Published plans and annual reports 2023-2024: Ministry of Transportation
Plans for 2023-2024, and results and outcomes of all provincial programs delivered by the Ministry of Transportation in 2022-2023.
Ministry overview
Ministry of Transportation vision
Enabling access to activities by providing and supporting safe, equitable, efficient, sustainable, and convenient mobility options for people and goods.
Ministry contribution to government priority outcomes
The Ministry of Transportation (MTO’s) plan supports economic growth by making investments that create jobs, accelerate infrastructure delivery, and facilitate the safe, efficient movement of people and goods. Working with other ministries, it also delivers user focused service excellence for people and businesses in Ontario by improving digital services, enabling mobility, and providing easier access to the things they need to thrive.
Core commitments and key deliverables
1 - Keep Ontario’s transportation network safe and ensure that the province's transportation system remains among the safest in the world.
- Enhancing rail safety and oversight across the province’s regulated railways as well as for urban and regional rail.
- Continuing consultation with industry stakeholders to obtain feedback on the development and implementation of enhancements to the Entry Level Training program for Class A truck drivers.
- Developing regulations to further support safety enhancements introduced through the Towing and Storage Safety and Enforcement Act, including certification requirements for operators and the operating standards and customer protections they must uphold.
2 - Invest in an integrated transportation infrastructure network that enables economic prosperity and future sustainability for all Ontario communities.
- Advancing the implementation of priority transit projects – the Ontario Line, Scarborough Subway Extension, Eglinton Crosstown West Extension, Yonge North Subway Extension, and Hamilton Light Rail Transit (LRT).
- Implementing transit fare and service integration and eliminating double fares through collaboration with municipal partners. This will provide more accessible and affordable transit across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) and allow residents greater access to jobs and services.
- Launching of new electric ferry vessels serving Wolfe Island and Amherst Island, which will improve connections and ease access to food, supplies, and services.
- Connecting communities by advancing key highway and bridge projects, including:
- Advancing the twinning of the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) Garden City Skyway in Niagara to support rehabilitation work on the existing structure, which will address long-term structural, safety, and operational needs.
- Continuing work on the Bradford Bypass, an expansion project linking Highway 400 to Highway 404.
- Advancing preliminary work towards the future new Highway 413, which will extend across York, Peel, and Halton regions from Highway 400 to the Highway 401/407 interchange.
- Widening Highway 3 from two to four lanes between Essex and Leamington.
3 - Develop integrated, evidence-based transportation plans, policies and programs that enable access and mobility options that make life easier for people and businesses.
- Implementing the Connecting the Greater Golden Horseshoe Plan (released in 2022), continuing planning for long-term needs in southwestern and eastern Ontario, supporting the Northern Ontario Transportation Task Force, and developing an Ontario-wide transportation plan.
- Supporting Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption through implementation of more EV charging infrastructure, including designing a funding program that will help to improve access to charging infrastructure outside of large urban areas.
- Engaging in active research and collaboration to understand the impacts and opportunities of micromobility devices (e.g., e-scooters, cargo e-bikes, golf carts, and urban mobility vehicles) on Ontario’s transportation system.
4 - Modernize, digitize, and continuously improve ministry programs and services, so we can better leverage our data and ensure we put the people we serve at the centre of our work.
- Delivering simpler, faster, better services to the public and businesses through the Digital First Program and the Transportation Safety Transformation Program. MTO continues to develop and provide online applications for the public to access driver, vehicle, and carrier services, reducing the need for in-person visits to complete transactions.
- Advancing work on the Highway Corridor Management System, which is a convenient 24/7 online portal providing a single point of contact that allows the public, municipalities, conservation authorities, developers, and construction and utility companies to easily submit and track permit applications, general inquiries, and more.
5 - Delivering transportation solutions for the people of Ontario by working effectively with agency partners.
- Working with Metrolinx on the ongoing transformation of core segments of the GO Rail network to provide two-way, all-day service through continued implementation of the GO Rail Expansion Program.
- Working with the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission to advance the return of passenger rail service to Northern Ontario, providing a safe, reliable, and convenient travel option.
- Working with the Owen Sound Transportation Company to provide safe, efficient, and reliable ferry transportation.
Ministry programs
The Transit Program oversees the design, delivery and decision-making of the Province’s investments in public transit. The program is responsible for the development and implementation of strategies and funding programs that support and optimize public transit across the province. The program also provides oversight of the delivery of transit capital projects as well as the design and execution of strategies for the planning, funding, and delivery of provincial and municipal transit projects across Ontario.
Transportation Safety develops and implements strategies to improve transportation system safety and mobility. Transportation Safety is also undertaking a multi-year strategy to transform the way MTO and its partner ministries deliver driver and vehicle services and build a foundation for more effective and efficient delivery of people-centred digital services. The transformation will improve current models to meet growing business and citizen expectations for on-demand integrated services, real-time data, and digital communications/delivery channels.
Transportation Infrastructure Management Program is responsible for infrastructure investment, asset management, design and engineering, and capital delivery activities related to provincial infrastructure, working with relevant provincial agencies such as Infrastructure Ontario as appropriate. Provincial transportation infrastructure projects, including highway and bridge rehabilitation activities, are planned to support the sustainability of the provincial transportation network. In addition, new expansion projects are planned to improve mobility options for the people of Ontario over the longer term.
The program continues to explore and implement improved and more environmentally friendly techniques and materials for construction including asphalt paving, pavement preservation and concrete construction. This is supported through specialized laboratory testing of materials, including asphalt, cement, concrete, steel and aggregates for road and bridge construction.
Integrated Policy and Planning Program develops transportation policies and plans to improve mobility and access to goods and services for people and businesses in Ontario. It is responsible for identifying the long-term, strategic interests of the Province with respect to Ontario's transportation system for all modes. It develops policies, plans and programs to support an efficient, safe, sustainable, integrated, and future-ready transportation system in Ontario. The division also works to advance Ontario's strategic transportation objectives with other provincial ministries and government agencies, the federal government, other provinces, municipalities, and Indigenous communities.
The Operations Program oversees the operations and maintenance of the provincial highway network and related transportation services (including year-round highway maintenance) to protect and maximize the effectiveness of public investments in highway infrastructure. The Operations Program also provides airport services in 29 remote northern Ontario communities (primarily First Nation communities), traveller information services to the motoring public, and supports 11 ferry services across the province. The program also provides funding for roads in 53 First Nations, and funding for the design, construction, renewal, rehabilitation, and replacement of municipal roads designated as Connecting Links.
The Oversight and Agency Governance Program acts as a centre of excellence for third-party and transportation-related agency oversight and accountability, adopting and executing on best practices related to third-party contract management, compliance, and ensuring quality of service and stewardship of taxpayer funds.
Ministry Administration delivered by the Corporate Services Division provides leadership for the ministry in several key areas, including strategic planning and transformation, enterprise risk management, business improvement and innovation, financial planning, procurement and controllership, strategic human resource planning, government-wide fleet operation and management, and accommodations and facilities management.
Information Technology Program is delivered by the ministry’s Labour and Transportation Information and Information Technology Cluster (LTC), who are responsible for innovative technology projects that address ministry business requirements, enhance program delivery, enable new business opportunities, improve customer service, and provide digital leadership to programs and projects.
2023-2024 Plan
Delivery of key transit projects and programs
MTO will continue to work with agencies and municipal partners to:
- Advance implementation of the GO Rail Expansion program, which would transform core segments of the GO rail network to provide two-way, all-day service.
