Port Burwell Provincial Park Management Plan: Amendment (2001)
This document provides amended policy direction for the protection, development and management of Port Burwell Provincial Park and its resources.
October 2001
A minor amendment to the Port Burwell Provincial Park Management Plan (1989) is necessary to adjust the Development and Natural Environment zoning of the park and to accommodate the construction of a new day use entry control structure and associated roadway.
The purpose for the construction of a new day use entry control structure is to replace the existing obsolete day-use entry control building with a new and updated structure to provide washroom facilities and increased security for park staff. The proposed day-use entry control structure will allow for the possible consolidation of the day use and campground offices.
The existing day use entry control building is in a state of disrepair and should be replaced. The proposed site of the new building will allow for an expansion to possibly accommodate a campground office (as outlined in the approved park management plan) and a small park store:
Section 9.0 Development of the Park Management Plan states that:
"Consideration will be given to consolidating the separate campground and day use entrances into a new entrance. This entrance consolidation would be implemented through an amendment to this plan."
Prior to deciding upon the current proposed location of the day-use entry control building and associated roadway, a number of alternative site locations were considered. These scenarios included (a) utilizing the existing day-use gatehouse footprint and roadway, (b) constructing the proposed day-use entry control building along the existing maintenance roadway and (c) installing the proposed day-use entry control building and an associated roadway east of Parking Area #1. An environmental analysis was completed for each of these alternatives. The environmental analyses involved the review of existing life science, earth science, and archaeological information. In addition, ecological site visits were conducted in March, May, June, August and September 2001 by qualified Ministry of Natural Resources staff.
Based upon the results of the environmental analyses, Scenario (c) was determined to be the preferred location for the construction of the proposed day-use entry control building. The site is situated in the southeasterly portion of the park immediately adjacent to day-use Parking Lot #1 and west of County Road #39. This proposed area of construction is situated primarily within the Development and Natural Environment zones of the park (see Map #1). The new site is situated closer to parking facilities and will allow for smoother and safer traffic flow. Furthermore, the level of security in this area will increase as park staff will be able to view the three most heavily used of the five parking lots thus minimizing potential vehicle vandalism and theft. In times of emergencies, the public will also be able to contact park staff more quickly.
The preferred site scenario requires that a small portion of the Natural Environment zone be rezoned as Development zone (approximately 0.2 hectares). The existing day-use entry roadway is situated within an approximate Development zone area of 0.6 hectares. Once closed and rezoned to Natural Environment zone, this area will ensure that there is no net loss of Natural Environment zone. In fact, there will be a slight overall increase (approximately 0.4 hectares) in Natural Environment zone. The restoration of this area and it’s rezoning to Natural Environment will contribute to minimizing habitat fragmentation within the park.
The proposed day-use entry control building will require utility hook-ups to be installed (i.e., water, sewage, hydro and telephone). All new utility lines will utilize existing service lines where possible. The proposed sewage line will be buried immediately adjacent to the planned roadway to minimize any potential impacts associated with its installation.
The existing day-use roadway will be closed, restored and rezoned from Development to Natural Environment Zone (see Map #1). The species to be planted and the techniques used in the restoration will be determined through the preparation of a restoration plan prior to undertaking this aspect of the project.
It is anticipated that the restoration of the existing day-use roadway will involve the scarification of area to be followed by seeding or planting of native plant species known to provide suitable habitat for species located within or adjacent to the park. To ensure that the newly restored area is not negatively impacted, fencing and appropriate signage will be employed to prohibit vehicular or pedestrian traffic through the restored area.
According to Ontario Parks Policy 11.02.03 Park Management Plan Amendment and Review, a minor amendment "involves changes to development or management policies of a less significant nature". Specifically, this amendment is not viewed to have a significant impact on the park’s environment, adjacent landowners or users and it is not expected to result in significant public reaction on a local, regional, or provincial scale. Based upon the environmental analyses, site visits and public consultation completed to date, the mitigation/restoration measures to be employed and the inherent improvements in park user safety, security and accessibility, this amendment is considered to be ‘minor' as:
- A new entry control structure is addressed in the approved Park Management Plan
- Changes in park zoning will be minor with no net loss to area of Natural Environment zone
- Ecological inspections revealed no impacts on Species at Risk
- Through consultation with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, there are no known archaeological sites within the area
- At such time as a new entrance and day-use entry control structure is constructed, the former entrance and gatehouse will be removed and the site will be restored to a natural area
Public consultation
Ontario Parks Bulletin 11.03.01 Guidelines for the Preparation of Implementation Plans indicates that:
"when projects or activities fall into Category A [with respect to their EA implications], the assumption is that there are sufficient checks and balances in place to mitigate potential environmental impacts. As such, no additional planning or consultation are required, although public notice may still be provided."
Public consultation was undertaken as a component of this project. Under Exemption Order MNR-59/2 of the Environmental Assessment Act, adjacent landowners were notified of the proposed amendment. Copies of the proposed amendment and the implementation plan were mailed to adjacent landowners within a minimum 125-metre radius of the proposed development site and to local stakeholder groups.
During the week of July 16,th, 2001, two paid advertisements were placed in local newspapers, on-site notices were posted at the park and a notice outlining the proposed project was mailed to 69 adjacent landowners. In addition, copies of all plans and any other additional information prepared for the project were made available to the public for examination at the Port Burwell Provincial Park office. The 45-day public consultation period extended until August 31st 2001. A total of five inquiries requesting further information were made to the park. There were no significant issues or concerns raised as a result of the public consultation process.
In accordance with Exemption Order MNR-59/2, made under the Environmental Assessment Act (respecting the carrying out of the Provincial Parks program) at least 45 days in advance of the construction:
- The Ministry of Environment will be notified
- Prior to construction, an archaeological assessment will be conducted by a licensed archaeological consultant to identify any potentially significant deposits and suggest appropriate measures to mitigate any potential impacts
- A copy of all plans or additional information prepared for such projects will be available to the public upon request for examination at the Port Burwell Provincial Park office
Approval statement
This minor amendment to the Port Burwell Provincial Park Management Plan is approved in order to permit the construction of a new day use entry control building and associated roadway.
Original signed by:
Henry Valks
Park Superintendent
Port Burwell Provincial Park
Date: October 31, 2001
Peter Sturdy
Zone Manager
Southwestern Zone
Date: December 10, 2001
Prepared by:
Tim Marchand
Assistant Parks Planner
Ontario Parks, Southwestern Zone
June 2001
Map 1: Park Zoning and Proposed Construction/Restoration Areas