Ministry overview

Ministry’s vision

The Ministry of the Solicitor General (the ministry) is committed to ensuring that all communities in Ontario are kept safe. To fulfill its mandate, the ministry’s responsibilities are divided into two distinct parts: community safety and correctional services.

As part of its community safety mandate, the ministry is responsible for establishing provincewide police and fire standards and oversight, as well as supporting crime and fire prevention initiatives at local and provincial levels, including supporting provincial priorities such as gun and gang violence, human trafficking and intimate partner violence. It also oversees the governance and licensing of private security guards and investigators and is directly responsible for Ontario’s animal welfare enforcement system.

Within the correctional services’ mandate, the ministry operates a safe, effective and accountable adult corrections system that includes correctional facilities and probation and parole offices across the province. The ministry is responsible for the safety and well-being of correctional services staff and those on remand or serving a custodial or community sentence.

Organizations within the ministry that contribute to community safety include the Ontario Provincial Police, the Office of the Chief Coroner, the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service, the Office of the Fire Marshal and Correctional Services Oversight and Investigations. The ministry also delivers training for first responders and frontline staff through the Corrections Centre for Professional Advancement and Training and Ontario Police College. The ministry also develops training courses and operates live mobile fire training units for local fire services.

Effective June 24, 2022, responsibility for Emergency Management Ontario and the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act was transferred from the Ministry of the Solicitor General to the Treasury Board Secretariat.

Ministry contribution to priority outcomes

The ministry is dedicated to making Ontario a safer place to live, work and raise a family. The ministry is focused on four key priority areas and the initiatives outlined in the Annual Report support these priorities:

  • to build safer communities by ensuring police have the tools, resources and supports they need to address provincial priorities such as combatting guns and gang violence, human trafficking and intimate partner violence
  • to improve fire safety by introducing new firefighter certification standards
  • to modernize Ontario’s justice system, and transform the adult correctional system, including upgrading and building new infrastructure
  • to improve mental health awareness and wellness supports for public safety personnel such as police, fire, paramedics, coroners and correctional staff


Legislation administered by Ministry of the Solicitor General:

Ammunition Regulation Act, 1994
Regulates the sale of ammunition. The act generally requires that purchasers be a minimum of 18 years old and requires that businesses keep certain records.
Anatomy Act
Allows the General Inspector (Chief Coroner) to send bodies, which have been donated or are unclaimed, to universities or colleges for educational purposes.
Christopher’s Law (Sex Offender Registry), 2000
Requires sex offenders who are residents of Ontario to register with police upon conviction and on an annual basis and at any time that they change their address. The ministry is required to maintain the registry and provide access to the police.
Coroners Act
Provides for investigations by coroners into the circumstances surrounding certain deaths. The act sets out the circumstances under which an inquest will be held and the procedures for holding an inquest.
Correctional Services Staff Recognition Week Act, 2016
Proclaims the week commencing on the first Monday in May in each year as Correctional Services Staff Recognition Week.
Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act
Addresses both emergency preparedness and emergency response at municipal and provincial levels. The act requires municipalities and ministries to develop emergency programs and formulate emergency plans.
Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997
Governs fire safety in Ontario and sets fire protection requirements for municipalities. The act establishes the Office of the Fire Marshal to oversee the operation of fire departments.
Firefighters’ Memorial Day Act, 2000
Establishes the first Sunday in October as Firefighters’ Memorial Day to honour firefighters.
First Responders Day Act, 2013
Establishes May 1 in each year as First Responders Day.
Forensic Laboratories Act, 2018
Imposes an accreditation requirement with respect to the carrying out of a laboratory test in a prescribed category that is requested for the purpose of legal proceedings, for some other legal purpose or pursuant to an order of a court or other lawful authority.
Hawkins Gignac Act (Carbon Monoxide Safety), 2013
Establishes the annual carbon monoxide awareness week.
Imitation Firearms Regulation Act, 2000
Regulates the sale and other transfers of imitation firearms and deactivated firearms, and prohibits the purchase and sale of starter pistols capable of being adapted for use as firearms.
Interprovincial Policing Act
Provides a framework for the exercise of police powers in Ontario by police officers from other provinces. Reciprocal legislation in other provinces permits Ontario police to exercise powers in those provinces.
Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022
Establishes prohibitions for persons impeding certain transportation infrastructure if the impediment disrupts ordinary economic activity or interferes with the safety, health or well-being of members of the public. The protected transportation infrastructure will be international borders, international airports prescribed in regulation, and other transportation infrastructure prescribed in regulation that is of significance to international trade. Provides police officers and the Registrar of Motor Vehicles new tools to deal with these impediments, including powers related to license and plate suspensions.
Mandatory Gunshot Wounds Reporting Act, 2005
Requires hospitals that treat a person for gunshot wound(s) to disclose this fact to the local police.
Ministry of Correctional Services Act
Establishes the legislative framework for correctional services in Ontario and governs matters relating to the detention and release from custody of remanded and sentenced inmates. The act provides for community supervision services and establishes the Ontario Parole Board. The powers and duties of the Minister of Correctional Services are to be exercised by the Solicitor General, by Order in Council.
Ministry of the Solicitor General Act
Establishes the Ministry of the Solicitor General.
Missing Persons Act, 2018
Establishes measures to assist members of a police service in locating a missing person in the absence of a criminal investigation. Also allows officers to apply for an order, or make an urgent demand, for the production of records to assist in locating a missing person or a search warrant to facilitate a search for a missing person.
Pawnbrokers Act
Provides for the licensing of pawnbrokers and for the collection and production of information regarding items pledged. The act is to be repealed on a day named by proclamation.
Police Record Checks Reform Act, 2015
Sets out a process and exceptions governing requests for searches of the Canadian Police Information Centre databases, or other police databases, in connection with screening an individual for certain purposes.
Police Services Act
Provides the legislative framework for policing in Ontario. This act requires municipalities to decide on the method of providing adequate and effective policing in their communities. This act also creates the Ontario Provincial Police, the Special Investigations Unit, the Ontario Civilian Police Commission, the Independent Police Review Director and the Ontario Police Arbitration Commission. The Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 received Royal Assent in March 2019, and once in force, will replace the Police Services Act.
Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005
Regulates private investigators and security guards. The act replaced the Private Investigators and Security Guards Act.
Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act
Sets out inspection, enforcement and appeal procedures for the prevention of cruelty to animals and deals with animals in distress. The act also continues the Animal Care Review Board.
Security for Electricity Generating Facilities and Nuclear Facilities Act, 2014
Sets out various powers for peace officers in respect of restricted access to electricity and nuclear generating facilities.