- Advance implementation of Ontario’s priority transit projects including the Ontario Line, the Scarborough Subway Extension, the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension, the Yonge North Subway Extension, and the Hamilton LRT.
- Ensure the safe completion of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT and the Finch West LRT so that both lines are brought into revenue service, as well as continuing construction on the Hazel McCallion Line.
- Advance the return of the Northlander passenger rail service, providing people with a safe, reliable, and convenient travel option in Northeastern Ontario.
- The ministry will continue to work collaboratively with all municipal partners towards more accessible and affordable transit across the Greater Golden Horseshoe Region (GGH) through improved fare and service integration, including removal of double fares.
Supporting business continuity for commercial carriers
- The ministry is continuing implementation of a financial relief payment plan to support the heavy commercial vehicle industry through COVID recovery, including buses and farm vehicles, to pay outstanding renewals over a period of up to two years (ending December 31, 2023) and provide reduced validation fees.
- The ministry plans to continue to allow Long Combination Vehicle (LCV) Program participants to travel on the evening preceding and the last evening before a holiday/long weekend until further notice. This measure removes restrictions previously in place for program participants and builds upon measures implemented in 2021-22 and 2022-23 to provide industry with added flexibility.
Ferry services operations
- MTO is working with local municipalities to launch the new electric vessels procured for the Wolfe Island and Amherst Island ferry services as it continues to improve connections with communities in rural Ontario to ease access to food, supplies and services.
- Dock construction projects are well underway for the Wolfe Island ferry service.
Highway, road and bridge infrastructure
MTO will continue to move forward with several key projects to expand and improve the provincial highway network in Southern Ontario to reduce gridlock and support economic development, including:
- Highway 413, a new 400‐series highway and transportation corridor across Halton, Peel and York regions that will bring relief to the most congested corridor in North America and save drivers up to 30 minutes each way on their commute.
- Bradford Bypass, a new four‐lane freeway connecting Highway 400 in Simcoe County and Highway 404 in York Region, saving motorists and commercial truck drivers up to approximately 35 minutes in travel time compared to using existing routes along local roads.
- The QEW Garden City Skyway Bridge Twinning project, which includes construction of a new twin bridge on the QEW over the Welland Canal connecting the City of St. Catharines to the Town of Niagara‐on‐the‐Lake.
- Enabling the expansion of Highway 401 from Brock Road in Pickering through Eastern Ontario, to help relieve gridlock for tens of thousands of drivers per day and get goods moving faster.
- Widening existing corridors across the province such as Highway 3 between Essex and Leamington, and Highway 400 between Major Mackenzie Drive and King Road, York Region.
- Advancing the Highway 7 project to better connect the fast-growing urban centres of Kitchener, Waterloo and Guelph and provide relief to the heavily congested Highway 401. The project includes a new 18 km, four-lane freeway and several interchanges as well as a new crossing over the Grand River.
Digital transformation
- MTO is continuing with a multi-phased initiative to transform the way the ministry and its partners deliver driver and vehicle related services to Ontarians. The overall objective of the program is to provide an accessible, simpler, and faster experience through choices of digital services by embracing a digital-first, data driven and client-centred approach. This is being done by shifting the delivery of driver, vehicle and carrier products and services to online channels and reducing the need for in-person visits to complete transactions.
- The Highway Corridor Management System (HCMS) is a public and employee portal to support the application and issuance of Highway Corridor Management permits. Improvements are being made to HCMS to establish it as a convenient 24/7 online application that allows construction companies, developers, municipalities, utility companies, conservation authorities and the public to submit and track permit applications and general inquiries, receive, and pay for permits, receive comments on municipal planning applications, and function as a single point of contact with MTO.
Transportation safety initiatives
- The ministry is moving forward on initiatives to provide municipalities with more tools to support transportation safety, including:
- Innovative Vehicles Testing which will promote changes to support increased uptake in testing for all micromobility options including e-scooters, cargo e-bikes, golf carts, and urban mobility vehicles.
- Consultation with stakeholders to obtain feedback on the development and implementation of enhancements for Entry-Level Training for Class A Truck Drivers, such as the introduction of a Commercial Driver Instructor Program.
- Implementing requirements for commercial bus drivers operating in Ontario to use certified Electronic Logging Devices to record their hours of service. These changes will assist drivers in complying with hours of service, reduce driver fatigue, and improve the safety on Ontario roads.
Planning for a multi-Modal transportation system in Ontario
- MTO will continue the development of a Marine Transportation Strategy with input from private and public partners. The strategy will establish Ontario's vision and strategic policy for marine transportation with the goal that the marine transportation sector will be a key and growing component of Ontario’s economy and continue to be an integral part of the province’s multimodal transportation network, with business growth done in an environmentally sustainable way.
- The Province will restart and complete the Commercial Vehicle Survey (CVS), which was paused in 2020 due to the COVID‑19 pandemic. The CVS is an in-person, in-truck intercept survey (a form of market research designed to collect feedback from respondents during an experience) of truck drivers used by MTO to collect critical information about truck and goods movement in Ontario. The data is used for transportation planning and forecasting, informing truck safety regulations and highway expansion and investment prioritization. The focus of the data collection will be at Truck Inspection Stations and will run from May 2023 through the fall of 2023.
- The Province will continue planning for the future through Long-Range Transportation Planning, implementing Connecting the GGH, the long-term plan for the GGH released in 2022, continuing to plan for long-term needs in southwestern and eastern Ontario through the technical studies now underway, supporting the Northern Ontario Transportation Task Force in reporting back to the Minister, and developing an Ontario-wide transportation plan to address issues that are province-wide in scope.
- MTO has been undertaking a comprehensive review of provincial railway safety and oversight and is taking action to enhance rail safety and oversight across the province’s regulated railways. This includes the exploring options for a safety oversight framework for urban and regional rail.
- MTO is undertaking an assessment of the province’s multiple service delivery models within the Provincial Ferries Program to develop a recommendation for a more streamlined, consistent model(s) for the future delivery of the provincial program. The objective of the review is to improve program effectiveness by maximizing user safety, regulatory compliance, customer experience and benefits to First Nations partners, municipalities, and the public.
- In March 2022, the government announced it would be providing $91 million to help make electric vehicle chargers more accessible to the public across the province. Program details including eligibility, potential charger locations, and how communities, organizations, and businesses can apply, will be provided in 2023. The ministry is also supporting the work of greening the Ontario Public Service (OPS) fleet and adding charging infrastructure at provincially-owned sites such as Ontario Parks and carpool lots.
- MTO, in partnership with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery, is developing program options following the elimination of physical licence plate stickers and renewal fees for nearly eight million vehicle owners. Following extensive stakeholder consultations, MTO is developing a new licence plate renewal process designed to enhance the consumer experience, while maintaining key controls for program integrity.
