
Statement of Conservation Interest

June, 2003

Dryden District
Ministry of Natural Resources

Approval Statement

We are pleased to approve this Statement of Conservation Interest for the Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve (C2313).

This Statement of Conservation Interest will provide guidance for the management of the Conservation Reserve and form the basis for ongoing monitoring of activities. More detailed direction is not anticipated at this time. Should significant facility development be considered or complex issues arise requiring additional studies, more defined management direction, or special protection measures, a more detailed Conservation Reserve Management Plan will be prepared with full public consultation.

The Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve will be managed under the jurisdiction of the Wabigoon Area supervisor, Dryden District, Ministry of Natural Resources.

Signed by:
R.G. McColm
Dryden District Manager
Ministry of Natural Resources

Date: June 30, 2003

Signed by:
Charlie Lauer
Regional Director
Northwest Region
Ministry of Natural Resources

Date: July 16, 2003

1.0 Background information

The purpose of this document is to identify and document the natural heritage values of the Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve, the activities that occur there and, through a set of management guidelines, lay out the activities that will and will not be permitted. For more information regarding this Statement of Conservation Interest (SCI) please refer to the "Conservation Reserve Policy and Procedure PL3.03.05".

Table 1.1: Background information for the Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve.

Name Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve (C2313)
Site Region / Site District 4S-5
OMNR Administrative
Region / District / Area
Northwest Region / Dryden District /
Wabigoon Area, Wabigoon Forest
Total Area (ha) 412
Regulation Date Anticipated for 2003
First Nations Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation, Eagle Lake First Nations
OBM 15540054600, 15550054600
Lat. / Long. 49' 20 / 92'19
Basemap 54546, 55546
General Location
Located approximately 75 kilometers from the City of Dryden on the south shore of Stormy Lake
Access A boat can be launched into Snake Bay of Stormy Lake, approximately 25 km down Snake Bay Rd. off of Hwy. 17. It takes approximately a half hour by boat to get to the south shore of Stormy Lake where the reserve is located.

Table 1.2: Representation Targets – A summary of earth science, life science, cultural resource values and present or possible recreational opportunities.

Life Science Representation Upland Forest/Forested Dunes:
Cedar dominated mixedwood forest – white birch, white spruce
Drier uplands – jack pine, black spruce and large- leaved aster
Aspen dominated mixedwood – balsam fir and spruce
Whitepine mixedwood
Cedar swamp
Meadow marshes – beaked sedge, lake sedge, jewelweed, water hemlock, wild raspberry Shore fen – semi-floating wire sedge
Animal Species:
Moose, red squirrel, bald eagle, sandpiper spp., red- breasted nuthatch, white-throated sparrow, black- capped chickadee
Earth Science Representation Bedrock:
- located at the eastern end of the Manitou – Stormy lakes greenstone belt
- underlain with Archean age volcanic rock of the Wabigoon Subprovince
- straddles the contact between mafic volcanic rocks of the Wapageisi group and overlying pyroclastic rocks.
Surficial Geology:
Mostly upland area between the Hartman and Eagle- Finlayson end moraines.
Cultural Value Representation No cultural value is contained within this reserve.
Recreational Opportunities Opportunity exists for snowmobiling, hunting, trapping, big tree observation and portaging according to the Recreation Inventory Checklist (2002)

Table 1.3: Survey Information – Overview of inventories completed, their level of detail and any inventories that are needed.

Survey Level Life Science Earth Science Cultural Recreational
  • Life Science checklist and report, 2002
  • Earth Science checklist and report, 2002
  • not required
  • Recreation Inventory Checklist, 2002
  • not required
  • not required
  • not required
  • not required

Figure 1: General location of the Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve.

Image of the General location of the Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve.

Enlarge Figure 1: General location of the Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve map.

2.0 Values to be protected

This section provides a description of the key natural heritage values on the site, their condition relative to past resource and management activities, and their sensitivity to future land use and management activities.

Table 2.1: Values identified on the Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve.

Life Science Old-growth cedar (> 114 years), and red and white pine (~ 155 years)
Earth Science No significant earth science values
Cultural N/A
Aboriginal N/A
Tourism Stormy Lake Camp (opposite the reserve on Stormy lake) and a couple of boat caches
Recreational Fishing
  • permitted
Recreational Hunting
  • permitted; WMU #9A
  • DR04N01001 – active in 2002
Bear Management Area
  • DR-9A-022
Bait Harvesting
  • Baitfish Block #493922
Commercial Fishing N/A

2.2 Values to be protected

The intent of this SCI is to protect the following values by establishing management guidelines for existing and potential uses in this area given the level of past disturbance and the nature of the existing features.

2.2.1 Forest values

The reserve consists largely of old- growth cedar, which extend to the northeast of the reserve along the east side of Stormy Lake. These range from 114 to 162 years of age. Scattered old-growth red and white pine (~155 years) can be found throughout the reserve as well. (Foster et al., 2002) The site itself was considered provincially significant (Noble, 1995).

2.2.2 Biological values

No species of herbaceous plant or animal found on the reserve were deemed significant. Some of the mixedwood forest did contain an abundance of moose browse. A high quality moose aquatic feeding area exists on the small waterbody forming the southeastern boundary of the reserve. As well, an osprey nest was recorded in the reserve and 3 bald eagles nests exist within 1200 m of the reserve. (Foster et al., 2002).

Stormy Lake, adjacent to the reserve, is a popular lake trout fishery. It is utilized in both the summer and winter months. Other species of interest in the lake include northern pike, walleye, lake whitefish, burbot, rock bass, yellow perch and cisco.

2.2.3 Landform values

No significant earth science values exist within the conservation reserve.

