Summary table 11 - Operating and capital (2022-23)
Summary of totals by standard account (Expense)
The Estimates, 2022-23
Ministry | Salaries and wages |
Employee benefits |
Transportation and communication |
Services | Supplies and equipment |
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs | $86,887,787 | $12,228,100 | $4,174,600 | $29,580,800 | $2,329,100 |
Attorney General | $1,039,971,714 | $120,760,200 | $34,564,600 | $380,678,600 | $18,692,000 |
Cabinet Office | $34,234,914 | $4,397,000 | $312,500 | $3,445,600 | $225,100 |
Children, Community and Social Services | $472,593,465 | $80,017,600 | $14,261,100 | $135,823,300 | $7,897,100 |
Citizenship and Multiculturalism | $10,829,114 | $1,302,600 | $517,200 | $4,185,600 | $517,200 |
Colleges and Universities | $35,949,414 | $5,223,900 | $1,446,500 | $38,105,300 | $1,844,800 |
Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade | $62,408,665 | $7,212,100 | $4,913,700 | $32,421,200 | $2,529,500 |
Education | $183,130,114 | $26,134,600 | $14,589,000 | $105,778,300 | $13,040,600 |
Energy | $22,193,814 | $2,507,100 | $697,700 | $9,729,400 | $656,200 |
Environment, Conservation and Parks | $243,418,414 | $35,116,800 | $5,960,000 | $112,826,100 | $37,761,200 |
Finance | $163,523,065 | $22,740,300 | $6,029,300 | $237,388,700 | $3,970,800 |
Francophone Affairs | $2,350,273 | $251,200 | $118,500 | $2,345,500 | $79,000 |
Government and Consumer Services | $469,116,914 | $67,754,900 | $75,702,000 | $1,008,860,300 | $179,618,400 |
Health | $283,113,092 | $49,892,600 | $18,224,500 | $328,044,100 | $6,422,700 |
Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries | $41,422,587 | $5,027,200 | $1,748,200 | $86,215,600 | $1,959,000 |
Indigenous Affairs | $18,039,414 | $1,874,200 | $1,029,300 | $18,829,900 | $267,500 |
Infrastructure | $20,535,114 | $2,620,200 | $267,000 | $5,493,500 | $247,600 |
Labour, Training and Skills Development | $255,483,014 | $38,209,700 | $11,585,100 | $66,535,100 | $3,878,500 |
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the | $1,254,000 | $118,600 | $52,100 | $235,500 | $87,500 |
Long-Term Care | $62,250,614 | $9,017,000 | $3,241,800 | $20,610,900 | $236,100 |
Municipal Affairs and Housing | $52,508,787 | $5,762,300 | $1,741,300 | $14,506,200 | $1,157,100 |
Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry | $322,849,614 | $48,388,000 | $17,301,100 | $387,425,500 | $30,561,400 |
Premier, Office of the | $2,112,961 | $207,100 | $73,100 | $19,400 | $20,100 |
Seniors and Accessibility | $16,048,714 | $1,796,800 | $259,700 | $3,529,800 | $62,000 |
Solicitor General | $1,973,406,814 | $324,887,200 | $246,089,000 | $606,973,800 | $202,604,100 |
Transportation | $331,915,592 | $53,576,900 | $11,978,600 | $799,363,700 | $26,741,600 |
Treasury Board Secretariat | $227,156,587 | $2,655,163,800 | $5,544,400 | $311,526,900 | $4,613,200 |
Total | $6,434,704,571 | $3,582,188,000 | $482,421,900 | $4,750,478,600 | $548,019,400 |
Ministry | Transfer payments |
Other transactions |
Less: recoveries from other activities, Ministries |
Total |
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs | $512,426,200 | $1,017,000 | $940,000 | $647,703,587 |
Attorney General | $484,959,500 | $117,900,500 | $220,916,400 | $1,976,610,714 |
Cabinet Office | $4,000 |
$42,619,114 |
Children, Community and Social Services | $17,737,781,100 | $130,966,900 | $17,395,200 | $18,561,945,365 |
Citizenship and Multiculturalism | $38,955,000 |
$56,306,714 |
Colleges and Universities | $6,917,324,100 | $61,743,100 | $201,000 | $7,061,436,114 |
Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade | $833,391,900 | $831,000 | $302,900 | $943,405,165 |
Education | $34,439,042,900 | $12,994,100 | $46,392,400 | $34,748,317,214 |
Energy | $6,280,616,000 | $4,000 | $825,100 | $6,315,579,114 |
Environment, Conservation and Parks | $67,853,300 | $15,630,600 | $121,060,100 | $397,506,314 |
Finance | $688,229,600 | $13,445,099,100 | $4,574,600 | $14,562,406,265 |
Francophone Affairs | $2,800,000 | $1,000 |
$7,945,473 |
Government and Consumer Services | $40,726,900 | $115,215,500 | $588,276,400 | $1,368,718,514 |
Health | $67,680,068,400 | $24,072,100 | $476,700 | $68,389,360,792 |
Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries | $1,514,254,700 | $13,000 | $2,000 | $1,650,638,287 |
Indigenous Affairs | $84,598,900 | $1,000 | $6,300,000 | $118,340,214 |
Infrastructure | $1,924,699,500 | $3,000 |
$1,953,865,914 |
Labour, Training and Skills Development | $1,741,007,700 | $9,578,400 | $2,106,100 | $2,124,171,414 |
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the |
$155,800 |
$1,903,500 |
Long-Term Care | $7,158,224,700 | $251,000 |
$7,253,832,114 |
Municipal Affairs and Housing | $1,370,203,300 | $642,500 | $129,234,200 | $1,317,287,287 |
Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry | $396,845,200 | $416,898,900 | $223,013,100 | $1,397,256,614 |
Premier, Office of the |
$2,432,661 |
Seniors and Accessibility | $213,256,000 | $6,000 |
$234,959,014 |
Solicitor General | $471,708,900 | $175,892,200 | $197,571,600 | $3,803,990,414 |
Transportation | $9,448,440,000 | $1,322,296,500 | $624,996,600 | $11,369,316,292 |
Treasury Board Secretariat | $1,162,000 | $4,559,924,900 | $1,080,747,300 | $6,684,344,487 |
Total | $160,048,579,800 | $20,411,138,100 | $3,265,331,700 | $192,992,198,671 |
Consolidations and other adjustments are not included. Statutory appropriations have been allocated to the appropriate standard accounts (see introduction).
Updated: September 08, 2022
Published: September 08, 2022