Table 1: Ministry planned expenditures 2023-2024
Item | Amount ($Million) |
Operating | 3,024.8 |
Capital | 3,883.9 |
Total | 6,908.7 |
Note: graph excludes adjustments for General Real Estate Portfolio (GREP) ($9.0 million) and Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (IO) ($5.2 million)
Detailed financial information
Vote/Program |
Estimates |
Change from |
Estimates |
Interim |
Actuals |
Operating expense |
2701 Ministry Administration | 41,161,900 | 615,700 | 1.5 | 40,546,200 | 47,673,900 | 44,392,922 |
2702 Transit | 822,675,600 | (638,698,600) | (43.7) | 1,461,374,200 | 1,677,771,600 | 1,340,519,596 |
2703 Transportation Safety | 107,290,500 | (79,193,000) | (42.5) | 186,483,500 | 174,491,600 | 132,208,497 |
2704 Transportation Infrastructure Management | 30,939,500 | (4,015,200) | (11.5) | 34,954,700 | 54,293,900 | 32,003,451 |
2705 Labour and Transportation Cluster | 66,486,000 | 4,084,100 | 6.5 | 62,401,900 | 72,555,600 | 72,668,455 |
2706 Integrated Policy and Planning | 27,255,600 | (700) | (0.0) | 27,256,300 | 27,256,300 | 21,546,434 |
2707 Operations | 603,163,300 | 31,253,000 | 5.5 | 571,910,300 | 668,807,200 | 606,264,493 |
2708 Oversight and Agency Governance | 101,917,200 | 74,093,900 | 266.3 | 27,823,300 | 156,436,600 | 56,592,216 |
Total Operating Expense to be Voted | 1,800,889,600 | (611,860,800) | (25.4) | 2,412,750,400 | 2,879,286,700 | 2,306,196,064 |
Statutory Appropriations | 343,716,792 | 1,000 | 0.0 | 343,715,792 | 306,441,192 | 296,579,272 |
Ministry Total Operating Expense | 2,144,606,392 | (611,859,800) | (22.2) | 2,756,466,192 | 3,185,727,892 | 2,602,775,336 |
Consolidation Adjustment - Hospitals | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | (11,185) |
Consolidation Adjustment - Ontario Northland Transportation Commission | 116,023,500 | 48,181,600 | 71.0 | 67,841,900 | 86,338,000 | 72,477,840 |
Consolidation Adjustment - Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation | (5,206,100) | (102,100) | N/A | (5,104,000) | (5,104,000) | (2,064,485) |
Consolidation Adjustment - Metrolinx | 778,350,800 | 119,056,900 | 18.1 | 659,293,900 | 522,921,900 | 305,302,282 |
Consolidation Adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio | (8,994,000) | 1,012,600 | N/A | (10,006,600) | (10,544,600) | (3,890,500) |
Total Including Consolidation & Other Adjustments | 3,024,780,592 | (443,710,800) | (12.8) | 3,468,491,392 | 3,779,339,192 | 2,974,589,288 |
Operating Assets |
2701 Ministry Administration | 1,000 | N/A | N/A | 1,000 | 1,000 | N/A |
2702 Agency Oversight and Partnerships | 1,000 | N/A | N/A | 1,000 | 1,000 | N/A |
2703 Transportation Safety | 1,000 | N/A | N/A | 1,000 | 1,000 | N/A |
2704 Transportation Infrastructure Management | 1,000 | N/A | N/A | 1,000 | 1,000 | N/A |
2705 Labour and Transportation Cluster | 1,000 | N/A | N/A | 1,000 | 1,000 | N/A |
2706 Integrated Policy and Planning | 1,000 | N/A | N/A | 1,000 | 1,000 | N/A |
2707 Operations | 1,000 | N/A | N/A | 1,000 | 1,000 | N/A |
2708 Oversight and Agency Governance | 1,000 | 1,000 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Total Operating Assets to be Voted | 8,000 | 1,000 | N/A | 7,000 | 7,000 | N/A |
Ministry Total Operating Assets | 8,000 | 1,000 | 14.3 | 7,000 | 7,000 | N/A |
Capital Expense |
2701 Ministry Administration | 1,000 | N/A | N/A | 1,000 | 1,000 | N/A |
2702 Transit | 6,700,588,400 | (853,231,500) | (11.3) | 7,553,819,900 | 6,113,942,200 | 5,959,223,276 |
2703 Transportation Safety | 1,000 | N/A | N/A | 1,000 | 1,000 | N/A |
2704 Transportation Infrastructure Management | 49,323,000 | 3,727,000 | 8.2 | 45,596,000 | 837,100 | 40,005,295 |
2707 Operations | 50,521,000 | (4,000,000) | (7.3) | 54,521,000 | 57,171,500 | 39,299,989 |
2708 Oversight and Agency Governance | 1,000 | 1,000 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Total Capital Expense to be Voted | 6,800,435,400 | (853,503,500) | (11.2) | 7,653,938,900 | 6,171,952,800 | 6,038,528,560 |
Statutory Appropriations | 1,309,270,500 | 26,063,900 | 2.0 | 1,283,206,600 | 1,283,206,600 | 1,155,626,008 |
Ministry Total Capital Expense | 8,109,705,900 | (827,439,600) | (9.3) | 8,937,145,500 | 7,455,159,400 | 7,194,154,568 |
Consolidation Adjustment - Ontario Northland Transportation Commission | (76,629,100) | (37,845,300) | N/A | (38,783,800) | (85,303,200) | (40,640,727) |
Consolidation Adjustment - Metrolinx | (4,149,188,200) | 1,093,699,300 | N/A | (5,242,887,500) | (4,145,482,300) | (4,355,456,896) |
Total Including Consolidation & Other Adjustments | 3,883,888,600 | 228,414,400 | 6.2 | 3,655,474,200 | 3,224,373,900 | 2,798,056,945 |
Capital Assets |
2701 Ministry Administration | 20,544,200 | N/A | N/A | 20,544,200 | 17,904,700 | 8,858,038 |
2702 Transit | 1,000 | N/A | N/A | 1,000 | 1,000 | N/A |
2703 Transportation Safety | 89,802,800 | 42,953,800 | 91.7 | 46,849,000 | 23,401,100 | 23,130,375 |
2704 Transportation Infrastructure Management | 2,551,633,700 | 233,164,200 | 10.1 | 2,318,469,500 | 2,291,812,200 | 2,069,053,714 |
2708 Oversight and Agency Governance | 1,000 | N/A | N/A | 1,000 | 1,000 | N/A |
Total Capital Assets to be Voted | 2,661,982,700 | 276,118,000 | 11.6 | 2,385,864,700 | 2,333,120,000 | 2,101,042,127 |
Ministry Total Capital Assets | 2,661,982,700 | 276,118,000 | 11.6 | 2,385,864,700 | 2,333,120,000 | 2,101,042,127 |
Ministry Total Operating and Capital Including Consolidation and Other Adjustments (not including Assets) | 6,908,669,192 | (215,296,400) | (3.0) | 7,123,965,592 | 7,003,713,092 | 5,772,646,233 |
Historic trend table
Historic Trend Analysis Data | Actuals 2020-2021 $ |
Actuals 2021-2022 $ |
Estimates 2022-2023 $ |
Estimates 2023-2024 $ |
Ministry Total Operating and Capital Including Consolidation and Other Adjustments (not including Assets) | 7,283,018,137 | 5,772,646,233 | 7,123,965,592 | 6,908,669,192 |
Percent change (%) | N/A | -21% | 23% | -3% |
The decrease between 2022-23 and 2023-24 is mainly due to time-limited support provided for municipal transit in 2022-23. The other changes are mainly due to amortization of construction projects now in service.