Key performance indicators

The ministry is committed to ensuring Ontarians are safe in their communities by focusing on the following performance indicators:

  • The ministry is committed to addressing the increase in violent crime in Ontario. In 2021, the Violent Crime Severity Index (VCSI) was 72.2.footnote 1 The VCSI increased steadily for several years pre-pandemic, peaking in 2019 at 75.4. Between 2015 and 2019, there was a 25.7% increase in the VCSI in Ontario, suggesting that violent crime has become more severe. This was followed by a 7.7% decrease in the VCSI in 2020. This decline can be attributed to COVID-19 restrictions and stay-at-home orders. The trend for the police-reported crime rate in Ontario has followed a similar pattern, increasing steadily until 2019 (an increase of 19% between 2015 and 2019), followed by a 12% decrease in 2020. The Ontario’s police-reported crime rate was 3860 per 100,000 population in 2021, a four percent increase compared to the crime rate in 2020. Similar to the VCSI, the decline in the police-reported crime rate in 2020 can be attributed to the restrictions and stay-at-home orders during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • In addition to addressing the increase in overall violent crime, the ministry is committed to reducing violence related to guns and gangs in Ontario. In 2021, there were 114 gun-related homicides in Ontario. This was an increase of 21.3% from 2020. There was a similar trend in gang-related homicidesfootnote 2 with 65 victims in 2021, an increase of 25% from 2020. Since 2015, there has been a 132.7% increase in gun-related homicides and a 209.5% increase in gang-related homicides. Three quarters (74%) of gang-related homicides in Canada were committed with a firearm, most (65%) of those with a handgun in 2021. The portion of these homicides increased from 72% in 2020. The recent 2021 increases in gun and gang-related homicides can be attributed to the easing of restrictions and stay-at-home orders in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The ministry is committed to reducing the rate of re-offendingfootnote 3 among those released from custody and community supervision. Data reported in 2021-22 shows that 33.7% of offenders who were released from custodyfootnote 4 and 20.4% of offenders who were released from community supervision in 2018-19 re-offended within the following two years. The percentage of re-offenders declined by 1.3% for those released from custody and by 1.9% for those released from community supervision the previous year (2019-2020). This decrease may be partially attributed to the pandemic as the second year of the follow-up period begins at the onset of the pandemic. Further, data reported in 2021-22 shows that 29.1% of offenders released from custody and 16.2% of offenders released from a period of community supervision in 2019-20 re-offended within the following two years. This marks a decrease of 4.6% and 4.2% for custody and community respectively. The large decrease in rates can be attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic resulting from court closures and court backlogs. Since 2016-17, those released from custody who have reoffended has declined by 7.9% and those released from community supervision has declined by 7.6%.footnote 5

Ministry programs

Community safety

Public safety

The Public Safety Division works with policing, municipal, First Nation and community partners to promote community safety and well-being. Activities include: scientific analysis at the Centre of Forensic Sciences; oversight of the private security and investigative services industry; development and amendment of policing legislation, regulation and guidance; expert training delivery and support for police and other public safety personnel to meet law enforcement needs; program development and administration of community safety grants; implementation and support for community safety and well-being planning across the province; support for intelligence-led law enforcement operations; management of provincial appointments; delivery of Ontario Major Case Management; administration and enforcement of the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, including the protection of animals; and broader engagement, program development and administration of funding agreements with First Nations communities to support First Nations policing in Ontario.

Ontario Provincial Police

Under the leadership of the commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), the OPP provides direct front-line policing services in hundreds of municipalities and First Nations communities throughout the province using Ontario’s Mobilization and Engagement Model. The OPP investigates provincewide and cross-jurisdictional crimes including complex fraud and organized criminal activity. In addition, the OPP patrols provincial highways and is responsible for many of the waterways and trail systems in the province. The OPP maintains specialized provincial registries, including the Violent Crimes Linkages Analysis System, human trafficking and the Ontario Sex Offender Registry. Oversight of provincial strategies such as child exploitation, serious fraud and biker enforcement are also responsibilities of the OPP. Included as part of its provincial mandate, the OPP also investigates anti-terrorism, cybercrime, provides emergency services support, is responsible for security for high profile international events, and delivers specialized security and protection services for the Government of Ontario throughout the province.

Office of the Fire Marshal

The Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM) provides leadership and expertise on fire safety matters, promotes changes to minimize the impact of fire and other public safety hazards on people, property and the environment in Ontario, and is responsible to carry out its legislated mandate as set out in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act (FPPA).

OFM works to minimize the loss of life and property from fire in Ontario by supporting municipalities, fire services and other public safety agencies to meet the needs of their communities through public fire safety education programs for Ontario’s fire services and the public; training programs and curriculum for fire services personnel and accredited certification testing to professional qualifications standards; fire protection and prevention programs and services to support all fire departments in Ontario in providing the right levels of service based on the needs and circumstances of the areas they serve and the provisions of the FPPA; technical advice and assistance on the application and enforcement of the FPPA and Fire Code and management of the appeals process for orders received under FPPA; assistance to municipalities and coordination of response to incidents or emergencies; investigations to determine the cause, origin and circumstances of any fire and/or explosion that might have caused loss of life, serious injury or damage to property; and, advice to government on public fire protection and fire safety issues.

Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensic Pathology Service

Ontario’s death investigation system is delivered in a partnership between the Office of the Chief Coroner (OCC) and the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service (OFPS). The OCC and OFPS have a shared mission to provide high quality death investigation that supports the administration of justice, the prevention of premature death and is responsive to Ontario’s diverse needs.

The OCC is responsible for conducting death investigations and inquests in accordance with provisions of the Coroners Act. Investigations are typically conducted in sudden and unexpected deaths in order to answer five questions (who, where, when, how and by what means) and to determine if an inquest should be conducted where not mandated by the Coroners Act. Investigations and inquests may result in recommendations that, if implemented, may reduce the likelihood of further deaths thereby enhancing public safety. The OCC also provides reporting, monitoring and oversight on all provincial medical assistance in dying cases, including data collection in accordance with federal legislation.

