Summary table 12 - Operating and capital (2022-23)
Summary of total assets by category
The Estimates, 2022-23
Ministry | Deposits and prepaid expenses |
Advances and recoverable amounts |
Long-Term investments |
Loans and investments |
Inventory held for resale |
Inventory | Land |
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs |
$5,000,000 |
Attorney General | $9,000 | $1,000 |
Cabinet Office |
Children, Community and Social Services |
$78,837,500 |
Citizenship and Multiculturalism |
Colleges and Universities |
$352,500,000 |
Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade |
$143,000,000 |
Education | $2,000 |
Energy |
$1,000 |
$270,750,000 |
Environment, Conservation and Parks |
$1,000 |
$1,000 |
Finance |
$34,200,000 |
$20,000,000 |
Francophone Affairs |
Government and Consumer Services | $31,226,000 | $1,000 |
$250,000,000 | $28,693,500 |
Health | $1,000 | $62,086,000 |
$1,000 |
Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries |
$39,273,000 |
Indigenous Affairs |
Infrastructure |
Labour, Training and Skills Development |
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the |
Long-Term Care |
$20,430,000 |
Municipal Affairs and Housing |
Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry | $2,855,400 |
$1,000 | $1,000 |
Premier, Office of the |
Seniors and Accessibility |
Solicitor General | $7,309,000 | $9,000 |
Transportation | $7,000 |
$257,993,600 |
Treasury Board Secretariat |
$1,000 |
Total | $41,409,400 | $195,567,500 |
$791,251,000 | $1,000 | $250,001,000 | $325,961,100 |
Ministry | Buildings | Transportation infrastructure |
Leasehold improvements | Dams and engineering structures |
Machinery and equipment |
Information technology hardware |
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs |
Attorney General | $95,649,900 |
$19,572,100 | $19,398,900 |
Cabinet Office |
Children, Community and Social Services | $140,500 |
Citizenship and Multiculturalism |
Colleges and Universities |
Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade |
Education |
$437,500 |
Energy |
Environment, Conservation and Parks | $18,516,300 | $4,541,700 |
$3,251,800 | $2,319,000 |
Finance |
Francophone Affairs |
Government and Consumer Services | $324,560,800 |
$7,489,400 | $51,513,000 |
Health |
$2,707,800 |
Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries |
Indigenous Affairs |
Infrastructure |
$1,000 |
Labour, Training and Skills Development |
$773,000 |
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the |
Long-Term Care |
Municipal Affairs and Housing |
Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry | $7,656,500 | $499,958,400 | $200,000 | $14,831,100 | $2,449,800 |
Premier, Office of the |
Seniors and Accessibility |
$1,000 |
Solicitor General | $180,023,600 |
$83,493,200 | $32,524,700 | $336,341,100 |
Transportation |
$2,537,381,300 |
$750,000 |
Treasury Board Secretariat |
Total | $626,547,600 | $3,041,881,400 | $201,000 | $101,576,100 | $65,879,000 | $410,398,300 |
Ministry | Business application software |
Land and marine fleet |
Aircraft | Investments in tangible capital assets | Less: recoveries from other activities, Ministries |
Total |
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs |
$5,000,000 |
Attorney General | $26,049,200 |
$160,680,100 |
Cabinet Office |
Children, Community and Social Services | $20,029,800 |
$1,000 |
$99,008,800 |
Citizenship and Multiculturalism |
Colleges and Universities | $1,000 |
$352,501,000 |
Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade |
$1,000 |
$1,000 |
$143,002,000 |
Education | $2,460,700 |
$2,900,200 |
Energy |
$1,000 |
$270,752,000 |
Environment, Conservation and Parks | $3,000 | $240,000 |
$28,873,800 |
Finance | $1,000 | $1,000 |
$54,202,000 |
Francophone Affairs |
Government and Consumer Services | $10,416,400 | $1,000 |
$2,000 | $703,899,100 |
Health | $15,413,600 |
$80,209,400 |
Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries | $2,500,000 | $4,000 |
$41,777,000 |
Indigenous Affairs |
Infrastructure |
$1,000 |
Labour, Training and Skills Development | $15,559,800 | $1,000 |
$16,333,800 |
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the |
Long-Term Care |
$20,430,000 |
Municipal Affairs and Housing |
Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry |
$3,011,600 | $24,773,100 |
$555,737,900 |
Premier, Office of the |
Seniors and Accessibility |
$1,000 |
$2,000 |
Solicitor General | $3,809,300 | $22,177,000 |
$665,686,900 |
Transportation | $56,850,000 | $25,544,200 |
$492,654,400 | $2,385,871,700 |
Treasury Board Secretariat | $13,874,500 |
$13,875,500 |
Total | $166,968,300 | $50,981,800 | $24,773,100 | $3,000 | $492,656,400 | $5,600,744,200 |
Buildings - Includes $394,600 in salaries and wages and $43,900 in associated employee benefit costs related to construction of assets.
Transportation infrastructure - Includes $51,000 in salaries and wages and $7,000 in associated employee benefit costs related to construction of assets.
Dams and engineering structures - Includes $106,000 in salaries and wages and $10,000 in associated employee benefit costs related to construction of assets.
Business application software - Includes $18,805,500 in salaries and wages and $2,767,300 in associated employee benefit costs related to construction of assets.
Consolidations and other adjustments are not included.
Updated: September 08, 2022
Published: September 08, 2022