2.2.4 Recreational values

The Stormy Lake CR Recreation Inventory concluded that the coniferous trees (primarily cedar and white pine), the small lakes within the reserve, the inhabiting large land mammals and the existing trail through the west side to be of recreational value. Stormy Lake itself was considered to be a valued recreation feature also even though it is not contained within the reserve. Current activities include fishing, however this would occur on Stormy Lake and not within the reserve itself. Trapping also occurs on and around the reserve. Proposed activities include hunting, big tree observation, and portaging. It was determined that none of the recreation features would be sensitive to recreation use.

2.2.5 Tourism values

A tourist lodge and a couple of commercial boat caches reside on Stormy Lake, however, are not located within the reserve. As well, a lodge and several boat caches can be found on and around Long Lake, directly north of Stormy.

3.0 Management guidelines

3.1 Land tenure

The Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve consists of and is surrounded entirely by Crown land.

Figure 2: Old-growth cedar within the reserve.

Image of an old-growth cedar tress within the reserve.

The reserve will remain Crown land and no dispositions (including Land Use Permits or Licenses of Occupation) will be issued for the site.

The disposition of adjacent Crown Land will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Unauthorized occupations of lands within the conservation reserve will be handled in accordance with approved policy, and any required structural removal will be at the owner’s expense.

3.2 Existing and proposed development

There is no existing development within the Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve. The reserve is located approximately 15.5 km from the closest public boat launch and 8 km from a tourist lodge on Stormy Lake. An active gravel pit exists approximately 3.75 km northeast of the reserve. Several tertiary roads exist around Stormy Lake, the closest of which is approximately 900 m from the reserve. There are some timber harvest blocks to the east and southeast of the reserve scheduled to be harvested within the next 5 years (2003 – 2008).

Facility infrastructure and development for recreational and/or educational purposes may be considered in the future if there is a demonstrated demand for such facilities. All provincial policies that guide development on Crown Land are applicable in Conservation Reserves. A more detailed management plan would be required prior to any development occurring. Such a plan would have to ensure that there would be no negative impacts to any habitat or ecosystem pertinent to the values protected in this reserve.

3.3 Recreational Activities

Most recreational activities that have traditionally been enjoyed in this area can continue provided they pose no threat to the natural ecosystems and features protected by the Conservation Reserve. Those uses that are regulated include hunting, fishing and trapping. Most other permitted activities are non-regulated (i.e. canoeing, exploring). See Section 2.2.4 for the recreational uses for this Conservation Reserve as determined by the Recreation Resource Inventory.

Mechanical travel within the reserve, including the use of snowmobiles and All Terrain Vehicles, is permitted only on existing roads and trails. Off trail mechanized travel is permitted for retrieval of game only.

Figure 3: View through the bush of the small lake within the reserve

Photo view of someone looking the bush of the small lake within the reserve.

3.4 Commercial activities

No new activities, such as commercial logging, hydroelectric power development, new transmission lines (e.g. power or communications), pipelines, highways or roads, and the extraction of minerals, aggregate or peat will be permitted.

Stormy Lake was last licensed for a Native commercial fishery in 1993. The primary species harvested was whitefish.

An examination of the possible impact of activities on adjacent lands should be evaluated in the Forest Management Plan.

3.5 Aboriginal interests

To date, no Aboriginal Groups have voiced any issues in regards to this conservation reserve. Nothing in this Statement of Conservation Interest affects in any way existing or future Aboriginal or treaty rights.

3.6 Natural resources stewardship

Natural Resource Stewardship involves the consideration of the following specific natural resource management categories.

3.6.1 Vegetation management

Management within the Conservation Reserve will allow for the continuation of natural ecosystem processes and functions with minimal human interference.

Forest fire suppression will be carried out in accordance with the approved Fire Management Strategy for the surrounding lands. "Light on the Land" suppression techniques which do not unduly disturb the landscape will be encouraged where feasible. Examples of "light on the land" techniques may include limiting the number of trees felled or the use of heavy equipment or foam.

Opportunities for prescribed burning to achieve ecological or resource management objectives may be considered. These management objectives will be developed with public consultation prior to any prescribed burning, and reflected in the document that provides management direction for this conservation reserve. Plans for any prescribed burning will be developed in accordance with the MNR Prescribed Burn Planning Manual, and the Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves (approval pending).

Forest insect and disease management will continue as on surrounding Crown lands.

3.6.2 Fish and Wildlife Management

The existing Wildlife Management Unit, sport fishing regulations and management activities will apply.

3.6.3 Landforms

None of the landforms mentioned will be altered by landform modification activities such as filling and extraction. The extraction of aggregates and similar materials are not permitted.

Mineral exploration and extraction are not permitted.

3.7 Cultural Resources Stewardship

To date, there have been no surveys done to assess cultural or heritage values. However, common knowledge of the area suggests there to be no such values on this site, thus Cultural Inventories were deemed unnecessary.

3.8 Client Services

Given the focus on low key management, client information will be given on an inquiry basis only and will deal with the basic level of information with respect to access, natural heritage appreciation, recommended activities and boundaries.

3.9 Research

Non-destructive research by qualified individuals will be encouraged to provide a better understanding of the natural values protected by the Conservation Reserve and to advance protection, planning and management.

Figure 4: Aerial view of one of the beaver ponds found within the reserve.

Photo of an aerial view of one of the beaver ponds found within the reserve.

In order to assist with enhancing the management guidelines for the reserve, the collection of additional earth and life science information during research is encouraged.

All research programs will require the approval of the Ministry of Natural Resources as will the removal of any natural or cultural specimen. The establishment of permanent plots, observation points or facilities must also be approved and be compatible with the Conservation Reserve protection objective. Any site disturbed by research activities must be rehabilitated as closely as possible to its previous state.

3.10 Marketing

Awareness of the Conservation Reserve is promoted through the Living Legacy web site. Intensive management activity to increase use is not required at this time.

4.0 Implementation

Implementation of this Statement of Conservation Interest will primarily involve monitoring activities to ensure adherence to the management guidelines and responding to inquiries about the site.

Implementation of this statement and management of the reserve are the responsibility of the Wabigoon Area Supervisor. Partnerships may be pursued to address management needs.

5.0 Review and revisions

5.1 Review and revisions

This Conservation Reserve Statement of Conservation Interest will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

If changes in management direction are needed at any time, the significance of the changes will be evaluated and further consultation a possibility. Any major amendments will require full public consultation and the approval of the District Manager and Regional Director. Affected clients will be immediately informed of proposed changes to this Statement of Conservation Interest.

5.2 Public consultation

5.2.1 Results of past consultations

Consultation on the Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve was conducted as part of the consultation on the Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy, July 1999. Subsequent consultation also took place in June 2001 to refine the boundary of the Conservation Reserve.

District Manager letters, totaling 91, were sent to the Dryden Forest Management Co., Weyerhaeuser and Ontario’s Forest Industries Association, Tourist Outfitters, Advisory Committees, Trappers, Land Owners, Members of the Public, Non-Government Organizations and Government Organizations. Newspaper ads were placed in the Ignace Driftwood June 20, 2001 and Dryden Observer on June 19, 2001.

First Nation Consultation letters were also sent to ten Native communities including the Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation and Aboriginal People of Wabigoon. Direct consultation with Treaty 3 First Nations was carried out on a regional basis and concluded November of 2002.

Two responses were received from stakeholders concerning general permitted uses. These issues were clarified during the consultation process. No further specific issues have been voiced to date. No responses have been received to date from any of the First Nations groups.

5.2.2 Present and future consultation

More widespread consultation is deemed unnecessary at this time.

5.2.3 Author

This Statement of Conservation Interest was prepared by Alicia H.L. Morin, OLL Intern, Information Management, Dryden District. Assistance was provided by Martin Pell (Dryden District Planner) and members of the Wabigoon Area Team.

6.0 References

Blackburn, C. 2002. Earth Science Inventory – Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve. Unpublished report for Northwest Region MNR, Thunder Bay, ON.

Foster, R and Harris, A. 2002. Life Science Inventory – Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve. Unpublished report for Northwest Region MNR, Thunder Bay, ON.

Noble, T. 1995. Site District 4S5 gap analysis. Unpublished report for Northwest Region MNR, Thunder Bay, ON. p. 21 + Append.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). 1999. Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy. p. 24. Queen’s Printer for Ontario.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). 2002. Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve (C2292) Recreation Resource Inventory Report. Unpublished report.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). Lands & Natural Heritage, Lands & Waters. 1997. Conservation Reserve Policy and Procedure PL 3.03.05.

Appendix A: Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve (C2313)

Values map

Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve (C2313) - Values Map

Image of Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve value map that displays recreation points.

Enlarge Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve (C2313) - Values Map.

Appendix B: Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve (C2313)

Aerial photo image

Image of aerial black and white photo taken of Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve.

Appendix C: Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve (C2313)

Earth science checksheet

Detailed information for site C2313 Stormy Lake

Protection history

The reserve was identified under the provincial Lands for Life - Ontario’s Living Legacy Program as containing "upland and lowland old growth cedar." (OMNR 1999).

No previous earth science significance was assigned.


The reserve comprises 412 hectares, all located in Dryden MNR District.

Earth science features

Bedrock geology

This small reserve is underlain entirely by Archean age volcanic rocks of the Wabigoon Subprovince, in the western greenstone-belt dominated region (Blackburn et al 1991, p.305). It is located in the Manitou - Stormy lakes greenstone belt at its eastern end (Blackburn et al 1991: Figure 9.8), and straddles the contact between mafic volcanic rocks of the Wapageisi group and overlying pyroclastic rocks at the base of the mixed pyroclastic-sedimentary Stormy Lake group. Although the only detailed government geological map of this immediate area dates from the 1930s (Thomson 1933), lithologies of these two groups have been determined in detailed mapping of the Manitou Lakes portion of the greenstone belt further to the west (Blackburn 1982).

The pyroclastic rocks are the most easily accessible, since they are well exposed along the south shoreline of Stormy Lake. During the present reconnaissance they were observed at seven stations along the shoreline, and at two stations inland in close proximity to the contact with the underlying mafic volcanic rocks of the Wapageisi group. There is little variation in rock type. At all stations coarse fragmental pyroclastic rocks varying from lapilli-tuff to tuff-breccia have been sheared to varying degrees; at station 6 at the northwest end of the shoreline they are relatively undeformed and pyroclastic fragments are easily recognisable (photo 1); at station 2 at the southeast end, they are highly deformed, with clasts stretched out in the foliation plane that dips steeply to the south (photo 2). Also, alteration varies from development of iron carbonate and chlorite at station 6 to silicification in the strongly sheared rocks at station 2.

Mafic volcanics of the Wapageisi group were observed at one station only, in close proximity to the contact with pyroclastic rocks (station 10). Here it varies from fine to coarse grained and generally massive, though vague outlines of pillow rims were observed in the finer basaltic rock. At this point a topographic low follows the contact, and the basalts rise up as a 20 m high cliff on the south side of the valley. The contact passes to the southeast along the north shore of a small inland lake, and thence out of the southeast end of the reserve at the west end of another small lake.

Surficial geology

Quaternary deposits are limited to Pleistocene age till over bedrock (Cowan and Sharpe 1991; Roed 1980). The reserve lies in a predominantly upland area between the Hartman and Eagle-Finlayson end moraines.


The Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve is of little significance to the earth science conservation program since volcanic rock bedrock is minimally exposed and shows no striking features that would make it stand out from other larger and better exposed reserved lands. The till is equally undistinguished.


Neither the bedrock nor the surficial earth science features are subject to degradation by human activity or by natural processes.


No recommendations are made.


Blackburn, C.E. 1982. Geology of the Manitou lakes area, District of Kenora (stratigraphy and petrochemistry); Ontario Geological Survey, Report 223, 61 p. Accompanied by Map 2476, scale 1:50 000.

Cowan, W.R. and Sharpe, D.R. 1991. Surficial Geology, Gold Rock, Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1775A, scale 1:100 000.

