Executive Summary

The Ministry of Energy has made valuable progress in removing barriers and improving accessibility across the ministry. Following the release of our 2014 ODA Accessibility Plan, we will continue our commitment to ensure accessibility for our employees and the public.

The ministry worked closely with Infrastructure Ontario this past year to build an inclusive and barrier-free environment for ministry staff. The new office space has incorporated many accessible features, including barrier-free facilities and accessible furniture and equipment. Furthermore, the ministry is committed to accessible internet and intranet sites and all staff have a shared responsibility to ensure web content and documents are created in accessible formats. The ministry will continue to work with staff to build awareness and create more accessible features.

This plan highlights the progress and commitment the Ministry of Energy has to improve accessibility throughout the organization. All levels of management, including managers, directors, Assistant Deputy Ministers and Deputy Minister are encouraged to embed accessibility performance commitments in their performance plans. Having a strong and informed leadership will strengthen and advance accessibility within the ministry.


Under the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 (ODA), ministries are required to produce, and make available to the public, annual plans that set out how they will identify and remove barriers to accessibility.

The ODA Accessibility Plan (the Plan) is an opportunity to showcase our ministry’s accomplishments and to demonstrate how we are modeling compliance with our regulated accessibility requirements.

In 2010, the Ministry of Energy began complying with the first accessibility standard established under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) - Accessibility Standards for Customer Service. In 2011, the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) was introduced, establishing phased-in requirements in the following accessibility standards:

  • Information and Communications;
  • Employment;
  • Transportation; and,
  • Design of Public Spaces

Each year, the Ontario Public Service (OPS) as an obligated organization, confirms its compliance with the requirements of these standards to the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario. The ODA Plan provides an opportunity for our ministry to go beyond confirming compliance with these regulated minimum requirements. Specifically, the Plan allows us to highlight the measures taken by our ministry to identify and remove barriers in the previous year while proposing measures for the coming year that will make our ministry more accessible.

The IASR establishes that obligated organizations, shall create and maintain a multi-year accessibility plan (MYAP) that outlines the organization’s strategies to prevent and remove barriers to accessibility. To meet the MYAP requirement, the OPS released Leading the Way Forward in 2012.

Organizations are also required to develop an annual status report that highlights progress in advancing the MYAP strategy and in meeting the requirements of the IASR. In 2013, the OPS released its first Annual Status Report, highlighting progress made in 2012.

The Ministry of Energy’s 2014 ODA Plan demonstrates the measures our ministry has taken and the measures we propose for the coming years to support the key outcomes and deliverables of the MYAP.

To access the Ministry of Energy and other ministries’ 2014 ODA Accessibility Plans, visit Ontario.ca.

Section One: Report on Measures Taken by Ministry of Energy in 2014

Customer Service

OPS MYAP Key Outcome:

People with disabilities who are OPS customers receive quality goods and services in a timely manner.

Measures Taken by Ministry of Energy in 2014:

The Ministry of Energy maintains its compliance with the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service regulation by ensuring that people with disabilities receive accessible goods and services with the same high quality and timelines as others. The following is a list of the Customer Service commitments from last year’s plan. Measures taken in 2014 are listed under each commitment.

Commitment: The Ministry of Energy will identify what accessible devices are available on site to help people with disabilities and ensure that staff know how to use them.

Measures Taken in 2014:

  • Staff that require special accommodation needs have worked closely with the Service Management Manager and the ministry’s Facilities Coordinator to acquire suitable office furniture and equipment. The Facilities Coordinator has also ensured that staff with accessible equipment and furniture have received instruction and training and is available to answer any questions staff may have on the accessible furniture/equipment.
  • In the past year, the Ministry of Energy was involved in a ministry wide office relocation project which provided an opportune time to assess the accommodation needs and options for staff and consider accessibility requirements during the procurement process. Through an assessment, Corporate Services Division (CSD) identified office furniture and equipment that took into consideration ergonomic features that prevent adverse health outcomes and would accommodate those who experience health related issues. In keeping with CSD’s commitment to providing excellent customer service and creating an inclusive environment, CSD offered all ministry staff options in selecting ergonomic equipment and features for their new workstation (e.g. ergonomic chairs, dual monitor, monitor arms, headsets, etc.).