The OFPS is legislatively responsible for providing medico-legal autopsy services pursuant to the Coroners Act. Since 2008, the Provincial Forensic Pathology Unit (PFPU) of the OFPS, in partnership with the University of Toronto, has operated the first Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) accredited training program for forensic pathologists in Ontario and Canada. The PFPU also trains international candidates to promote global capacity development. The Eastern Ontario Regional Forensic Pathology Unit in Ottawa is also now a RCPSC-accredited forensic pathology training site for the OFPS. The OFPS also provides training for medical students, pathology and imaging residents, pathology assistants, undergraduate students and other medical and non-medical learners.

Inspectorate of Policing

The Inspectorate of Policing (Inspectorate) monitors and provides strategic advice to stakeholders and partners on the delivery of policing in accordance with the legislative framework for policing in Ontario. The Inspectorate will fulfill the duties of the Inspector General of Policing established under the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, which received Royal Assent but is not yet in-force. Through a robust system of advising, monitoring, inspecting, investigating, and reporting on the delivery of policing in Ontario, the Inspectorate will promote excellence, equity, and public confidence in policing, supporting those responsible for the delivery of policing.

Correctional services

Correctional services

The mandate of correctional services is to provide care, custody and control of inmates who are remanded and/or serving a custodial sentence (up to two years less a day) and to provide supervision of offenders serving sentences in the community on terms of probation, conditional sentence and Ontario parole. Key services and programs offered by the ministry include staff training and rehabilitative programming, treatment and services designed to help offenders achieve changes in attitude and behaviour to support successful reintegration into the community and enhance public safety.

Correctional services has five divisions: Institutional Services, Community Correctional Services, Operational Support, Correctional Services Oversight and Investigations and Corrections Centre for Professional Advancement and Training. Authority for correctional services is provided under both provincial and federal legislation including the Ministry of Correctional Services Act, Provincial Offences Act and the Criminal Code of Canada.

Health services

Health services provides strategic leadership to advance an accredited health care model for Correctional services that supports a standard of care that is equivalent to community health care and considers health equity and culturally appropriate care. It also leads the four mental health collaborative tables and the Mental Health Secretariat, which are focused on early intervention and on providing access to specialized mental health services to public safety personnel.

Ministry administration, policy and Justice Technology Services

Ministry administration

The ministry’s core businesses are supported by corporate services that provide leadership, direction, planning and governance. Ministry administration activities include the Solicitor General’s Office including the Parliamentary Assistants’ Office, Deputy Solicitor General Community Safety’s Office, Deputy Solicitor General Correctional Services’ Office, Associate Deputy Minister’s Office, Provincial Security Advisor’s Office, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, Communications Branch, Legal Services Branch, Business and Financial Planning Branch, Procurement and Business Improvement Branch and Human Resources Strategic Business Unit. The program also shares justice sector services for freedom of information and French language services.

Justice Technology Services Cluster

The Justice Technology Services Cluster delivers highly integrated and complex Information & Information Technology services and solutions and reliable and responsive operational support. This is in alignment with the Enterprise Technology Strategy that enables and supports business priorities and modernization of the justice sector ministries (Ministry of the Solicitor General, Ministry of the Attorney General, including their respective provincial agencies and Youth Justice Services Division, Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services). Key support is provided through development, implementation and maintenance of technology solutions and critical services, liaising with other service providers, as well as information management and planning.

Strategic Policy, Research and Innovation

The division is responsible for leading policy development to support ministry and government priorities. Key functions include the development of evidence-based policy, regulations and legislation and the coordination of justice sector intergovernmental activities.

Emergency services telecommunications

Emergency Services Telecommunications Division (ESTD) provides leadership for emergency services telecommunications services. ESTD delivers high availability, critical communications services for emergency services across the province. ESTD supports end-to-end public safety through delivering the government mobile communications network and supporting the Next Generation 9-1-1 and Public Safety Broadband initiatives.

Data insights and strategic initiatives

The Data Insights and Strategic Initiatives Division focuses on advancing Ontario’s criminal justice sector through innovation, digital integration, data and client-focused project services and solutions. The division provides a suite of services to all ministry divisions, partner ministries and stakeholders to lead, plan and deliver on priority initiatives, such as the Criminal Justice Digital Design and Criminal Justice Video Strategy initiatives in partnership with the Ministry of the Attorney General. The division also provides governance, project intake services, performance measurement, data analysis, business intelligence, as well as project and change management support to projects across the Ministry of the Solicitor General.


Infrastructure Division provides strategic leadership and oversight over the ministry's long-term capital planning needs, the renewal and improvement of ageing infrastructure and delivery on major infrastructure projects. The Infrastructure Division provides strategic services to the ministry’s diverse program areas including leasing accommodations, from procurement to building completion, and in ensuring compliance with the ministry's technical standards for architectural design and engineering needs. It is responsible for the long-term management of the ministry’s capital portfolio and the development of its capital programs and standards

Highlights of 2022–23 results

The ministry is building stronger and safer communities by supporting the public safety needs of the people of Ontario.

Highlights of the ministry’s 2022–23 achievements are categorized as follows:

Responding to COVID‑19

  • wrapping up the successful GO-VAXX mobile vaccination clinics

Building strong, supportive and safe communities

  • increasing support for survivors of human trafficking and intimate partner violence
  • community support to address local and provincial crime priorities
  • innovative solutions to combat cybercrime
  • enhancing crisis response across the province
  • setting a new standard for firefighter certification
  • keeping Ontario open for business

Technology to prevent crime and modernize the justice sector

  • modernizing First Nations policing
  • building a better-connected justice system

Investing in critical infrastructure

  • transforming corrections in the North
  • transitioning to Next Generation 9-1-1
  • deterring criminal activity through expanded CCTV surveillance

Delivering on accountability and oversight

  • new leadership for Ontario’s Inspectorate of Policing

Ministry organization chart

This is a text version of an organizational chart for the Ministry of the Solicitor General as of April 3, 2023. The chart shows the following hierarchical structure with the top level assigned to the Solicitor General.

