Learn about how we manage pesticides to ensure strong environmental protection, while keeping Ontario open for business. Learn about pesticide classification, licenses and training.
Using pesticides in Ontario
Learn about pesticide classification, sale and use, and the allowable list of pesticides
Pesticide licences and permits
Get, renew, replace or update information on an exterminator, operator or vendor licence to sell or apply pesticides in Ontario
Pesticides training and certification
Training and certification that you need to sell, buy, transfer or use certain pesticides in Ontario
Pesticides and golf courses
The rules for the use pesticides on golf courses
Report a spill
Farmer certification and training
The certification or training you will need to buy or use pesticides on your farm
Rules for greenhouse operators
The environmental rules you need to follow to operate a greenhouse in Ontario
Nutrient management on farms
Rules for applying manure and fertilizers
Weeds in Ontario
Weed management for farms
Weeds and herbicides (Ontario CropIPM)
Information about scouting for and identifying weeds that can cause large yield losses
Neonicotinoid rules for growers
What growers need to know before they can purchase and use neonicotinoid-treated corn and soybean seeds
Neonicotinoid rules for vendors
What vendors need to know before they can sell neonicotinoid-treated corn and soybean seeds
Natural ways to manage pests in home gardens
Low risk and alternative pesticides for gardeners
Pesticides in home lawns and gardens
Pesticides for cosmetic purposes on lawns and gardens, how to properly dispose of pesticides and how to report the illegal use of banned products