For additional financial information, see:
Public Accounts of Ontario: past editions
Agencies, Boards and Commissions (ABCs)
Name of Agencies, Boards and Commissions |
2023-2024 Estimates |
2022-2023 Interim Actuals |
2021-2022 Actuals |
Ontario Highway Transport Board, expenditures | n/a |
n/a |
83,946 |
Ontario Highway Transport Board, revenue | n/a |
n/a |
1,300 |
Ontario Northland Transportation Commission, operating | 48,941,100 | 46,259,500 | 43,283,370 |
Ontario Northland Transportation Commission, capital | 107,838,600 | 108,155,900 | 61,913,508 |
Owen Sound Transportation Company, operating | 3,363,000 | 6,815,200 | 4,757,689 |
Owen Sound Transportation Company, capital | 15,618,000 | 14,089,400 | 3,610,356 |
Metrolinx, operating subsidy | 755,740,100 | 1,016,325,600 | 946,171,757 |
Metrolinx, capital | 5,631,400,700 | 5,351,727,900 | 5,334,807,084 |
Metrolinx was created in 2006 and has a mandate to provide leadership in the coordination, planning, financing, development, and implementation of an integrated transit network in the GGH. It is responsible for the operation of the GO Transit system, the PRESTO fare card payment system, the Union-Pearson (UP) Express, as well as planning and construction of a host of rapid transit, subways and heavy rail projects throughout the region. Metrolinx also acts on behalf of municipalities as a central procurement agency for local transit system vehicles, equipment, technologies, and related supplies and services.
Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC)
The ONTC’s mandate is to provide efficient, safe, and reliable transportation services in Northern Ontario. Current business lines include: the Polar Bear Express (PBX) passenger rail service between Cochrane and Moosonee, and the Cochrane Station Inn; motor coach services, including bus parcel express, throughout Northern Ontario connecting to Toronto, Ottawa, Thunder Bay and into Manitoba to Winnipeg; rail freight services from North Bay to Hearst across the northeast Highway 11 corridor, with a rail line extending into Quebec; and rail remanufacturing and repair services. ONTC is also advancing work to bring back passenger rail service in Northeastern Ontario.
Owen Sound Transportation Company, Limited
The Owen Sound Transportation Company (OSTC) is a non-share capital corporation incorporated pursuant to the Business Corporations Act (Ontario). OSTC is mandated to provide safe, efficient, and reliable ferry transportation through the ownership and operation of the M.S. Chi-Cheemaun, which serves the communities of Tobermory and South Baymouth; and the M.V. Niska 1, which serves the communities of Moosonee and Moose Factory Island.
Additionally, OSTC provides transportation management services for MTO for three vessels – the M.V. Pelee Islander and the M.V. Pelee Islander II, and the M.V. Jiimaan (currently not operational) – to operate the Pelee Island Transportation Service. OSTC also administers daily air service between the Ontario mainland and Pelee Island during the winter months when the ferry service is not in operation.
Ministry organization chart
April 2023
- Deputy Minister - Doug Jones
- Executive Advisor, Deputy Minister’s Office - Cheryl Yan
- ADM, Oversight and Agency Governance Division - Melissa Djurakov
- Director, Director, Metrolinx Agency and Oversight - Monika Wyrzykowska
- Director, Program Oversight & Integrity -Ben Sopel
- ADM, Transit Division - Felix Fung
- Director, Transit Capital & Operations - James Pearce
- Director, Transit Strategy & Programs -Kevin Dowling
- Director, Transit Delivery & Partnerships -Kirsten Bramble
- ADM, Integrated Policy & Planning Division - Jonathan Lebi
- Director, Systems Planning - Greg Malczewski
- Director, System Optimization Policy - Megan Chochla
- Director, Transportation Policy - Katie De Palma
- Director, Indigenous Relations - Dawn Irish
- Director, Policy Coordination & Intergovernmental - Michael Casey
- ADM, Transportation Infrastructure Management Division - Jennifer Graham Harkness
- Director, Asset Management - Michelle Pasqua
- Director, Design & Engineering - Alain Beaulieu
- Director, Capital Program Delivery - Neil Zohorsky
- Director, Standards & Contracts - Brenda Liegler
- Assoc. DM, Transportation Safety Division - Marcelle Crouse
- Director, Commercial Inspection & Enforcement - David Mercanti
- Director, Commercial Safety & Compliance - Jennifer Eliott
- Director, Safety Program Development - Beth O’Connor
- Director, Driver & Vehicle Services - Logan Purdy
- Director, Project Planning & Delivery - Marc Faubert
- Director, Organizational Development - Tija Dirks
- ADM, Operations Division - Eric Doidge
- Director, West Operations - Geoffrey Gladdy
- Director, East Operations - Herb Villneff
- Director, Northwest Operations - Franca Sacchetti
- Director, Central Operations - Becca Lane
- Director, Transportation User Services - Colin Simons
- Director, Highway Operations Management - Jasan Boparai
- Director, Strategic Initiatives - Bruce Cane
- CIO, Labour & Transportation Cluster, I&IT - Roman Corpuz
- Director, Transportation Safety Digital Solutions - Leah Nemirovski
- Director, Operations, Maintenance and Support - Ed Bennett
- Director, Ministry Engagement and Advisory - Milos Jokanovic
- Director, Project Management & Program Delivery - Riaz Khimany
- Director, Labour and Transportation Digital Solutions - Vacant
- ADM, Corporate Services Division - Ian Freeman
- Director, Strategic HR - Brenda Augerman-Audette
- Director, Finance - Vrinda Vaidyanathan
- Director, Business Support Services - Sejal Jain
- Director, Strategy, Improvement & Innovation - Alena Grunwald
- Legal Services - Mary Gersht
- Internal Audit Services - Vince Conti
- Director, Communications - Marc Hudon
- ADM, Oversight and Agency Governance Division - Melissa Djurakov
- Executive Advisor, Deputy Minister’s Office - Cheryl Yan
Annual report
2022-2023 Results
Advancing transit projects to improve connections across communities
- In April 2022, tunnelling commenced at Renforth Drive for the first tunnel of the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension (ECWE), Advance Tunnel Contract 1. Tunnelling for the second tunnel on the first contract commenced shortly afterwards in summer 2022. As of March 1, 2023, the two boring machines have tunnelled more than a combined 5.6 kilometres.
- Metrolinx awarded two major Public-Private Partnership contracts for the Ontario Line in November 2022: one for the Southern Civil Works, Stations, and Tunnels, and the other for the Rolling Stock, Systems, Operations and Maintenance. Requests for Qualifications were also released in November 2022 for two contracts that cover major construction work in the project’s northern segment.
- In November 2022, Metrolinx also selected a development partner for the Stations, Rail and Systems (SRS) contract for the Scarborough Subway Extension. This contract includes the design and construction of the three new subway stations, tracks, and the technology to connect to the existing Line 2 TTC subway. In January 2023, tunnelling began for the project. The tunnel boring machine will make its way south towards Eglinton Avenue East and Midland Avenue, where it will be extracted.
- In February 2023, work started on the early upgrades at Finch Station, which will set the groundwork for future Yonge North Subway Extension (YNSE) construction, which will connect communities in Toronto, Vaughan, Markham, and Richmond Hill along an approximately eight-kilometre extension of TTC Line 1 subway service.
- Through 2022-23, Metrolinx and the City of Hamilton implemented communications, property and governance protocols that will continue to ensure a strong partnership as the 14-kilometre Hamilton LRT, connecting McMaster University to Eastgate Square, progresses.
- Progress continued on other key rapid transit projects, including:
- The Eglinton Crosstown LRT project: The key focus continued to be the safety and operational readiness testing and certification of the project. Metrolinx is working closely with its partners to ensure safe, high quality customer service on Day 1, and every day thereafter.
- The Hazel McCallion Line (formerly Hurontario LRT) project: Guideway and track construction continued along the route. A major construction highlight was the installation of a new underpass at Hurontario Street and the QEW in October. The process involved using hydraulic jacks to push a push box weighing more than 6,000 tonnes into place over just one weekend. This was the first time the push box method was used in Ontario.