  • Solicitor General — Michael Kerzner
    • Provincial Agencies
      • Constable Joe MacDonald Public Safety Officers Survivors Scholarship Fund — Patricia Kirkwood, Chair
      • Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council — Jonathan Pegg, Chair
      • Ontario Police Arbitration Commission — Sig Walter, Chair
      • Death Investigation Oversight Council — Edward Then, Chair
    • Deputy Solicitor General, Community Safety — Mario Di Tommaso
      Executive Advisor - Mark Okada
      • Ontario Provincial Police — T. Carrique, Commissioner
        • Field Operations — C. Harkins, Deputy Commissioner
          • Healthy Workplace Bureau — Dr. V. Lee, Chief Psychologist
        • Investigations and Organized Crime — vacant
        • Traffic Safety and Operational Support — R. DiMarco, Deputy Commissioner
          • Information Technology and Telecommunication Services — M. Johnston, Director
        • Corporate services — M. Silverthorne, Provincial Commander
          • Human Resources Section — M. Clark, Director
          • Business Management — M. McRae, Bureau Commander
        • Culture and Strategy Services — vacant
          • Respect Inclusion and Leadership — R. Veerappan, Director
      • Office of the Chief Coroner — Dr. D. Huyer, Chief Coroner
      • Ontario Forensic Pathology Service — Dr. M. Pollanen, Chief Forensic Pathologist
        • Administration and Business Services — T. Fernandes, Director (this position also reports to the Chief Coroner and the Fire Marshal)
      • Public Safety Division — R. Stubbings, Assistant Deputy Minister
        • External Relations — M. Longo, Director
        • Centre of Forensic Sciences — A. Peaire, Director
        • Office of the Chief Inspector, Animal Welfare — P. Milne, Acting Director
          • Animal Welfare Services — G. Fthenos, Director
        • Private Security and Investigative Services — C. McLinden, Director
        • First Nation Policing — A. Jones, Acting Director
        • Criminal Intelligence Service Ontario — J. Walker, Director
        • Ontario Police College — P. Hebert, Director
      • Office of the Provincial Security Advisor – C. Letang, Provincial Security Advisor
        • Provincial Security — C. Unfried, Deputy Provincial Security Advisor
      • Office of the Fire Marshal — J. Pegg, Fire Marshal
        • Administration and Business Services — T. Fernandes, Director
        • Field and Advisory Services — T. Beckett, Acting Deputy Fire Marshal
        • Fire Investigation Services — N. Macdonald-Duncan, Director
        • Standards, Training and Public Education — J. McBeth, Director
      • Inspectorate of Policing — R. Teschner, Inspector General
        • Centre for Data Intelligence and Innovation — M. Lloyd, Director
        • Inspections, Investigations, Audit and Compliance Management – K. Weatherill, Deputy Inspector General
    • Deputy Solicitor General, Correctional Services — Karen Ellis
      Acting Executive Advisor — Jayne Harten
      • Correctional Services Oversight and Investigations — R. Rose, Chief
      • Institutional Services — D. Pitfield, Assistant Deputy Minister
        • Institutional Services – K. Sawicki, Executive Director
          • Eastern Region – T. Gunton, Regional Director
          • Central Region – R. Warikoo, Regional Director
          • Western Region – K. Fitzgerald, Regional Director
          • Northern Region – M. Lauzon, Acting Regional Director
          • Toronto Region – T. Frankovich, Acting Regional Director
          • Institutional Operations – L. O’Brien, Acting Director
        • Community Services — M. Watson, Assistant Deputy Minister
          • Eastern Region – T. Robertson, Regional Director
          • Central Region – D. Kasias, Regional Director
          • Western Region – B. Forbes, Regional Director
          • Northern Region – S. Mitchell, Regional Director
          • Operations & Implementation – N. Alexander, Acting Director
        • Operational Support — K. Palmer, Assistant Deputy Minister
          • Corrections Centre for Professional Advancement & Training – K. Michalicka, Director
          • Corrections Policy, Planning and Service Delivery – A. Doobay, Director
          • Service Management & Oversight – I. Sykes, Director
          • Program Design and Implementation – N. Hutton, Acting Director
      • Corporate Services
        • Modernisation — M. Duran Schneider, Acting Associate Deputy Minister
          • Emergency Services Telecommunications Division — J. Stevenson, Assistant Deputy Minister
            • Next Generation and Broadband Infrastructure – P. Thompson, Acting Director
            • Government Mobile Communication – C. Whaley, Director
          • Infrastructure Division — F. Abdi, Assistant Deputy Minister
            • Facilities and Capital Planning – K. Williams, Acting Director
          • Health Services Division — M. Mayoh, Assistant Deputy Minister
            • Corporate Health Care and Wellness — L. Ogilvie, Acting Director
          • Data Insights and Strategic Initiatives Division— C. Johns, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister
            • Criminal Justice Transformation – S. Jones, Acting Director
            • Transformation Design and Delivery – A. Yong, Acting Director
            • Business Intelligence and Insights – C. Hagyard, Acting Director
          • Justice Technology Services — C. Emile, Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Information Officer
            • Service Management – M. Sabharwal, Acting Head
            • Operational Excellence – C. Lin, Acting Director
            • Common Cluster Solutions – S. Fournier, Head
            • SOLGEN Solutions – C. Walpole, Head
            • MAG Solutions – D. Thompson, Acting Head
            • Criminal Justice Digital Design – T. Al-Shumari, Acting Director
          • Strategic Policy, Research and Innovation — S. Caldwell, Assistant Deputy Minister
            • Community Safety and Intergovernmental Policy – S. Subramanian, Director
            • Community Safety and Corrections Policy – K. Watson, Director
            • Community Safety and Corrections Policy – M. Kittmer, Director
          • Corporate Services Division — S. Mahimkar-Patrick, Acting Assistant Deputy Minister/Chief Administrative Officer
            • Human Resources Strategic Business Unit – B. Nowak, Director
            • Procurement and Business Improvement – P. Amodeo, Acting Director
            • Business and Financial Planning – A. Mukoma, Director
            • Freedom of Information – E. Ragone, Coordinator
            • French Language Services – A. Tagsa, Coordinator
      • Communications Branch — M. Szymczak, Acting Director
      • Legal Services — B. Loewen, Legal Director
      • Audit Services — E. Cotter, Acting Director

Provincial agencies

The ministry is affiliated with the following independent agencies:

Ontario Police Arbitration Commission (the commission) — non-board governed agency

The commission administers the conciliation and mediation-arbitration processes under the Labour Relations Part VIII of the Police Services Act. The commission’s main function involves the appointment of conciliators and arbitrators to assist police associations and police services boards in the resolution of disputes arising out of the negotiations and administration of their collective agreements. The commission is a neutral body and does not become involved in the issues between the parties and does not influence the outcome of conciliation or arbitration.

