Publication 61: Starting a Farm in Ontario
Learn information and considerations when making the decision to start a farm.
Executive summary
Starting a new farm business is exciting. Every entrepreneur starts with an idea and there is no magic formula to success. Through the uncertainties of farming, effective planning is the key to managing risk and building success.
OMAFRA Publication 61, Starting a Farm in Ontario, provides information and considerations when making the decision to start a farm. This publication covers common farm practices and resources to help anyone thinking about starting a farm business.
It is organized into three sections:
- Starting a farm: where to begin provides information and considerations when making the decision to start a farm. If the decision to farm has already been made, this section gives considerations to support the decision.
- The decision is made: now what gives insight on things to consider before investing in a property and discusses business planning to increase the chances of success.
- Starting a farm 101 provides an overview of common farm practices, with important information and resources for the farm business.
Not all sections may be relevant to your unique business, but they give a good perspective of the agricultural industry in Ontario and can generate new ideas for the future.
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