- The Finch West LRT project: construction continued, including at Finch West Station, which reached structural completion in February 2023, meaning all steel and concrete was installed. System testing continues at the Maintenance and Storage Facility, where Light Rail Vehicle train testing is ongoing inside and on the guideway. As of the end of February 2023, 13 of the light rail vehicles had been delivered.
Advancing northeastern passenger rail
- In December 2022, the ONTC purchased three new trainsets as part of the government’s plan to bring back northeastern passenger rail service. The $139.5 million investment marks a significant milestone in reinstating passenger rail service between Timmins and Toronto, and unlocking the full economic potential of northern industries, resources and minerals.
Improving GO transit service by increasing service frequency and opening new stations
- Key milestones achieved in 2022-23 include:
- Execution of an agreement with ONxpress Transportation Partners to enter the Development Phase of the On-Corridor Works project – the largest project in Metrolinx’s GO Rail Expansion program.
- Completion of early station improvements at 28 existing GO stations across the network.
- Completion of major construction at Rutherford GO station, including a new, modern station building and parking structure and improved station amenities.
- Construction of the new Confederation GO station commenced in October 2022. This new station will support a more integrated transit network for Hamilton, providing better connections to existing local transit and GO bus services, while facilitating future increased GO rail service opportunities to Toronto and Niagara Falls.
- Advancement of improvements at Union Station as part of the transformational Union Station Enhancement Project, which will improve customer experience and connections, and support GO service increases planned as part of the GO Rail Expansion program.
- Moving forward with other GO Rail extension projects, including the Bowmanville GO Rail Extension, the Kitchener GO Rail Extension and increasing services to the Niagara Region, including the return of year-round weekend service between Union Station and Niagara Falls.
Implementing the PRESTO fare payment system and supporting fare integration to improve access to and efficiency of public transit systems
- Metrolinx continues to implement the PRESTO fare payment system across the GTHA and in Ottawa:
- Metrolinx completed delivery of new PRESTO fare payment devices across GO Transit, UP Express, and transit agencies in the 905 region. The new devices have a new design, including larger screens that display information in a clearer and more intuitive manner, enhancing both user experience and accessibility. The new devices have the capability to read e-tickets and support contactless payment by credit, debit, and mobile phones for future modernization.
- In 2022-23, Metrolinx continued to build on the March 2021 launch of a pilot on the UP Express for customers to pay fares using credit cards, which was followed by debit cards in October 2021. In August 2022, Metrolinx expanded fare payment by credit card to the GO Transit network, and the Brampton, Mississauga (MiWay) and Oakville transit systems. In January 2023, Metrolinx further expanded credit card payment to Durham Region Transit, York Region Transit, Burlington Transit and the Hamilton Street Railway.
- Throughout 2022-23, Metrolinx continued planning activities to expand credit card payment to the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) and to introduce debit tapping payment capability to all transit agencies in the GTHA, which is planned for delivery in 2023-24.
Supporting municipal transit to improve service and advance construction and expansion of existing projects
- The Province’s 2022-23 Gas Tax Program was launched in February 2023 providing more than $379.5 million in funding. This amount included $80 million in supplementary funding to stabilize Gas Tax allocations for the 2022-23 program year to mitigate the effect of the COVID‑19 pandemic on gasoline sales.
- 107 municipalities have been allocated funding that can be used towards service improvements and capital expenditures, with the aim of growing transit ridership. These municipal transit systems serve a total of 144 communities across the province: more than 92 per cent of the total population of Ontario.
- Through the Community Transportation Grant Program, the Province is providing up to $44 million over seven years (2018-2025) to 38 municipalities to support 43 local and intercommunity transportation projects in areas that are unserved or underserved by such services.
- The Public Transit stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program will unlock $8.3 billion in federal funding and $7.3 billion in provincial funding for the construction, expansion, and improvement of public transit networks across Ontario. Since the launch of the program in 2019, over 280 municipal projects have been approved for funding.
- Since 2020-21, joint provincial-federal funding of approximately $2.6 billion has been provided to municipalities, which includes $505 million provided in 2022-23 as part of the Safe Restart Agreement (SRA) Phase 4. SRA Phase 4 provided time-limited funding to address COVID-related impacts to municipal transit incurred between February 2022 and December 2022.
Supporting business continuity for commercial carriers
- The ministry continued to allow Long Combination Vehicle Program participants to travel on the evening preceding and the last evening before a holiday/long weekend. This measure removed restrictions previously in place for program participants and built on measures implemented in 2021-22 to provide industry with added flexibility.
Promoting safer roads through legislation and regulation
- Implemented a mandatory training course for drivers convicted of street racing/stunt driving or careless driving causing death or bodily harm.
- Established a new pilot program for electric-assist large quadricycles (commonly known as Pedal Pubs).
- On July 1, 2022, Highway Traffic Act regulations came into force to require school buses manufactured on or after January 1, 2005, to operate an eight-lamp amber-red warning system in Ontario.
- Introduced a new Commercial Vehicle Waiver Program which enables individuals who cannot meet mandatory visual field requirements, for class A, C, D or F driver’s licences, to undergo individualized assessment to determine if they can compensate for their visual deficit.
Reducing red tape and increasing efficiencies
- Established regulations to permit the use of administrative penalties to process specific infractions recorded by automated camera.
- Reduced burden for nearly 8 million vehicle owners by eliminating licence plate renewal fees and the requirement to have a licence plate sticker for passenger vehicles, light-duty trucks, motorcycles and mopeds.
- As part of the Ontario Truck Inspection Station Automation Project, five Truck Inspection Stations (TIS) are currently equipped with Smart Roadside technology designed to screen commercial motor vehicles for defects, saving good operators time and money.
Supporting digital first investments
- Online Renewal for Heavy Commercial Vehicles successfully launched which allows vehicle owners to renew licence plate stickers online for their heavy commercial vehicles rather than requiring an in-person visit to ServiceOntario.
- Online Special Trip Permits successfully launched and enabled a vehicle owner/registrant to purchase a second Special Permit online if they have purchased the first permit in person for the same vehicle within 365 days.
- Enhancements to Commercial Vehicle Operators Registration (CVOR) portal provides a more user-friendly experience, reduces processing times and aims to increase uptake for new CVOR online applications.
- Online Temporary Driver’s Licence was successfully launched and provides an online enhancement to the existing online driver’s licence fine and reinstatement fee payment application.
Investing in highways, roads, bridges and other priority infrastructure to improve reliability and connectivity of the highways network
- The ministry continued to invest in infrastructure upgrades to improve highway trade corridors, manage congestion and increase capacity. In total, MTO committed about $3.0 billion in 2022-23 to repair and expand provincial highways and bridges across Ontario. This funding included over $761 million to expand the province's highways, and over $1.6 billion for rehabilitation projects. This investment is estimated to create or sustain 15,300 direct and indirect jobs.
- Overall, the improvement of approximately 551 centreline-kilometre of provincial highway and 108 bridges was completed in 2022-23.
- In addition, 120 lane-kilometre of new/widened highway and 11 new bridges were completed in 2022-23.
Key highway projects in the south (MTO)
- Highway 401 widening within the western part of the Greater Toronto Area, from the Credit River in Mississauga to Regional Road 25 in Milton – new lanes opened to traffic in early December 2022.
- QEW/Glendale Avenue Interchange, Niagara-on-the-Lake: reconstruction to a Diverging Diamond Interchange, the first in Ontario, which allows for improved safety and operations of the interchange.
- QEW improvements from Etobicoke Creek to the East Mall, Toronto including bridge rehabilitations, a bridge replacement and pavement resurfacing.