Death Investigation Oversight Council (DIOC) — advisory agency

DIOC is an independent oversight council committed to serving Ontarians by ensuring that death investigation services are provided in an effective and accountable manner. As an advisory agency, DIOC provides oversight of the death investigation system in Ontario, supports quality death investigations, and, through its complaints committee, administers a public complaints process. In addition, DIOC provides advice and makes recommendations to the chief coroner regarding subsection 26(2) reviews, including whether or not a discretionary inquest should be called.

Constable Joe MacDonald Public Safety Officers’ Survivors Scholarship Fund Committee — advisory agency

The committee reviews applications submitted to the Constable Joe MacDonald Public Safety Officers' Survivors Scholarship Fund and makes funding recommendations to the Solicitor General. The committee also advises on the administration of the scholarship fund. The scholarship is available to spouses and children of public safety officers who have died in the line of duty. The scholarship pays for the cost of post-secondary education, up to five years, including tuition, textbooks and eligible living expenses.

Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council (the council) — board-governed operational enterprise

Established in 1993, the council promotes fire safety and public education through sponsorships and partnerships with various groups and individuals interested in public safety. The council is a non-profit corporation without share capital under Part XI of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, and is comprised of a board of directors and other members of the council who are representatives from fire services, industry and the public. The fire marshal is the chair of the council. The council forms partnerships, raises and distributes funds, and endorses programs and products necessary to further the development of Ontario as a fire-safe community.

Financial summary of ministry provincial agencies
Expenditure 2023–24
(interim actuals)
Ontario Police Arbitration Commission 452,100 468,900
Death Investigation Oversight Council 440,500 669,700
Sub-total Vote 7 (Agencies, Boards and Commissions) 892,600 1,138,600
Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council 1,000 null
Constable Joe MacDonald Public Safety Officers’ Survivors Scholarship Fund 400,000 231,500
Total 1,293,600 1,370,100

2023–24 Strategic plan

Table 1: Ministry planned expenditures 2023–24 ($M)
Operating 3,377.9
Capital 53.2
Total 3,431.1

Note: ministry planned expenditures include statutory appropriations and consolidations.
Numbers may not add due to rounding.

Ministry budget 2023–24, operating and capital

Ontario Provincial Police: $1,449.8$M


Correctional services : $1,089.4$M


Public safety division: $435.3$M


Infrastructure: $226.9$M


Emergency services telecommunications: $219.6$M


Emergency planning and management: $89.9$M


Justice Technology Services: $81.3$M


Statutory: $46.7$M


Other services: $44.3$M


Health services: $28.1$M


Consolidation: ($280.1$M)


Note: ministry budget excludes capital assets and operating assets.

Detailed financial information

Table 2: Combined operating and capital summary by vote

Operating expense
Votes/programs Estimates
2023–24 ($)
Change from estimates
Per cent % Estimates
2022–23footnote 6 ($)
Interim actuals
2022–23footnote 6 ($)
2021–22footnote 6 ($)
Ministry administration 21,796,200 −8,333,700 −27.7 30,129,900 84,922,800 73,399,677
Public Safety Division 425,284,000 −43,495,200 −9.3 468,779,200 487,911,900 370,664,439
Ontario Provincial Police 1,449,409,500 42,962,000 3.1 1,406,447,500 1,406,475,200 1,346,460,829
Correctional Services 1,089,348,800


−0.5 1,094,904,700 1,201,672,000 1,112,381,149
Justice Technology Services program 81,310,200 7,522,200 10.2 73,788,000 64,356,400 57,318,293
Agencies, boards and commissions 892,600 null null 892,600 1,138,600 1,088,946
Emergency planning and management 89,892,200 13,142,500 17.1 76,749,700 101,563,900 87,633,179
Strategic Policy, Research and Innovation 6,838,300 93,000 1.4 6,745,300 7,994,800 6,906,174
Inspectorate 8,669,100 −1,261,300 −12.7 9,930,400 8,730,200 3,764,551
Emergency services telecommunications 218,629,200 −52,394,100 −19.3 271,023,300 133,001,600 48,439,472
Data insights and strategic initiatives 6,098,300 −797,400 −11.6 6,895,700 19,217,300 13,725,053
Health services 28,095,200 25,315,900 910.9 2,779,300 5,305,600 4,303,542
Infrastructure 159,205,000 41,543,800 35.3 117,661,200 185,508,600 133,066,803
Total operating expense to be Voted 3,585,468,600 18,741,800 0.5 3,566,726,800 3,707,798,900 3,259,152,107
Statutory appropriations 4,862,187 4,746,173 4091.0 116,014 14,504,014 16,534,684
Ministry total operating expense 3,590,330,787 23,487,973 0.7 3,566,842,814 3,722,302,914 3,275,686,791
Consolidation adjustment — Ontario Health null null null null null −252,442
Consolidation adjustment — hospitals −26,326,300 −3,323,300 14.4 −23,003,000 −26,387,300 −22,569,036
Consolidation adjustment — school boards null null null null null −479,837
Consolidation adjustment — colleges null null null null null −186,844
Consolidation adjustments — general real estate portfolio −186,082,800 −40,600,100 27.9 −145,482,700 −198,923,500 −159,980,419
Consolidation adjustments — Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation null 3,270,000 −100.0 −3,270,000 null −666,799
Total consolidations −212,409,100 −40,653,400 23.7 −171,755,700 −225,310,800 −184,135,377
Total including consolidations 3,377,921,687 −17,165,427 −0.5 3,395,087,114 3,496,992,114 3,091,551,414
Operating assets
Votes/programs Estimates
2023–24 ($)
Change from estimates
Per cent % Estimates
2022–23footnote 6 ($)
Interim actuals
2022–23footnote 6 ($)
2021–22footnote 6 ($)
Public Safety Division null −2,000 −100.0 2,000 null null
Ontario Provincial Police null −2,000 −100.0 2,000 null null
Correctional Services null −2,000 −100.0 2,000 null null
Justice Technology Services program 5,000,000 −2,000 0.0 5,002,000 4,936,500 2,440,243
Agencies, boards and commissions null −2,000 −100.0 2,000 null null
Emergency Planning and Management null −2,000 −100.0 2,000 null null
Strategic Policy, Research and Innovation null −2,000 −100.0 2,000 null null
Inspectorate null −2,000 −100.0 2,000 null null
Emergency services telecommunications 3,000,000 698,000 30.3 2,302,000 2,300,000 2,025,319
Total operating assets to be voted 8,000,000 682,000 9.3 7,318,000 7,236,500 4,465,562
Capital expense
Votes/programs Estimates
2023–24 ($)
Change from estimates
Per cent % Estimates
2022–23footnote 6 ($)
Interim actuals
2022–23footnote 6 ($)
2021–22footnote 6 ($)
Ministry administration 1,000 null null 1,000 null null
Public Safety Division 10,002,000 −734,300 −6.8 10,736,300 10,421,800 7,852,301
Ontario Provincial Police 376,000 null null 376,000 134,200 176,931
Correctional Services 2,000 null null 2,000 null null
Justice Technology Services 1,000 null null 1,000 null null
Emergency planning and management 1,000 null null 1,000 null null
Strategic Policy, Research and Innovation 1,000 null null 1,000 null null
Emergency services telecommunications 956,400 956,400 100.0 null null null
Infrastructure 67,661,300 −61,474,100 −47.6 129,135,400 79,813,800 110,503,041
Total capital expense to be voted 79,001,700 −61,252,000 −43.7 140,253,700 90,369,800 118,532,273
Statutory appropriations 41,816,200 −31,306,600 −42.8 73,122,800 20,706,600 19,608,463
Ministry total capital expense 120,817,900 −92,558,600 −43.4 213,376,500 111,076,400 138,140,736
Consolidation adjustment — general real estate portfolio −62,891,800 39,244,100 −38.4 −102,135,900 −72,015,100 −92,847,846
Consolidation adjustment — Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation −4,769,500 89,929,700 −65.2 −13,699,200 5,030,500 6,292,747
Total consolidations −67,661,300 48,173,800 −41.6 −115,835,100 −77,045,600 −99,140,593
Total including consolidations 53,156,600 −44,384,800 −45.5 97,541,400 34,030,800 39,000,143
Capital assets
Votes/programs Estimates
2022–23 ($)
Change from estimates
Per cent % Estimates
2021–22footnote 6 ($)
Interim actuals
2021–22footnote 6 ($)
2020–21footnote 6 ($)
Ministry administration 1,000 null null 1,000 null null
Public Safety Division 2,173,600 −72,900 −3.2 2,246,500 9,684,900 390,000
Ontario Provincial Police 49,763,300 6,144,300 14.1 43,619,000 28,806,500 15,956,083
Correctional Services 151,000 null null 151,000 100 343,161
Justice Technology Services  10,120,300 18,200 0.2 10,102,100 5,822,500 37,006
Emergency planning and management 3,770,000 2,680,000 245.9 1,090,000 726,700 1,195,000
Emergency services telecommunications 332,164,500 −63,840,300 −16.1 396,004,800 68,908,900 18,289,236
Infrastructure 296,302,800 91,148,300 44.4 205,154,500 198,456,200 96,175,315
Total capital assets to be voted 694,446,500 36,077,600 5.5 658,368,900 312,405,800 132,385,801
Total operating and capital including consolidation and other adjustments (not including assets) 3,431,078,287 −61,550,227 −1.8 3,492,628,514 3,531,022,914 3,130,551,557

