(s)
- Description of the way the approved model was used
- Additional site plan details: location of any plant, structure, equipment, apparatus, mechanism or thing that may discharge or from which may be discharged a contaminant into the natural environment (other than water)
- Description of the local land use conditions if MOECC approved regional meteorological data has been refined to reflect local land use
- If local meteorological data is used, has the applicant submitted a require for section 13(1) Notice
- Is the Dispersion Modelling Input Summary Table provided as per Guideline A-10, demonstrating compliance with sections 9 to 17 of O. Reg. 419
- Dispersion Modelling printout of input/output sheet
- Digital input/output files for dispersion modelling
Supporting Information re: Other MOECC Guidelines
- Does the proposed activity or activities trigger and comply with other MOECC policies or guidelines (e.g. A- series Guidelines, Wood Combustor Guideline, Emission Limits for Internal Combustion Engines used for Non-Emergency Power Generation, Guideline A-1 Biomedical Waste Incinerators, Guideline A-5 Stationary Combustion Turbines, Guideline A-7 New Municipal Waste Incinerators, Guideline A-8 CWS for Hg & D/F (HazWaste Incinerators, iron & steel), Guideline A-9 NOx Emissions from Boilers and Heaters, CEMS, Opacity, Source testing, Tire Burning, Waste Derived Fuel Heaters, Wood Fired Combustors, etc).
Technical Information - Part A
- Stage 1
- Pass or Fail:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
- Stage 2
- Complete or Incomplete:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
Technical Information Part B – Noise and Vibration
- Project Type:
- Noise
- Stationary
- Mobile
- Vibration
- Stationary
- Mobile
- Noise
- Noise/Vibration Document Submitted:
- Primary Noise Screening (PNS) Process
- Secondary Noise Screening (SNS)
- Vibration Assessment Report (VAR)
- Vibration Audit Report
- Abbreviated Acoustic Assessment Report (A-AAR)
- Acoustic Assessment Report (AAR)
- Acoustic Audit Report
- Noise Abatement Action Plan (NAAP)
Note: the applicant can skip all phases of screening and proceed directly to the A-AAR, AAR or Vibration Assessment Report
- Is the activity or activities EASR eligible
- If yes to above, has the confirmation of registry been submitted and have sources under EASR been identified
- Section 20.18 request?
- If yes to above, is there confirmation that a Section 20.18 approval was issued
- Are there significant vibration sources, such as stamping presses or forging hammers present at the facility
- (EAASIB staff to identify if any noise / vibration complaints have been logged for this site) – Have any complaints been logged?
- Is the NAICS code different from the air project/activity
- Scaled area location plan, including:
- topography / nature of the neighbourhood surrounding the facility, including the location of adjacent buildings/ structures and property lines
- location of the nearest Point of Reception in all cardinal directions that may be impacted by the facility
Primary Noise Screening (PNS) Process
- Has the applicant used MOECC’s Primary Noise Screening Process for s.9 Applications – Supplement to Application for Approval to complete the PNS
- Facility eligibility to use PNS in accordance to facility type and NAICS Code
- Are significant vibration sources, such as stamping presses or forging hammers present at the facility
- Is the actual separation distance between the facility and the POR greater than the minimum required separation distance
- If yes,
- has the applicant submitted a signed primary noise screening form, prepared in accordance with MOECC guidance material
- has the applicant submitted a scaled area location plan
- If no, has the applicant submitted another noise report
- If yes,
Secondary Noise Screening (SNS) Process
- Has the applicant followed the process detailed in MOECC’s Secondary Noise Screening Process for s.9 Applications, Supplement to Application for Approval [PIBS 6888]
- Is the applicant eligible to use the SNS process
- Has the applicant only used data from the MOECC publication: Noise Red Flag Tables and/or manufacturer’s noise data
- Summary of Sound Pressure Level Predictions Table for each point of reception
- SNS Checklist, signed and dated by the applicant and technical contact
- Applicant Statement
- Application preparer(s) Statement
- Statement of Qualifications for the Project Team
- Additional considerations:
- scaled area location plan
- land use zoning designation plan
Abbreviated Acoustic Assessment Report (A-AAR)
- Has the applicant prepared the report in accordance with the Guide for the Preparation of an Abbreviated Acoustic Assessment Report, draft October 2008
- Facility eligibility to use A-AAR
- Is the applicant eligible to submit an A-AAR
- A-AAR checklist signed and dated by applicant and project technical contact
Acoustic Assessment Report (AAR)
- Has the applicant prepared the AAR in accordance with Schedule “B” Supporting Information for the Preparation of an Acoustic Assessment Report prepared by the Air and Noise Unit, Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch, November 2003
- Has the applicant used MOECC’s NPC-233: Information to be Submitted for Approval of Stationary Sources of Sound [PIBS 3404]
- AAR checklist (PIBS 5356e), signed and dated by the applicant and technical contact
- Noise Source Summary Table
- Point of Reception Noise Impact Table
- Acoustic Assessment Summary Table
- If the AAR did not show compliance, was a Noise Abatement Action Plan (NAAP) submitted? If so, it must include the following:
- noise control measures (both physical & administrative) to reduce the noise emissions from the facility to comply with the limits set in NPC-205 and/or NPC-232, as applicable
- a timetable for implementation of the noise control measures (both physical & administrative), including the date for achieving compliance with the limits
- Has the applicant used MOECC’s NPC-233: Information to Be Submitted For Approval Of Stationary Sources Of Sound [PIBS 3404] to complete the AAR
Acoustic Audit Report
- Has the applicant used MOECC’s NPC-233: Information to be Submitted for Approval of Stationary Sources of Sound [PIBS 3404] to complete the Acoustic Audit Report
- Is the Assessment of Compliance included
- If the Acoustic Assessment Report stated that the facility is not in compliance with the applicable sound level limits, check if the applicant submitted a Noise Abatement Action Plan (NAAP) with the report
Vibration Assessment Report (VAR)
- Has the applicant prepared the report in accordance with the Basic Comprehensive Certificates of Approval (Air), User Guide, Appendix A – Supporting Information for an Acoustic Assessment Report or Vibration Assessment Report Required by a Basic Comprehensive Certificate of Approval, prepared by the Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch, Version 2.0, April 2004
- Has the applicant used MOECC’s NPC-233: Information to be Submitted for Approval of Stationary Sources of Sound [PIBS 3404] to complete the report
- AAR Checklist [PIBS 5356e] signed and dated by the applicant and technical contact