OMNR 1999. Ontario’s Living Legacy: Land Use Strategy; Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 136 p., accompanied by map, scale 1:1 200 000.

Roed, M.A. 1980. Northern Ontario Engineering Geology Terrain Study, Data Base Map, Gold Rock; Ontario Geological Survey, Map 5061, scale 1:100 000.

Thomson, J.E. 1933. Manitou-Stormy Lakes Area; Ontario Geological Survey, Map 42c, scale 1:63 360.


  1. Carbonatized and chloritized lapilli-tuff, weakly South shore of Stormy Lake. (Stn. 6; UTM 0550130E 5567407N)
  2. Sheared and silicified lapilli-tuff, with foliation dipping at 80° to the South shoreline of Stormy Lake. (Stn. 2; UTM 0552502E 5465867N)

Image one (top image number 1)is carbonatized and chloritized lapilli-tuff near the shore of Stormy Lake. Image two (bottom image number 2) is sheared and silicified lapilli-tuff, with foliation dipping near shoreline of Stormy Lake.

Additional stations

  • Stn. 1 UTM 0552857E 5465897N
  • Stn. 3 UTM 0551884E 5466227N
  • Stn. 4 UTM 0551140E 5466623N
  • Stn. 5 UTM 0550617E 5467100N
  • Stn. 7 UTM 0549627E 5467904N
  • Stn. 8 UTM 0550472E 5466503N
  • Stn. 9 UTM 0550320E 5466574N
  • Stn. 10 UTM 0549935E 5466782N

Earth science inventory checklist

Table: Earth science inventory checklist

Name: Stormy Lake
OLL ID: C2313
Map name: Stormy Lake
NTS number: 52F/08
UTM reference: Z15 551000E 546
OBM number:  
Latitude: 49° 21' N
Longitude: 92° 18' W
Elevation – max: 450 m
Elevation – min: 390 m
County: District of Kenora
Township: unorganized
Lot: N/A
Concession: N/A
Area (ha): 214.00
Ownership: Crown
Air photo:  
Year: 1997
Roll: 53
Flight line: 4912B
Number: 222, 223
MNR Region: Northwest
MNR District: Dryden
Park Zone: Northwest

Map - Earth science inventory location map.

Image of Stormy Lakes location map.

Earth Science Features:

Archean age, Wabigoon Subprovince: entire reserve is underlain by metavolcanic felsic pyroclastic and mafic flow rocks of the Manitou-Stormy lakes greenstone belt.

Quaternary: deposits are predominantly shallow till over bedrock.


Because of the very limited size and exposure, no significance is given to bedrock or surficial geological features.


Neither bedrock nor surficial features are sensitive to natural or cultural impacts.


No recommendations are made.

Major references

Cowan and Sharpe 1991, GSC Map 1775A; Roed 1980, OGS Map 5061; Thomson 1933, OGS Map 42c.

Date compiled

February 15, 2003


C.E. Blackburn, Blackburn Geological Services

Appendix D: Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve (C2313)

Life Science Checksheet

Natural Heritage Area – Life Science Checksheet

Name: Stormy Lake
Map name: Stormy Lake
Map number: 52F/8
UTM reference: Zone 15
551000 E
5466000 N
Latitude: 49° 21' N
Longitude: 92° 18' W
NAD 83
Min. Alt.: 390 m
Max. Alt.: 450 m
County: Kenora
Locality: 60 km SE of Dryden
Township: unorganized
Area: 412 ha
Ownership: Crown
MNR Region: Northwest
Ecoregion and Ecodistrict: 4S-5
Landform unit: See Table 3
MNR District: Dryden
Air photographs: Hwy 622 to Atikokan
Year: 1997
Roll: 4912
Flight: B
Line: 53
Number: 222 to 223

Map - Natural Heritage Area – Life Science

Image of Stormy Lake natural heritage area.

Physical and biological features

C2313 is located on the southern shore of Stormy Lake, a deep, 3500 ha coldwater lake (Map 1). The reserve does not include any of Stormy Lake, but it does encompass a small (23 ha) lake and two small beaver ponds (<1 ha). In the east of the reserve, the beaver pond drains into Stormy Lake via an intermittent stream. A small (~70 ha) lake also forms part of the reserve boundary in the southwest. Although there are only about 60 m of total elevational difference in the reserve, steep slopes are found on the north side of the southeast-northwest trending ridge that runs through the reserve (Photo 1).

Cedar-dominated forests comprise over 40% of the reserve, and are found on a variety of sites. Upland cedar stands on coarse to fine loamy soils (ES17) make up 37% of the reserve (Table 1). On cool, damp, north-facing slopes, there is heavy conifer litter and little herbaceous ground cover. The slopes have abundant colluvial material and the ground surface is scoured in places by spring surface runoff. Cedar mixedwoods with white birch and white spruce are found on mid and upper slopes (Photo 2). Drier uplands have increasing large-leaved aster, jack pine, and black spruce. Wild rose, club mosses, blueberries, creeping snowberry, and reindeer lichens are typical understorey species. There are some old growth cedar stands but most (~2/3) are 85 to 90 years of age and likely of fire origin.

Aspen-dominated mixedwoods with balsam fir and spruce (ES19) make up ~1/5 of the reserve. Overstorey aspen are often large (30 cm DBH), and there is a dense shrub layer with beaked hazel, bush honeysuckle, and balsam fir (Photo 3). White pine mixedwoods (ES18) are found principally in the western portion of the reserve and in small patches along the shoreline of Stormy Lake (Photo 4).

Wetlands make up about 10% of the reserve and include rich cedar swamps (ES37) as well as open wetlands. Meadow marshes (W12) are typically dominated by beaked sedge, lake sedge, jewelweed, water hemlock, and wild raspberry. Semi-floating, wire sedge shore fens (W14) are also associated with beaver ponds in the reserve (Photo 5).

