Mating disruption works best in vineyards with low grape berry moth (GBM) populations. Avoid using mating disruption next to vineyards with known high populations. Vineyards should be at least 2 ha in size.

To use Isomate-GBM Plus, place the appropriate number of pheromone dispensers uniformly through the vineyard prior to or at the onset of first flight of moths in spring. Delayed application results in increased mating and reduced control. Attach dispensers securely to the highest trellis wire.

Conduct damage assessments throughout the season to ensure that GBM are adequately controlled.

Monitoring for grape berry moth

Use 5 pheromone traps for vineyards up to 5 ha in size. These traps are used as sentinels: captures of moths in pheromone traps should be very low to zero in vineyards using mating disruption.

  • Place traps along a line that transects the vineyard or at the 4 corners of the vineyard.
  • Place at least 1 extra trap along the windward edge of the vineyard.
  • Where vineyards are located adjacent to wooded areas, place traps within the border area at least 40 m apart.

Damage assessments

Closely inspect fruit weekly in the outer 5 panels and rows for infestation, especially on the windward side.

  • If more than 5% of the grape clusters in this outer area are infested with GBM larvae, continue sampling another 5 rows and panels in.
  • If more than 5% of the grape clusters in the outer 5 rows but less than 5% of grape clusters in the inner 5 rows are infested, then apply an insecticide to the border of the vineyard.
  • If more than 5% of grape clusters in the inner 5 rows are infested, apply an insecticide to the entire block.