Historic trends

Historic trend table
Historic trend analysis data Actuals
2020–21footnote 7
2021–22footnote 7
2022–23footnote 7
Estimates 2023–24
Ministry total operating and capital including consolidation and other adjustments (not including assets) 2,900,869,639 3,130,551,557 3,492,628,514 3,431,078,287
Year-over-year % increase N/A 8 12 −2

The Ministry of the Solicitor General is the largest direct-delivery service provider in the Ontario Public Service, providing essential frontline community safety services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year to maintain the safety and security of all Ontarians. Actual ministry expenses increased year over year through 2021-2022 mainly due to investments to support the Ontario Provincial Police, segregation compliance, corrections reform as well as COVID-19 related expenses. The ministry takes the province’s fiscal challenges seriously and is actively working with its justice sector partners to modernize service delivery to restrain expenditures while maintaining critical service delivery.

Appendix: 2022–23 Annual report

2022–23 results

The ministry is building stronger and safer communities by supporting the public safety needs of the people of Ontario.

Responding to COVID‑19

Wrapping up the successful GO-VAXX mobile vaccination clinics

As Ontario continued its transition out of the pandemic, COVID-19 initiatives were either moved to the Office of the Chief Medical Officer or wound down. On March 31, 2023, the ministry retired its fleet of GO-VAXX mobile clinics.

GO-VAXX mobile clinics played an important role in increasing vaccine uptake in Ontario by making it easier and more convenient for people to receive their vaccines. The program had been a partnership between Ministry of the Solicitor General, Ministry of Health and Metrolinx, a transportation agency that manages and integrates road and public transport across much of Ontario’s Golden Horse, including the GO Transit commuter network.

The program was part of the province’s last mile strategy to target individuals who had yet to receive a first or second COVID-19 vaccine directly in their own community. Initially two GO buses were retrofitted to operate as mobile clinics. Each bus operated as a fully functioning vaccine clinic with the necessary supplies and trained staff to provide assistance to people and ensure vaccines were administered safely.

At its height, a fleet of eight GO-VAXX clinics made regular stops at malls, festivals, community hubs and events. Since the first buses hit the road in August 2021, GO-VAXX has held 3,398 clinics and administered 194,350 vaccine doses.

Building strong, supportive and safe communities

Increasing support for survivors of human trafficking and intimate partner violence

Intimate partner violence and human trafficking are heinous crimes that can have devastating impacts. These crimes affect people of all genders, ages, race, ethnicity, religious and cultural backgrounds, with the vulnerable most at risk of being victimized.

The ministry is building its capacity to help survivors of human trafficking, intimate partner violence and at-risk individuals get the support they need when and where they need it. Through the ministry’s Victim Support Grant (VSG) program, $5.9 million is being invested over two years to fund local ‘wrap-around’ supports and services, increase law enforcement’s investigative capacity, introduce specialized intervention programs and create culturally sensitive awareness campaigns.

Thirty-seven local projects developed by police services in collaboration with local organizations and community partners across the province are being funded with added support from the federal government. Of these projects, 17 will focus on addressing the needs of Indigenous survivors or strengthening relationships with Indigenous organizations and communities.

These projects include:

  • Establishing comprehensive ‘wrap-around’ supports and services for survivors and at-risk individuals through enhanced police and community partner collaboration.
  • Specialized intervention programs for suspected or confirmed instances of intimate partner violence or human trafficking.
  • Providing specialized training on human trafficking and intimate partner violence for law enforcement and increasing technology and equipment to enhance police investigation capacity, including evidence collection and the option for survivors to complete interviews remotely.
  • Creating environments that are culturally safe and response for survivors, and launching culturally responsive education and awareness campaigns to inform at-risk groups about the signs of intimate partner violence and human trafficking.