- Early works commenced on the Bradford Bypass with the construction of the Simcoe County Road 4/Yonge Street bridge. The Bradford Bypass is a new four-lane freeway connecting Highway 400 and Highway 404 in Simcoe County and York Region, that will relieve gridlock, create jobs, and spur economic growth in the rapidly growing GGH region.
- Moving forward on a new interchange and other improvements at Highway 5 (Dundas Street) and Highway 6 in the City of Hamilton to enhance safety and support significant development in the area.
Key highway projects in the north (Funding for the construction and contract administration services for northern highways is provided through the ministry of northern development)
- Highway 65 - East junction Highway 560 Elk Lake to east of Highway 562 - resurfacing of 47.9km – Township of Hudson, Township of Kerns, Township of James.
- Highway 66 - Kirkland Lake easterly to west of Highway 624, resurfacing of 23.4km and bridge rehabilitation – Township of Gauthier, Township of Larder Lake
- Highway West of Highway 144 easterly, east of Foleyet - resurfacing of 10.2km of Highway 101 and resurfacing of 0.7km of Highway 7172, and replacement of two structures (bridge and culvert) – District of Sudbury, Township of Foleyet
- Highway 11 Bear Passage Bridge, 7km east of Highway 502, east of Fort Frances - bridge rehabilitation
- Highway 11/17 from Current River Bridge southerly to Harbour Expressway, and Highway 61 southerly to CPR overhead bridge, Thunder Bay - resurfacing of 17.1km
Infrastructure | Measurement | Southern Ontario | Northern Ontario | Total |
Pavement Rehabilitation | Centreline-km1 | 223 | 328 | 551 |
Bridge Rehabilitation/Reconstruction | Structures | 81 | 27 | 108 |
New Highway | Lane- km2 | 120 | 0 | 120 |
New Bridges Built | Structures | 11 | 0 | 11 |
1 Centreline-km is defined as the linear length of construction, measured along the main highway alignment, including the entire right of way. Driving lanes, side roads, interchanges and entrances are not measured independently as they are included in the centreline-km unit (i.e.: 10 km of a four-lane highway with three interchanges and side road improvements = 10 centreline-km).
2Lane-km is defined as the length of each lane within the contract limits added together (i.e.: 10 km of a four-lane highway = 40 lane-km).
Reducing environmental impact of transportation and highway construction
- Up to 25 per cent of the total amount of cement in concrete used on MTO projects is replaced by less carbon-intensive supplementary cementing materials such as slag or fly ash, often in combination with the use of Portland-limestone cement. In addition, up to 20 per cent of the total amount of aggregate placed on MTO projects is recycled content.
- MTO has continued to show leadership in recycling asphalt pavements (cold in-place and hot in-place recycling), re-using existing materials, conserving large quantities of non-renewable aggregate resources, significantly reducing energy requirements and avoiding costly disposal. In 2022, MTO rehabilitated 195 lane-km of pavement using this environmentally friendly technique, saving over 91 million megajoules of energy, 98,416 tonnes of aggregate and emitting 5,130 fewer tonnes of CO2 compared to conventional methods.
- The ministry conducts Rapid Bridge Replacements (RBR) to avoid lengthy construction-related traffic congestion, which helps to reduce environmental impacts, using weekend closures for superstructure replacements. MTO issued a contract with 10 RBR replacements occurring in the Ottawa area with four RBRs completed in 2022-23.
- Continued the development of a program to support the installation of EV chargers, to be launched in 2023.
Preparing for emerging transportation technologies
- The Province is engaging in active research and collaboration to understand the impacts and opportunities of connected and automated vehicles, as well as micromobility devices (e.g., e-scooters, cargo e-bikes, golf carts, and urban mobility vehicles) on Ontario’s transportation system.
- The ministry published a Transit Technology Toolkit (guidebook) for Ontario’s small and medium-sized municipalities, transit systems, and Indigenous communities to support them with navigating the emerging landscape of transit technologies. The toolkit was a commitment under the Province’s Automotive Strategy, Driving Prosperity Phase 2.
Strengthening relationships with Indigenous Peoples
- Ontario is working closely with Indigenous communities in the Kenora area to deliver the twinning of the Trans-Canada Highway from the Manitoba border to the City of Kenora. MTO, with support from the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD), is working to build capacity and skills among Indigenous communities in the area, and to provide economic development opportunities while respecting Indigenous customs and traditions.
- In 2021, the ministry launched Regional Roundtables with the focus of bringing together MTO staff and Indigenous community representatives to take part in open dialogue about specific transportation interests. The Regional Roundtables occur regularly and are intended to be an additional opportunity to connect with MTO on matters of mutual interest and share information with each other in a proactive way on an interest basis. Regional Roundtables do not replace MTO’s engagement and consultation on project-specific work with Indigenous communities and organizations. In 2022, topics covered by the Regional Roundtables included MTO’s Approach to Consultation for Transportation Projects and MTO’s Transportation Planning Process.
- Also in 2021, the ministry launched the Indigenous Transportation Initiatives Fund (ITIF), a transfer payment program designed to support Indigenous communities and organizations in Ontario to advance locally driven transportation projects. This application-based program provides funding to Indigenous-led projects that will help meet local transportation needs, build capacity, and support economic development, mobility, and safety. In 2022-2023, six projects led by Indigenous communities and organizations across the province were funded, which focused on local transportation services, technical training initiatives, and road upgrades.
Preparing for the future through long-range transportation planning
- In April 2022, the Province released Connecting the East: A draft transportation plan for eastern Ontario. The plan contains 56 actions to help build a safe, reliable, and connected transportation system that keeps people and goods moving within and across the region.
- In May 2022, the Province launched the two-year Eastern Ontario and Province-Wide Planning Study. Findings from the study will inform the ministry’s policy and capital decision-making processes, provide planning direction to transportation agencies and service providers in eastern Ontario, support further refinement and implementation of the 2022 draft plan, Connecting the East, and advance a future update of the plan for the horizon year of 2051. Ten policy papers will also be developed that will inform the development of the forthcoming Ontario-wide Transportation Plan.
- In September 2022, the Province launched the 2022 Transportation Tomorrow Survey (TTS). The TTS is a voluntary household travel survey that collects detailed information on the actual travel patterns of residents in the GGH, to understand current usage and be able to forecast future demand. Data from the TTS forms the basis of all travel and demand forecasting models, business cases, and transportation planning in the GGH, for roads, highways, transit, and active modes. The Province, GGH municipalities and transit agencies rely on this data to support and plan for multi-billion-dollar transportation infrastructure projects and services throughout the GGH area.
- The Northern Ontario Transportation Task Force, with representation from mayors, Indigenous Chiefs, and other business and transportation leaders, was announced in January 2022 to fulfill a commitment in Connecting the North: A draft transportation plan for Northern Ontario, met throughout 2022-23 to discuss key northern transportation issues. The task force submitted an interim report to the Minister in October 2022 and is set to submit a final report in early spring 2023.
- The ministry continues to monitor the intercommunity bus sector. With sector deregulation in 2021, statutory reporting requirements for operators were transferred to MTO and new annual reporting requirements were established. Following consultation with the sector, the ministry launched the first sector survey in September 2022. While service gaps remain in many northern and rural communities, many new private operators have entered the market and service levels are recovering towards pre-pandemic levels.
