Executive summary

Guide cover

The Drainage Guide for Ontario is the technical reference document for the regulations to the Agricultural Tile Drainage Installation Act, 1990. It is designed as a useful guide for licensed drainage contractors, drainage superintendents, drainage engineers, agricultural engineers, and others interested in the planning, design, inspection and proper construction of agricultural drainage systems, and/or as a basis for writing specifications. Landowners, farm operators and others looking for an understanding of drainage system design, water management and construction technology may also find the information useful.

Recommendations in this guide are specific to the province of Ontario, general in nature and serve as guidelines for designers of agricultural subsurface drainage systems. The guide doesn't eliminate the need for further on-site enquiries into soil conditions, land topography, crops to be grown and economics of investment. Modifications may be required to adapt recommendations to local conditions and current or future tillage practices.

Recommendations in this guide are based on the assumption that adequate outlets exist or can be provided.

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