South Bay Provincial Park Management Statement
This document provides policy direction for the protection, development and management of South Bay Provincial Park and its resources.
Interim Management Statement
March 1994
© 1994 Queen’s Printer for Ontario
Additional information about the park and copies of this publication are available from the:
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Park Operations, 199 Larch Street, Sudbury, Ontario, P3E 5P9 telephone: (705) 675-4120.
(0.05 k P.R., 94 03 21)
ISBN 0-7778-2389-6
Approval statement
I am pleased to approve this Interim Management Statement for South Bay Provincial Park.
This Interim Management Statement will provide interim direction for the management of South Bay Provincial Park until a comprehensive Park Management Plan is prepared. The park is managed under the jurisdiction of the superintendent of Restoule Provincial Park.
This statement will provide a basis for management planning in the future.
Signed by:
Al Stewart
Regional Director
Central Region
Background information
Name | South Bay Provincial Park |
Classification | Recreation |
Site region/site district | Northern Deciduous Evergreen Forest/5E5 |
OMNR Administrative region/district | Central Region/Sudbury |
Total area (ha) | 1525 |
Regulation date | 1989 |
Earth Science Representation: | no research as of this date, no known earth science significance |
Life Science Representation: normal/loam / wet to very wet: |
wetland - marsh types medium lake shorelines |
Cultural Resources Representation: | no research as of this date, no documented cultural heritage |
Recreation Opportunities: | no specific studies but generally will accommodate: viewing; walking; photography; no car camping in the park but this is available on adjacent land |
Survey level | Earth | Life science | Cultural | Recreational | Other |
Reconnaissance | needed | 1979 | needed | needed | |
Detailed | |||||
Requirement | theme study | site district report |
Management guidelines
Interim management statements identify: park values; guidelines to protect those values; and, restrictions on use.
Adjoining land uses
A "meets and bounds" description describes the Park boundary. A boundary plan will replace this (Figure 1).
There are no hydro transmission lines, pipelines, or other easements/corridors in the Park. Dispositions will not be permitted in the park.
Figure 1: South Bay Provincial Park
Enlarge figure 1 South Bay Provincial Park
Existing/proposed development
There are no existing facilities in the Park. A bush road provides access to the Park from the east side. This bush road predates Park regulation and passes through the Park to lands on the west.
Development will not be considered until earth and life science information is collected, there is a demand for recreation facilities and a management plan is prepared for the Park.
Recreation activities
Recreation uses (e.g. walking, hiking, camping, fishing, boating, etc.) are not managed.
Sport hunting is a regulated use. Mechanized travel is permitted only on the existing east-west bush road.
Commercial activities
Commercial uses are not permitted (e.g. trapping, bait fishing, mineral resources exploration/development, forestry, etc.). The abandoned Darling Gold Mine occurs within the Park. The inactive workings in that location will be secured. Existing commercial trapping will be phased out of the Park consistent with Provincial Park Policy Implementation Details (1989) by 2010. The improvements associated with trapping use will be removed by the trapper at that time.
Aboriginal interests
As of publication there were no land claims that have a bearing on park management.
Geological and biological information
The type and significance of geological and biological features (e.g. landforms, wildlife, vegetation, etc.) has received limited documentation. Earth and life science surveys are required. Fires will be suppressed.
Cultural resources
There has been no assessment of cultural resources: archaeological sites, historical use or artifacts and historical landscapes.
The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources will consult with the agency with the mandate for cultural resource conservation, the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Communications, to identify whether there is potential for significant cultural resources in this area.
Visitor services
Visitor services in this location will deal with responding to inquires with a basic level of information such as park boundary and natural heritage target achievement objectives.
Research will deal with all aspects of scientific study, inventory or surveys such as vegetation assessments and ecological processes studies, cultural resource inventories or special studies.
An approved research application is required to conduct research in provincial parks (Appendix 1).
Completion of an earth science theme study for the region and a site district report for 5E5 will provide an assessment of representative natural areas and features.
Marketing is not a priority in this Park until information on Park values is obtained and access is developed.
The following lists all material cited in the I.M.S. as well as other relevant sources of information on the park such as District Land Use Guidelines, inventory reports, checksheets, etc.
Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. 1969. Nipissing: Topographic Map Series, 1:50 000 Sheet 31L/4.
Macdonald, I.D.1978. South Bay Provincial Park Life Science Field Notes.
Macdonald, I.D. 1978. Parks System Life Science Analysis. Preliminary Report Northeastern Region. Sudbury. 67 pp.