Commitment: The Ministry of Energy will continue to increase awareness on accessibility best practices in accessible customer service through the ministry’s 411 electronic notification system.

Measures Taken in 2014:

  • The 411 electronic notification system alerts staff of important messages concerning the ministry. The 411 clearly indicates who the message is for, what each message is about and provides the message in an accessible format that can be read on Blackberry and assistive devices. In May 2014, a 411 e-mail message was sent to all staff advising them of the revised accessible customer service policy. This message specified that all ministries are responsible for providing accessible formats to persons with disabilities upon request; conforming to international standards for accessible website and web content; and staff are trained on the IASR requirements. A website link was also provided to the new accessible version of the ministry PowerPoint templates; a tip sheet on creating accessible documents on Microsoft Word and Excel; and the I & IT Accessibility Centre of Excellence website.

Commitment: Ministry of Energy will continue to ensure notice disruption policies and communications are in place when services are unavailable.

Measures Taken in 2014

  • In the event of a service disruption, the Service Management Manager receives notification from CBRE. Subsequently, the Service Management Manager or Facilities Coordinator will notify staff about the facilities and services that are unavailable and when they are anticipated to be returned to service.
  • For unforeseen service disruptions that immediately affect tenants, such as elevators being out of service, an announcement is made by a CBRE employee through the building’s public address system (PA system). CBRE has communicated to all tenants the type of disruption, the length of time for the repair and provided regular updates until the issue was resolved. For planned service disruptions, such as renovations and repairs to accessible washrooms and elevators, and closure or limited access to a building, the Service Management Manager or Facilities Coordinator sends out an electronic message to all staff about the disruption. The communication describes the reason and purpose of the service disruption, the duration, alternative facilities and services, and contact information for queries.

Commitment: The Ministry of Energy will review and analyze feedback received on accessibility related issues to ensure the ministry delivers goods and services to the public in a manner that takes their disability into consideration.

Measures Taken in 2014:

  • The ministry continues to maintain a feedback mechanism which ensures accessibility related issues are identified and remedied. The ministry has not received any feedback to date. The Correspondence Unit received no feedback regarding accessibility or accessible formats in 2014. The email, mail, phone and TTY options for public feedback will continue to be available.

Information and Communications

MYAP Key Outcome:

Information and Communications are available in accessible formats or with necessary supports to all OPS staff and customers.

Measures Taken by Ministry of Energy in 2014:

The Ministry of Energy continues to incorporate inclusive practices in the development of websites and communication materials for those who experience barriers in accessing standard formats. The following is a list of the Information and Communications commitments from last year’s plan. Measures taken in 2014 are listed under each commitment.

Commitment: The Ministry of Energy is committed to continuously improving accessibility to its websites including internet, intranet and web applications. As part of the IASR, the ministry will continue to train webmasters on accessible websites and educate staff on web-ready documents to ensure compliance of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Measures Taken in 2014:

  • The Corporate Services Division and the Communications Branch have taken steps to ensure that documents and forms are created in more universally accessible formats and in plain language. The ministry’s Accessibility Lead and Webmasters have received training from the I & IT Accessibility Centre for Excellence on creating accessible web content and documents and together presented this material to staff participating in an open Lunch and Learn session.
  • The website team with the Communications Branch closely screen materials and text prior to placing it on the internet and intranet to ensure it adheres to the IASR and meets the WCAG 2.0 (level AA). Materials submitted in inaccessible formats are sent back to the program area with an explanation of ministry responsibilities to provide accessible formats and links to information on creating accessible documents.

Commitment: The Corporate Services Division will remind all staff about best practices for creating accessible documents by sending a 411 message.

Measures Taken in 2014:

  • Staff received a reminder on best practices for creating accessible documents through a 411 message. This was also featured as the top story on the ministry’s intranet site for the month of May which included tips as well as an active offer for staff training.

Commitment: The Ministry of Energy will continue to meet accessible format standards and update all ministry templates to accessible versions.

