

  • explain the experience required to secure and renew a Water Quality Analyst (WQA) certificate, and to
  • identify what would be considered ‘Director approved’ training for purpose of securing a WQA certificate.


To qualify for a WQA certificate an individual must successfully complete grade 12 or have the equivalent, pass the WQA exam, pay the fee and:

  • have one year of experience working in a drinking-water system performing tests on water or working in a facility that provides related experience or have experience considered equivalent by the Director; or
  • complete Director approved training related to the testing of water.

Further, to renew a certificate, the WQA must have, in addition to completing the required training and paying the fee:

  • have at least three months experience in the previous 36 months of working as a water quality analyst in a subsystem or related experience.

Ministry policy

New certificates

A facility that provides 'related' experience

The ministry would recognize the following as 'working in a facility that provides related experience':

  • conducting water tests in a laboratory licenced by the ministry
  • conducting tests on wastewater in a wastewater treatment facility

Equivalent experience

The ministry will determine whether the experience is equivalent on a case by case basis. In making such determination, the ministry’s assessment will include but not be limited to the following:

  • the person must demonstrate that their work provides them with superior knowledge and expert skills in conducting drinking water tests for operational parameters
  • the person must secure a letter of support from a laboratory manager of a laboratory licenced by the ministry, stating that such person is capable of conducting drinking water tests for operational parameters

Director approved training

An individual who has taken one of the following courses will be considered to have completed Director approved training for the purpose of securing a WQA certificate:

  • Water Treatment Plant Operation, Volume 1, California State University
  • Water Treatment Plant Operation, Volume 2, California State University
  • A college or university course on water chemistry or biology, or testing water or wastewater
  • A Director Approved Continuing Education Training course as described in ministry guideline 4.4 Director Approved Continuing Education Guide for Training Providers that is on water chemistry or biology, or testing water or wastewater..

Certificate renewal

The ministry would consider the following as experience related to at least three months experience working as a water quality analyst in a subsystem:

  • conducting water tests in a laboratory licenced by the ministry
  • conducting tests on wastewater in a wastewater treatment facility