Summary table 12 - Operating and capital (2020-21)
Summary of total assets by category
The Estimates, 2020-21
Ministry | Deposits and prepaid expenses |
Advances and recoverable amounts |
Long-term investments |
Loans and investments |
Inventory held for resale |
Land |
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs |
$1,000 |
$5,000,000 |
Attorney General |
$8,000 |
$1,000 |
Cabinet Office |
Children, Community and Social Services |
$43,710,000 |
Colleges and Universities |
$1,000 |
$395,100,000 |
Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade |
$1,000 |
$50,000,000 |
Education |
$1,486,800 |
$1,000 |
Energy, Northern Development and Mines |
$3,000 |
$1,000 |
$495,050,000 |
Environment, Conservation and Parks |
$1,000 |
$1,000 |
Finance |
$33,351,000 |
$24,500,000 |
Francophone Affairs |
$1,000 |
Government and Consumer Services |
$26,152,000 |
$1,000 |
$27,109,000 |
Health |
$1,000 |
$62,088,000 |
Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries |
$1,000 |
$39,273,000 |
Indigenous Affairs |
$1,000 |
Infrastructure |
$1,000 |
$1,000 |
Labour, Training and Skills Development |
$1,000 |
$2,000,000 |
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the |
Long-Term Care |
$20,431,000 |
Municipal Affairs and Housing |
$792,800 |
Natural Resources and Forestry |
$4,873,500 |
$1,000 |
$2,000 |
Premier, Office of the |
Seniors and Accessibility |
$1,000 |
Solicitor General |
$6,010,000 |
$11,000 |
Transportation |
$6,000 |
$132,588,700 |
Treasury Board Secretariat |
$2,000 |
Total |
$38,540,300 |
$160,400,800 |
$971,651,000 |
$2,000 |
$198,971,700 |
Ministry | Buildings | Transportation infrastructure |
Leasehold improvements | Dams and engineering structures |
Machinery and equipment |
Information technology hardware |
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs |
Attorney General |
$350,451,100 |
$989,300 |
Cabinet Office |
Children, Community and Social Services |
$509,500 |
Colleges and Universities |
Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade |
Education |
$437,500 |
Energy, Northern Development and Mines |
$528,578,900 |
$1,253,000 |
Environment, Conservation and Parks |
$19,172,000 |
$4,012,900 |
$3,153,100 |
$1,551,000 |
Finance |
Francophone Affairs |
Government and Consumer Services |
$277,496,500 |
$222,000 |
$51,513,000 |
Health |
$2,987,800 |
Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries |
Indigenous Affairs |
Infrastructure |
$1,000 |
Labour, Training and Skills Development |
$1,000 |
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the |
Long-Term Care |
Municipal Affairs and Housing |
Natural Resources and Forestry |
$22,800,400 |
$6,001,000 |
$1,360,000 |
$14,231,300 |
$554,000 |
Premier, Office of the |
Seniors and Accessibility |
$1,000 |
Solicitor General |
$45,952,200 |
$45,210,700 |
$10,033,900 |
$31,607,100 |
Transportation |
$3,100,000 |
$2,331,641,200 |
$750,000 |
Treasury Board Secretariat |
Total |
$719,481,700 |
$2,870,234,000 |
$1,361,000 |
$62,595,100 |
$14,365,900 |
$87,534,700 |
Ministry | Business application software |
Land and marine fleet |
Aircraft | Investments in tangible capital assets | Less: recoveries from other activities, Ministries |
Total |
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs |
$5,001,000 |
Attorney General |
$20,460,800 |
$371,910,200 |
Cabinet Office |
Children, Community and Social Services |
$22,296,900 |
$1,000 |
$66,517,400 |
Colleges and Universities |
$1,000 |
$395,102,000 |
Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade |
$1,000 |
$1,000 |
$50,003,000 |
Education |
$1,993,000 |
$3,918,300 |
Energy, Northern Development and Mines |
$1,000 |
$1,024,886,900 |
Environment, Conservation and Parks |
$5,009,500 |
$240,000 |
$33,140,500 |
Finance |
$2,000 |
$57,853,000 |
Francophone Affairs |
$1,000 |
Government and Consumer Services |
$43,710,800 |
$1,000 |
$2,000 |
$426,203,300 |
Health |
$26,297,100 |
$91,373,900 |
Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries |
$4,000 |
$39,278,000 |
Indigenous Affairs |
$1,000 |
Infrastructure |
$3,000 |
Labour, Training and Skills Development |
$500,000 |
$1,000 |
$2,503,000 |
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the |
Long-Term Care |
$20,431,000 |
Municipal Affairs and Housing |
$792,800 |
Natural Resources and Forestry |
$2,602,000 |
$2,315,000 |
$1,000 |
$54,739,200 |
Premier, Office of the |
Seniors and Accessibility |
$1,000 |
$3,000 |
Solicitor General |
$1,000 |
$8,774,100 |
$1,540,000 |
$149,140,000 |
Transportation |
$17,523,000 |
$51,379,300 |
$528,579,900 |
$2,008,408,300 |
Treasury Board Secretariat |
$2,000 |
$4,000 |
Total |
$137,795,100 |
$63,005,400 |
$3,855,000 |
$3,000 |
$528,582,900 |
$4,801,213,800 |
Buildings - Includes $389,200 in salaries and wages and $43,200 in associated employee benefit costs related to construction of assets.
Transportation infrastructure - Includes $51,000 in salaries and wages and $7,000 in associated employee benefit costs related to construction of assets.
Dams and engineering structures - Includes $106,000 in salaries and wages and $10,000 in associated employee benefit costs related to construction of assets.
Business application software - Includes $5,764,400 in salaries and wages and $845,800 in associated employee benefit costs related to construction of assets.
Consolidations and other adjustments are not included.