Cybersecurity Preparedness Initiative
Learn how to get money for cybersecurity enhancements tailored to the needs of agricultural marketing boards.
Application intake for this Initiative closed on January 20, 2025.
The Cybersecurity Preparedness Initiative (the Initiative) provides funding for cybersecurity enhancements tailored to the specific and growing needs of agricultural marketing boards.
Funding for the Initiative comes from the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP), a five-year (2023 to 2028) investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments. Up to $1.25 million has been allocated for the Initiative.
In the event of conflict between the information on this page, the Cybersecurity Preparedness Initiative guidelines (PDF), the application terms and conditions, and the agreement entered in between the successful applicant and the Province of Ontario, the guidelines will prevail.
Important dates
Application intake will open on September 16, 2024.
The deadline to apply is January 20, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET, or when available funding is fully committed — whichever comes first.
Refer to the Initiative guidelines (PDF) for detailed requirements.
You must be one of the following:
- a local board under the Farm Products Marketing Act
- a marketing board under the Milk Act
- a representative association under Section 12 of the Farm Products Marketing Act
- the association under the Beef Cattle Marketing Act
Projects must include cybersecurity enhancement activities that are tailored to the specific needs of the agricultural sector.
You could get 50% of total eligible costs up to a maximum of $50,000.
You can have 1 approved project under this Initiative.
You cannot submit an application form for a project where you have already received or are expected to receive any funding through Sustainable CAP for a project with similar outcomes.
You can apply for and receive other government or third-party funding if the other programs allow stacking.
If you have received funding for the project through other sources, the total assistance provided from all funding sources cannot be greater than 100% of the total eligible costs. All funding for a project, including from additional sources, must be listed on the application form.
How to apply
- Download and read the Initiative guidelines (PDF).
- Download and complete the application form.
- Gather the required documents.
- Submit the application and required documents to
Required documents
In addition to your application form, you must provide written quotes from third parties detailing the proposed eligible costs for the project.
After you apply
After you submit your application, we will send you an acknowledgement email within 5 business days.
If your application is missing any information, we will not assess it and you will be notified via email. You will be required to submit a new application that has complete information.
Complete applications will be assessed against eligibility criteria.
Selection process
Ministry staff will review your completed application form to determine whether you are eligible to participate in the Initiative.
Applications will be evaluated against eligible activities and eligible costs.
The ministry will review completed application forms in the order they are received.
If you are not approved
We will email you about the decision and you will be able to request a debrief from ministry staff.
If you are approved
We will email you about the decision. We will also email you an approval letter.
You will need to meet several obligations including:
- signing the approval letter
- registering with Transfer Payment Ontario
- registering with Supply Ontario to receive payments
- submitting a final claim and final report
Refer to the Initiative guidelines for detailed instructions.