- Is a Vibration Source Summary Table included
- Is a Vibration Assessment Summary Statement Table included
- If report did not show compliance, was a Vibration Abatement Action Plan submitted? If yes, it must include:
- Vibration control measures to reduce the vibration emissions from the facility to comply with the limits set in NPC-207
- A timetable for implementation of the vibration control measures including the date for achieving compliance with the limits
Vibration Audit Report
- Has the applicant used MOECC’s NPC-233: Information to be Submitted for Approval of Stationary Sources of Sound [PIBS 3404] to complete the report
- Is the Assessment of Compliance included
- If the Vibration Audit Report stated that the facility is not in compliance with the applicable vibration limits, check if the applicant submitted a Vibration Abatement Action Plan with the report
Technical Information - Part B
- Stage 1
- Pass or Fail:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
- Stage 2
- Complete or Incomplete:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
Technical Information Part C – Sewage Works
- Municipal
- Industrial
- Residential
- Commercial / Institutional
- Private
- Industrial
- Residential
- Commercial / Institutional
- Zoning
- Industrial
- Residential
- Commercial / Institutional
- Adjacent Zoning
- Industrial
- Residential
- Commercial / Institutional
- Type(s) of Works (check all that apply)
- Stormwater Management (SWM)
- Sewage Pumping Station
- Subsurface Sewage Disposal Works
- Industrial Processing Wastewater Stream
- Sewers /conveyance ditches/forcemains
- Sewage Treatment Plant
- Groundwater Remediation Wastewater Stream
- Mobile
- Lagoons
- Other
- Has a municipal responsibility agreement been obtained and included
Sewers N/A or (check all that apply)
- Sanitary Sewers
- Storm Sewers
- Replacement of Combined Sewers
- Forcemains
- Conveyance ditches
- Completed Pipe Data Form
- Design Brief/Design calculations
- Sewer Design Sheets (table) as per MOECC Guidelines
- Engineering drawings for all proposed sewers and existing and future watermains, signed and stamped by P.Eng.
- Drainage Area Plans, including catchment areas & SWM plan
- Capacity of the receiving sewers or SWM works
- Surface water receiver (Conservation Authority permit / clearance letter required)
- Calculated / modelled design flow (in conveyance ditches)
- Conveyance ditches capacity calculations
- F-5-5 Compliance (combined sewers only)
- Transient Analysis (forcemains only)
Stormwater Management (SWM) N/A or (check all that apply)
- Dry Pond
- Wet Pond
- Wetlands
- Temporary Sedimentation Pond
- Enhanced Grassed Swales and Ditches
- Rooftop/Surface/Underground Storage
- Oil Grit Separator
- Infiltration Trenches / Systems
- Serving Landfills
- Low Impact Development only
- Dewatering Effluent Discharge
- Other
SWM Report:
- Description of project area
- Description of all industrial processes/activities (industrial only)
- Description of contaminates associated with the industrial processes/activities (industrial only)
- Results of an existing monitoring program, (existing industrial works only)
- SWM quantity & quality criteria; explanation of how they were established (Municipality, CA, Ontario Water Quality Objectives or Procedure B-1-5)
- Description of existing drainage patterns at the site and run-off outlet location(s), including the ultimate receiver(s)
- Stormwater run-off analysis (design storms, hydrologic parameters for pre-development and post-development conditions, modeling results, pre-development and post-development peak flows and volumes)
- Description of how the established quantity and quality controls criteria will be met
- Design details for each component of SWM system(s), including the capacity
Engineering Drawings, stamped and signed by P.Eng.:
- pre-development catchment areas
- post-development catchment areas
- site plan of existing and proposed SWM works, including outlet(s) location(s)
- design details of each treatment train components of the SWM system
- detailed cross-section of any outlet structure(s), including elevations for the control run-off event
- proposed erosion and sedimentation control plan
Additional Information:
- Conservation Authority (CA) or Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) or MOECC clearance
- CA, MNR or MOECC comments
- Geotechnical/ Hydrogeological Investigation Report
- EAASIB staff to note if the application includes any correspondences with MOECC offices (District Office or Technical Support Section)
- Map of sampling location (existing works)
- Analytical results of any sampling taken at the site
- Receiving Water Body information
- Pre-Development Flow and Post-Development Flow Quantities Table
- Major Flow Routing
- Proposed operation and maintenance procedures for the works
- Schedule of ICD
- Proposed monitoring
- Water Balance
- Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (SWM Report requirements: Enhanced level of protection)
- Phosphorus Budget
- Proposed Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Oil/Grit Separator only:
- Engineering Drawings, stamped & signed by P.Eng.
- Manufacturer specifications and modeling
- Sediment capacity
- Oil capacity
- Total holding capacity
- Flow rate
- Catchment area
- Impervious area (%)
- Annual TSS removed (%)
- Annual runoff treated (%)
Sewage Pumping Station
- Design Brief
- Sewage Pumping Station Design Data as per Pipe Data Form
- Receiver (sewer, another pumping station or sewage treatment plan/lagoon)
- Engineering drawings, stamped and signed by P.Eng.
- Description of each component of the pumping station
- Sanitary/Storm Sewage Area Plan
- Evidence of the adequate capacity of the downstream sewage works to receive the sewage flow from the proposed pumping station
- Number and Type of Pumps
- Hydraulic Calculations
- Individual and Combined Capacities (Pump and System Curves, capacity ranges for VFDs)
- Type, power and speed (or speed range) of pump motors
- Wet/Dry Well(s) sizing
- Standby Power
- Level Alarms
- Bypass and/or Overflow Details
- Description of the flow monitoring and recording equipment and other equipment proposed to be provided, for example, heating and ventilation, sump pumps
Subsurface Sewage Disposal Works
- Has the applicant engaged in a pre-submission consultation with the local MOECC District Office
- (EAASIB staff to confirm if the district office has identified site specific concerns). Have site specific concerns been raised?
- Environmental Impact Analysis:
- Assessment of impacts on water resources
- Fee for hydrogeological assessment review ($3,000)
- If no, has the applicant provided a letter from the District Office that waives the fee
- other comments / recommendations
- Is the works subject to EBR (if effluent limits will be imposed for shallow buried trenches and/or compliance)
- Geotechnical site/soil investigation
- Percolation time [T (min/cm)] of native soil
- Depth to water table from ground surface
- Depth to bedrock from ground surface
- (EAASIB staff to contact Regional Technical Support Section to receive comments/ recommendations) Are there any comments / recommendations?
