
The Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries has prepared eight guiding principles for the conservation of built heritage properties.

These principles are based on international charters guiding conservation efforts over the past century. They guide decisions by:

  • helping people understand the significance and value of cultural resources in the context of change
  • encouraging decision-makers to think about how cultural resources can be managed to sustain their cultural heritage value and interest.

These eight principles provide the basis for best practices in heritage conservation.

The information contained herein should not be relied upon as a substitute for specialized legal or professional advice with any particular matter.

Eight guiding principles in the conservation of built heritage properties

  1. Respect for documentary evidence

    Do not base restoration on conjecture. Conservation work should be based on historic documentation such as historic photographs, drawings and physical evidence.

  2. Respect for the original location

    Do not move buildings unless there is no other means to save them. Site is an integral component of a building or structure. Change in site diminishes cultural heritage value considerably.

  3. Respect for historical material

    Repair/conserve rather than replace building materials and finishes except where absolutely necessary. Minimal intervention maintains the heritage content of the built resource.

  4. Respect for original fabric

    Repair with like materials. Repair to return the resource to its prior condition, without altering its integrity.

  5. Respect for the building’s history

    Do not restore to one period at the expense of another period. Do not destroy later additions to a building or structure solely to restore to a single time period.

  6. Reversibility

    Alterations should be able to be returned to original conditions. This conserves earlier building design and technique. For instance, when a new door opening is put into a stone wall, the original stones are numbered, removed and stored, allowing for future restoration.

  7. Legibility

    New work should be distinguished from old. Buildings or structures should be recognized as products of their own time, and new additions should not blur the distinction between old and new.

  8. Maintenance

    With continuous care, future restoration will not be necessary. With regular upkeep, major conservation projects and their high costs can be avoided.