On the northern shore of the reserve, a large north-and east-facing cliff is densely wooded along its base, with pin cherry, common juniper, fragrant cliff fern, bluegrasses, and Richardson’s alumroot along the face.


Table 3 summarizes representation of landform vegetation types of the Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve for Ecodistrict 4S-5 as recently refined by Ontario Parks (Steve Kingston pers. comm.). An older version of the landform vegetation representation matrix based on the original Ontario Living Legacy gap analysis is included for comparison (Table 4). The landform was considered ground moraine in the original OLL analysis; however in the revised analysis, which is based on the Quaternary Geology of Ontario (ERLIS Data Set 14), the reserve is considered bedrock. Reconnaissance fieldwork indicated that much of the reserve is ground moraine over bedrock, with at least 1 m of till at most locations. Since the Quaternary Geology of Ontario is a compilation at a much coarser scale (1:500,000) it is unclear if the reserve classifies as bedrock or ground moraine for the purposes of representation.

The reserve contributes little to representation targets for bedrock LV-types in the Ecodistrict 4S-5 (Table 3). However, Stormy Lake C.R. does provides excellent representation of cedar-dominated mixed forests on weakly to moderately broken ground moraine over bedrock. Deciduous mixed forests on moderately broken ground moraine are also well represented. The reserve provides little if any representation for pure deciduous forests, since aspen and birch are mixed with conifers. No pure hardwood stands are listed in the FRI or were observed in the field, although small pockets (~1 ha) may be present.

The treed bog LV-type (Table 3) near the small beaver pond is actually approximately 13 ha of misclassified open wetland (shore fen and meadow marsh).

Fieldwork, fire history maps, and aerial photographs show no evidence of recent fires (<80 years old); the reserve does not provide representation for burn LV-types as previously reported in the original OLL analysis (Table 4).


The conservation reserve is in an essentially undisturbed condition, primarily due to its remote location. It is a 15 km boat ride from the nearest boat launch. The nearest tertiary road is approximately 900 m from the reserve and there is no active logging nearby. There are no permanent structures (e.g. buildings) within the reserve.

There are several commercial and private boat caches on Stormy Lake. It is used for fishing and waterfowl hunting. Stormy is a popular angling lake. It has lake trout, northern pike, walleye, lake whitefish, burbot, rock bass, yellow perch, shorthead redhorse, cisco, and white sucker.

The conservation reserve encompasses one baitfish block and two bear management areas (BMAs).


On the landform-vegetation type scale, the Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve has relatively low diversity due to its small size and relatively uniform parent material. A total of 6 LV types (Table 4) and 12 Ecosites (Table 1) are represented. The broken topography provides for a relatively good diversity of cedar-dominated forests however. The lakes and beaver ponds in the reserve (Photo 6) add to the diversity of the site, as does adjacent Stormy Lake.

Ecological considerations

Beaver activity has significant impacts on vegetation communities along streams and beaver ponds due to hydrological impacts and selective foraging. Spruce budworm outbreaks occurred in the reserve in 1988 and 1989 resulting in some mortality of white spruce and balsam fir. There is abundant moose browse in some of the mixedwood stands.

Special features

There are 33 ha of upland old growth cedar (ES17; 162 years) and 24 ha of old growth cedar swamp (ES37, 143 years). There are old cedars in mixedwood stands as well; once 60 cm DBH cedar that was cored during fieldwork was 150+ years. There are no old growth stands of red or white pine in the reserve but there are individual old trees; a 90 cm DBH white pine was 155+ years and 70 cm DBH red pine was observed in the field.

An osprey nest is recorded from the northeast corner of the reserve but could not be located in the field. Three eagle nests are located within 1200 m of the reserve on Stormy Lake. They may forage along the shoreline or waterbodies of the reserve.

There is a high quality moose aquatic feeding area on the small waterbody forming part of the reserve’s southeastern boundary. The abundant shrub layer provides high quality browse in some of the mixedwood stands in the reserve.



Significance level and summary of major representative values

The reserve is provincially significant for its representation of conifer (particularly old growth cedar) and deciduous mixedwoods on weakly and moderately broken ground moraine in 4S-5. The site was considered provincially significant by Noble (1995).

Major information sources

Harris, A.G., S.C.McMurray, P.W.C.Uhlig, J.K.Jeglum, R.F.Foster and G.D. Racey. 1996. Field guide to the wetland ecosystem classification for northwestern Ontario. Ont. Min. Natur. Resour., Northwest Sci. & Technol. Thunder Bay, Ont. Field Guide FG-01. 74 pp. + Append.

Noble, T. 1995. Site District 4S5 gap analysis. Unpublished report for Northwest Region, Ont. Min. Natur. Resour., Thunder Bay, Ont. 21 p + Append.

OMNR. 1999. Ontario’s Living Legacy – Land Use Strategy. Queen’s Printer, Toronto.

Racey, G.D., A.G. Harris, J.K.Jeglum, R.F.Foster and G.M.Wickware. 1996. Terrestrial and wetland ecosites of northwestern Ontario. Ont. Min. Natur. Resour., Northwest Sci. & Technol. Thunder Bay, Ont. Field Guide FG-02. 88 pp. + Append.

Sims, R.A., W.D. Towill, K.A. Baldwin, P. Uhlig and G.M. Wickware. 1997. Field guide to the forested ecosystem classification for northwestern Ontario. Ont. Min. Natur. Resour., Northwest Sci. & Technol. Thunder Bay, Ont. Field Guide FG-03. 176 p.

Uhlig, P., A. Harris, G. Craig, C. Bowling, B. Chambers, B. Naylor and G. Beemer. 2001. Old growth definitions for Ontario. Ont. Min. Nat. Res., Queen’s Printer for Ontario, Toronto, ON. 27 p.

Information when compiled and by who.
Date Compiled Compiler(s)
21/05/03 Robert Foster, Allan Harris
Northern Bioscience

Map 1. Site map with significant features.

Image of Stormy Lake site map and its surrounding area.