Noble, T.W. 1991. Reconnaissance Inventory of the northern portion of the Northern Deciduous Evergreen Forest. Site Region 5E.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1982. Park System Planning in Ontario.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1983. North Bay District Land Use Guidelines.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1989. Provincial Parks Policy Implementation Details. 9 pp.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1985. Forest Resource Inventory Maps - Nipissing Township
Provincial Parks and Natural Heritage Policy Branch, 1992. Ontario Provincial Parks Planning and Management Policies (1992 update).
Appendix 1
Ontario Provincial Parks Research Policy and Application
Subject: | Research Activities in Provincial Parks |
Policy No. | PM 2.45 |
New | |
Compiled by-Branch | Provincial Parks and Natural Heritage Policy |
Section | Parks management |
Date Issued | April 1, 1991 |
Replaces Directive Title | Research Activities in Provincial Parks and Park Reserves |
Number | PM 2.45 |
Dated | November 20, 1980 |
Page | 1 of 3 |
To encourage contributions to provincial park objectives through research by;
- providing overall direction for research activities associated with provincial parks
- establishing guidelines and review/approval processes which facilitate appropriate research by external researchers in provincial parks and which ensure review of research activities which could impact on park resources and values
Research means any investigations or studies of natural, cultural, social, economic, management, or other features or characteristics of provincial parks.
Research activities will be encouraged through a variety of means to help provide a better understanding of park environments and to contribute to appropriate management practices and actions.
The provincial park management plan will define overall research interests for the park and, will establish the need for a research plan to address key research issues for parks with substantial research interests and activities.
The management plan will also address the need for specific arrangements, facilities or management to provide improved opportunities for research activities, or to ensure that research activities do not adversely affect park resources. Such details will be specified in a research plan where warranted.
Research needs and priorities will be reviewed periodically for individual provincial parks and for the provincial parks program and summaries will be compiled and made available to interested researchers.
Each applicant must submit a completed application form as prescribed in Appendix A to the appropriate District Manager.
Research in a provincial park must have the approval of the Regional Director with the exception of extension of previously approved projects and minor research projects which can be approved by the District Manager. For minor research projects which include a number of parks, approval may be granted by the Director, Parks and Natural Heritage Policy Branch.
A research project is considered "minor" where limited to;
- brief observation visits involving no environmental disturbances, no visitor contacts nor collection of specimens
Research projects, in provincial parks will be reviewed by the Park Superintendent and District Manager prior to being undertaken. A research application must be completed for:
- any research project proposed by researchers outside MNR
- any project proposed by MNR staff which has potential for adverse effects on park resources or visitors
Approval in writing for the application must be obtained prior to the project being undertaken.
The District Manager may suspend or revoke permission at any time for failure on the part of the researcher to meet:
- The intent or conditions of this policy
- The requirements under the Provincial Parks Act and Regulations, including all amendments, where applicable
- The requirements under any other Act and Regulations, Canada or Ontario including amendments such as those governing the taking, handling, storing, confining, trapping, excavating, and marketing of any specimen, artifact, information or action (for example, scientific collectors' permit)
- The conditions and agreements specified in granting permission
Permission granted under this policy will be valid for a period not exceeding 12 consecutive months from date of issue. The District Manager may grant permission to continue a research project for additional periods of 12 months or less upon submission of a written request and progress report, provided that the intent, goals and objectives of the project have not been changed.
A person or persons seeking· permission under this policy will complete an application supplied by the District Manager and will provide such other information which may be requested.
The application will include a statement as to why the proposed research should be undertaken in the particular provincial park in preference to some other location.
The District Manager may require the posting of collateral, to assure that the terms and conditions of the agreement are met.
All specimens, artifacts, materials and information collected remain the property of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the provincial park in which they are collected (unless assigned to an appropriate repository by the District Manager) and are subject to the requirements under Acts and Regulations for Canada and Ontario and the conditions specified in granting permission.
The researcher(s) must submit a final report to the District Manager within two years of the completion of the report.
The researcher(s) will provide the District Manager one copy of all reports, publications, theses, etc., produced as a result of the research. The District Manager will forward a copy of all reports, publications and theses to the Regional Director and if requested, to the Director of Parks and Natural Heritage Policy Branch.
For projects extending over a number of parks, the Director, Parks and Natural Heritage Policy Branch will forward a copy of reports, publications and theses to Regional Directors involved.
The District Manager will assure that the rights, privileges, privacy and enjoyment of all park users are not unduly infringed upon during the course of the research activities.
The District Manager will provide all workers on a research project with a letter or means of identification to be carried by each and every worker when engaged in work related to the project.
Special requests for the use of equipment, for accommodation, or for staff assistance will be considered by the District Manager on the basis of their merit and the feasibility of providing such assistance. Reimbursement for such assistance may be required from the researcher.
Remarque: Cette police est également disponible en français.