Design Report
- Project description
- Design capacity of the sewage works
- Proposed works detailed description
- Background information
- Description of existing sewage works, including existing MOECC approvals and/or existing Health Unit permits
- Total maximum daily sewage flow calculations based on:
- MOECC Design Guidelines
- Ontario Building Code
- Historical Water Usage Data
- Pre-treatment/primary treatment (septic tank)
- Design treatment capacity
- Retention time
- Additional pre-treatment (oil/grit separator or grease trap)
- Design treatment capacity
- Retention time
- Tertiary Treatment System, including detailed design specifications and engineering drawings for all components of the proposed sewage works including:
- sizing calculation
- rated capacities
- holding capacities
- treatment capacities
- expected effluent quality from each treatment system
- Type of subsurface disposal system(s):
- leaching bed
- filter bed
- shallow buried trenches (subject to EBR)
- area bed
- other
- Sizing calculations of the proposed subsurface disposal system and engineering drawings showing the proposed layout
Engineering drawings stamped and signed by P.Eng. showing:
- site plan showing layout of all existing and proposed sewage works
- Minimum separation distances from all components of sewage works to:
- any structure
- any well
- any surface waters
- a nearest property line
- Cross-sections of all components of sewage works
- All pertinent details of all major equipment and layouts
- Results of any existing monitoring taken at the site and background locations
- Proposed Monitoring Plan
- Proposed Maintenance Plan
For Holding Tanks only:
- Compliance with Guideline F-9 / Ontario Building Code
- Sizing calculations
- Pumping Agreement with licensed hauler
- Alarm Systems
- Proposed contingency plan
Sewage Treatment Plant / Lagoon
- Regional Technical Support clearance of effluent limits requirements
- No change proposed
- Approved Criteria
- Unapproved Criteria
- N/A
- EAASIB staff to confirm if review by MOECC has been initiated in the absence of Technical Support Clearance
- Surface Water Assessment completed?
If yes, MOECC Technical Support Section Letter with effluent criteria requirements must be provided - Ground Water Assessment completed?
If yes, MOECC Technical Support Section Letter with effluent criteria requirements must be provided - Plant Location
- Design Report
Engineering drawings, stamped and signed by P.Eng.
- process flow diagrams showing all components (process units) of the treatment plant and the location of all points of chemical addition
- hydraulic profiles through treatment plant, process units/facilities and pumping station(s)
- general layout plan for all major facilities of the works
- process and instrumentation diagrams
Sanitary Sewage Service Area
- plan/extent
- population and population densities of the area
- facilities proposed to serve the area
- provisions for future expansion of the works
Sewage Flow
- present and future average and peak domestic, commercial, institutional and industrial sewage, and extraneous flows
- provisions for future expansion of the system
- Influent and Effluent quantity and quality characteristics
Treatment Units
- specifications and sizing calculations for all sewage treatment units including hydraulic and process calculations
- assessment of proposed design performance for each sewage treatment unit and how it meets current “Design Guidelines for Sewage Works”
- Bypass and/or Overflow Details
- Flow metering, sampling and monitoring program
- Standby Power
Additional Information for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Description of all industrial processes / activities
- Description of all contaminants associated with the industrial processes / activities
- Results of an existing monitoring program (existing works)
- Proposed monitoring program
Technical Information - Part C
- Stage 1
- Pass or Fail:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
- Stage 2
- Complete or Incomplete:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
Technical Information Part D – Waste Disposal Sites
- Project Type:
- Landfill
- Processing
- Transfer
- Composting
- Thermal
- Treatment
- Type(s) of waste to be accepted at this site:
- Subject Waste:
- Hazardous Waste
- Liquid Industrial Waste
- Non-Subject Waste:
- Municipal (non-hazardous)
- Other Liquid Waste
- Subject Waste:
- Are all technical documents signed and stamped by either a P.Eng. or P. Geo.
O. Reg. 232/98 Landfill Requirements (Applicable if ‘yes’ is selected for any of the two questions below)
- Is this a new landfill having a total waste disposal volume greater than 40,000 cubic metres and will accept only municipal waste for disposal
- Is this an existing landfill site for which an alteration, enlargement or extension will result in a total waste disposal volume greater than 40,000 cubic metres and accepts only municipal waste for disposal
Design Specifications [Section 6(2)]
- A written report must describe the design of the landfilling site and must contain the components outlined in this section: (2)(a), (b)(i)-(vi), c)(i)-(xxvii)
Buffer Area [Section 7(3)]
- Subsection (2) does not apply to a buffer area if the buffer area is at least 30 metres wide at every point and a written report confirms (a), (b) and (c)
Hydrogeological Assessment [Section 8(1)]
- A written report on the geologic and hydrogeologic conditions of the site and ground water protection for the site has been prepared in accordance with this section: (2) The report must contain: (2) (a), (b)(i)-(v)
Surface Water Assessment [Section 9(1)]
- A written report of the surface water conditions of the site and surface water protection for the site has been prepared in accordance with this section: (2) The report must contain: (2) (a), (b)(i)-(iv)
Ground Water Protection [Section 10(1)]
- A written report describing the design for the ground water protection features of the site has been prepared in accordance with this section: If a new landfilling site is being established 10(3), (4) or (5) apply if the total waste disposal volume of the landfilling site is being increased, meet the criteria set out in 10(3)
Leachate Disposal [Section 11]
- A written report containing plans, specifications and descriptions for the management and disposal of any leachate collected at the site has been prepared.
Leachate Contingency Plan [Section 12(1)]
- A written report containing plans, specifications and descriptions for a leachate contingency plan for the site has been prepared in accordance with this section: (2) The report must contain: (2)1,2,3,4,5
Surface Water Control [Section 13(1)]
- A written report containing plans, specifications and descriptions for the control, treatment and discharge of surface water at the site during construction, site operation and following closure has been prepared in accordance with this section: (2) The plans, specifications & descriptions must ensure that (2)(a),(b)
Subsurface Migration of Landfill Gas [Section 14(1)]
- A written report has been prepared in accordance with this section that contains the following: 14(1)1,2 14(2)1,2,3,4
Atmospheric Emissions of Landfill Gas [Section 15(1)]
- A written report has been prepared respecting the design, operation, maintenance and monitoring of facilities for the collection, and for the burning or use of landfill gas generated by the site during site operation and following site closure only if:
- 15 (2) a new landfilling site is being established with a total waste disposal volume of more than 1.5 million cubic metres OR the total waste disposal volume of an existing landfilling site is being increased to more than 1.5 million cubic metres.