Measures Taken in 2014:

  • Ministry PowerPoint templates have been updated to accessible versions and are available to all staff on the ministry’s intranet site. An accessible version of the briefing note template and ministry approval form will be completed next year.

Commitment: The Ministry of Energy will communicate the availability of accessible formats and communication support to the public by January 1, 2014.

Measures Taken in 2014:

  • Communication on the availability of accessible formats and communication supports to the public is provided in two manners:
    • There is an accessibility link on the bottom of each webpage hosted by http://www.energy.gov.on.ca/ that directs readers to Ontario’s Accessible Customer Service Policy.
    • Also, the Contact Us section of http://www.energy.gov.on.ca/ has the following note: As outlined in our Accessible Customer Service Policy, we are committed to providing accessible customer service. On request, we can arrange for accessible formats and communications supports.

Commitment: The Ministry of Energy will commit to sending at least one ministry delegate to the annual Expo/JOIN conference.

Measures Taken in 2014:

  • The Accessibility Lead attended the Expo/JOIN conference on December 1st, 2013 and will be attending the 2014 conference in December. This full day conference provides strategies and support for inclusion and expertise on disability in the workplace.


MYAP Key Outcome:

OPS employees with disabilities participate fully and meaningfully in their employment.

Measures Taken by Ministry of Energy in 2014:

The Ministry of Energy will continue to enhance awareness of the ODA/AODA to improve its ability to accommodate staff with disabilities. The following is a list of the Employment commitments from last year’s plan. Measures taken in 2014 are listed under each commitment.

Commitment: Ministry of Energy will continue to increase awareness of employment accommodation directives, policies and plans with managers.

Measures Taken in 2014

  • The Ministry Human Resources Advisor and Service Management Branch staff work with ministry managers to address requests for employment accommodations. For example in 2014, several staff were provided with a sit-stand desk and other ergonomic equipment to address accommodation needs. In addition, a Quiet Room was established in the newly renovated meeting offices at 77 Grenville, as well as accessible washrooms on all floors and barrier-free doors off main corridors.

Commitment: Ministry of Energy will continue to follow-up with staff who have submitted an accommodation request to ensure appropriate measures are taken.

Measures Taken in 2014

  • The 2014 Employee Engagement Survey results tell us that 7% of ministry staff have a disability. For staff requesting accommodation support, the ministry’s Human Resource Advisor worked closely with the Service Management Branch to ensure that identified requirements were fulfilled.

Commitment: Ministry of Energy will ensure the availability of accessible formats and communication supports for employees.

Measures Taken in 2014

  • All staff memos are distributed in an accessible format with the memo embedded in the e-mail alongside an attachment with a Word document. Additionally, staff are encouraged to use ministry PowerPoint templates which have been converted into an accessible format.
  • Communication materials and documents on the intranet are provided in accessible format. Alternate formats (audio, braille, large print, etc), are made available on request.

Commitment: Ministry of Energy will continue to support mentor/sponsor programs.

Measures Taken in 2014

  • The ministry supports the Diversity Mentoring Partnership Program. All Assistant Deputy Ministers participated in the program in 2014.

Commitment: All management staff to include commitments to promote a safe, healthy, and inclusive workplace in their performance plans.

Measures Taken in 2014

  • In May 2014, the ministry’s Chief Administrative Officer sent a memo to all management staff about their 2014 Performance and Readiness Assessment Plan. Each manager, director and Assistant Deputy Minister was encouraged to choose at least one performance commitment regarding Inclusion Now! OPS Inclusion Strategic Plan 2013-2016 and the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan for implementation.

Built Environment

MYAP Key Outcome:

There is greater accessibility into, out of and around OPS facilities and public spaces.

Measures Taken by Ministry of Energy in 2014:

The ministry is committed to creating a more inclusive and barrier free environment. The following is a list of the Built Environment commitments from last year’s plan. Measures taken in 2014 are listed under each commitment.

Commitment: Ministry of Energy will continue to increase awareness of the OPS barrier-free requirements for government facilities.

