Agricultural Research and Innovation Ontario financial statements
Learn about Agricultural Research and Innovation Ontario’s (ARIO) financial position for each fiscal year. The audited financial statements are produced along with ARIO’s annual report.
Agricultural Research and Innovation Ontario (ARIO) is classified under the Agencies and Appointments Directive as a Board Governed Operational Service Agency reporting to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. ARIO was created in 1962 by the Agricultural Research and Innovation Ontario Act.
In this section, get access to ARIO’s financial statements from 2017 to present day.
The information in the financial statements includes:
- independent auditor’s report
- statement of financial position
- statements of revenues and expenditures and changes in fund balances
- statement of remeasurement losses
- statement of cash flows
- notes to the financial statements
On July 1, 2024, the Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario was renamed Agricultural Research and Innovation Ontario. Some of the pages in this book use the previous name and have been maintained for historical accuracy.