Wheatley Provincial Park Management Plan: Amendment (1998)
This document provides amended policy direction for the protection, development and management of Wheatley Provincial Park and its resources.
Park Management Plan Minor Amendment for Wheatley Day Use Road
A minor amendment to Wheatley Provincial Park Management Plan to allow for the development of a alternate access road to the day use area of Wheatley Provincial Park. This will provide alternative access to the day use area should the existing road be removed by erosion effects of Lake Erie. The recent increase in erosion at the east end of the day use area is threatening to remove the existing access road. This road provides day use access to the 1.6 kilometres of Lake Erie water front for approximately 70,000 visitors annually. It also provides access to the area so that washrooms and other park facilities may be serviced. Part of the area selected for the development of the new access road is an area where previous development had occurred. The new access will require a stream crossing.
Will the proposal have a positive or negative impact upon the environment (air, land, water, plant life, and ecological systems)?
This proposal will have a positive impact upon the environment. If this proposal does not go through, the existing road will be eroded away causing the area to be opened up into Lake Erie. The road will create a barrier which will prevent the entire area from being opened up to the direct erosional effects of Lake Erie.
Were existing park inventories or check sheets considered in the site planning process (i.e., we won't be disturbing any known archaeological sites or rare threatened or endangered species)? Was the check completed by a knowledgeable person?
The existing park inventories and check sheets were reviewed as part of the preparation of this proposal. No rare threatened or endangered species or archaeological sites were recorded or identified for this area. Elaine Wake, Acting Natural Heritage Education Officer conducted the site survey to identify any concerns or environmental impacts that might be created as a result of this development. This development will require the removal of several small hawthorne, sumac, and a few small maple and ash. The results of earlier surveys were supported by the site survey and the most appropriate location to minimize disturbance to the area was chosen.
Is a zoning amendment required or is the site in the existing Development Zone?
The site is in the existing Development Zone.
Are there any impacts on adjacent landowners or any impact on park users?
Development would occur during low use period to avoid impacts on park users. If the proposed development does not proceed, access to the day use area may be cut off due to erosional affects along the lake Erie shoreline.
Will the project result in significant public reaction at a local, regional or provincial scale?
None anticipated.
If required, have Environmental Assessment and Environmental Bill of Rights requirements been met?
The Director, Environmental Assessment Branch, and the appropriate Regional Director of the Ministry of Environment were notified of the proposed capital development 45 days in advance of the undertaking. Site development plans have been prepared and will be made available to the public (via a posted site notice) 45 days in advance of the undertaking.
There are no EBR requirements as this is a proposed "minor" amendment to the park management plan.
Was any consultation or notification undertaken (or will be undertaken) for review and comment?
- circulated proposed amendment to other relevant MNR services
- proposed amendment discussed with any affected external parties (e.g., adjacent landowners, local municipalities, etc.) to achieve a consensus
- ☑ a public notice posted on site
- a local media advisory distributed to local newspapers
- ☑ site plans made available for public inspection; or
- other (please specify)
Initiated by:
Chuck Fawdry, Assistant Park Superintendent
Wheatley and Essex County Provincial Parks
Date: August 31, 1998
Recommended fo approval by:
Al Robinson, Park Superintendent
Rondeau, Wheatley and Essex County
Provincial Parks
Date: August 28, 1998
Approval statement
A minor amendment to the Wheatley Provincial Park Management Plan (1988) is approved to permit the capital development of a alternate day use access road and associated stream crossing, to be situated in the existing Development Zone of the park (refer to attached map).
Signed by:
Peter Sturdy, Zone Manager
Southwestern Parks Zone, Ontario Parks
Date: September 28, 1998
Figure 1: Zoning and Proposed Development