- 15 (3) Section 15(1) Does not apply to a landfilling site if: A written report is prepared showing that the nature and quantity of landfill gas generated at the site is not likely to be of significant concern to the Director based on: factors outlined in section 15(3) sub-paragraphs 1,2,3 or section 15(3.1). The only waste to be landfilled at the site is coal ash.
- 15(4) A landfilling site associated with forest products operations, such as operations of a lumber mill, sawmill, pulp mill or similar facility, if the waste to be deposited at the site is produced by the forest products operations and is predominantly solid, non- hazardous process waste, such as woodwaste, effluent treatment solids, hog fired boiler ash, recycling process rejects, lime mud, grits or dregs.
Operation and Maintenance Procedures [Section 16]
- A written report has been prepared containing plans, specifications and descriptions of the operation, maintenance, monitoring, closure and post-closure care of the site, including matters related to record keeping, reporting & FA
Landfill Gas Collection - Under Reg. 347 & O. Reg. 232/98, landfill sites with a final capacity of > 1.5 million cubic metres are required to collect, capture and flare landfill gas
- Does the landfill site have a final capacity greater than 1.5 million cubic metres
- If no to above, has the applicant considered requirements for a landfill site with a final capacity less than 1.5 million cubic metres
- Does the application include consideration of requirements under the regulations, and Landfill Gas Capture: A Guideline on the Regulatory and Approval Requirements for Landfill Gas Capture Facilities [PIBS 6876]
Service Area
- Does this application include a request for a service area change
- Does the application include consideration of Reg. 347 section 5.2 for service area change
Design and Operations Report
These reports must be current at all times and if an application to amend an ECA is submitted, the applicant must include an updated version of the report if the report changes as a result of the application.
- Site Plan/Location map including:
- the location of any land upon, into, in or through which, or building or structure in which, waste will be deposited, disposed of, handled, stored, transferred, treated or processed
- any machinery or equipment, other than vehicles, used in connection with the depositing, disposal, handling, storage, transfer, treatment or processing
- Detail of the site preparations for:
- landfilling
- daily operation, including hours of operation
- environmental control measures
- site development and closure
- post-closure monitoring and maintenance
- Designed capacity of the proposed landfill area
- Waste types, quantities, characteristics and origin of the incoming material.
- Emergency operation & Contingency plans, including details/description of:
- Preparation, prevention, recovery re: environmental emergencies
- staff training related to emergency procedures
- equipment requirements and availability
- company and MOE notification procedures
- Procedures for:
- recordkeeping
- reporting to the MOECC, including any monitoring results, spills, volumes and types of wastes received and landfilled
- reporting to the MOECC (e.g. spills, etc)
- vehicle routes within site
- monitoring programs and procedures
- suitable document control and records
- Details about the security, hours of operation, days of operation and the number of days to be open per year
- Assess noise impacts & mitigation (facility & truck traffic), including anticipated truck traffic volume
- Details about facility maintenance and inspection, staff training and the qualifications of senior staff supervising operations at the site
- Monitoring and control programs:
- noise
- odour
- litter
- dust
- vectors and vermin
- Decommissioning plan
Hydrogeological Assessment Report
This report for landfill sites should describe the existing hydrogeological conditions and assesses potential impacts on ground and surface water from the proposed waste disposal activities.
- Description of site topography and drainage
- Soil characteristics and site stratigraphy
- Groundwater conditions and flow
- Assessment of the potential impacts of leachate from the waste on the groundwater and surface water on areas of potential impact.
Waste Processing and/or Transfer
Design and Operations Report
These reports must be current at all times and if an application to amend an ECA is submitted, the applicant must include an updated version of the report if the report changes as a result of the application.
- Site Plan/Location map including:
- the location of any land upon, into, in or through which, if proposed building or structure in which, waste will be deposited, handled, stored, transferred, treated or processed
- any machinery or equipment, used in connection with the depositing, handling, storage, transfer, treatment or processing
- Description of proposed signage
- Service area
- Calculations to support the design capacity of the proposed facility
- Details of the site fencing, security, hours of operation, days of operation and the number of days to be open per year.
- Design details of the processing/transfer building, including the floor design, ventilation system design, types of doors proposed, etc.
- Details of facility maintenance and inspection, staff training and the qualifications of senior staff supervising operations on site.
- Description of the type, origin of waste to be accepted.
- Schematic diagram showing the flow of waste (including residual waste) through the site, including:
- waste receiving area
- waste storage area
- waste processing area
- mass balance
- Description of the waste screening procedures, including waste inspection, analytical testing, rejected waste handling and temporary storage and disposal of rejected waste
- The maximum amount of waste that will be received at, and transferred from, the site on a daily and annual basis, including the maximum residual waste for final disposal
- Waste storage details: duration, method design of the storage facility, detailed calculation justifying the maximum on-site storage, including the maximum storage capacity
- List of sites where waste will be disposed of, including confirmation that the receiving site is approved to accept the waste.
- Assessment of noise impacts and mitigation (facility and truck traffic), including the anticipated truck traffic volume
- For storage of liquid industrial waste or hazardous waste:
- Details of storage area(s)
- Drum / Storage tank specifications:
- tank dimensions
- maximum volume
- volume level monitoring and controlling devices;
- venting
- type and gauge of material
- type of assembly
- tank foundation
- piping and coating to prevent chemical leakage or corrosion
- Detailed identification of the waste segregation program on the site plan (i.e. prevention of cross contamination)
- Details of piping layout and pump locations
- Waste containment details and calculations
- Written statement from a professional engineer indicating the storage facility complies with the Guidelines for Environmental Protection Measures at Chemical and Waste Storage Facilities
- Detailed description of the processes, equipment and technology to be used.
- List of processing parameters to be monitored and the monitoring procedures
- Recordkeeping details, including waste classifications, rates and amounts of waste processed, including any reagents used in the process
- Description of the types and quantities of any waste that will be generated and/or materials that will be recovered at the site, and a description of how they will be managed, stored and disposed of it
- Details of inspection and testing requirements for outgoing wastes
- Details of any requirements and procedures that are mandatory under the land disposal restrictions in Reg. 347
- List of sites where waste will be disposed, including confirmation that the receiving site is approved to accept the waste.