The VSG program provides funding to community-based, not-for-profit organizations and First Nations Chiefs and Band Councils to address local risks to safety and well-being in the community. Federal funding is part of the government’s Initiative to Take Action Against Gun and Gang Violence.

Community support to address local and provincial crime priorities

Innovative grant funding can play a significant role in helping to prevent criminal activities in communities. Better outcomes can be achieved the closer policing grants are tied to local priorities.

The ministry announced a landmark $267 million investment over three years to help police protect communities under the province’s Community Safety and Policing (CSP) Grant program. The CSP Grant program provides stable and consistent funding over a three-year period to encourage longer-term planning and safeguard against disruptions to projects. Funding is allocated under one of two streams; helping police services address local priorities and local responses to provincial priorities.

Ninety police services boards are receiving ongoing CSP funding to support 147 public safety projects. Many projects will be carried out in collaboration with community partners. The breakdown is as follows:

  • Approximately $225 million to help police services address local priorities such as enhancing police intelligence sharing; expanding mental health supports; preventing crime in schools; combatting bullying, sexual violence, human trafficking, and cybercrime; enhancing road safety; and acquiring new law enforcement technologies.
  • About $43 million will help address provincewide priorities such as specialized police training to handle sexual violence and harassment investigations; identifying signs of human trafficking and interacting with victims of trafficking; crime prevention initiatives for at-risk youth and other vulnerable groups; as well as equipment purchases to support policing operations and activities such as enhanced software/technology.

Funding for the CSP Grant program is being allocated over a three-year period for fiscal years 2022–23, 2023–24 and 2024–25. Police services are required to report twice a year on activities and outcomes of their initiatives.

Innovative solutions to combat cybercrime

The ministry is investing in solutions to prevent cybercrime such as internet fraud that preys on vulnerable seniors and luring, which can lead to human trafficking. Some of the most effective solutions are community driven.

The ministry is investing more than $1.6 million over two years to help fight cybercrime, including online hate crimes, human trafficking and fraud. The investment is part of the ministry’s Safer and Vital Communities (SVC) Grant program, that promotes community-based solutions to address local and provincial crime priorities.

Cybercriminals are weaponizing the internet in greater numbers than ever before. Between 2017 and 2021, the number of police-reported cyber-violations across Ontario increased 201%. Approximately 193 out of 100,000 Ontarians are a victim of cybercrime.

The SVC Grant program supports projects led by community-based, not-for-profit organizations and First Nations Chiefs and Band Councils that address local risks to safety and well-being in the community. For 2022–24, grant funding has been allocated to 18 community organizations that will work closely with police partners to implement local initiatives to combat cybercrime. These projects include education campaigns and community resources to increase public awareness, tools to help teachers alert students to the signs of cybercrime, support community workshops and provide resources to prevent cybercrime in the retail sector and engage First Nations communities about the roots of online hate crimes and its impacts.

In addition to partnering with their local police service, grant recipients are encouraged to partner with at least one other organization from a separate sector to ensure a broader range of community engagement.

Enhancing crisis response across the province

Police are called upon to respond to thousands of mental health calls a year. Having officers and mental health partners work together decreases the impact on related policing and hospital resources, and means improved safety and better outcomes for everyone.

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) partnered to help communities implement Mobile Crisis Response Teams (MCRTs), enhancing crisis response across the province. MCRTs are best positioned to respond to people experiencing a mental health or addictions crisis and de-escalate situations that could pose a risk to public safety. These teams typically consist of police officers and crisis workers working together to respond to complex situations where mental health or addictions may be a factor.

The OPP and CMHA have released A Framework for Ontario and Tools for Developing Mobile Crisis Response Teams. The framework and tools will help communities establish specific types of crisis response team models based on local need and profile.

In developing the framework, the OPP and CMHA co-chaired a provincial working group that included the ministry and the Ministry of Health and was supported by the Provincial Human Services and Justice Coordinating Committee. As part of the development of this resource, the working group held extensive consultations with existing mobile crisis response models and other key stakeholders across the province.

Setting a new standard for firefighter certification

Firefighter certification protects the safety of firefighters and the public and ensures a consistent standard of training is delivered across the province.

The ministry’s mandatory firefighter certification regulation came into force in 2022–23. Prior to this, there was no minimum firefighter certification standard in the province. The absence of such a standard meant that firefighters might not have the appropriate training to provide a level of service set by their municipality, resulting in potential safety issues for firefighters and the public.

Ontario Regulation 343/22 – Firefighter Certification sets Ontario-specific certification standards that meet the level of service set by each municipality. It also includes legacy provisions such as recognizing prior training and knowledge for certain standards. This provides municipalities the option to apply to the Ontario Fire Marshal for a letter of compliance with the appropriate standard, in place of certification.

Fire services have four years to achieve certification for most fire protection service standards and six years for technical rescue disciplines. The mandatory certification process validates training that should already be occurring in fire services.

Keeping Ontario open for business

Hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of essential goods for people and businesses pass across Ontario’s international border every day. New legislation was urgently needed to protect border crossings.

On April 13, 2022, the Ontario Legislature passed a bill introduced by the Solicitor General to protect international border crossings from unlawful blockades such as the Freedom Convoy protest along Windsor’s Ambassador Bridge.

The Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act provides police officers with additional enforcement tools to impose roadside suspension of drivers’ licences and vehicles, seize licence plates when a vehicle is used in an illegal blockade and remove and store objects obstructing the free flow of people and goods.

Approximately $140 billion in trade crosses the Ambassador Bridge every year, making it the single busiest border crossing between Canada and the United States. Protecting this critical piece of infrastructure and other bridge crossings from future illegal disruptions sends a positive signal that Ontario is protecting the supply chain, ensuring the free and safe movement of people and keeping the province open for business.

The ministry is also investing nearly $96 million in new measures and tools to support provincewide responses during unlawful demonstrations and illegal blockades that impede international borders and airports.

Built on the community reintegration strategy to improve release planning

A solid reintegration strategy is essential for the successful transition of inmates back into the community

The ministry built on the Community Reintegration Strategy to improve release planning and ensure integrated, coordinated services to support individuals re-entering the community. The ministry improved release planning and ensured integrated, coordinated services to support individuals in re-entering the community through the Community Reintegration Project.

