Trillium Woods Provincial Park Management Plan
This document provides policy direction for the protection, development and management of Trillium Woods Provincial Park and its resources.
MNR 3596-2
ISBN 0-7729-1470-2
©1992 Government of Ontario
Printed in Ontario
Single copies of this publication are available from the Ministry of Natural Resources, Aylmer District Office, 353 Talbot Street West, Aylmer, Ontario N5H 2S8, Telephone 519-773-9241. Bulk orders may involve charges.
Approval statement
We are pleased to approve the Trillium Woods Provincial Nature Reserve Management Plan as official policy for the management and development of this park.
This management plan reflects this Ministry’s intent to protect the natural features of the Trillium Woods Provincial Nature Reserve and to maintain and develop high quality opportunities for heritage and nature appreciation for residents of Ontario and visitors to the province.
Signed by:
D. J. Johnstone
Regional Director
Southern Region
Signed by:
N. R. Richards
Parks and Recreational Areas Branch
1.0 Introduction
Trillium Woods Provincial Park is a ten hectare nature reserve park located on the Jakeman Side Road in South-West Oxford Township, Oxford County, approximately four kilometres west of the Village of Sweaburg (Figure 1).
In 1964, the Woodstock Field Naturalists recommended the purchase of Trillium Woods to the provincial government. In 1967 the property was purchased. In 1970 it was placed into regulation as a Provincial Park (Figure 1).
The significance of Trillium Woods Provincial Nature Reserve is its vegetation which is representative of a typically small and undisturbed upland till deciduous forest in Site District 7-6. The park supports a diverse representation of tree species in addition to five aberrant forms, or colour variations of the common white trillium. It is now recognized that these aberrant forms are caused by a fungal infection.
The nature reserve is located on the Zorra ground moraine which was created by glacial ice moving southeast out of the Lake Huron basin. The ground moraine is flat to gently undulating and is composed of the Tavistock (Zorra) till which has a silt to sand-silt texture.
2.0 Park policies
2.1 Classification
Trillium Woods Provincial Nature Reserve is classified as a nature reserve park. The nature reserve classification is assigned to an area selected to represent the distinctive natural habitats and landforms of the province, and is protected for educational purposes and as gene pools for research to benefit present and future generations.
2.2 Goal
The goal of the Trillium Woods Provincial Nature Reserve is to protect a representative sample of the natural habitat of the southern Ontario deciduous forest and to provide limited day use recreation opportunities.
2.3 Objectives
The Trillium Woods Provincial Nature Reserve will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Aylmer District Land Use Guidelines and the Ontario Provincial Parks system by protecting important life science features and providing opportunities for heritage appreciation.
2.3.1 Protection
To protect a system of provincially significant special and representative earth and life science features.
The Trillium Woods Provincial Nature Reserve supports a variety of tree and herb species which are common in mesic, middle-aged deciduous forest habitats that characterize the Deciduous Forest Region of southern Ontario.
Figure 1: Regional Context and Park Boundary
Enlarge Figure 1: Regional Context and Park Boundary
2.3.2 Heritage appreciation
To provide opportunities for unobstructed individual exploration and appreciation of the earth and life science heritage of Ontario.
Trails through Trillium Woods Provincial Nature Reserve provide visitors with the opportunity to observe the natural features of the park.
Information on these features will be provided on display panels, in publications and through personal contact.
2.4 Boundary
No expansion beyond the present park boundary is anticipated. This boundary will be signed where needed in order to discourage visitors from trespassing on adjacent private property.
2.5 Zoning
All of the ten hectares that constitute Trillium Woods Provincial Nature Reserve are zoned as nature reserve. No service facilities such as picnic tables and privies are proposed. Within the park, access is provided by the trail system.
3.0 Resource management
The park will be managed in accordance with the general planning and management policies for nature reserve class provincial parks.
Although the policies are presented in separate categories, all planning management will recognize that the components are interrelated. An integrated approach will be required in order to enable the park to achieve its objectives.
3.1 Vegetation
Vegetation management will be directed towards the continuation of natural vegetative succession. Commercial forest operations will not be permitted.
Trees will be felled when there is a threat to human safety. Any fallen trees that obstruct trails will be moved.
If rare, threatened or endangered species are reported, specific management techniques may need to be applied to ensure their continued existence.
Fires will be controlled. Any insect pest populations or disease that threaten the natural values of the park will be controlled when feasible. Non-native plant species will not be deliberately introduced into the park.
3.2 Wildlife
Sport hunting and commercial trapping will not be permitted.
4.0 Operations policies
A Park Operations Plan may be prepared to provide park staff with the necessary information required to manage the nature reserve. The provisions of any plans will be consistent with the approved Ontario Provincial Parks Operating Standards, and will be reviewed annually and updated as required.
This Provincial Park Management Plan has a twenty year time frame and will be reviewed at least every 10 years and amended as required.
4.1 Visitor services
The level of service m Trillium Woods Provincial Nature Reserve is self-use. The nature reserve is particularly popular for recreational activities such as walking and photography. In a relatively small area, visitors are able to see many of the vegetative species that are common to a deciduous forest.
Additional information concerning the park, its resources and management is available at the Ministry of Natural Resources office in Aylmer.
4.2 Research
Scientific research on the natural and cultural features of the park by qualified individuals will be encouraged. All research programs will require the approval of the Ministry of Natural Resources and will meet all requirements under applicable provincial and federal legislation.
Research may include periodic inspections for rare, threatened and endangered species, and monitoring of the existing vegetation, especially the trillium population.
4.3 Marketing
Use of the park will be promoted through publications, personal contact and presentations to client groups. Directional signing will be established on County Road #12.
5.0 Development
The existing trails will be maintained. The nature reserve is fenced on all four sides to prevent access by motorized vehicles and domestic animals. The boundary will be signed where needed in order to prevent trespassing on adjacent private property.
A priority for development will be the erection of interpretive signs to provide information on the park’s natural features.
6.0 Public consultation
A news release was prepared notifying the public in the local area that a preliminary management plan had been prepared for the nature reserve. People interested in the future of the nature reserve were able to obtained copies of the plan and discussed issues of concern by contacting the Aylmer District Office.
Copies of the draft plan were also sent to the local municipalities, conservation authority, groups and individuals.
Nine written comments were received on the plan. These comments were incorporated into the plan where possible, given that the goal and objectives remained unchanged.
7.0 Selected references
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1978. Ontario Provincial Parks Planning and Management Policies.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1985. Provincial Operating Standards Manual for Ontario Provincial Parks.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Parks and Recreational Areas Branch. 1980. 1979 Day Visitor Summary Statistical Report.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Parks and recreational Areas Branch. 1983. 1983 Provincial Park Day-User Survey Summary Statistical Report.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Southwester Region. 1979. Day Use and Camping Attendance Characteristics at Provincial Parks in the Southwestern Region.
Rowe, J.S. 1972. Forest Regions of Canada. Department of the Environment, Canadian Forestry Service.
Webber, J.M. 1982. The Flora. Vegetation and Fauna of Trillium woods Provincial Park. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Division of Parks.
(.2 k P.R., 92.05.06)
ISBN 0-7729-1470-2