
This targeted funding program prepares diesel-dependent First Nation communities in northwestern Ontario for connection to the province’s power grid. Specifically, the program helps eligible communities develop community readiness plans.

Sample community electrification readiness plan

Who is eligible

There are 25 eligible First Nations communities and Tribal Councils.

Independent First Nations Alliance

  • Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug
  • Muskrat Dam
  • Pikangikum
  • Whitesand
  • Weenusk

Keewaytinook Okimakanak

  • Deer Lake
  • Fort Severn
  • Kee-Way-Win
  • North Spirit Lake
  • Poplar Hill

Matawa First Nations Tribal Council

  • Eabametoong
  • Marten Falls
  • Neskantaga
  • Nibinamik
  • Webequie

Nokiiwin Tribal Council

  • Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek


  • Sandy Lake

Shibogama First Nations Council

  • Kasabonika Lake
  • Kingfisher Lake
  • Wapekeka
  • Wawakepewin
  • Wunnumin Lake

Windigo First Nations Council

  • Bearskin Lake
  • North Caribou Lake
  • Sachigo Lake


There is $1 million per year allocated for 3 years (2014-15 to 2016-17) for the program. Funding for program activities will be determined through a competitive process.

How to apply

The application period for 2014-15 has now closed.

Applications will be accepted from Tribal Councils or from other groupings of First Nations (3 or more communities).


These remote communities can apply individually:

  • Weenusk
  • Fort Severn
  • Whitesand
  • Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek