Whereas the program known as Celebrating 150 Years Or More Of Agricultural Production In Ontario Program was established on September 18, 2017 by the Previous Order made under section 6.2 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act for the encouragement of agriculture, food and Rural Affairs within Ontario;

And whereas sections 49 and 54 of the Legislation Act, 2006 has the effect of providing the Minister with the power to amend, revoke or replace from time to time an order establishing a program under section 6.2 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act;

And whereas I, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, wish to make amendments to the program known as Celebrating 150 Years Or More Of Agricultural Production In Ontario Program, as established on September 18, 2017 by the Previous Order;

Now therefore, and pursuant to my authority under section 6.2 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act and sections 49 and 54 of the Legislation Act, 2006, I hereby order the following:

Part 1 – Interpretation

  1. For the purposes of this Order, the following terms will have the meanings set out below:

    "Order" means this Minister's Order, number 0005/2017; and

    "Previous Order" means Minister's Order, number 0004/2017.

  2. Any capitalized term not defined within this Order will have the same meaning as set out under the Previous Order.

Part 2 – Amendments To Part 1 – Interpretation Of the Previous Order

  1. The following definitions are added to section 2 of the Previous Order:

    "Agricultural Supporter" means a not-for-profit incorporated entity that supports agricultural production in Ontario;

    "Municipal Agricultural Supporter" means a municipality that supports agricultural production in Ontario;

  2. (1) Section 2 of the Previous Order is amended by:
    1. Striking out the word "and" at the end of section 2(b); and
    2. Striking out the "." at the end of section 2(c) and replacing it with ";".

    (2) Section 2 of the Previous Order is amended by adding the following provisions:

    1. Agricultural Supporters that have been supporting agricultural production in Ontario for 150 years or more; and
    2. Municipal Agricultural Supporters that have been supporting agricultural production in Ontario for 150 years or more.

Part 3 – Amendments To Part 5 – General Eligibility Requirements Of the Previous Order

  1. (1) Section 9(2) of the Previous Order is amended by:
    1. Striking out the word "and" at the end of section 9(2)(e)(ii); and
    2. Striking out the "." at the end of section 9(2)(f)(ii) and replacing it with ";".

    (2) Section 9(2) of the Previous Order is amended by adding the following provisions:

    1. Where the Applicant is applying on behalf of an Agricultural Supporter that has been supporting agricultural production in Ontario for 150 years or more, the Applicant:
      1. Is authorized on behalf of the Agricultural Supporter to apply to the Program, and
      2. Provides sufficient information to demonstrate that the Agricultural Supporter has been engaged in supporting agricultural production in Ontario for 150 years or more; and
    2. Where the Applicant is applying on behalf of a Municipal Agricultural Supporter that has been supporting agricultural production in Ontario for 150 years or more, the Applicant:
      1. Is authorized on behalf of the Municipal Agricultural Supporter to apply to the Program, and
      2. Provides sufficient information to demonstrate that the Municipal Agricultural Supporter has been engaged in supporting agricultural production in Ontario for 150 years or more.

Part 4 – Amendments To Part 6 – Limit On Commemorative Signs Being Issued Of the Previous Order

  1. (1) Section 11(1) of the Previous Order is amended by:
    1. Striking out the word "and" at the end of section 11(1)(b); and
    2. Striking out the "." at the end of section 11(1)(c) and replacing it with ";".

    (2) Section 11(1) of the Previous Order is amended by adding the following provisions:

    1. More than one commemorative sign to an Agricultural Supporter that has been engaged in supporting agricultural production in Ontario for 150 years or more; and
    2. More than one commemorative sign to a Municipal Agricultural Supporter that have been engaged in supporting agricultural production in Ontario for 150 years or more.

This Order is effective as of the date of the signature below.

Original signed by

The Honourable Jeff Leal
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Executed on this 25th day of October, 2017.