- The ministry reaffirmed the ongoing Inspection Service Agreement with Transport Canada for 2023 to streamline and formalize the inspection process for Metrolinx and updated the ministry’s Inspection Service Agreement with Metrolinx to ensure any findings of non-compliance with respect to their rail operations are addressed. Railway Safety Inspection Services Agreements between the ministry and Transport Canada, and the ministry and Metrolinx were established in 2013. The agreements work together to establish the roles of the Province and the federal government in ensuring the safe operation of Metrolinx’s GO Transit railway operations.
Towing sector reform
- The necessary regulatory and legislative amendments were implemented under the Towing and Storage, Safety and Enforcement Act to support the provincial certification of tow operators, vehicle storage operators, and tow truck drivers. The ministry also implemented changes to the regulations under the Highway Traffic Act that came into effect in January 2023, removing most exemptions for tow operators under the Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration program and set minimum requirements for tow trucks.
Maintaining Ontario’s highways and improving efficiency
- The ministry continues to transition maintenance contract renewals from the Area Maintenance Contract (AMC) model to the Contractor Directed Maintenance Contract (CDMC) model and the Ministry Directed Maintenance Contract (MDMC) model to maintain provincial highways. Since 2017-18, MTO has successfully implemented 17 CDMC and four MDMC contracts.
- These contract models use more prescriptive requirements, optimized winter maintenance routes and equipment requirements developed by the ministry, and contractors are required to follow the ministry’s best practices and method-based standards.
- In November 2022, the ministry introduced a new “ON Trans-Canada” standard, which requires contractors to clear Highways 11 and 17 to bare pavement within 12 hours of the end of a winter storm, four hours faster than the previous standard.
- The 12 hours bare pavement standard is intended to enhance winter maintenance services on Highways 11 and 17 while also optimizing the use of resources and protecting our environment.
- The new standard was developed following three years of extensive work, which included a detailed technical review and a two-year pilot involving field work and data analysis.
- The ministry is a recognized leader in implementing new technologies to ensure the right amount of salt is distributed on the road at the right time. This is supported through an expanded network of 192 Road Weather Information System (RWIS) stations (176 Regular stations and 16 Mini RWIS sites) that provide timely road and weather data. Electronic spreader controls are calibrated on trucks used for salt distribution to ensure that only the right amount of salt is delivered for the intensity of the storm.
- In 2022-23, MTO has built an additional 24 new RWIS stations (14 in Northern Ontario) to further enhance the delivery of winter maintenance services.
- In 2022, the ministry treated approximately 1,500 hectares of phragmites, an invasive plant species, along the highway corridors to improve drainage, sightlines and minimize damage to highway infrastructure.
- MTO is currently implementing the largest expansion of rest areas in its history, which includes the development of 10 new rest area sites and the rehabilitation of 14 existing sites to improve facilities. As of March 2023, two new sites have been constructed and 10 sites rehabilitated.
Supporting Ontario’s multi-modal transportation system
- The new Frontenac Islands Simcoe Islander II ferry went into service in December 2022. Funded by the ministry, this vessel will better connect Wolfe Island and Simcoe Island in eastern Ontario.
Supporting strategic municipal road infrastructure through the connecting links program
- In 2022-23 the ministry provided $30 million in funding through the Connecting Links Program to help municipalities across Ontario repair roads and bridges that connect to provincial highways. For 2022-23, MTO selected 16 projects from 14 municipalities (two municipalities received two projects each) for funding across the province.
- In addition, the ministry is providing funding of up to $73.8 million for the Timmins Connecting Link to reconstruct an approximately 21.4‐kilometre stretch of Highway 101, which is one of the longest connecting links in Ontario and used by 25,000 vehicles per day. The funding period began in 2022-23 and ends March 30, 2030.
Fleet leadership
- MTO continues to provide leadership in vehicle fleet management. To ensure continued support for local manufacturing and efforts to reduce public sector fleet emissions, the ministry has updated its Fleet Guide to prioritize locally sourced and low emission vehicles, wherever operationally feasible.
Measuring performance
MTO regularly reports on ministry-level performance measures, also known as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which track the ministry’s progress towards delivering on key government priorities.
Highway and bridge condition
The ministry aims to keep assets in a steady state of good repair over the long term. The performance targets for provincial pavements and bridges in good condition for 2022-23 were 67 per cent and 85 per cent, respectively. In 2022-23, 79 per cent of Ontario’s pavements and 90 per cent of Ontario’s bridges were in good condition.
Note: Highway pavement and bridges condition are categorized as “Good”, “Fair” or “Poor” to reflect the need for repair, rehabilitation or replacement based on the asset management life cycle. The condition results do not reflect the safety status of these assets.
Municipal transit ridership in large urban centres
Municipal transit systems serving Ontario’s 15 largest urban centres carried approximately 327 million passengers in 2021 (latest statistics available) on conventional and specialized services. The COVID‑19 pandemic continued to impact the municipal transit sector in 2021, following significant declines in ridership in 2020. Travel restrictions were in effect for much of 2021, unlike 2020 which began with three months of normal operations before the impact of the pandemic was felt. This explains why ridership fell further in 2021.
According to the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA), transit ridership across Canada fell from approximately 2.9 billion in 2019 to approximately one billion in 2020 and declined further to 920.6 million in 2021.
Calendar year | Achieved (millions of municipal transit riders) |
Target (millions of municipal transit riders) |
2000 | 598 | N/A |
2001 | 616 | N/A |
2002 | 615 | N/A |
2003 | 610 | N/A |
2004 | 632 | 616 |
2005 | 652 | 628 |
2006 | 677 | 641 |
2007 | 703 | 697 |
2008 | 715 | 718 |
2009 | 705 | 740 |
2010 | 736 | 762 |
2011 | 774 | 785 |
2012 | 795 | 809 |
2013 | 806 | 833 |
2014 | 818 | 858 |
2015 | 818 | 839 |
2016 | 821 | 855 |
2017 | 821 | 855 |
2018 | 820 | 890 |
2019 | 830 | 908 |
2020 | 372 | 926 |
2020 | 327 | N/A |
Across Ontario, overall municipal transit ridership fell by another 12.8 per cent in 2021 from 2020, after falling approximately 56.4 per cent in 2020 compared to 2019. Municipal transit ridership in large urban centres in Ontario in 2021 decreased by 12.1 per cent over 2020.
Early evidence suggests that ridership recovered to a degree in 2022, but that the recovery has been uneven. Ridership growth has been stronger in some municipalities than others. The full extent of the recovery will not be known until later in 2023, when the complete year of data is available for all transit systems across Ontario. The ministry continues to take actions to grow transit ridership across the province including through investments in transit expansion, as well as through funding programs to support municipal transit, though impacts of these programs may only be felt in the longer-term given the multi-year nature of projects.
Metrolinx transit ridership
Metrolinx transit ridership (GO trains, GO buses, and UP Express) in 2019-20 was 76.3 million, up from 76.2 million passengers in 2018-19. At the onset of the COVID‑19 pandemic, GO and UP ridership in 2020-21 dropped to 6.8 million, or nine per cent of the pre-pandemic 2019-20 levels. Ridership for 2021-22 was 15.2 million and 41.5 million for 2022-23
Calendar year | Achieved (millions of Metrolinx transit riders) |
Target (millions of Metrolinx transit riders) |
2012-2013 | 61.9 | 65 |
2013-2014 | 63 | 65.2 |
2014-2015 | 65.4 | 65.2 |
2015-2016 | 66.6 | 69.7 |
2016-2017 | 70.2 | 69.5 |
2017-2018 | 72.4 | 71.6 |
2018-2019 | 76.2 | 74 |
2019-2020 | 76.3 | 82.1 |
2020-2021 | 6.8 | 83.8 |
2021-2022 | 15.2 | 27.4 |
2022-2023 | 41.5 | 58.9 |
- "2022-2023 Achieved" represents ridership forecasted at Q3.