Subject | Research Activities in Provincial Parks |
Procedure No. | PM 2.45.01 |
New | |
Compiled by-Branch | Parks and Natural Heritage Policy |
Section | Park Management |
Date Issued | April 1, 1991 |
Replaces Directive Title | Research Activities in Provincial Parks and Park Reserves |
Number | PM 2.45.01 |
Dated | November 20, 1980 |
Page | 1 of 2 |
A) New proposals:
Responsibility | Action |
District Manager | 1. Receives application. Reviews project with Park Superintendent(s). Forwards a copy of the application along with recommendations to the Regional Director and to the Director of Parks and Natural Heritage Policy Branch. |
Regional Director | 2. Receives application and recommendations from District Manager. Reviews project. |
Director, Parks and Natural Heritage Policy Branch | 3. Receives application and provides any comments to the Regional Director within two weeks. |
Regional Director | 4. Approves or rejects the application upon receiving response from Director, Parks and Natural Heritage Policy Branch. |
District Manager | 5. Notifies applicant of the decision in writing. If approved, states any conditions and restrictions. Advises Park Superintendent(s) that permission has been granted and provides names of the researcher(s) and the means of identification to be used. 6. Requests final report and provides copy to Regional Director. |
B) Extension of previously approved proposals/minor research projects:
Responsibility | Action |
District Manager | 1. Receives application, reviews project with Park Superintendent(s). Approves or rejects the application. Provides copies of the proposal to Regional Director and Director, Parks and Natural Heritage Policy Branch, with notification of action taken. 2. Notifies applicant of the decision in writing. If approved, states any conditions and. restrictions. Advises Park Superintendent(s) that permission has been granted and provides names of the researcher(s) and the means of identification to be used. 3. Requests final report and provides copy to Regional Director, and if requested, to Director, Parks and Natural Heritage Policy Branch. |
C) Research projects including a number of parks. Minor research projects:
Responsibility | Action |
Director, Parks and Natural Heritage Policy Branch | 1. Receives application and reviews project; approves or rejects the application and notifies Regional Directors involved. 2. Notifies applicant of the decision in writing. 3. Requests final report and provides copy to Regional Directors involved. |
Regional Directors | 4. Notify District Managers involved. |
District Managers | 5. Notify Park Superintendents involved. |
D) Other research proposals:
Responsibility | Action |
Director, Parks and Natural Heritage Policy Branch | 1. Receives application, reviews project. 2. Requests review by regional directors involved. 3. Receives regional responses. 4. Notifies applicant in writing. If approved, states any conditions and restrictions. 5. Requests final report and provides copy to regional directors involved. |
Regional directors | 6. Co-ordinate review as in point A, new proposals. |
Appendix A
Ministry of Natural Resources
Application to Conduct Research in Ontario Provincial Parks
Note to applicants:
The Ministry of Natural Resources usually requires a period of up to two months for review and approval of this application.
Research means any investigations or studies of natural, cultural, social, economic, management or other features or characteristics which involve field investigations.
If more space is required to complete any of the following sections, please attach additional sheets.
Personal information submitted on this form is collected under the authority of the Provincial Parks Act R.S.O. 1980, C401, and will be used for administrative purposes. Questions about the collection of this information should be directed to the Director, Parks and Natural Heritage Policy Branch.
Name of Applicant:
Affiliation: (school, college, university, government agency, company, etc.).
Address: Business:
Postal code:
Postal code:
Title of Research Project:
Location: (provincial park(s) in which research will take place)
State in detail the objectives of the project, its value and necessity and relationship to other projects. Include reasons why the proposed study should be undertaken in the particular provincial park:(s) as opposed to some other location. Attach research/thesis proposal if available.
Provide a general outline of the research to be carried out.
Identify the procedures and equipment to be used and any potential impact on the park environment.
State the time frame within which the field activities will be carried out in the provincial park(s). Be specific.
State whether provincial park visitors will be involved in the project and specify how and to what extent.
State in detail any accommodation, equipment or travel assistance required from the Ministry of Natural Resources.
State in detail any support or consultant assistance require from the Ministry of Natural staff.
Give the name, date and number of any licences, permits or authorizations held relating to the project (e.g. scientific collectors' permit, bird banding permit, etc.).
Can you provide performance bonding if it is required?
Give the names, addresses and qualifications of persons assisting in the project and describe briefly contributions expected of them.
Give the names and addresses of any contributors to your project (i.e. through grants, advice, scholarships, equipment, supplies).
If approved, I, the applicant, agree to abide by the ·terms and. conditions specified in the attached approval.
Signature of Applicant:
Signature of Course Director or Advisor or, if applicable, Agency/Company President, Chairperson or Manager:
Approval section:
Approval granted:
District Manager
Regional Director
Conditions of Approval (if applicable):