- Assessment of noise impacts and mitigation (facility and truck traffic), including the anticipated truck traffic volume
- Monitoring and control programs (housekeeping):
- noise
- odour
- litter
- dust
- vectors and vermin
- Emergency operation & Contingency plans, including details/description of:
- Preparation, prevention, recovery re: environmental emergencies
- staff training related to emergency procedures
- equipment requirements and availability
- company and MOECC notification procedures
- Procedures for:
- recordkeeping
- how waste is transported/managed onto the site, stored, or otherwise managed on-site and during shipment off-site
- reporting to the MOECC (e.g. spills, etc)
- labelling of storage containers, areas and vehicle routes
- monitoring programs and procedures
- suitable document control and records
- Description of leachate generation at the site, and handling and storage facility design
- Liquid waste and/or leachate and/or wastewater and liquid reagents storage containment details and calculations
- Written statement from a P.Eng. Indicating the storage facility complies with the Guidelines for Environmental Protection Measures at Chemical and Waste Storage Facilities
- Decommissioning plan
Stormwater Management / Drainage Report
A stormwater management report is required for waste processing sites that include provisions for outside storage of waste or discharge from inside the building to outside.
- Does this application propose outdoor storage of waste
- Does this application propose to have discharge from inside the building to outside
- Description of the nature of the interaction of the waste with rainwater, including considerations of volumes of storm water runoff and storage
- Surface elevations indicating the direction of drainage and a description of all discharge locations
- Impact prevention and monitoring plans
- Assessment of the need for approval as an activity under OWRA s. 53, or reference to an existing approval or application for approval for such an activity.
- Approval from the local municipality for any discharges to the sanitary sewer and the predicted effluent quantity and quality for this discharge.
Waste Analysis Plan
Required for all waste processing sites that are subject to land disposal restrictions under Reg. 347. A waste analysis plan documents chemical and physical testing of representative samples requiring treatment in accordance with Reg. 347 ss. 75 to 79, 82 and 83.
- Does this application propose to land dispose subject waste
Emission Controls
- Has the applicant identified and included details of emission controls (is an air/noise and/or wastewater component required)
- Does the application include the following emission control details:
- pollution control equipment description
- expected emissions
- emergency stack operations
- reagents used
- waste generated by the use of the equipment
Design and Operations Report
These reports must be current at all times and if an application to amend an ECA is submitted, the applicant must include an updated version of the report if the report changes as a result of the application.
- Site Plan/Location map including:
- the location of any land upon, into, in or through which, and if proposed building or structure in which, waste will be deposited, handled, stored, transferred, treated or processed
- any machinery or equipment used in connection with the depositing, handling, storage, transfer, treatment or processing
- Service area description
- Description of proposed signage
- Details of the site fencing, security, hours of operation, days of operation and the number of days to be open per year.
- Sources, types and estimated quantities of waste (including maximum daily incoming, maximum storage amount and maximum residual waste for final disposal)
- Description of the waste screening procedures, including waste inspection, analytical testing, rejected waste handling temporary storage and disposal of rejected waste
- Composting facility design including design of the proposed building(s), including the floor design, ventilation system design, types of doors proposed, etc and the design of the outdoor processing areas
- Composting facility capacity, including calculations to support the design capacity of the proposed facility.
- Description of the process, equipment, facilities and technology to be used, including (as applicable):
- waste pre-processing;
- waste composting and mixing, including a description of the recipe, how the material will be blended, the resulting range of C:N ratio and bulk density of the mix and methods of aeration and irrigation;
- the curing process for unfinished compost (including the location and duration)
- proposed monitoring arrangements
- proposed quality sampling and testing
- exhaust handling and control monitoring systems (including the building’s negative pressure systems and air exchanges)
- Waste storage details: duration, method design of the storage facility, detailed calculation justifying the maximum on-site storage.
- Emergency operation & Contingency plans, including details/description of:
- preparation, prevention, recovery re: environmental emergencies, including the release of foul odours to the environment and air exhaust control equipment malfunctions and handling of processed waste that does not meet the required criteria
- Contingency plans for material management if the final product does not meet the intended quality standards or process objectives (e.g. a plan to re- introduce the material into the process, or manage it as a residue)
- staff training related to emergency procedures
- equipment requirements and availability
- company and MOECC notification procedures
- Procedures for:
- recordkeeping
- final end use of the product and quality assurance (for example, meeting compost quality standards)
- vehicle routes within the site
- how the design and operations report will be maintained to ensure it is current at all times
- reporting to the MOECC (e.g. spills, etc)
- labelling of storage containers, areas
- monitoring programs and procedures
- suitable document control and records
- Details of facility maintenance and inspection, staff training and the qualifications of senior staff supervising operations on site.
- Assessment of noise impacts and mitigation (facility and truck traffic), including the anticipated truck traffic volume.
- Monitoring and control programs:
- noise
- odour
- litter
- dust
- vectors and vermin
- Description of leachate generation at the site, and handling and storage facility design
- Liquid waste and/or leachate and/or wastewater and liquid reagents storage containment details and calculations
- Written statement from a P.Eng. Indicating the storage facility complies with the Guidelines for Environmental Protection Measures at Chemical and Waste Storage Facilities
- Decommissioning plan
Stormwater Management / Drainage Report
A stormwater management report is required for waste processing sites that include provisions for outside storage of waste or discharge from inside the building to outside.
- Does this application propose outdoor storage of waste
- Does this application propose to have discharge from inside the building to outside
- Description of the nature of the interaction of the waste with rainwater, including considerations of volumes of storm water runoff and storage
- Surface elevations indicating the direction of drainage and a description of all discharge locations
- Impact prevention and monitoring plans
- Assessment of the need for approval as an activity under OWRA s. 53, or reference to an existing approval or application for approval for such an activity
- Approval from the local municipality for any discharges to the sanitary sewer and the predicted effluent quantity and quality for this discharge
Assessment of Physical and Water Use Conditions / Hydrogeological Report
This report is required if the composting operation is to occur outdoors on a natural base. (Locating a composting facility on a concrete or asphalt pad does not preclude groundwater contamination due to the potential cracking of the pads.)