Technology to prevent crime and modernize the justice sector

Modernizing First Nations policing

First Nations police services need access to modern equipment to keep their communities safe. This initiative will provide First Nations police with the latest tools needed to fight crime effectively.

New technologies are transforming police work in the 21st century. The ministry is providing $6 million to help First Nations police services purchase state-of-the-art law enforcement technologies as part of the province’s First Nations Policing Modernization Initiative.

First Nation police officers often work without new technologies and equipment widely used by colleagues in the OPP and other large police services. These technologies include body-worn cameras, infrared thermal imaging cameras to assist in suspect apprehension, live scan machines for capturing and storing fingerprints and Automated Licence Plate Readers, which can read up to 1,800 licence plates a minute and are an effective tool against vehicle theft and human trafficking.

The First Nations Policing Modernization Initiative is closing the technology divide between all police services.

Building a better-connected justice system

Ontario’s eIntake platform has built a more connected criminal justice system, allowing frontline police officers to spend more time combatting crime and ensuring communities are safe.

The ministry reached an important milestone in the modernization of the criminal justice system by completing installation of its eIntake digital platform in courthouses across the province. Officially launched in December 2021, following successful tests in Barrie and Orillia beginning in 2019, eIntake expedites the process for police officers to file criminal charges electronically and streamlines the information shared between police, other enforcement agencies and courts in real time. It also allows Justices of the Peace to enter decisions, sign documents digitally and request additional information from police officers online.

More than 110,000 charging documents since 2019, signifying the commencement of a criminal case, have already been received by eIntake, cutting the volume of paperwork, reducing time spent by police officers travelling to and from the courthouse, and streamlining the court system.

The eIntake system is currently being used by 64 enforcement agencies and 129 courthouses across Ontario. It is among a series of digital initiatives the ministry and Ministry of the Attorney General are taking to modernize the justice system and make it more responsive and efficient.

Investing in critical infrastructure

Transforming corrections in the North

Building a modern adult correctional system that meets the emerging needs of inmates and offenders, and improves working conditions for staff.

The ministry broke ground on a new $1.2 billion state-of-the-art correctional complex in Thunder Bay that will alleviate capacity pressures and ensure those in custody have greater access to program and other supports.

The existing Thunder Bay Jail and Correctional Centre are among the oldest provincially run adult correctional facilities in Ontario. The Thunder Bay Jail opened in 1928, while the Thunder Bay Correctional Centre opened in 1965, although the original structure opened in 1911 as a prison farm. The new 345-bed, multi-purpose facility will create valuable added space for programming and expanded services for inmates with mental health issues. The complex will provide a healthy environment for staff and those in custody with innovative design features such as an abundance of natural light, communal gathering spaces, greenhouse and secure yard. There will also be dedicated Indigenous cultural spaces indoors and outdoors such as a smudging space, sweat lodge and teaching lodge.

The ministry has also completed two modular expansion projects, one at the Thunder Bay Correctional Centre and the other at Kenora Jail to help address overcrowding. These expanded spaces will increase access to literacy programs, skills development and technology programming to support safe community reintegration. The new modular expansion facility will be incorporated into the Thunder Bay Correctional Complex when it opens in fall 2026.

These projects build on the ministry’s $500 million over five-year investment to modernize correctional services to improve the health, safety and security of provincial facilities.

Transitioning to Next Generation 9-1-1

Emergency operators and dispatchers are heroes of public safety. Putting modern 9-1-1 technology at their fingertips will support efforts for faster deployment of first responders and better protect the people of Ontario.

The ministry announced it was investing $208 million over three years to enhance the province’s 9-1-1 emergency response system. There are 108 public safety answering points across the province that receive and process emergency calls.

The funding will enable significant technology and infrastructure upgrades to support transition to a new 9-1-1 communications system known as Next Generation 9-1-1. Once fully implemented, the new system will make it easier to provide additional details about emergency situations such as video from the scene of an accident and to text 9-1-1 when requesting immediate help from police, fire or ambulance services. The new digital system will also give emergency operators and dispatchers the ability to identify the location of calls, including mobile devices, using GPS coordinates. This will result in a safer, faster and more informed emergency response.

Deterring criminal activity through expanded Closed Circuit Television CCTV surveillance

Police cannot have their eye on everything that goes down in a community. Increased CCTV surveillance sharpens the focus on safety and prevention in priority crime areas.

The ministry is investing close to $1.8 million to help 20 police services across the province better protect communities from the threat of gun and gang violence with expanded video surveillance. Funding is being delivered through the Ontario Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Grant Program introduced in 2020 to help local police services install or enhance closed-circuit surveillance systems.

No gang member wants to be captured on film, and no trafficker wants to be caught in the act. CCTV grant funding will be used to replace outdated equipment, expand or enhance current technology, and install new or additional surveillance cameras in areas where gun and gang violence and correlated crimes such as drug and human trafficking are most prevalent. Data collected from CCTV surveillance can also be used to support criminal investigations and prosecutions.

CCTV grant recipients for the 2022–23 fiscal year include 12 municipal police services, two First Nations police services, five OPP municipal contract locations and one OPP non-contract location.

Delivering on accountability and oversight

New leadership for Ontario’s Inspectorate of Policing

The ministry is creating a foundation for a strengthened relationship between police officers and the communities they serve.

The ministry appointed a nationally respected law enforcement leader as the province’s new Inspector General of Policing. Ryan Teschner is an experienced leader in community safety, police government and public administration.

A graduate of the University of Toronto and Osgoode Hall Law School, Mr. Teschner practiced regulatory, administrative, constitutional and commercial law. In 2018, he was appointed executive director and chief of staff at the Toronto Police Services Board where he was instrumental in delivering significant organizational change. Mr. Teschner has worked with the ministry and Ministry of the Attorney General to develop new policing and oversight legislation.

Once in force, Ontario’s Inspectorate of Policing will operate at arm’s length from the government to provide policing and police serve board oversight and ensure effective policing services are provided to every community in Ontario.

Mr. Teschner is the recipient of the 2021 Canadian Association of Police Governance Award for Excellence in Police Governance.

Table 3: Ministry interim actual expenditures 2022–23footnote 8
Item Amount
COVID‑19 ($M) 118.9
Other operating ($M) 3,378.1
Capital ($M) 34.0
Staff strength as of March 31, 2023 (Ontario Public Service full-time equivalent positions) 19,167.27