Whereas the Program, which was aimed at providing financial assistance to those who participated in the CAIS Program in 2003, 2004 and 2005, was established by the Previous Order for the encouragement of agriculture and food within Ontario;

And whereas section 7(8) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act provides that a program established by the Lieutenant Governor in Council under section 7 of that Act before March 22, 2017 and that is still in effect on that day, is deemed, on and after that day, to be a program established by the Minister under section 6.2 of that Act;

And whereas the Program, as established by the Previous Order, meets the criteria set out under section 7(8) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act and is therefore deemed to be a program established by the Minister under section 6.2 of that Act;

And whereas sections 49 and 54 of the Legislation Act, 2006 has the effect of providing the Minister with the power to amend, revoke or replace from time to time an order establishing a program under section 6.2 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act;

And whereas the Program has done what it was set out to do and is no longer needed;

And whereas I, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, wish to terminate the Program, as established by the Previous Order;

Now therefore, and pursuant to my authority under sections 6.2 and 7(8) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act and sections 49 and 54 of the Legislation Act, 2006, I hereby order the following:

Part I – Interpretation

  1. For the purposes of this Order, the following terms will have the meanings set out below:

    "Order" means this Minister's Order;

    "Participant" means a person who participated in the Program and received a payment under the Program;

    "Previous Order" means the order formerly known as Order-in-Council 1731/2006, as it may have been amended from time to time; and

    "Program" means the Ontario CAIS Inventory Transition Initiative Program.
  2. Any capitalized term not defined within this Order will have the same meaning as set out under the Previous Order.

Part II – Termination Of the Program

  1. The Program, as established by the Previous Order, is terminated as of the date this Order is signed.
  2. Any funds remaining allocated to the Program shall be returned to the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

Part III – Provision Of Information And Audits Under The Program

  1. (1) Notwithstanding anything else contained within this Order, this Order will not affect a person's obligations under section 11 of the Previous Order.

    (2) For greater clarity, the requirements under section 11 of the Previous Order will apply and be applied as if this Order had not been signed if or when the need arises.

Part IV – Collection Of Debts Arising Under The Program

  1. (1) Notwithstanding anything else contained within this Order, this Order will not affect a Participant's obligation to repay any debts arising under the Program in a timely manner.

    (2) For greater clarity, the requirement to repay any debts arising under the Program established by the Previous Order will apply and be applied until all debts owing under the Program have been collected or otherwise appropriately dealt with in accordance with the Financial Administration Act as if this Order was not signed.

This Order comes into effect on the date it is signed.

Original signed by

The Honourable Ernie Hardeman
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Executed on this 22nd day of December, 2020.