- Does this application propose an outdoor composting operation
- Surface water hydrology
- Local geology, including soil composition and stratigraphy
- Local hydrogeology, such as the depth to the water table, current groundwater quality and direction of groundwater flow
- Identification of wells, water takings and other water uses
- Local regulatory requirements, primarily municipal zoning and by-laws and regional conservation authority requirements
- Identification of potential impacts on groundwater, surface water and water users, from the specific type of facility being proposed
- Monitoring and contingency plans, where deemed appropriate, to detect and if necessary, mitigate impacts
Emission Controls
- Has the applicant identified and included details of emission controls (is an air/noise and/or wastewater component required)
- Does the application include the following emission control details:
- pollution control equipment description
- expected emissions
- emergency stack operations
- reagents used
- waste generated by the use of the equipment
Odour Impact Assessment
An assessment of the anticipated effects that odours generated at the facility are likely to have. Or asphalt pad does not preclude groundwater contamination due to the potential cracking of the pads.)
- Use of an approved air dispersion model (for example, AERMOD) to assess impacts from all odour sources (including fugitive sources) under various weather scenarios using the most representative meteorological data.
- Assessment considers predicted odour levels at the:
- property boundary
- nearest receptors
- most impacted sensitive receptor.
Odour Management and Control Plan
- Procedures and best management practices to be followed at the facility to alleviate odour impacts during normal operations.
- Procedures for operation of the composting site under less than optimal conditions (e.g. freezing temperatures)
- Discussion of specific weather conditions under which odour generating activities, such as windrow turning, should not be undertaken
- Identification of anticipated problems that might occur – including detailed contingency procedures for actions to take when an odour problem occurs.
Thermal Treatment
Design and Operations Report
These reports must be current at all times and if an application to amend an ECA is submitted, the applicant must include an updated version of the report if the report changes as a result of the application.
- Has the applicant considered if the project is subject to EPA s. 9 (air and noise emissions)
- Detailed plans and specifications regarding the combustion equipment with the application (only required if proposed project is exempt from requirement to obtain an Air ECA)
- Site Plan/Location map including:
- the location of any land upon, into, in or through which, or building or structure in which, waste will be deposited, disposed of, handled, stored, transferred, treated or processed
- any machinery or equipment, other than vehicles, used in connection with the depositing, disposal, handling, storage, transfer, treatment or processing
- Details of proposed signage
- Details of the site fencing, security, hours of operation, days of operation and the number of days to be open per year.
- Design details of the proposed buildings, including the floor design, ventilation system design, types of doors proposed, etc.
- Service area
- A description of the waste types, quantities, characteristics and origin of the incoming waste.
- Description of the waste screening procedures, including waste inspection, analytical testing, rejected waste handling and temporary storage and disposal of rejected waste
- Sampling and testing procedures for residual waste streams
- The maximum quantity of each type of waste to be thermally treated on an annual and daily basis.
- Detailed description of the thermal treatment process to be used, including a description of the equipment and technology to be used.
- Details of the thermal treatment unit design, including:
- the design capacity of the proposed facility;
- technical specification of the thermal treatment equipment and description of the end use of the heat produced, that is: steam boiler, air heater, etc
- the proposed maximum:
- continuous waste material firing rate,
- frequency, if intermittent,
- clean fuel firing rate, if co-fired with waste material,
- chemical analysis of a representative sample, including, at a minimum, the parameters listed in the MOECC’s waste derived fuel criteria
- Details of all residual waste generated at the proposed facility, including:
- quantity of each waste stream, including the maximum residual waste
- type and classification of each residual waste stream
- waste unloading, handling and feed system
- waste storage provisions
- handling and disposal procedures
- Monitoring and control programs:
- noise
- odour
- litter
- dust
- Emergency operation & Contingency plans, including details/description of:
- preparation, prevention, recovery re: environmental emergencies
- staff training related to emergency procedures
- equipment requirements and availability
- company and MOECC notification procedures
- Procedures for:
- recordkeeping
- site and waste handling, including:
- how waste is transported/managed on the site, stored, or otherwise managed on-site and during shipment off-site,
- on-site storage method, capacity and processing details,
- a process schematic and a material balance,
- types and quantities of process residues.
- reporting to the MOECC (e.g. spills, etc)
- labelling of storage containers, areas and vehicle routes
- monitoring programs and procedures
- suitable document control and records
- Details about the site fencing, security, hours of operation, days of operation and the number of days to be open per year.
- Details about facility maintenance and inspection, staff training and the qualifications of senior staff supervising operations on site.
- Assessment of noise impacts and mitigation (facility and truck traffic), including the anticipated truck traffic volume.
Emission Controls
- Has the applicant identified and included details of emission controls (is an air/noise and/or wastewater component required)
- Does the application include the following emission control details:
- pollution control equipment description
- expected emissions
- emergency stack operations
- reagents used
- waste generated by the use of the equipment
- Description of leachate generation at the site, and handling and storage facility design
- Liquid waste and/or leachate and/or wastewater and liquid reagents storage containment details and calculations
- Written statement from a P.Eng. Indicating the storage facility complies with the Guidelines for Environmental Protection Measures at Chemical and Waste Storage Facilities
- Decommissioning plan
Technical Information - Part D
- Stage 1
- Pass or Fail:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
- Stage 2
- Complete or Incomplete:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
Technical Information Part E – Waste Management System - Mobile Waste Processing
- Project Type:
- Mobile waste processing of General Waste
- Mobile waste processing of Liquid Waste
- Minimum $1,000,000 Liability insurance, consistent with applicant’s name and address
Financial Assurance (FA) Calculation:
- Has the applicant provided a FA evaluation document appropriate for project type
- Do calculations provided include all compliance activities and unit costs
- Has FA for contingency costs (in $ or %) been included
- Have third-party quotes been provided to explain data assumptions and cost estimates
- Proof of vehicle ownership, consistent with applicant’s name and address
Design and Operations Report for Mobile Waste Processing of General Waste
This report must be current at all times and if an application to amend an ECA is submitted, the applicant must include an updated version of the report if the report changes as a result of the application.
- The area to be served by the mobile waste processing equipment.
- Expected days and hours of operation
- Physical location where the mobile waste processing equipment will be stored when not in use (site location).
- On a Site Plan, the location of any thing, other than a vehicle, that may deposit, handle, store, transfer, treat or process waste
- A description of the types of waste to be processed.
- The number of mobile waste processing units to be operated as part of the Waste Management System.
- For each mobile waste processing unit, identification and a clear description of the mobile waste processing equipment (including equipment make, model and serial number).
- If generic equipment is intended to be rented for the mobile unit on an as-needed basis, a general description of the equipment (for example, rubber tire backhoe, excavator).
