Ministry of Transportation

Policy and Planning - Vote 2702

The Policy and Planning Program is responsible for identifying the long-term, strategic interests of the province with respect to Ontario’s transportation systems, including transit. It also develops and implements policies, plans, programs and investments necessary to achieve that interest.

The program leads economic analysis and strategic research to support the sustainable and efficient movement of goods and people across Ontario’s multimodal transportation system. It supports Moving Ontario Forward, a key government initiative to improve transit, transportation and other critical infrastructure in Ontario, and is also responsible for managing the province’s relationship with Crown Agencies such as Metrolinx, which includes GO Transit and PRESTO.

Additionally, the program works to advance Ontario’s transportation priorities and interests through the development of strong relationships with the federal government, other provinces, municipalities, and Aboriginal communities.

Vote summary
Item number Item

Supplementary Estimates




  Capital expense        
3 Urban and regional transportation $20,000,000 $4,793,889,400 $2,717,792,900 $2,344,334,629
  Total capital expense to be voted $20,000,000 $4,793,889,400 $2,717,792,900 $2,344,334,629
  Total capital expense $20,000,000 $4,793,889,400 $2,717,792,900 $2,344,334,629
Standard account by item and sub-items
Vote-item number Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
  Capital expense  
2702-3 Urban and regional transportation  
  Transfer payments  
  Electric vehicle public charging infrastructure $20,000,000
  Total capital expense to be voted $20,000,000
  Total capital expense for policy and planning $20,000,000
  Total capital expense for Ministry of Transportation $20,000,000