Measures Taken in 2014

  • The relocation of Ministry of Energy offices to 77 Grenville Street provided an opportunity for the Corporate Services Division to work closely with Infrastructure Ontario to implement barrier-free designs in the creation of new work spaces. Specifically, the 77 Grenville building incorporates the following accessibility features:
    • Dedicated accessible washrooms on each floor
    • Accessible shower facility
    • Accessible quiet room
    • Accessible meeting rooms with customized striped frosting on doors that took into consideration height of wheel chair users to be able to view the occupancy in the meeting rooms
    • Accessible door operators on all mains doors off the corridors
    • Lever handles for opening doors
    • The use of firm carpet for a wheelchair user to roll over without difficultly
    • A lighting system that will ensure that people with vision disabilities are able to identify colours, patterns and signage
    • Colours of doors contrast with surrounding wall colours
  • Additionally, the Corporate Services Division researched and assessed the accommodation needs and options for staff prior to the Ministry of Energy relocation. As part of the move, new office furniture and equipment that was provided incorporated ergonomic features to prevent adverse health outcomes. Corporate Services Division worked closely with staff to provide the following equipment and furniture:
    • Sit/stand workstations – These workstations can be adjusted to reduce the discomfort from prolonged sitting time especially for those who experience neck and upper back pain.
    • Monitor arms – Allows staff to adjust monitors up and down as well as rotate, swivel and tilt to a comfortable height for viewing, thereby reducing eye, back and neck strain. Dual monitor arms were also available to increase display screen area.
    • Ergonomic chairs – All staff had the opportunity to test and choose from three options of ergonomic chair based on their comfort level.
    • Ergonomic keyboard tray – Staff were given the option of ergonomic keyboard trays that would minimize muscle strain.

Other Commitments

MYAP Key Outcome:

OPS staff are able to identify barriers to accessibility, in OPS policies, programs, services and facilities, and actively seek solutions to prevent or remove them on a continuing basis throughout the organization.

Measures Taken by Ministry of Energy in 2014:

Commitment: Ministry of Energy will develop strategies that will assist the ministry to meet its IASR obligations in areas such as web accessibility, employee accommodation and procurement.

Measures Taken in 2014

  • The ministry continued to create awareness through a variety of initiatives in 2014:
    • Held a lunch and learn session on Web Accessibility for staff, as well as offered individual presentations to divisional units.
    • Informed staff on accessible accommodations through the Realty Transformation Strategy and 411 emails to staff, such as information on the Quiet Room.
    • Promoted mental health awareness sessions organized by the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment and encouraged staff attendance.
    • Launched the Ministry of Energy’s Inclusion Plan by designating September as “Inclusion Month”. Staff were encouraged to attend an Employee Network Fair and had the opportunity to hear a guest speaker for an inclusion Lunch and Learn.
  •  All staff were required to take the following mandatory courses:
    • Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) in the OPS
    • Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) Information and Communication Standards
    • May I Help You? Supplementary: Ten Things You Need to Know about Accessible Customer Service
    • May I Help You? Welcoming Customers with Disabilities
  • In addition, the IASR Employment Standards e-course is mandatory for all management and HR staff to complete. The ministry continues to track completion of all mandatory courses.

Commitment: The 2014 Accessibility Plan will be published by December 3, 2014

Measures Taken in 2014

  • All versions (including HTML and French translated) will be available December 3, 2014 and posted on Ontario.ca.

Section Two: Report on Measures Proposed by Ministry of Energy for 2015 and 2016

Customer Service

OPS MYAP Key Outcomes

People with disabilities who are OPS customers receive quality goods and services in a timely manner.

Measures Proposed by Ministry of Energy for 2015 & 2016:

MYAP Deliverables

  • Staff and customer feedback sought on accessibility innovations and improvements
  • Inclusion Lens applied to all policies and practices
  • Accessibility is part of all OPS business

Proposed Measures

  • Ensure that the Diversity and Accessibility Lead takes the OPS Inclusion Lens train-the-trainer session
  • Raise awareness of ministry staff on the use of the OPS Inclusion Lens by offering a Lunch and Learn session to ministry staff on use of the Inclusion Lens
  • Initiate a review of internal policies, procedures and practices to assure that accessibility is considered
  • Continue to collect and analyze feedback received through the available channels (e.g. in person, by telephone, in writing, by email or otherwise)

Information and Communications

MYAP Key Outcome:

Information and Communications are available in accessible formats or with necessary supports to all OPS staff and customers.

Measures Proposed by Ministry of Energy for 2015 & 2016:

MYAP Deliverables

  • Communications, websites, technology solutions and documents employ accessibility best practices
  • Accessibility Expo continues annually

Proposed Measures

  • The ministry’s accessibility lead and the web services lead will work together to review and develop accessible versions of the ministry’s templates (e.g. briefing note, approval forms)
  • Train ministry staff on creation of accessible documents
  • Update accessible format standards and templates based on best practices (e.g. braille e-mail address and TTY listing on business cards)
  • Train staff about the protocols, hiring process, budget and account codes to accommodate alternate format and communication support requests
  • Train staff about protocols to create accessible events
  • Commit to sending at least one delegate to future Expo/JOIN conferences
  • By January 1, 2016 and in collaboration with Cabinet Office, the ministry Internet websites and web content on those websites will conform with WCAG 2.0 level AA, excluding success criteria 1.2.4 Captions (live) and success criteria 1.2.5 Audio Descriptions (pre-recorded).


MYAP Key Outcome:

OPS employees with disabilities participate fully and meaningfully in their employment.

Measures Proposed by Ministry of Energy for 2015 & 2016:

MYAP Deliverables

  • Best practices on employment accommodation and return to work implemented
  • Better accommodation for employees with disabilities resulting from management review
  • Managers and staff have accessibility performance commitments

Proposed Measures

  • Analyze the 2014 Employee Survey results to assess potential barriers to employees with disabilities
  • Work with ministry managers to implement best practices on employment accommodation and return to work
  • Provide managers and staff with sample accessibility performance commitments for inclusion in performance plans
  • Work with managers to provide suitable accommodations for employees with disabilities
  • Continue participation Diversity Mentoring Partnership Program

Built Environment

MYAP Key Outcome:

There is greater accessibility into, out of and around OPS facilities and public spaces.

Measures Proposed by Ministry of Energy for 2015 & 2016:

MYAP Deliverables

  • OPS ready to implement requirements of IASR standards on Public Spaces

Proposed Measures

  • The ministry will continue to work with enterprise partners to achieve OPS Built Environment goals

Other Outcomes Deliverables

MYAP Key Outcome:

OPS staff are able to identify barriers to accessibility, in OPS policies, programs, services and facilities, and actively seek solutions to prevent or remove them on a continuing basis throughout the organization.

Measures Proposed by Ministry of Energy for 2015 & 2016:

MYAP Deliverables

  • Accessibility continues as a strong organizational commitment

Proposed Measures

  • The ministry will continue to work with enterprise partners to achieve OPS accessible leadership goals
  • The ministry will continue to increase awareness of mental illness in the workplace by promoting OPS resources, seminars and events.

Section Three: Addressing the identification of barriers

In support of the government’s commitment to improve accessibility for people with disabilities, the Ministry of Energy will continue to review government initiatives, including Acts, regulations, policies, programs, practices and services for the purposes of identifying and removing barriers.

Recognizing the importance of addressing accessibility barriers in laws that have a high impact on members of the public and persons with disabilities, the government is following a three-pronged strategy that prioritizes the review of high impact legislation including:

  1. Development of a standardized process and tools for identifying and addressing accessibility barriers;
  1. By the end of 2014, review of 51 targeted high-impact statutes that meet the following criteria:
    1. Statutes that affect persons with disabilities directly;
    2. Statutes that provide for the delivery of widely applicable services or programs;
    3. Statutes that provide benefits or protections; or
    4. Statutes that affect a democratic or civic right or duty; and
  1. Review procedural rules, policies and guidelines for select high-impact legislation, where necessary.

During 2014, no high impact statutes were identified for the Ministry of Energy to review. If the next phase of the Legislative Review does identify statutes for the ministry to review, we will report on the progress of the review in future accessibility plans.


Public Links

Contact Us

Questions or comments about the ministry’s accessibility plan are welcome.

For email, please visit the Contact Us section of the ministry website.

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© 2014 Queen’s Printer for Ontario
ISSN #1923-922X