- For each mobile waste processing unit, a detailed description of the processing method (technology) to be used, including a flowchart illustrating the sequence of steps involved in the process for each type of waste or waste class from the time the waste stream enters the mobile unit to the point at which all processing/treatment operations are complete.
- The processing capacity of each of the mobile units.
- Drawings indicating the dimensions, separation distances, location of various equipment and the overall dimensions of each mobile unit.
- Identification of any additives or reagents used in processing of waste, including the relevant Material Safety Data Sheets.
- A description of the waste screening program to be used to initially characterize the wastes.
- A list of process parameters to be monitored and monitoring procedures (including the frequency of monitoring).
- A description of all residual waste streams generated by processing equipment including, as applicable, relevant MOECC waste classes and amounts. If there are variations between the different mobile processing units, description of each unit separately and identification of the differences between the units.
- Identification of how the residual waste and processed waste are to be managed or disposed of.
- Description of who will be responsible for disposal of the by-product waste (and how it will be handled).
- A detailed sampling and analysis program for the waste to be processed, the processed waste and any residual waste streams the mobile units generate.
- Site preparation and planning details, as well as procedures to be followed when operations are completed and the mobile unit is moved off-site.
- Details about waste and processed waste stockpiling procedures including the handling procedures, types of liners used, runoff containment system design, runoff handling, etc.
- Description of the contingency measures for spills, fires and other emergency situations including: the equipment to be used, the procedures to be followed and the chain of responsibility in handling such situations. Also, procedures for handling of waste generated as a result of emergency situations.
- Description of site security arrangements, such as fencing, gates, supervision and a description of the signs, including the information to be displayed.
- General description of any air/noise emissions resulting from the operation of the mobile unit(s).
- Proposed procedures for mobile unit equipment cleaning and handling of any waste generated though cleaning.
- A description of the maintenance requirements for the mobile unit equipment.
- Staff training requirements.
- Procedures for:
- recordkeeping
- how waste is transported/managed onto the site, stored, or otherwise managed on-site and during shipment off-site
- reporting to the MOECC (e.g. spills, etc)
- labelling of storage containers, areas and vehicle routes
- a monitoring and analytical program
Design and Operations Report for Mobile Waste Processing of Liquid Waste
In additional to all of the D&O Report component requirements above, the following are additional requirements for mobile waste processing of liquid wastes.
- Procedures for:
- tank dimensions
- maximum volume;
- volume level monitoring and controlling devices;
- venting;
- type and gauge of material;
- type of assembly;
- tank foundation;
- piping and coating to prevent chemical leakage or corrosion.
- Details of the containment system for any tanks or vessels that are a part of the mobile unit, including the design of the containment system, its holding capacity, methods of cleanup of any spills contained within, etc.
- A description of any liquid discharges related to
- operating the mobile unit and its disposal site destinations.
- A description of liquid level monitoring procedures.
Technical Information - Part E
- Stage 1
- Pass or Fail:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
- Stage 2
- Complete or Incomplete:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
Technical Information Part F – Waste Management Systems
- Type of Waste:
- Non-subject waste
- Subject waste
- Final Destination of Waste:
- Ontario
- List of Provinces and/or United States, if disposed outside Ontario
- Minimum $1,000,000 Liability insurance, consistent with applicant’s name and address
- Proof of vehicle ownership, consistent with applicant’s name and address
- Site Information:
- Land owner contact information and signed letter of consent for vehicle storage
- Operating authority contact information
- Point of entry into Ontario for vehicles stored outside Ontario
For Subject Waste only:
- Future and current drivers trained in accordance with Regulation 347 and all pertinent environmental legislation
- Confirmation that each vehicle to transport a specific subject waste class is suitable for that waste transportation
For Processed Organic Waste (not for land application) only:
- Written confirmation that the POW meets the definition under Regulation 347
Transportation of Biomedical Waste
- Site Plan: the location of any thing, other than a vehicle, that may deposit, dispose of, handle, store, transfer, treat or process waste
- Description of the physical location where vehicles will be disinfected and washed
- Driver and waste management personnel training manual in accordance with Guideline C-12-1 [PIBS 7914]
- Operations manual
- Identification of type of biomedical waste
- Description of how waste is to be packaged
- Procedures for training drivers
- Description of driver’s responsibility for waste handling, including emergency handling, waste loading and vehicle decontamination procedures, supervision of waste load.
- Detailed spill contingency and emergency response plan
- Emergency management procedures
- Contingency plan for various spill and accident scenarios
- Notification protocols
- Spill containment procedures and equipment
- Clean-up and decontaminant procedures
- Storage of spilled and contaminated material
- Needle stick injury protocol
- Financial Assurance document ($50,000)
Transportation of PCB Waste
- Site Plan: the location of any thing, other than a vehicle, that may deposit, dispose of, handle, store, transfer, treat or process waste
- Driver and waste management personnel training manual in accordance with Guideline C-12-1 [PIBS 7914]
- Operations manual
- Purpose of intended PCB transport
- Type of each PCB waste intended for transport
- For each type of PCB waste specified, detailed packaging methods
- Description of driver’s responsibility for waste handling, including:
- safe handling procedures
- check of integrity of vehicle and waste load during transportation
- safe waste loading procedures
- requirements for secure loading of the waste for transport
- safe unloading procedures
- supervision of waste load
- Vehicle decontamination procedures in the event of a spill inside the vehicle
- Description of whether vehicle is used to transport any other type of waste
- Detailed spill contingency and emergency response plan
- Emergency management procedures
- Contingency plan for various spill and accident scenarios
- Description of spill kit
- List of personal protective equipment to be used or worn during clean-up
- Identification of how spill containment will be conducted in relation to the PCB waste type
- Notification protocol
- Spill containment procedures, including
- inside the vehicle
- on soil/hard surfaces
- Procedures for repackaging of spilled and contaminated material, including:
- identification of types of containers in which repackaging waste or contaminated material will be collected
- how waste will be disposed after packaging
- Details of spill cleanup equipment decontamination procedures
- Financial Assurance document ($100,000)
Hauled Sewage
- Type of Hauled Sewage:
- Portable Toilet Waste
- Septic Tank Waste
- Holding Tank Waste
- Other
- Minimum $1,000,000 Liability insurance, consistent with applicant’s name and address
- Proof of vehicle ownership, consistent with applicant’s name and address
Land Application
- Spreading equipment information
- List of all disposal sites approved by MOECC for land application of hauled sewage
In-transit storage
- Duration of storage
In-transit processing
- In-vehicle processing
- In-storage tank processing
- Financial Assurance estimate (all in-transit storage & processing in-transit storage tanks)
- Description of method of processing
Barge/Boat to transport hauled sewage
- Capacity of the engine 10 hp or greater
- Commercial vessel license (required if engine capacity is > 10hp)
Site Information
- Land owner, contact information and signed letter of consent
- Operating Authority, contact information
- Site plan, showing the relevant location of the tank and other relevant features
Processed Organic Waste (POW) / Non-Agricultural Source Materials (NASM) for Land Application only
- Minimum $1,000,000 Liability insurance, consistent with applicant’s name and address
- Proof of vehicle ownership, consistent with applicant’s name and address
- Spreading equipment
- Method of spreading
- Source of the POW/NASM (e.g. sewage treatment plant, industry)
- Copy of the most recent analysis of the POW/NASM, other than sewage biosolids
- Biosolids Utilization Committee (BUC) recommendation for the land application of the material (not required for sewage biosolids)
- Copy of approvals for soil conditioning sites, if the sites are already approved by the District Office
- Emergency procedures, spill response
- Final Destination of POW/NASM:
- Non-agricultural
- Agricultural
- Both
Site Information
- Land owner, contact information and signed letter of consent
- Operating Authority, contact information
Technical Information - Part F
- Stage 1
- Pass or Fail:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
- Stage 2
- Complete or Incomplete:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
Technical Information Part G – Cleanup of Contaminated Sites
- Project Type:
- Mobile
- Site-specific, stationary
Detailed Project and Process Description for Cleanup of Contaminated Sites
In addition to Reg. 255/11 minimum submission requirement
- A detailed description of the sampling and analysis program that will be followed, including a list of process monitoring/testing parameters and the frequency of the monitoring that will be conducted.