- Year-end results for 2022-2023 will not be available until April/May 2023.
Note: Historical figures for 2012-13 through 2014-15 show GO Transit ridership only. With the launch of UP Express service in June 2015, historical figures and targets from 2015-16 onwards have been adjusted to reflect the new Metrolinx transit ridership figures, which include both GO Transit and UP Express services.
Related link: 2022-23 Metrolinx Business Plan
Related link: Metrolinx - Annual Reports and Corporate Plans
Metrolinx on-time performance
On-time performance is defined as within 5 minutes of scheduled arrival time for GO rail trips, within 15 minutes of scheduled arrival time for GO bus trips, and within 30 minutes of total run-time between Union and Pearson for UP Express trains.
The on-time performance of Metrolinx improved from 97.8 per cent of trips being on time in 2012-13 to 98.7 per cent in 2020-21. In 2022, 95.9 per cent of trips were on time. The ministry is targeting performance of 96 per cent in 2023
Note: This indicator is not a province-wide measure and only reflects Metrolinx’s transit services (GO Rail, GO Bus, and UP Express).
Calendar year | Achieved (%) |
Target (%) |
2013 | 97.8 | N/A |
2014 | 94.6 | N/A |
2015 | 95.1 | N/A |
2016 | 95.1 | N/A |
2017 | 95 | N/A |
2018 | 95.2 | N/A |
2019 | 94.7 | N/A |
2020 | 94.9 | N/A |
2021 | 98.7 | N/A |
2022 | 95.9 | 96.0 |
2023 | N/A | 96.0 |
ONTC Ridership
ONTC provides transportation services connecting Northern, rural and remote communities, including remote First Nation communities.
ONTC motor coach ridership in 2022 increased by 58 per cent over the previous year. Ridership trends reflect the impact of the COVID‑19 pandemic.
Year | 2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 |
Achieved | 258022 | 311080 | 298532 | 106067 | 167676 |
Target | 250000 | 315000 | 315000 | 315000 | 189000 |
Related link: ONTC Annual Report 2021-22
The Polar Bear Express (PBX) passenger train connects passengers from Cochrane to Moosonee and the First Nation communities on the James Bay Coast. This is the only year-round land link servicing these communities.
The ridership for the PBX in 2021-22 increased by 96 per cent from the previous year. Although ridership is currently half of pre-pandemic levels, it surpassed targets by 29 per cent.
Year | 2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 |
Achieved | 54895 | 51189 | 52451 | 13450 | 26299 |
Target | 55000 | 52800 | 54000 | 54000 | 20400 |
Related link: ONTC Annual Report 2021-22
ONTC – On-Time Performance
ONTC defines on-time performance as within 15 minutes of scheduled arrival time for both motor coach and rail trips.
The on-time performance of the ONTC motor coach services for 2021-22 was 81 per cent, a decrease of 8 per cent from the previous year as a result of increased passenger volumes and vehicle traffic on roads and highways due to the post-pandemic recovery and reduction of public health restrictions on capacity limitations.
Year | 2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 |
Achieved | 82 | 81 | 83 | 89 | 81 |
Target | 90 | 90 | 90 | 90 | 90 |
Related link: ONTC Annual Report 2021-22
On time performance for the PBX in 2021-22 was 93 per cent, a 1 per cent decrease from the year before. The service did not meet its target of 95 per cent due to cold weather issues which affected operations, and slow orders in place to allow for seasonal track work. These activities were necessary to ensure safety of customers and employees.
Year | 2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 |
Achieved | 97 | 88 | 95 | 94 | 95 |
Target | N/A | N/A | 95 | 95 | 95 |
Related link: ONTC Annual Report 2021-22
Fatalities per 10,000 drivers
Ontario recorded a rate of 0.50 fatalities per 10,000 licensed drivers in 2020 (most recent data available) and ranked first with the lowest motor vehicle collision fatality rate in North America, ahead of the District of Columbia. Preliminary data for 2021 and 2022 show similar rates in this KPI, at 0.52 fatalities per 10,000 drivers. Fatalities have fallen for more than a decade due, in part, to public education campaigns, road safety improvement programs, and effective enforcement.
Year | Achieved | Baseline (2002) |
2002 | 1.04 | 1.04 |
2003 | 0.97 | 1.04 |
2004 | 0.92 | 1.04 |
2005 | 0.87 | 1.04 |
2006 | 0.87 | 1.04 |
2007 | 0.86 | 1.04 |
2008 | 0.70 | 1.04 |
2009 | 0.62 | 1.04 |
2010 | 0.63 | 1.04 |
2011 | 0.53 | 1.04 |
2012 | 0.60 | 1.04 |
2013 | 0.54 | 1.04 |
2014 | 0.53 | 1.04 |
2015 | 0.54 | 1.04 |
2016 | 0.58 | 1.04 |
2017 | 0.61 | 1.04 |
2018 | 0.58 | 1.04 |
2019 | 0.55 | 1.04 |
2020 | 0.50 | 1.04 |
2021 | 0.52 | 1.04 |
2022 | 0.52 | 1.04 |
Related link: Ontario road safety annual reports (ORSAR)
Winter storm clearance
- For winter highway maintenance in the province, MTO has established an annual performance target of 90 per cent to achieve bare pavement within specified timeframes. Over the last 10 years, the Province has met or exceeded this standard.
- Bare pavement is when 95 per cent of the driving surface (edge line to edge line) is free of snow, slush and/or ice.
- In 2021-22, Ontario highways were cleared to the bare pavement standard within standard timeframes 95 per cent of the time. For 2022-23, winter maintenance performance thus far indicates that MTO is on target to meet or exceed the performance target.
Year | Achieved | Target |
2011-2012 | 96 | 90 |
2012-2013 | 95 | 90 |
2013-2014 | 94 | 90 |
2014-2015 | 92 | 90 |
2015-2016 | 97 | 90 |
2016-2017 | 97 | 90 |
2017-2018 | 96 | 90 |
2018-2019 | 96 | 90 |
2019-2020 | 97 | 90 |
2020-2021 | 98 | 90 |
2021-2022 | 95 | 90 |
2022-2023 | 98 | 90 |
Publicly reported Bare Pavement information is available at How we clear Ontario’s highways in winter
Table 3: Ministry interim actual expenditures 2022-2023
Item | Ministry Interim Actual Expenditures ($M ) 2022-2023 |
COVID‑19 Approvals | 585.0 |
Other Operating | 3,194.3 |
Other Capital | 3,224.3 |
Total Transportation | 7,003.6 |
Staff Strength (as of March 31, 2023) |
3,502 |
Link: Published Plan and Annual Report 2022-23
Link to the 2023-24 Ontario Budget: 2023 Ontario Budget
- footnote[1] Back to paragraph Estimates, Interim Actuals and Actuals for prior fiscal years are re-stated to reflect any changes in ministry organization and/or program structure. Interim actuals reflect the numbers presented in the 2022 Ontario Budget.
- footnote[2] Back to paragraph Estimates and Actuals for prior fiscal years are re-stated to reflect any changes in ministry organization
- footnote[3] Back to paragraph Ontario Highway Transport Board is now dissolved
- footnote[4] Back to paragraph Interim actuals reflect the numbers presented in the 2023 Ontario Budget.
- footnote[5] Back to paragraph Ontario Public Service Full-Time Equivalent positions.