Enlarge Map 1. Site map with significant features.

Photo 1. View of conservation reserve looking west along Stormy Lake.

Photo view of the conservation reserve looking west along Stormy Lake, which includes forest and water body.

Photo 2. White pine mixedwoods are found along the shoreline of Stormy Lake.

Photo of white pine mixedwoods around Stormey Lake which are found along the shoreline.

Photo 3. Cedar stand with mountain maple understorey.

Photo of cedar stand with mountain maple understorey near Stormy Lake.

Photo 4. Upland aspen mixedwood with abundant balsam fir regeneration.

Photo of an upland aspen mixedwood with abundant balsam fir regeneration near Stormy Lake.

Photo 5. Small beaver pond with shore fen within reserve.

Photo view of small beaver pond with shore fen within reserve in Stormy Lake.

Photo 6. Small, unnamed lake within Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve.

Photo of an aerial view of small, unnamed lake within Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve.

Table 1. Terrestrial ecosites of Stormy Lake (derived from Forest Resource Inventory data provided by OMNR).

Very Shallow Soils

Description Area (ha) Proportion(%)*
ES12 Black Spruce - Jack Pine: Very Shallow Soil 4 1

Sandy - Coarse Loamy Soils

Description Area (ha) Proportion(%)*
ES17 White Cedar: Fresh - Moist, Coarse - Fine Loamy Soil 152 37
ES18 Red Pine - White Pine: Fresh, Coarse Loamy Soil 29 7
ES19 Hardwood - Fir - Spruce Mixedwood: Fresh, Sandy - Coarse Loamy Soil 88 21
ES20 Spruce - Pine / Feathermoss: Fresh, Sandy - Coarse Loamy Soil 47 11
ES21 Spruce - Fir Mixedwood: Fresh, Coarse Loamy Soil 26 6
ES22 Spruce-Pine / Ledum / Feathermoss: Moist, Sandy-Coarse Loamy Soil <1 <1

Treed Wetlands

Description Area (ha) Proportion(%)*
ES37 Rich Swamp: Cedar (Other Conifer): Organic Soil 54 4

Open Wetlands**

Description Area (ha) Proportion(%)*
ES40 Treed Fen

MNR Code 310 - Treed Muskeg

4 2
ES41 Other open wetlands (i.e., fens, shore fens, meadow marshes, marshes)
ES46-48 MNR Codes 311 - Open Muskeg
13 3
Open Water

MNR Code 64 – Lake

26 6
Unclassified or Other 39 3

* proportion of reserve

** approximated from MNR Code; ecosites not directly interpreted for these polygons.

Table 2. Rapid assessment plot summary from Stormy Lake.

Plot No. V / W Type ES Type Date
404 V21 ES27 2002/09/10
405 V16 ES17 2002/09/10
406 W12 ES46 2002/09/10
407 V19 ES18 2002/09/10
408 V21 ES17/19 2002/09/10

Table 3. Landform – vegetation (LV) type representation for Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve for Ecodistrict 4S-5 (derived from analysis by Ontario Parks; Steve Kingston pers. comm.).*.

LV_Description Ecodistrict - Area (ha) Ecodistrict - Representation Target % Ecodistrict - Representation Target ha Ecodistrict - Protected Areas (ha) Stormy Lake - Area (ha) Stormy Lake - Contribution to Ecodistrict Target (%) Stormy Lake - Contribution to Existing Protection (%) Stormy Lake - Confirmed in Field**.
Bedrock-Mixed Forest – mainly Coniferous 237,440 12 28,493 18,258 289 1 2 X
Bedrock-Dense Coniferous Forest 145,337 12 17,440 9,212 20 0 0 X
Bedrock-Sparse Coniferous Forest 123,461 12 14,815 10,279 4 0 0 X
Bedrock-Dense Deciduous Forest 81,951 12 9,834 5,010 2 0 0  
Bedrock-Sparse Deciduous Forest 44,792 12 5,375 1,662 2 0 0  
Bedrock-Mixed Forest – mainly Deciduous 40,181 12 4,822 3,229 38 1 1 X
Bedrock-Treed Bog 13,217 12 1,586 845 2 0 0  
Bedrock-Treed Fen 3,994 13 524 535 6 1 1 X

*.The LV matrix was recently refined by Ontario Parks in several ways: 1) revised Ecodistrict boundaries; 2) increased resolution of Landcover28 data (25 m vs. 100 m); 3) terrain is no longer used as a modifier; 4) more accurate surficial geology data; and 5) updated approach to representation targets.

**.all LV types were on ground moraine over bedrock, with >1 m of till at most locations, and should probably be considered till rather than bedrock

Table 4. Original version of landform – vegetation (LV) type representation for Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve used in Ontario Living Legacy gap analysis.

Site District Landform Surface Expression burn conifer mixed deciduous deciduous mixed sparse forest Grand Total
4S-5 Ground Moraine Moderately Broken 1 95R   33R 15R 144
    Weakly Broken 5R 28R 1R 3   37
Grand Total     6 123 1 36 15 181

C = critical to meet representation targets at the Site District level

R = contributes to representation of the LV type at the Site District level

Table 5. Site type matrix for Stormy Lake with representative ecosites (Racey et al. 1996).

Table shows warmer, normal and colder ecosites for Stormy Lake.
  Arid Very Dry Dry Dry Mesic Mesic Wet Mesic Wet Very Wet Saturated Open Water
Colder - Rock                    
Colder - Sand                    
Colder - Loam                    
Colder - Clay                    
Colder - Organic               ES37 ES37,
Normal - Rock ES4 ES12                
Normal - Sand       ES19,
Normal - Loam     ES17,




Normal - Clay                    
Normal - Organic                    
Warmer - Rock                    
Warmer - Sand                    
Warmer - Loam                    
Warmer - Clay                    
Warmer - Organic                    

Stormy Lake species lists

The following species lists are based fieldwork conducted September 10, 2002 and data provided by OMNR.

Plant list

Taxonomic order and species names generally follow Morton and Venn (1990). Introduced species are marked "I". Provincially rare species (Oldham 1999) are marked "P". Regionally rare species (TBFN 1998) are marked "R". Voucher specimens were collected for species marked ".*".

Table list the plant taxonomic order and species names.
Family Equisetaceae Equisetum sylvaticum L.
Horsetail Family Woodland Horsetail
Family Dennstaetiaceae Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn
Bracken Family Bracken
Family Dryopteridaceae .* Dryopteris fragrans (L.) Schott
True Fern Family Fragrant Cliff Fern
Family Osmundaceae Osmunda claytoniana L.
Flowering Fern Interrupted Fern
Family Thelypteridaceae Phegopteris connectilis (Michaux) Watt
Thelypteris palustris (Salisb.) Schott
Marsh Fern Family Long Beech Fern
Marsh Fern
Family Lycopodiaceae Huperzia lucidula (Michx.) Trevis.
Lycopodium clavatum L.
Lycopodium complanatum L.
Clubmoss Family Shining Fir-moss
Common Clubmoss
Ground Cedar
Family Cupressaceae Juniperus communis L.
Thuja occidentalis L.
Juniper Family Common Ground Juniper
Eastern White Cedar
Family Pinaceae Abies balsamea (L.) Miller
Picea glauca (Moench) Voss
Picea mariana (Miller) BSP
Pinus banksiana Lambert
Pinus resinosa Sol. ex Aiton
Pinus strobus L.
Pine Family Balsam Fir
White Spruce
Black Spruce
Jack Pine
Red Pine
White Pine
Family Taxaceae Taxus canadensis Marshall
Yew Family Canada Yew
Family Alismataceae Sagittaria rigida Pursh
Water Plantain Family Stiff Arrowhead
Family Cyperaceae .* Carex disperma Dewey
Carex gynocrates Wormskj. ex Drejer
Carex lacustris Willd.
Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh.
Carex stricta Lam.
Carex trisperma Dewey
Carex utriculata Boott
Carex viridula Michaux
Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britton
Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roemer & Schultes
Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Kunth
Sedge Family Two-seeded Sedge
Ridged Sedge
Lake Sedge
Wire Sedge
Tussock Sedge
Three-fruited Sedge
Beaked Sedge
Greenish Sedge
Three-way Sedge
Needle Spikerush
Black-sheathed Bulrush
Family Iridaceae Iris versicolor L.
Iris Family Wild Iris
Family Poaceae Calamagrostis canadensis (Michaux ) P.Beauv.
Glyceria borealis (Nash) Batch.
.* Poa pratensis L.
Grass Family Bluejoint Grass
Northern Manna Grass
Kentucky Blue Grass
Family Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton natans L.
Pondweed Family Floating-leaved Pondweed
Family Sparganiaceae Sparganium fluctuans (Morong) Robinson
Bur-Reed Family Floating Bur-reed
Family Typhaceae Typha angustifolia L.
Cattail Family Narrow-leaved Cattail
Family Aceraceae Acer spicatum Lam.
Maple Family Mountain Maple
Family Apiaceae Cicuta bulbifera L.
Sium suave Walter
Parsley Family Bulblet-bearing Water Hemlock
Water Parsnip
Family Apocynaceae Apocynum androsaemifolium L.
Dogbane Family Spreading Dog Bane
Family Asteraceae Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Benth. & Hook. f.ex C.B.
Aster macrophyllus L.
Bidens cernua L.
Eupatorium maculatum L.
Petasites frigidus (L.) Fries
Sunflower Family Pearly Everlasting
Large-leaved Aster
Nodding Beggarticks
Joe Pye Weed
Sweet Coltsfoot
Family Balsaminaceae Impatiens capensis Meerb.
Touch-Me-Not Family Jewel Weed
Family Betulaceae Alnus incana (L.) Moench
Alnus viridis (Chaix) DC.
Betula papyrifera Marshall
Corylus cornuta Marshall
Birch Family Speckled Alder
Green Alder
White Birch
Beaked Hazelnut
Family Brassicaceae Cardamine pensylvanica Muhlenb.ex Willd.
Mustard Family Pennsylvania Bitter Cress
Family Callitrichaceae Callitriche hermaphroditica L.
Water Starwort Submerged Water Starwort
Family Campanulaceae Campanula aparinoides Pursh
Harebell Family Marsh Bellflower
Family Caprifoliaceae Diervilla lonicera Miller
Lonicera dioica L.
Honeysuckle Family Bush Honeysuckle
Limber Honeysuckle
Family Ericaceae Chamaedaphne calyculata (L.) Moench
Gaultheria hispidula (L.) Muhlenb . ex Bigelow
Ledum groenlandicum Oeder
Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton
Vaccinium myrtilloides Michaux
Heath Family Leatherleaf
Creeping Snowberry
Labrador Tea
Low Blueberry
Velvet-leaved Blueberry
Family Grossulariaceae Ribes glandulosum Grauer
Ribes oxyacanthoides L.
Currant Family Skunk Currant
Bristly Wild Gooseberry
Family Guttiferae Triadenum fraseri (Spach) Gleason
St. John’s-wort Marsh St. Johnswort
Family Lamiaceae Lycopus uniflorus Michaux
Stachys palustris L.
Mint Family Northern Bugleweed
Family Lentibulariaceae Utricularia intermedia Hayne
Bladderwort Family Flat-leaved Bladderwort
Family Myricaceae Myrica gale L.
Bayberry Family Sweet Gale
Family Nymphaeaceae Nuphar variegata Durand in Clinton
Water-lily Family Yellow Pond Lily
Family Onagraceae Epilobium angustifolium L.
Epilobium ciliatum Raf.
Evening-primrose Fireweed
Northern Willow Herb
Family Polygonaceae Polygonum amphibium L.
Polygonum hydropiperoides Michx.
Buckwheat Family Water Smartweed
Mild Smartweed
Family Ranunculaceae Caltha palustris L.
Buttercup Family Marsh Marigold
Family Rosaceae Fragaria vesca L.
Potentilla norvegica L.
Potentilla palustris (L.) Scop.
Prunus pensylvanica L.f.
Rosa acicularis Lindley
Rubus idaeus L.
Spiraea alba Duroi
Rose Family Alpine Strawberry
Rough Cinquefoil
Marsh Cinquefoil
Prickly Wild Rose
Common Raspberry
Narrow-leaved Meadow Sweet
Family Salicaceae Salix pyrifolia Andersson
Willow Family Balsam Willow
Family Saxifragaceae Heuchera richardsonii R.Br.
Saxifrage Family Alum Root
Family Urticaceae Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Nettle Family Wood Nettle

Stormy Lake animal species list

Taxonomic order and nomenclature follow AOU (1998) for birds and Banfield (1974) for mammals. Nesting evidence codes follow the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas:

Possible Nesting

H – Species observed in breeding season in suitable habitat.
S – Singing male present or breeding calls heard observed in breeding season in suitable habitat.

Table list taxonomic order and nomenclature follow AOU (1998) for birds.
Kites, Eagles and Hawks H Bald Eagle
Family Accipitridae Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Sandpipers and Phalaropes H Spotted Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Family Scolopacidae Actitis macularia
Calidris melanotos
Chickadees H Black-capped Chickadee
Family Paridae Parus atricapillus
Nuthatches S Red-breasted Nuthatch
Family Sittidae Sitta canadensis
New World Sparrows S White-throated Sparrow
Family Emberizidae Zonotrichia albicollis
Table list taxonomic order and Banfield (1974) for mammals.
Squirrels Red Squirrel
Family Sciuridae Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
Deer Moose
Family Cervidae Alces alces

Appendix E: Recreation inventory checksheet

Recreation inventory checklist

Background information for the Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve.
Name: Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve - C2313
Map name: Stormy Lake
NTS number: 52 F/8
UTM reference: 15550767546611
OBM number: 15540054600, 15550054600
Latitude: 49° 20'
Longitude: 92° 18'
Area (ha): 412.00
Ownership: Crown
MNR Region: Northwest
MNR District: Dryden
Park Zone: Northwest
County: N/A
Township: unsurveyed
Recreation features: 1. E03 - Coniferous
2. M02 - Lake, Small
3. W03 - Land Mammals, Large
4. T00 - Trails or Routes, General
5. M02 - Lake, Large
Recreation activities: 1. h01 - Game, Large Mammal
2. H01 - Trapping
3. n01 - Big Tree Observation
4. t13 - Portage
5. F00 - Fishing, General
Background information for the Stormy Lake Conservation Reserve continued.
Recreation factors Features Rating
Most Scarce Feature: N/A  
Feature Scarcity:   N/A
Most Unique Feature: 1  
Activity Attraction Capability:   Low
Scenic Attractiveness:   Moderate
Geographic Significance:   N/A
Feature Significance:   Low
Most Sensitive Feature To Recreation Use: N/A  
Feature Sensitivity To Recreation Use:   N/A
Most Sensitive Feature To Resource Development: 1  
Feature Sensitivity To Resource Development:   Low
Cultural/Historic and Archaelogical Features:   N/A


2 boats were seen fishing off of Islands on Stormy Lake just North of the middle of the reserve.

Date Compiled:

September 10, 2002


Alicia Morin


Recreation Resource Inventory Stadndards and Proceedures draft report, Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Forests Range, Recreation and Forests Practices Branch, March 1995.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario Parks 300 Water Street, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 8N1.

Appendix F: Permitted Uses Table

Table - Summary of generic permitted uses in Conservation Reserves within the planning area.

Use Existing Conservation Reserves New Conservation Reserves in the
Planning Area
Commercial timber
harvest, commercial hydro
Not permitted. Not permitted.
Mineral exploration and
Not permitted. There will be no new exploration permitted.
Bait fishing, commercial
fishing, commercial fur
harvesting, wild rice
Existing use permitted to continue, unless there are significant demonstrated conflicts. New operations can be considered, subject to the "test of compatibility". Existing use permitted to continue unless there are significant demonstrated conflicts. New operations can be considered, subject to the "test of compatibility".
Sport hunting Permitted. Permitted.
Sport fishing Permitted, except in specific fish sanctuaries. Permitted, except in specific fish sanctuaries.
Seasonal recreation camps
("hunt camps")
Existing camps permitted to continue, and may be eligible for enhanced tenure, but not purchase of land (see 6.1.8). Existing authorized camps permitted to continue, and may be eligible for enhanced tenure but not purchase of land (see 6.1.8).
Commercial Bear Hunting Existing use permitted to continue. New operations not permitted. Existing use permitted to continue. New operations not permitted.
Tourism facilities (for
resource-based tourism)
and recreational trails
Existing authorized facilities and trails can continue, unless there are significant demonstrated conflicts. No new tourism facilities permitted. New trails can be considered as part of planning for an individual reserve. Existing authorized facilities and trails (motorized and non-motorized) can continue, unless there are significant demonstrated conflicts. Tourism facilities can apply to upgrade tenure from LUP to lease. New tourism and trail facilities can be considered as part of planning for an individual reserve.
Land Disposition Sale of lands is not permitted. Renewals of existing leases or land use permits are permitted; requests for transfer of tenure will be considered in the context of the Statement of Conservation Interest or Resource Management Plan. New leases or land use permits permitted for approved activities. Sale of lands is not permitted. Renewals of existing leases or land use permits are permitted; requests for transfer of tenure will be considered in the context of the Statement of Conservation Interest or Resource Management Plan. New leases or land use permits permitted for approved activities.
Roads Existing roads can continue to be used, but new roads for resource extraction will not be permitted. Existing roads can continue to be used, but new roads for resource extraction will not be permitted, with the exception of necessary access for mineral exploration and development.