- The description should include identifying responsibilities related to sampling and testing and should include the following:
- the initial assessment and characterization of the contaminated media, for example, soil, water, etc.;
- the monitoring of contaminated media undergoing treatment;
- the assessment of media that has been processed by the mobile equipment; and
- the testing requirements for any residual waste streams generated by the process.
- A description of the range of contaminants and the discharges that result from operating the cleanup equipment. The discharges may include:
- All residual waste streams generated by way of the processing equipment, including the identification of relevant waste classes, characteristics and amounts.
- A description of all sewage effluent generated by way of the processing equipment, including the quantity and quality of the effluent.
- Contaminated material and processed material stockpiling/storage/disposal procedures where material is soil, water, residual waste.
Design Report
This report must be current at all times and if an application to amend an ECA is submitted, the applicant must include an updated version of the report if the report changes as a result of the application.
- Site Plan/Location map including:
- the location of any land upon, into, in or through which, and proposed building or structure in which, waste will be deposited, handled, stored, transferred, treated or processed
- any machinery or equipment, other than vehicles, used in connection with the depositing, disposal, handling, storage, transfer, treatment or processing
- Site preparation and planning details, as well as procedures followed when operations are completed.
- Specification of treatment system with the basis of design for all components.
- Details of the containment system for any tanks or vessels that are a part of the processing unit including, but not limited to, its holding capacity and methods of cleanup of any spills contained within.
- A description of the methods used to control and monitor the liquid levels in the tanks. If applicable, the details should show that the design meets: Guidelines for Environmental Protection Measures at Chemical and Waste Storage Facilities [PIBS 5113]
- For all residual waste streams described in the detailed project and process description, a description of how the residual waste will be managed or disposed of and identification of who will be responsible for its disposition (that is, the processing unit owner or the property owner/tenant).
- For all sewage effluent identified in the detailed project and process description, a description of how the effluent will be managed or disposed of and identification of who will be responsible for its disposition (that is, processing unit owner or the property owner/tenant).
- A description of any by-product generated by way of the activity. Description of the characteristics of the by- product and how it will be managed or disposed of and identification of who will be responsible for its disposition (that is, the processing unit owner or the property owner/tenant).
- If the project will be removing soil (ex-situ soil cleanup), identification of the proposed end use of the soil that has been treated by the processing unit, including the details of the proposed end use criteria if the soil is to be reused at the site.
- Description of the site security arrangements, that is, fencing, gates, supervision and description of the signs, including the information to be displayed.
- Proposed processing unit equipment decontamination procedures.
- Maintenance requirements for the processing equipment.
- Staff training requirements based on the technology being used.
- Emergency operation & Contingency plans, including details/description of:
- preparation, prevention, recovery re: environmental emergencies
- staff training related to emergency procedures
- equipment requirements and availability
- company and ministry notification procedures
- Procedures for:
- recordkeeping
- how waste is transported/managed onto the site, stored, or otherwise managed on-site and during shipment off-site
- reporting to the ministry (e.g. spills, etc)
- labelling of storage containers, areas and vehicle routes
- If the proposal is for use or operation of mobile equipment to clean up contaminated sites, the following should be included in the design report:
- Equipment information for each unit in order to clearly identify the equipment, including:
- the unit type, process description, equipment type, make, model, serial number;
- where applicable, description of any pipes and their layout, any liners and their use, tanks and their storage capacities, blowers, compressors, pumps, equipment used for pile construction, soil turning, mixing, etc.;
- The area to be served by the mobile unit, days and hours of operation anticipated, and the physical location of where the mobile unit will be stored when not is use.
- Proposed mobile unit equipment cleaning procedures and handling of waste generated by the cleaning procedures.
- Equipment information for each unit in order to clearly identify the equipment, including:
Technical Information - Part G
- Stage 1
- Pass or Fail:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
- Stage 2
- Complete or Incomplete:
- Review Start Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Review Complete Date [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Additional Comments:
Sign-off for All ECA Submissions
- Stage 1
- Pass or Fail:
- Date Reviewed [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Acknowledgement Letter sent [dd/mm/yyyy] or n/a
- Information Received [dd/mm/yyyy] or n/a
- Date Application Returned [dd/mm/yyyy] or n/a
- Date Forwarded to Stage 2 [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- electronically
- physically
- Additional Comments:
- Stage 2
- Complete or Incomplete:
- Date Reviewed [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- Reviewed by:
- Information Request Letter sent [dd/mm/yyyy] or n/a
- Information Received [dd/mm/yyyy] or n/a
- Has the applicant given consideration to the ministry’s Statement of Environmental Values?
- Date Forwarded to EAASIB [dd/mm/yyyy]:
- electronically
- physically
- Additional Comments: